Another Reason To Consider…

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Voting against Hillary.

You may have heard that a California appellate court (see below) has ruled in favor of California laws that give government bureaucrats the power to deny citizens the right to carry a concealed weapon unless they show “good cause.” This “good cause” to be defined by the government bureaucrats and which definition does not include ordinary self-defense.

The bureaucrats use the “good cause” verbiage to effectively outlaw concealed carry (and thus, armed self-defense outside the home) for ordinary citizens.

It is the polar opposite of “shall issue” requirements (as in my state, VA) which compel the government to issue a permit to any citizen who applies, who has not been convicted of a felony.

This case will almost certainly become a Supreme Court case – and in that case, it will decide national policy regarding concealed carry.

And, perhaps more.

If Hillary becomes Dear Leader, she will almost certainly appoint at least two and likely three new “justices,” all of whom will be (like her) very much interested in “sensible gun control.” Which (if you need me to translate) means: No guns for you.

It is a certainty that a Hillary Court will rule in favor of the appellate court. Which will result in more states enacting “good cause” requirements and possibly rescinding existing “shall issue” requirements and quite possibly concealed carry and open carry altogether.

Except, of course, for the Hero Class.

And the criminal class.

Or are you among the Elio who believe that criminals obey laws?

Again, this is a point of clear distinction between the two alternatives we are presented with. Neither are my preference, but the ice cold truth is that one of these two is going to be president.

There is no third option.

The choice we are confronted with, therefore, is either the absolute certainty of determined attempts to severely abridge our right to self defense, with a strong probability that these will succeed as a result of a fuhrerbefehl (executive order) outlawing possession of “assault weapons,” certain calibers of ammunition, heavy taxes on ammunition, mandatory gun insurance (to make owning a gun onerous, financially) and so on – or via a Supreme Court ruling with the same effect.

As opposed to at least a chance those things won’t happen if Trump defeats her.

Trump may simply be making the necessary noises to assuage his supporters, but he would have to go back on numerous public utterances he has made decrying “gun control” and in support of the Second Amendment.

I grant that he might.

But with Hillary, we know.

If the choice is between metastasizing cancer (Hillary) and a localized case of hemorrhoids… the choice seems pretty clear.

From the appellate court document.

The court affirmed the district courts’ judgments and held that there is no Second Amendment right for members of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public.

Appellants, who live in San Diego and Yolo Counties, sought to carry concealed firearms in public for self-defense, but alleged they were denied licenses to do so because they did not satisfy the good cause requirements in their counties. Under California law, an applicant for a license must show, among other things, “good cause” to carry a concealed firearm. California law authorizes county sheriffs to establish and publish policies defining good cause. Appellants contend that San Diego and Yolo Counties’ published policies defining good cause violate their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The en banc court held that the history relevant to both the Second Amendment and its incorporation by the Fourteenth Amendment lead to the same conclusion: The right of a member of the general public to carry a concealed firearm in public is not, and never has been, protected by the Second Amendment. Therefore, because the Second Amendment does not protect in any degree the right to carry concealed firearms in public, any prohibition or restriction a state may choose to impose on concealed carry

Keep in mind as well that Hillary’s election assures the permanence (and expansion) of Obamacare. That we will be forced to pay money each year to the private, for-profit insurance mafia – the amount to increases each year, as surely as the cock crows in the morning. Obamacare will be used to shove the snout of the government into everything we do, as everything we do “affects” our “heath” – which is now no longer our business but the government’s.    

With Trump, there is at least a chance that Obamacare will be repealed or scaled back. Again, I grant it may be smoke and mirrors. But with Hillary, the situation is as crystal clear as a jug of 190 proof grain alcohol.   

I do not like compromising my principles. But a vote in self-defense is not a compromise of one’s principles any more than it means you concede the legitimacy of the income tax because you filed a 1099.

We are under duress.

Arguably, we have an obligation to do what we can to limit the harm caused to ourselves and others, to the extent it is in our power to do so.

Is there any way to stop Hillary other than voting for Trump?

If there is – please – tell me.

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June 13, 2016 9:20 am

No option. Do the right thing

harry p.
harry p.
June 13, 2016 9:31 am

Glad to read Eric is on top of it.
After listening to HNIC, Hitlery and the liberal news this morning i decided trump is where its at as well.

June 13, 2016 9:39 am

“Is there any way to stop Hillary other than voting for Trump?”

Eric Peters – what is your problem voting for Trump? I don’t expect miracles from Trump but I do know complete disaster for the U.S. with Democrats in control. Maybe you are a liberal and somehow came out of your political fog and realize that our country is going down the tubes, yet you still hold onto being a registered Democratic

June 13, 2016 10:18 am

Kokoda, for me the problem with voting for Trump is that it would be a vote against the status quo, not a vote for someone or something. The problem with voting for Trump is that we have no clue if he is lying or not about various things and there is no way of knowing how effective he will be as President to do what he says even if he is not lying. That said as Eric Peters said “with Trump there is at least a chance” where with Clinton there is not. So I will vote for Trump. I normally would vote for the Libertarian in protest of the status quo, but the Libertarian nominee is Gary Johnson and voting for him is another vote for the status quo – except, perhaps, around the legalization of pot and I’m not going to vote for him just based on that.

It does not make a person a liberal just because they have problems with voting for Trump. He is not the great white hope.

June 13, 2016 11:02 am

Laws against ownership and carry…just BS.
Just carry and keep your mouth shut.

One could win best citizen of the year awards,
and still fall victim to rouge cops wanting to
drain your bank account because they have a bad
feeling about you. Yikes! You could be a turn the other
cheek Christian and still be jumped and killed by some
feral drugged up crowd.

Be prepared to defend yourself…stay away from crowds,
and use your common sense.

June 13, 2016 11:22 am


The crux of the problem for the Federal government in its ongoing quest to piece by piece take away our 2nd Amendment rights is simple:

The Bill of Rights are not privileges which can by granted or taken away by the government. These rights are inalienable. That means virtually every single piece of legislation currently on the books which infringes (limits) those inalienable rights are by definition UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Along with that glaringly obvious and unimpeachable logic is the fact that the people that created, approved and currently uphold those infringements of our inalienable rights are breaking the law.

June 13, 2016 1:03 pm

DD…you are right ALL gun laws are Unconstitutional . Why ? Because the 2nd amendment says that I have the right to KEEP and Bear arms . Anything that takes away that right is Unconstitutional .

It’s amazing that the court made this ruling…it says to bear…to have them on my person is my right .

Why didn’t they just write a law that allowed CONgress to make alcohol illegal ? Because they didn’t have the power to do so under the Constitution . They needed an amendment to the Constitution to have that power .

June 13, 2016 2:51 pm

What is an Elio? Is that like the opposite of a Molroch?

June 13, 2016 3:34 pm

If you wanted to restrict a bunch of rights, where would you start?

Hillary or any democrat will pick judges who fundamentally believe there should be no restrictions on government power.

June 13, 2016 4:59 pm

There are many ways to resist the government . Firearms is only one. I am not against guns . I don’t own any guns they were lost in a boating accident.

June 13, 2016 5:34 pm

Because republicrat presidents appoint much more conservative judges than demopublicans. The black robed nazis had no problem abusing the Constitution in the drug war. Then it was “liberal” justices pretending to stand up for our rights. What a joke.