Guest Post by Ol Remus

art-remus-ident-04.jpg It’s encouraging to see the collapse of the collaborator class, namely, the Republican Party, where honest opinion was not merely unacceptable but a sure sign of some deeper defect. Integrity, perhaps. They warned us if we didn’t support them the other party would win. We did, but whether they won or didn’t, it was the same track, different pace. Odd, that. In time we came to understand them as just another DC club, just as obedient, just as annoyed by the peasants and just as dismissive. Just in the nicest possible way.

The liberals have a rule, “no enemies to the left”, meaning when they can’t speak well of the hard left they won’t speak of it at all. The Republican “conservative movement” has fallen all over itself to disown its equivalent, largely with acerbic purges by the likes of those at the National Review, sometimes career-ending, always about fringe issues or outright trivia. Over these many years that’s a lot of bath water and a lot of babies.

The Republican Party has conducted itself as a reliable franchise of its alleged opposition, betraying the trust and support of a generation. Events have confirmed those they expelled for being “too right” had the better claim to legitimacy, and in doing so, it has unwittingly run a bulletproof selection process for their own replacement. It’s gotten to where credibility and rejection by the Republican Party are pretty much the same thing. Cuckservatism is what some call it, in a fit of politeness. Next item please.

Let’s look at White Privilege, the activist plague ship now on sea trials, sailing as yet untroubled through the placid remains of analytical rigor. Stripped of its cloying, nasty-sweet marketing jargon, the particulars of White Privilege track the otherwise inchoate whines of their pet client, the overfed, limitlessly entitled and perpetually offended Struggling Single Parent Woman of Colour in the ‘Hood.

You’ve seen ’em. When they stand it’s like watching creation itself. From a formless puddley heap, lumps of varying heft and shapes emerge and align toward verticality. When up and walking they tip rhythmically from side to side, their flipper-arms rowing in cadence as if pantomiming penguins. It’s not an affliction, nor is it forced on them in any way, or a consequence of limited options, or carelessness, no, it’s a high-value, even erotic ‘look’ in their universe, intentionally acquired, maintained and displayed to full effect.

They’re easily as offensive in demeanor as their presentment forewarns; unvaryingly aggressive, crude, shrill, self-obsessed and incurious, with all the class and grace their costumes announce from the farthest limit of visibility. When encountered in public it’s like being stalked by construction equipment with a grudge. This is the role model of White Privilege, the shining apex to which all humanity most rightly aspires. Just ask ’em.

They’ll proudly tell you, with more than ample cursing and posing, they’re full time consumers, it’s what they do, they need to be fed, housed and otherwise provided for by unwilling but captive strangers, as simple justice demands. It’s a Human Right you see.

No other people resist being judged by the content of their character quite so belligerently. And it’s just here the symbiosis came into being. Dazzled by their combative inanity, savvy activists saw opportunity in blaming their doltish sloth on those compelled to all but adopt them and their feral broods. But even this wasn’t enough.

White Privilege is an all-purpose magic force field. It says ordinary decency and work ethics, and any degree of personal success are disgustingly offensive. Because white. Instead, we’re expected to fervently and publicly reject our former selves, take our life’s lessons from their fever rants, demonstrate our everlasting devotion with perpetual servitude and self-laceration on demand, and by way of repentance for existing contemporaneously, service their insatiable cravings until they agree it’s “fully funded”. Or until fleeing to Mogadishu becomes more attractive.

For White Privilege careerists—expect brassy women who’d be more comfortable in leather, and vinegary men who in former times would have been rainmakers or sellers of potions—it’s a sweet setup: professional talkers who despise the industrious and conscientious, shilling for in-your-face hostile grifters, the tabs for both parties picked up by the object of their scorn by way of federal money-plumbing. As Bogart said about Wilmer: the cheaper the crook the gaudier the patter, and it don’t come no gaudier than White Privilege.

But why this and why now? A while back there was a serious uprising against professional voters and their enablers, so widespread and so well founded it was embarrassingly indefensible even by DC. Yes, it all came thisclose to hitting the fan.

They panicked. It was blindingly clear they’d lost control of their own narrative. The groundwork they’d laid in the ’30s had become boring and irrelevant, worse, the ’60s attempt at renewal was spectacularly discredited by the violence and insanity of its practitioners. Backtracking was too painful to even contemplate.

It was time to put down a new root system, one which would support the larger effort to come, which they did. Out with the clunky, antique economic blather of their Marxist grandparents, in with exhuming old grudges and inventing new ones, in with mobilizing their freeloader thugs on campus, in with mandatory perversion and the outrage of the week, in with nonstop demographic slander which, as White Privilege, criminalizes the middle America they hate so deeply.

You do understand, if we decline to cheerfully roll over for White Privilege it’s direct evidence we were crypto Darth Vaders all along, can’tcha? There’s the new game. Enjoy. Okay, enuffa this. What else?


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Back in PA MIke
Back in PA MIke
April 28, 2016 8:37 am

“From a formless puddley heap, lumps of varying heft and shapes emerge and align toward verticality. When up and walking they tip rhythmically from side to side, their flipper-arms rowing in cadence as if pantomiming penguins.”

Just brilliant!!!

April 28, 2016 8:51 am

It’s like reading poetry. I actually had to think. Not a cliche to be found.

April 28, 2016 9:30 am

The most miserable “person” on earth is the black female he describes. I can add nothing except “well done Remus”!

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 28, 2016 9:59 am

Excellent post! I don’t think it could get any clearer to show “White Privilege” for the heap of crap that it is.

April 28, 2016 10:17 am

But why this and why now? A while back there was a serious uprising against professional voters and their enablers, so widespread and so well founded it was embarrassingly indefensible even by DC. Yes, it all came this close to hitting the fan.



April 28, 2016 10:42 am

I don’t get the whole “White Privilege” issue. Or, maybe it’s more accurate to say this nonsense doesn’t affect my life.

I’m white. I live in Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX. I go to work with a bunch of Hispanic men. I worship at a white church. I live in a (largely) white neighborhood. I shop. I take my wife and kids out to eat occasionally. We go to the movies, museums, and other family friendly places. Sometimes, we travel and go out of town for the weekend. In short, I’m a regular guy and do regular things.

No one, ever, anywhere, has told me to check my privilege or even insinuate that I might need to consider checking my privilege.

This issue is written about by some (The Right? True Conservatives?) as if it’s a huge issue impacting our lives. But I don’t think so. It seems to me that unless you’re involved directly with a college campus, somehow, it’s a non-issue.

I have even told you guys about my little brother, a millennial who is damn near a Communist, if not in name, than by his political opinions. I’ve never heard the phrase “White Privilege” from his mouth.

I’m not necessarily saying I disagree with Remus and others. I’m just saying that for normal people living normal lives, this issue is non-relevant.

April 28, 2016 12:54 pm


I have to agree with you. I’ve only heard the term a few times in jest from my wife. She says it’x my white priveledge to pay taxes to support others

California Bob
California Bob
April 28, 2016 5:19 pm

Go to the waybackmachine and you can find many of Uncle Remus postings in from the past decade. Very good stuff.

April 28, 2016 6:09 pm

How many here still remember the “Contract with America”. Those were the days, no?

April 28, 2016 8:27 pm

WC, I’m old enough to remember a time without the Department of Education. Cousin Jimmah Carter came and went, but the Department of Education is still here, consuming resources and accomplishing nothing but higher national debt.

I’m old enough to remember a time without the Department of Health and Human Services. Sure, there were programs like welfare and unemployment insurance and so forth, but they were all state programs. Yet H&HS is still here, consuming resources and accomplishing nothing but higher national debt.

I’m old enough to remember (more recently, of course) a time without the Department of Homeland Security ….nothing but higher national debt.

If the feckless Republicans had actually held to their Contract with America, we might be 1/10% better off. But we have had two Democratic Presidents and a couple of Democratic Congresses since then, so we are where we are.

Maybe if we survive long enough to get past November as a nation, we’ll get yet another chance. But don’t count on it – a majority of Millenials reject capitalism as an economic system (although many have never seen it), so it may not matter at all. The Crunch will reset the systems to zero for a while; let’s see if the real capitalists or the real communists rebuild faster!

April 28, 2016 9:14 pm

Blacks are being stoked to hate whitey even more
by hearing about white privilege every five minutes.
They are open to it…why? Because of what Tim said,
just a regular guy doing family friendly activities with
his family. In order to be of the mind to feel entitled
to white man’s $ for “support,” one has to feel and act
like a victim…and that means feeling miserable and acting
miserably. The Blacks are jealous of white’s good nature
and creativity…in spite of whites’ being taxed to death.
And supporting the ignorant Black. They are biting our

April 29, 2016 7:37 pm

‘Ol Remus does with words what PoWM does with pictures!