America Needs to Throw-up

Sooner or later, for better or worse, the besotted one-night stands come to an end.

From Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

You went out last night for “a couple of drinks,” but you knew you were going to get drunk. You paid attention to someone who was not attractive or interesting, but you wanted to have sex. You and your newfound partner got in a car that neither one of you should have been driving, managed to avoid the police or an accident, and made it somewhere where you could copulate. That wasn’t what it is made out to be—it never is when you’re drunk—and the pleasure you managed to extract, if you were able to function at all, was minimal and forgettable.

Except circumstances won’t let you forget. After you pass out into a few hours of something that is not sleep, you wake up and there next to you is the hideous thing, name unremembered, with which you coupled. You stumble into the bathroom, drink copious amounts of water, take multiple Advils, and stare at yourself in the mirror. Suddenly, up it comes, that noxious combination of alcohol and bar food; you toss your all in the porcelain pit. And you realize it isn’t the residual beer and whiskey in your system, it’s absolute self-contempt, self-loathing, and self-abasement: your body and your barely functioning mind rendering their verdict on what you did.

Having much for which to loathe itself, America needs a painful but purgative vomit, one that prompts a wholesale reexamination. Some people when they reach bottom realize that they have not only screwed up their own life, they have grievously harmed others, especially family and friends, if there are any left. Look at the mess the US has made of what it claims as its remit: the entire world. Considering itself exceptional and indispensable, it tells both friends and foes what they can and cannot do, and throws its weight around to get its way. Wars have been fought, governments subverted and deposed, bribes proffered, tyrannies succored, as a small coterie, drunk on power, tries to order the world as they see fit.

The arrogant always see themselves as exceptions to the rules they insist everyone else follow. To paraphrase Napoleon, the graveyards of history are filled with indispensable nations. A string of bloody, costly, and counterproductive wars, the parlous state of the Middle East, the spread of the terrorism against which the US has supposedly fought, millions of refugees overwhelming Europe, and the determination of a group spearheaded by Russia, China, and Iran (not insignificant adversaries), to push back against US domination should be enough to occasion some soul searching and self-recrimination, but so far it has not. Nothing is as obnoxious as the wobbling drunk approaching your group’s table, blasting you with 90 proof breath, then telling everyone how they should live their lives. Only the drunk is surprised—if he notices—that nobody wants anything to do with him. The US still hasn’t noticed

If no change is forthcoming, the US will self-destruct. Along that path it is far advanced. What once made the US exceptional was its commitment, never wholly realized, to a government subordinate to the protection of individual rights. The US government has become just another unexceptional and immoral enterprise dedicated to expanding its power.

Repression goes with empire. An America that looks itself in the mirror no longer sees the shining words of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights; it sees loathsome images of the national security state: the Patriot Act, gigantic complexes where unfathomable amounts of information on American citizens are stored, and a long line of politicians assuring us that the protection of privacy and freedom requires the destruction of privacy and freedom.

Spiraling downward, drunks become increasingly pathological. A substantial portion of the population has been deemed, like children, unable to survive without their parent, the government. One doesn’t have to be an unreconstructed cynic to observe that those treated as children act like children. Another group grabs for the money and power going to the government. It’s a sign of pervasive perversity that even today’s pejoratives—rent seeking and crony capitalism—don’t capture what’s going on: plunder and theft. Drunks are white liars and euphemism enthusiasts extraordinaire.

The pride of the next generation attend institutions of higher learning not to have their assumptions challenged, or to struggle for hard-won truths, or to hone their analytical and reasoning powers, or to develop their ability to advocate for what they believe is right. No, they’re seeking safe spaces that keep them free from all that. The kind of intellectual ferment—and hard work, delayed gratification, savings, investment, risk-taking, innovation, integrity, and ingenuity—that once made America both exceptional and great are no longer considered worthy of academic consideration, or even topics of polite conversation. The colleges and universities go along with it because higher education has become another government-funded racket.

Long suppressed, America’s from-the-depths-of-its-stomach revulsion is coming. No one will, or should be spared. For too long too many have shrugged and said, “What are you going to do?” If everyone does nothing, nothing gets done. The party establishments, expecting the usual reflexive support this election, have been hit with a gag reflex instead. The wonder is not that it’s happening, but that it has been so long in coming. How can any sane individual listen to Republicans promising more of the same in the Middle East, or anything Hillary Clinton says—her only qualification the pronoun before <em>only qualification</em>—without feeling the nauseous stab that prompts a mad dash to the bathroom?

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are the bed spins: something’s very wrong. However, America is still a long way from blearily looking at itself in the mirror and saying: change or die. The first step to correcting one’s problem, so the cliché goes, is admitting one has a problem. This year’s insurgencies constitute recognition, the furious counter reactions denial. Sooner or later the US’s string of besotted one-night stands and other idiocies will come to an end. If we’re lucky, we’ll hit bottom and begin a long, slow recovery. That outcome is not assured. Sometimes the bottom is the morgue.

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April 18, 2016 3:27 pm

A powerful and pertinent metaphor. Plus a new word added to my vocabulary (parlous). Very cool.

Thank you, Robert.

April 18, 2016 3:29 pm

Just as the alcoholic is addicted, so are many Americans addicted to big governments promises. Thank you Robert for you great analytical writings. We all know that there is an unpleasant end in sight for the US and much of the world. Our elections have given us an entrenched oligarchy with matching bureaucrats. I wil now go crawl back under my rock!

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
April 18, 2016 3:30 pm

He should stay out of bars. Interesting assessment of our current situation, no real solutions, but that’s ok.

April 18, 2016 4:14 pm

RG @ 3:42 PM says: “There can be no real solutions to unadmitted problems.”

Very true. Admitting the problem(s) are the first step. This works on both a personal, and broader, scale. In the end though, I think apathy and complacency are the true enemies.

To paraphrase Ann Barnhardt, maybe just “get in gear and hit the gas”. Or, as I like to say: “move forward, and apologize later”

April 18, 2016 4:22 pm

Admitting (identifying?) the problem(s) is the first step, I mean.

After that, it is our actions that define us.

That’s how I see it anyway…

April 18, 2016 4:30 pm

NIce! Question to RG: Para 4, sentence 3: Is the word “denomination” a typo, or deliberate? Clever.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 18, 2016 4:39 pm

This isn’t just a bad one night stand but a marriage of over 200 years that went very very bad. She’s trying to throw me off a cliff a dozen different ways and I’ve had it with the once pride of my life who turned into a fat greedy stupid NWO Leftist tyrannical corporate Harpy slut government. When she finally goes to far, I’m going to try to see that she’s the one going off the cliff because there is no compromise possible with TPTB NWO ZOG or any chance for their reformation.

April 18, 2016 5:19 pm

Best column you’ve posted over here, robert. Nice job.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 18, 2016 6:02 pm

Add to this the alcoholic has spent all his income on booze and gotten far behind financially, facing reposession of assetts… another analogy.

April 18, 2016 6:29 pm

Robert Gore,
excellently written analogy
and so apt. Thank you so much.


April 18, 2016 7:43 pm

“If we’re lucky, we’ll hit bottom and begin a long, slow recovery. That outcome is not assured. Sometimes the bottom is the morgue.”

I have seen nothing in recent history to suggest we are either lucky enough or smart enough to avoid the morgue. To continue the analogy, Id say we have gone from going out and getting fucked up a few nights a week and banging fatties to starting out each morning with ‘the hair of the dog’ and just staying in an alcohol cloud in perpetuity.

Great piece Robert, Im glad you are posting on TBP.

April 18, 2016 8:08 pm


As much fun as a Revolution would be, I’m in no hurry to see warfare take place in our urban centers which were, I should remind everyone, not designed with warfare in mind. Worse still, there are a host of holy horrors spread out across the country to include nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons & terrific pathogens being kept locked down on ice that could all run amuck.

This is going to look like millions of 3 year olds left unattended at the rattlesnake petting zoo.

April 18, 2016 8:42 pm

RG @ 7:13 PM

But ‘ya gotta’ admit, “denomination”, is kind of cool.

Just sayin”…

April 18, 2016 8:47 pm

It speaks both to the Christians sects as well as the petrodollar. Was probably a subconscious thing. 🙂

April 18, 2016 8:52 pm

Ha ha! None of us do! It’s a Freudian thing.

I like your writing. You have a command of language that I admire.

Rock on…

April 18, 2016 9:17 pm

Sorry about the “writ” part. Sometimes I get all “legal” and shit. It’s just a habit. A subconscious one, perhaps. 🙂

April 18, 2016 9:17 pm

Anon at 743 is me, my bad

April 18, 2016 9:17 pm

Great article. I’ll be sending this link to others.

April 18, 2016 9:23 pm

When “W” initially refused any investigation of 9/11, then refused to cooperate with the 9/11 commission, THAT’S when Americans should have risen in mass to say enough!

Unfortunately, the devious mfers used the apocalypse to twist American’s patriotism in a grotesque way. It was too awful to debate the “official” story.

9/11 is the hairball America needs to puke up, along with all the original players, with indictments and trials for war crimes to follow.

April 18, 2016 9:44 pm

A very interesting way to put it. I enjoyed reading it.

April 18, 2016 9:54 pm

Nice article. I sense that you still hold out hope that there is enough lining left on our brake pads to stop this lumbering leviathan from going off the cliff. If so, I think you’re a bit too optimistic at this stage of the game. Even if your optimism turns out to be correct it would require far too much time, energy and effort to reform even a single public library and we’d still be stuck with a divided populace who will never agree to a conversation on reform let alone meaningful and lasting reform. No, we NEED to wake up next to that heinous creature we drug home last night and look at ourselves in the mirror just before we go over the cliff. We all need to see the headless corpse of what was and realize starting over fresh is the only reasonable option. Even that cannot and will not happen until the central bankers have been roadkilled along the way. There is no path forward with a corrupt monetary system. The FED enabled all of the sickness we see around us and it will do the exact same thing to us again if we don’t kill it.

April 18, 2016 11:05 pm

Best article I’ve read here for as long as I can remember. Most red necks usually posting here won’t get it though -unfortunately.

April 18, 2016 11:16 pm

When you wake up first, find the ugly next to you and prefer to gnaw your arms off rather than wake the bitch up you know you have arrived face to face with reality

April 18, 2016 11:44 pm

All you mooks are falling over each other to tell Robert Fucking Gore how wonderfully insightful he is.
He’s just another do-gooder, idiots! He (and you) alone know just exactly how all of us should live, eh?

I’ve got a carload of FUCK YOU for all of ya’!

April 19, 2016 12:08 am

acetinker, I don’t know where you get the idea that he is trying to tell you or anyone else how you should live, he is just pointing out that the path we are on is the path to ruin. And as far as “falling all over ourselves”, he hasn’t been posting articles here for long, and since I have liked what he has posted here, I told him so because I want him to know that his efforts are appreciated so that he will continue to do so.

Where I come from, when you appreciate someone’s work it is considered polite to tell them. Sorry you haven’t received much positive reinforcement in your life, but posting pointless shit like that isn’t likely to remedy the situation….

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 19, 2016 12:31 am
Full Retard
Full Retard
April 19, 2016 12:33 am

acetinker says: All you mooks are falling over each other to tell Robert Fucking Gore how wonderfully insightful he is. He’s just another do-gooder, idiots! He (and you) alone know just exactly how all of us should live, eh?

Have another drink, Ace.

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 19, 2016 12:48 am

Uncomplicated says: To paraphrase Ann Barnhardt, maybe just “get in gear and hit the gas”. Or, as I like to say: “move forward, and apologize later”

You could have quoted WC Fields, Bukowski, who the fuck is Ann Barnhard and how does she apply here?

The way the analogy should go is that America loses control, it goes full alky and dies in a gutter somewhere. Whoever said : “If we’re lucky, we’ll hit bottom and begin a long, slow recovery.” is dreaming. Alcoholics keep going down, rock bottom is 6 feet under.

Matter of fact, moran, the recovery is arbitrary, you can’t tell recovery from decline until long after it is over, sort of like life. Shit, those fuckers in government can’t even identify a decline until a decade later.

April 19, 2016 8:18 am

Unfortunately the people who see it and have power are all profiting from it. It will continue until collapse.

April 19, 2016 11:10 am

Full Retard, Ann Barnhardt is a rabid Catholic who understands what Gore does: our previous behavior has brought us to this sorry pass, and continued poor behavior will keep us here. Her writings have been posted here before, and she does not sugarcoat anything or beat around the bush: if you are a rabid Atheist or Agnostic, you might want to skip her morality, but if you recognize truth when you read it then the morality is just as valid coming from a Catholic, a Buddhist or an Atheist.

DuckDuckGo won’t track you if you choose to look up Ann Barnhardt.

On Point
On Point
April 19, 2016 4:11 pm

Proverbs 8:36:

“But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.”

April 19, 2016 7:31 pm
April 20, 2016 11:00 pm

Here’s a follow up to my earlier post, which I note 4 of you imbeciles down-voted.

From Bob Dole’s former chief of staff:

April 21, 2016 9:00 pm

@Full Retard- Your name says all that need be said. Be well!

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 21, 2016 9:22 pm

Thanks, Ace! I have never gotten so many compliments on my Moniker, wow. Could it be that I’ve arrived?