Notley’s War on Alberta – Scorched Earth Policy

Guest Post by Francis Marion


There is a lot of background to this video that most of you would not be aware of. Suffice it to say that a FAR left gov’t took the seat of power in Alberta about a year ago after Albertan’s who were fed up with the arrogance and corruption of the conservative parties (it was blatant and ugly) representing the province either failed to show up to vote or cast a vote in protest. What they got what was something none could have imagined would happen in Alberta – an NDP (borderline communist) government. For those of you who think this label to be extreme I invite you to research the background of many of their MLA’s.

Since taking power the NDP have been openly hostile towards free enterprise of any kind and especially towards the people of rural Alberta. They have been very busy pissing people off and stacking the deck in their favour to better their chances of being reelected. They are shutting down the coal industry, passing egregiously intrusive legislation on the province’s farmers (Bill 6), taxing the shit out of producers and, according to some media sources have at the same time swelled the ranks of the civil service by tens of thousands of new positions in the short time they have been in office. They are essentially buying votes on the one hand and punishing those who they know will not vote for them on the other.

In light of all this one cannot help but wonder if their actions in relation to the provinces El nino fire season are not simply another nail in the coffin of rural Alberta’s economy and a stab at the private sector working class? When you look at their actions from a broader more holistic perspective it appears this is quite possibly the case. Moreover, watch and listen carefully to the Ag and Forester Minister’s response to the line of questioning in the video provided. His tone of voice, cadence and inability to string together anything coherent is indicative of someone who has something to hide.

Sheila Gunn Reid reports, Alberta’s water bomber open tenders for fighting forest fires were cancelled April 29 of this year. Watch the video to find out why Notley’s government should have known better yet failed to do the right thing. MORE…

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rhs jr
rhs jr
May 11, 2016 10:57 am

Stupid and incompetent bureaucrats? Naw, competent Communist Traitors!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 11, 2016 11:06 am

The NDP cut 15 million from the province’s fire fighting budget this year. Not a huge amount considering last year the province spent 375 million which the government claims came mostly from an emergency fund set up to help contend with natural disasters. But big socialist governments don’t cut money from ‘essential’ government services (they usually find a reason to expand it) unless there is a purpose behind it. Fiscal responsibility? In the face of what was OBVIOUSLY shaping up to be one of the worst fire seasons on record? If you believe that I’ve got some prime swamp land in Florida for sale you might be interested in….

May 11, 2016 11:43 am

“stacking the deck in their favour to better their chances of being reelected.”

Sounds familiar from my experience with the US. Reds are like bedbugs: you have no idea where they came from and how they infested your bedding so quickly, and the only way to get rid of them is by fanatical effort, including replacement of everything you used as bedding before they took hold.

Burning all the bedding is how earlier generations got rid of an infestation.

May 11, 2016 11:51 am

We were thinking of ditching Ontario for Alberta, until they elected Notley. I don’t think she’ll do right by the people of Fort McMurray since people who actually work aren’t her voting demographic.

I’d read Fort McMurray was warned a few years ago they needed to cut down trees to make fire breaks in the nearby countryside and remove trees near all public buildings because in the event of a wildfire they risked severe damage to the city. It seems the warnings were not heeded and now the city lies in ruin. That’s government inaction at its finest.

I hope the RCMP doesn’t try for High River Gun Grab II in Fort McMurray. I suspect that fear of the RCMP kicking in doors and prying gun safes open again was why some Fort McMurray residents chose to stay in their houses despite orders to get out of town.

YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 11, 2016 12:13 pm

These liberal politicians have a broad agenda, and I suspect they cancelled the water bombers and didn’t create forest breaks/clean debris on purpose. That is, they were hoping for a massive fire that could not be controlled.

Why?; I don’t know, as I am unable to think like those scum. They are capable of anything that fosters real humanity.

May 11, 2016 4:51 pm

What a load of ignorant bollocks. The Notely government can and will do little that is substantively different from her predecessors.
Your proclamations of shutting down coal or hiring tens of thousands of civil servants are the hysterical rantings of a naive partisan imbecile.
The sooner Alberta is relegated to it’s former position of relative unimportance as a source of beef and skiing while power naturally returns to the mature and civilized end of the country (Ontario/Quebec) the better for all.

May 11, 2016 5:05 pm

A few people I know from years back are Paul First Nation people, from over west of Edmonton. There’s been a partial evacuation of that area. Hope they’re OK. Fort McMurray First Nation I heard didn’t have to move. Sounds bad for part of Alberta.

May 11, 2016 5:07 pm

OK, Cdub, you need to just go sit in your safe space and get over it. Nobody gives a shit about your bollocks, or about your ass or ankles or anything else.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
May 11, 2016 6:26 pm

Sounds to me like Notley government is spending money in cities to get reelected. Not a bad strategy but not responsible and not going to work or matter. This will be one and done for Dippers. They are just getting while the getting is good. As for power moving back to centre like Cub wants. I don’t see it happening. Upper and Lower Canada are being run even worse than Alberta.

May 11, 2016 8:31 pm

How sad for Canada. I used to love it…now they are fully corrupt
as well as others. One would think evil forces are present.
Overfed basterds.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 11, 2016 10:39 pm

Cdubbya writes:

“The Notely government can and will do little that is substantively different from her predecessors….
The sooner Alberta is relegated to it’s former position of relative unimportance…”


[imgcomment image[/img]

So what you are saying is Alberta was important to the Canadian economy and now under the Notley gov’t it is being relieved of that status and, by the way, not quite quickly enough for your tastes? It would probably work out better for you if you would proofread before you hit submit. I stand by my previous statements regarding your crap. You are way out of your league here.

I’ll leave you with this CW – if you are an unpaid troll take a philosophy 101 class – it will be to your benefit when you go to debate someone either on line or in person. If you are paid you should be fired… and embarrassed. Have a good evening.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 11, 2016 10:45 pm


Agreed 100%

The centre of this country is lost – it is run by far left SJW’s and their beta male lapdogs. Free enterprise is slowly but surely dying in what used to be the heart of this nation. Public debt, government meddling and the hubris that accompanies it has its hold and will take its toll. Alberta will recover. For the time being it is up to the motherland (Saskatchewan 🙂 ) to hold the battle. A friendlier environment for free enterprise will return in about 3 years…. I can almost guarantee it. I hope. Please God. LOL… 🙂

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 11, 2016 11:38 pm


“Your proclamations of shutting down coal or hiring tens of thousands of civil servants are the hysterical rantings of a naive partisan imbecile.”

You’re right. The coal industry in AB has nothing to worry about from an NDP gov’t. Nothing at all…

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
May 12, 2016 7:27 am


I get a kick out of people in Lower and Upper Canada. Quebec and Ontario for folks south of the Border. They seem genuinely butt hurt about center of gravity moving west in this country. But I think it is unstoppable. Being from Nova Scotia I understand how important Alberta is to the Canadian Economy. There are many folks I know who have either moved there or Flyin Flyout for work. This current downturn brought on by low oil prices and now the fire has hurt economy here on east coast big time.

People in Ontario and Quebec might look down their noses at what is happening out west but they sure don’t mind cashing those equalization cheques in Queen’s Park or Quebec City. But they were never team players anyway. Right now Quebec is holding up approval of pipeline to ship oil from out west to New Brunswick. Why, well they say they are worried about Global Warming. I’d say they don’t want it shipped past refinery in Quebec City.

I am also working on a phase of Muskrat Falls Hydroelectric Project.

Now[imgcomment image[/img]

Newfoundland and Labrador wanted to develop Lower Churchill and sell power that is surplus into North American grid in New England. Yet Quebec made it impossible to run lines thru that Province. So Instead power must be shipped across Strait of Belle Isle and via undersea link from Newfoundland to Cape Breton. The added cost of doing this boggles the mind. Yet it’s being done. People wonder why we are poor down here. We are going to have to pay for this added cost for years to come. But it is a Giant Middle Finger to HydroQuebec and Politicians propping it up.

This country used to be a play toy for Ontario and Quebec. But those days will soon be gone. It can’t come soon enough if you ask me.

May 12, 2016 8:09 am

It seems the RCMP may have gotten the message about how you can’t just kick in the doors of people’s homes without a warrant and seize firearms…