This post is dedicated to Westcoaster in case he really needs a recent example of what “voting for your best interests” in the form of Socialism ALWAYS brings…….EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!

The dude with the microphone is definitely amped up on speed, meth or coke and the best part of Jeff Berwick ran down his mothers leg but this is a good look at our future……with or without Feeling the Bern. It might take a few years longer if Bernie or Hitlary don’t get selected this cycle but fear not, our destination remains the same. The video is only 12 minutes long but gives insight into how your govt will actually use the criminality of the few to control the many.

So gather ye chilruns around, make some S’mores, get yer blanky and behold our future.



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harry p.
harry p.
May 27, 2016 4:03 pm
May 27, 2016 4:20 pm

Westie would claim that murica’ can do it better because, murica’………..and the Bern.

congress and the rest of the country will just follow along like sheep…….ah shit.

May 27, 2016 4:49 pm

Its not about ideology its about race. The white rule was replaced by native indian rule.

If whites had ruled by socialism and hadlower IQs. The displacement by higher IQ indian people who impimented free market capitalism whould have worked out fine.

May 27, 2016 4:52 pm

Only lower IQ whites would suffer second class status forevermore.

May 27, 2016 6:21 pm
May 27, 2016 6:27 pm
May 27, 2016 8:19 pm

I have no empathy for these people. Remember they voted for this shit.Now they are getting it good and hard.

Go easy on Westcoaster. He has potential.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2016 9:22 pm

bb, of course you have no empathy for brown people, your white, how could you feel their pain? And being the cold-hearted mofo that you are, you probably have no sympathy for them either.

Now, I’m normally suspicious when a group is cavorting atop the ruins of collective misery. Oh sure, some assholes wish with all their miserable walnut sized heart that ‘Murica would sink to the level of depravity you see elsewhere. Fie.

When you see kids crying at Halloween because some bully took their candy, tell me, do you think ‘Murica will ever have the huge bag o’ candy torn from its greedy claws?

‘Murica won’t ever go down like that because ‘Murica can print it’s own shit and make others accept it, fuck your gold dreams, accept the dollar or die, motherfucker.

Open your eyes, man and realize for once that you are taking their candy and laughing at them.

Kinda makes you wonder, don’t it, as your driving down the highways, how Qaddafi and Chavez met the same fate after attempting to get their gold back so they could break free of the ‘Murican funny money. The price of oil fell faster than you could say OPEC and just like that, Venezuela went down the tubes with no oil income to buy shit from other countries.

Didn’t you see the Saudis giving their servant Obama a medallion for services rendered? Excuse me but when do you ever see a lesser schnook honoring a greater potentate with a medal? Never.

Now the ragheads say they are out of OPEC. They’ve thrown the originator of OPEC, Venezuela, under the bus.

‘Murica is Saudi Arabia’s bitch. No wonder we have become so enlightened towards ragheads and gave them a free pass into Europe.

May 27, 2016 9:24 pm

The rumor that UPS cargo planes are being used to smuggle Syrian refugees into the country originated from an “eyewitness” who uploaded footage (see above) shot with a phone camera to Facebook, and later to YouTube, last week.

The eyewitness claimed that last Thursday, he saw at least 30 buses filled with people — allegedly Syrian refugees — flown into the country through the Harrisburg International Airport on a United Parcel Service (UPS) cargo plane.

In the video, the narrator drives behind at least two buses on a highway near Harrisburg in Pennsylvania — as road signs show. As he drives behind the buses, the narrator says he saw buses lined up, waiting for the refugees at the airport. The refugees were escorted hastily under the cover of darkness from a UPS cargo Plane into the buses.Vote Trump.Gather them up send them home!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2016 9:36 pm

Anonymous, you disgust me

May 28, 2016 12:06 am

you are right, jeff berwick is a douche bag of the highest order. You can’t not smoke for a few minutes to make a video? He looks fucked up too, he’s on something. The only times i ever let someone take my picture or video of me smoking was when I was hammered. Didn’t he recently get called out for basically running a second passport scam on people?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2016 1:00 am

Hard-hitting journalism. Dang, no smoking signs, gun restrictions, horrible. The site they chose to tape in really drove home the message that Venezuela is in dire straits, no need for real footage of kidnappings or murders. Man, it’s scary to think those normal looking people walking around could be a threat. I’m convinced. I feel safer going to Detroit now.

May 28, 2016 1:04 am


It boils down to survival and people are taking sides. Skip the reasons why but half the people that could be working are not working or paying taxes. Once you add in unions and government workers you have some real political power as this ever growing voting bloc can vote themselves other peoples’ wealth. At the end of the day, though, people need to eat and these people have traded their political allegiance for scraps and a guarantee that “the wealthy” will always be there to pay for it all.

It may seem strange to people that work but if your only option, regardless of how you got there, is poverty wages then why work? A single mother on welfare in California receives, on average, $44,000 a year in benefits. Only a fool would work and these people may be willing to actually fight to continue to make that happen.

There are few options left but a crash, a civil war or both.

May 28, 2016 7:26 am

I like Jeff. He makes me laugh. So he likes to smoke weed and go to tittie bars…