The System Won’t Survive the Robots

The System Won’t Survive the Robots


It’s really just a matter of time; the working man’s deal with his overseers is half dead already. But there’s still inertia in the system, and even the losers are keeping the faith. Hope dies slowly, after all.

Nonetheless, the deal is collapsing and a new wave of robots will kill it altogether. Unless the overseers can pull back on technology – very fast and very hard – the deal that held through all our lifetimes will unwind.

We All Know the Deal

We usually don’t discuss what the “working man’s deal” is, but we know it just the same. It goes like this:

If you obey authority and support the system, you’ll be able to get a decent job. And if you work hard at your job, you’ll be able to buy a house and raise a small family.

This is what we were taught in school and on TV. It’s the deal our parents and grandparents clung to, and it’s even a fairly open deal. You can fight for the political faction of your choice and you can hold any number of religious and secular alliances, just as long as you stay loyal to the system overall.

This deal has been glamorized in many ways, such as, “Our children will be better off than we are,” “home ownership for everyone,” and of course, “the American Dream.” Except that it isn’t working anymore, or at least it isn’t working well enough.

Among current 20- and 30-year-olds, only about half are able to grasp the deal’s promises. That half is working like crazy, putting up with malignant corporatism and trying to keep ahead of the curve. The other half is dejected and discouraged, taking student loans to chase degrees (there’s more status in that than working at McDonald’s), or else they’re pacified with government handouts and distracted by Facebook.

The deal is plainly unavailable to about half of the young generation, but as I noted above, hope dies slowly and young people raised on promises are still waiting for the deal to kick in. It’s all they know.

Regardless, the deal has abandoned them. It has made them superfluous.

Here’s Why

Put very simply, the deal is dying because two things can no longer coexist:

#1: New technology.

#2: A system geared to old technology.

Let’s start with new technology: New machines and methods have made so many jobs obsolete that there aren’t enough to go around. Both North America and Europe are already filled with the unemployed or underemployed children of industrial workers. But at the same time, we are suffering no shortages; we have an overflow of stuff and a double overload of inane ads trying to sell it all. And there’s something important to glean from this:

Where goods abound, additional jobs are not required.

We don’t need more workers. Machines are producing plenty of stuff for us, and this becomes truer every day.

Item #2 is the system itself; let’s confront that directly too: The system was designed to reap the incomes of industrial workers. Everything from withholding taxes to government schools was put in place to maximize the take from an industrial workforce. Whether purposely or simply by trial and error, the Western world was structured to keep industrial workers moving in a single direction and to reap from them as they went. Call it “efficient rulership” if you like, but the system is a reaping machine.

Technology, however, has advanced beyond the limits of this machine; it has eliminated too many jobs. At the same time, regulations make it almost impossible for the superfluous class to adapt. Nearly everything requires certification and starting a business is out of the question; fail to file a form you’ve never heard of and the IRS will skin you alive.

This system, however, will not change; the big corps paid for the current regulatory regime, and they still own their congressmen.

Enter the Robots

You may have seen this image (it comes from NPR’s Planet Money), but look again anyway. I count 28 states in which “truck driver” is the most common job. As inexact as this map may be, it makes a point we can’t really ignore: What happens to all these truck drivers when self-driving trucks pile on to the roads? And you may count on it that they will; automated trucks will be safer and cheaper and will use less fuel. So, millions of truck drivers will be dropped out of the deal, and probably fairly soon.


On top of that, the very last refuge for the superfluous class – fast food – is experiencing its own robot invasion. Wendy’s just ordered 6,000 self-service ordering kiosks to be installed in the second half of 2016, and KFC’s first automated restaurant went live April 25.

Is There an Answer?

“The deal” is very clearly failing. At the same time, the system is utterly unwilling to change; the people in control are making too much money and hold too much power. The impoverishment of a hundred million people in flyover country won’t move them to give it up. Their system, after all, funnels the wealth of a continent to Washington, DC, in a steady stream… and they’ve bought access to that steam. The system will be defended.

So, forget about orderly reform. Certainly there will be talk of reform, and plenty of it… there will be promises, plans, and a small army of state intellectuals dedicated to keeping hope alive. But the system will not reform itself. Did Rome? Did Greece?

If there is to be an answer, it will have to come from the ‘superfluous’ people… but that discussion will have to wait for another day.

Don’t Blame the Robots

One last point: Don’t make the mistake of blaming technology for all of this. Technology is doing precisely what we want it to do: It’s killing scarcity. And that’s a very, very good thing. Without technology, we all go back to low-tech farming. And if that possibility doesn’t alarm you, you really should try it for a month or two.

Technology is moving forward and should move forward. The death of scarcity is to be welcomed. Our problem is that we’re chained to an archaic hierarchy of dominance with a deeply entrenched skimming class. Either we get past it or we go back to serfdom… or worse.

* * * * *

If you’ve enjoyed Free-Man’s Perspective or A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, you’re going to love Paul Rosenberg’s new novel, The Breaking Dawn.

It begins with an attack that crashes the investment markets, brings down economic systems, and divides the world. One part is dominated by mass surveillance and massive data systems: clean cities and empty minds… where everything is assured and everything is ordered. The other part is abandoned, without services, with limited communications, and shoved 50 years behind the times… but where human minds are left to find their own bearings.

You may never look at life the same way again.

Get it now at Amazon ($18.95) or on Kindle: ($5.99)


* * * * *

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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May 24, 2016 7:14 pm

Nobody Fucking Cares. Didn’t you read the article by the Onion?

Hmm, what’s the answer? Pay everyone a minimum salary regardless
if they work or not? How many people will take that deal and just keep
fuckin and poopin out chilruns?

YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 24, 2016 7:18 pm

Maybe that is why our killing machine in DC is hyperactive with regime change. Something will break and some country will start a war. We’ve seen the hordes of unemployed in the ME with protests/rioting going back many years ago – look at their stability, or lack thereof; with the U.S. assistance.

May 24, 2016 7:36 pm

This guy get really get his panties in a wad ( like some other people ) ( I want name names )on shit he thinks will happen.Think about this for a moment.
The whole electricity grid is old and needs replaced. Every line ,every pole . Power Plants need to be rebuilt all over this nation because of age of the existing ones.
The water pipes under all major urban areas( ask admin about Philadelphia ) need to be replaced. Think about that. IT will have to be done sooner or later.
I can think of many engineering / construction industry type jobs that need to be done yesterday in this country but you get the point. Most of the work will have to be done by young men in good health.

May 24, 2016 7:48 pm

I resent his wise ass remark about truck driving jobs. Since 2010 I have made more money driving then I ever did working in my office jobs. I have no one looking over my shoulder. I have the freedom to pick the loads I want .To go where I want.If my health holds up I will be truck driving the rest of my life.

Plenty of opportunities for young people.Lot of good decent people in the business.Especially out west.I’m in Salt lake City right now having a good time just hanging out in the truckers lounge telling others truckers about Stucky and his masturbating addiction.Hey Stucky , they are all getting a good laugh !!!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 24, 2016 8:11 pm

bb- If you have made so much money, why don’t you buy some damn healthcare insurance and quit sponging off the rest of us like admin said?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 24, 2016 8:27 pm

Truckers having a good laugh at Stucky’s expense. Sad.
You laugh with Stuck, you don’t laugh at him.

Did you also tell them of the human side of Stuck? The time he threw the alarm out the back door? The time he ate a shit sandwich? The time Mrs F got a ticket?

The time dad crashed the car? The time Oma fell down the stairs?

Maybe you don’t remember when he made friends with a cop at the court? The time he took back the Chink salmon? There’s more to Stuck than his horse fucking fetish or masturbation tic.

May 24, 2016 8:29 pm

People are obsolete.

Get used to it.

May 24, 2016 8:34 pm

Cause I have paid taxes since I was 18 and now I’m almost 54 .I am not going to pay another Damn tax which is exactly what Obama care is . I had good affordable insurance that was perfect for my needs and it was taken away from me I’m not going to be robbed a highly overpriced health care system. If that’s not good enough for this world and people like you ….

I never said I was getting rich but I do make a good living.I hope one day to join Lipoh or at least move into the Blue Ridge mountains .

May 24, 2016 8:41 pm

Good Lord , will you people give it a rest .Good grief Charlie Brown .I told them Stucky was the reason I started reading the Burning Platform. One of the main reasons I continue to read the Burning Platform. Those guys knew I was just kidding.

Stucky , I Need a hug .

Buster Cherry
Buster Cherry
May 24, 2016 8:56 pm

In my opinion, the best thing a millenial can do in this day and age is to learn a trade that the civilized world cannot do without. Plumbers, HVAC and electricians come to mind….
No one wants to squat in the hot sweaty, mosquito infested woods to take a dump, and I’d bet the wife would like it even less.

May 24, 2016 8:56 pm

Bea , I also pay for my mom’s medical bills and medicine when Social security won’t. For me that’s a monthly expense which I don’t mine paying. Her medicine can be expensive.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 24, 2016 9:25 pm

There is no such deal for Americans: not in the Constitution; not in the Bible. You mean the Communist Manifesto and you better move to Cuba or Venezuela to cash in. The rest of US don’t owe anybody a job or good living; think about that before you produce a dozen low IQ illegal kids and dump them on the country like a litter of hungry cats.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 24, 2016 10:12 pm

You’re a good son bb, that goes a long way with me. Carry on.

May 24, 2016 11:00 pm

“The System Won’t Survive the Robots”


May 24, 2016 11:20 pm

I’m not seeing too many infrastructure refurbishing jobs on the horizon with machines like this out there.

And the construction jobs that are created for repairs will be offset by the jobs eliminated once large 3D printers start pumping out homes.

With robots employed as teachers assistants, legal advisors, janitors and soon even sex workers, what jobs are robot proof? Maybe it’s already been done and I missed it but I think it would be a good QOTD.

May 25, 2016 7:28 am

After the next world war and our next civil war and the war to exterminate the bankers and a few epidemics, a pandemic and whatever else is headed our way, each country will have to have a discussion about what role we want robots to play in our lives. By then most of the weak, the ill and the unwilling will have perished. With a little luck the population will be down to about 2 billion and we can have some civilized and rational conversations about such things.

Maybe we’ll each get our own robot who can work for us on sick days, holidays and vacations. The rest of the time Mr Robot hangs on a peg in the garage.

Who am I kidding? Hoomans are just dumb enough to *allow* robots to render hoomans obsolete.

May 25, 2016 7:50 am

The Elites want to live. They may indeed have a system to funnel wealth to themselves but that doesn’t stop a round to the head or aimed at their families. They can’t have millions upon millions of people wandering the countryside looking for food, shelter, and medical care. Helicopter money in the form of a debit card is coming, motivated by self-preservation on the part of those Elites.

Who here would let their families starve because of a grocery store window? Or because some bloated scum payed off professional criminals like Obama, Pelosi, or Hillary?

Unless these Elites plan on moving to some sort of Elysium up in the sky, they have to share the wealth.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 25, 2016 8:21 am

What if we are entering a world where at least for the US everyone will be issued a certain amount of credits/money to live on and WORK is phased out for humans. In other words, our job is to be the consumer for the products made by the bots.

We shop, eat out, travel and consume. The rich are still getting rich and we are no longer the unhappy serfs.

They proved without a shadow of a doubt that money can be created out of thin air and doled out in large quantity over a long period of time. Think of this as the welfare state goes glam.

May 25, 2016 9:48 am

Moths fly into a flame. Humans build robots. What’s the difference? We do what we are designed to do.

May 25, 2016 10:30 am

As I explain in my book “There’s Ants in My House” robot ants will take over every job in the world making humans superfluous, which means “beyond what is needed : not necessary.” No wait, that’s my other book, but you should buy my Ants book anyway because I need the money. Come on guys…there’s a used one on sale for $11.64 and I have only sold 5 of the stupid things. How can one be used already?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 25, 2016 10:41 am

Down me if you like but the bots won’t buy the products they build and we as poor serf won’t have the money so why would the owners bother building the system? There are only 6000 people in the .001% so I don’t think it is for them that this worldwide system is being created (other than their usual profit).

Give me a rational explanation of why the owners would destroy their only consumer base.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 25, 2016 11:34 am

Rob- There is a movie called “Sleep Dealer” that was funded by the Rockefeller Institute and won a Sundance Film Award that I suggested that T4C watch when she was posting about bots some time ago. That film is a glimpse into the future of using humans from long distances to operate bots for a multitude of jobs.

For example Mexicans in Mexico could use headsets and hand controls to operate bots that pick oranges in Florida or control bots to do high steel work on skyscrapers in New York City. That is just an example and there are numerous articles that cover these applications of using humans to operate these machines (same as drone operators).

Check it out sometime.

May 25, 2016 1:14 pm

Bee Leaver – the whole point of robots is to not have Mexicans operating picking machines, but rather having robots that can pick oranges all by themselves. Then you don’t have to pay the Mexicans or the merkins or anybody, you just buy the bots. But I do agree that it doesn’t make any sense to put all the people out of work with robots as this destroys the market that the bots are producing for. There needs to be a balance that affords everyone the opportunity to buy the products that the economy produces. Now how you find that I have not a clue.

May 25, 2016 1:29 pm

bb: the issue with all the infrastructure work that needs to be done in the U.S. is that it needs to be funded from taxes paid by the productive workers in the private sector. If there are not enough of those, then the maff just won’t work.

Here’s my society transformation idea: the unemployable masses get welfare funded by corporations reaping the benefits of capital intensive production (i.e., mostly done by robots), but only those who are in productive roles that still pay taxes are eligible to vote. Of course, this would need to be a global system, otherwise the corporations would just continue to do what they are doing now and move all production to locations where they do not have to pay the taxes.

Let the poop slinging commence!

May 25, 2016 1:30 pm

We need to program robots to build drones. If we don’t help these robots now, we’re going to pay for it later.

May 25, 2016 1:57 pm


Go ahead and watch this because you need to experience the exact moment that someone proposed the Terminator and it made perfect sense. This is a conversation being held by adults and not wild speculation. This is future.

May 25, 2016 1:59 pm

There are plenty of jobs that can’t be automated: masseuse, bath attendant, maid, personal assistant… The elite want real people to boss around, it’s no fun just controlling robots. Get with the program!

Bee Lever
Bee Lever
May 25, 2016 2:16 pm

AP- Bath attendant? Where have you been lately, Japan?

What do you mean bots can’t do a maid’s work, did you not watch “Rosie the Robot Maid” on the Jetsons?

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
May 26, 2016 12:27 am

Llpoh do you have a timeframe for what you say Is it a wrong time now to invest in expanding a business or do we have a few years of the customer base still spending?