Thank You, Mr. Trump, Part 2

The most important issue Donald Trump has raised.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

This is Part 2 of Thank You, Mr. Trump. Link to Part 1.

Hillary Clinton; her friends, sycophants, and supporters in government, the media, and the general populace; the leadership of the Democratic Party, and the Republicans who have announced they will support her are desperately wishing that much of her past would just go away. During the 1990’s, the Clintons’ low-bar goal was to elude criminal justice for their many scandals. They never answered inquiries unless compelled, or proved their innocence. Instead, they besmirched the inquirers, floated conspiracy theories (conspiracy theorists are only kooks when they challenge the government, not when they’re the president and his wife), stonewalled investigations, threatened, blackmailed, hid or destroyed evidence, and fed exculpatory material to their friends in the media. Everybody then moved on, until the next scandal: lather, rinse, repeat.

The Clinton’s 1990s scandals never really went away, and they have added to them since then. Bill pals around with a pedophile billionaire who procures underage females for consensual and allegedly nonconsensual sex on his private plane and island. Hillary has Libya and the emails. Jointly they have the Clinton Foundation. The usual suspects have labored assiduously not to investigate these new scandals and keep the old ones down the memory hole. However, the stench persists, as stenches do, and many Americans have neither forgiven or forgotten. Trump pushed Clinton criminality to the forefront with one adjective: “crooked.” Only Clinton’s most blindly deluded supporters have called this one outrageous. Hillary is crooked, and Trump deserves credit for not avoiding the issue, as many Republican hopefuls did when they still had hopes.

Compare the lack of mainstream outrage at Hillary and Bill’s transgressions and crimes, stretching back decades, to the hypocritical, hyperventilating, hysterical, and endlessly recycled outrage over anything Trump. Turning mountains into molehills and vice versa, the mainstream media, politicians, and commentators’ only real outrage is reserved for those, including Trump, who point out the obvious bias. Their over-the-top broadsides against Trump have, like the violence against his supporters, backfired spectacularly and confirmed his charges.

The latest contretemps concern a judge whom Trump has accused of prejudice against him because of his Mexican heritage. Heaven forbid anybody impugn a judicial system that has twisted itself into tortured, illogical pretzels to find Obamacare constitutional! Some of the same people who swear the judge in question wouldn’t let his ethnicity affect his rulings—notwithstanding “understandable” Latino outrage at Trump—also swear that white judges’ “whiteness” and heritage of privilege renders them prejudiced per se. They can’t have it both ways—another backfire.

If Trump is elected and he’s able to implement policies implied by some of his criticisms of US foreign and military policies, his visage may get chiseled into Mount Rushmore. Back in December 2014, the only criticisms the anointed candidates had about those policies were that the US had not intervened enough, and where it had intervened, it had not dropped enough bombs or killed enough people. The operative word was “tougher”: everybody, including Clinton, was going to be tougher than the current inhabitant of the White House.

Then, crazy Donald reminded us that he had been against the 2003 Iraq war, didn’t see why the US had to be in Syria, didn’t see why our allies couldn’t pick up more of the tab for their own defense, and that he would negotiate, maybe do some deals, with the leader of the country with the world’s second largest nuclear arsenal. He hasn’t likened that leader to Hitler or equated his own manhood with killing terrorists, drone strikes, or ordering other people’s children into war.

Trump understands that you can do quite well in business with nowhere near 100 percent market share, and trying to attain such dominance is often ruinous. He has questioned whether the US can or should maintain unipolar dominance, the geopolitical equivalent of 100 percent market share. Even during its supposed heyday at the end of World War II and through the Cold War, US power was not absolute. The acquisition of nuclear weapons by the USSR, China, and lesser powers, the US’s string of inconclusive or losing military engagements since World War II, and the rebuilding of European and Asian economies devastated by that war chipped away at US dominance. The government refused to recognize it then, and still doesn’t.

It’s hard enough to maintain a confederated empire when its leader has clear military, economic, and financial superiority. When it doesn’t, the effort is dangerously delusional. For the government—deep in hock and unable to realize its objectives in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, and Ukraine, among others—to even contemplate confrontation and conflict with China and Russia would be farcical if the potential consequences weren’t so deadly.

The US sends its warships into the South China Sea, the Baltic and Black Seas, essentially Russian lakes; pushes NATO, which lost its raison d’être when the Soviet Union collapsed, to Russia’s western border; foments revolution in Ukraine, Napoleon and Hitlers’ welcome mat to Russia, and decries Russian and Chinese aggression. Russia and China are nuclear powers, and even if the US had a nuclear first strike capability to wipe them both out, which it probably does not, the ensuing fallout and nuclear winter would make the global warming we’re all supposed to be worrying about irrelevant. If the US does not have first strike capability, or Russia and China, singly or jointly, launched the first strike against the US, the nuclear devastation would wipe out US cities and infrastructure, rendering vast regions, perhaps the entire country, uninhabitable.

It is commonplace to ascribe the darkest motivations to your enemies, and credit yourself with the best of intentions, but based on their respective actions—not conjectures and hypotheticals about designs to rule the world—Russia and China seek control of their spheres of influence consistent with notions of multipolarity, while the US seeks unipolarity and Russian and Chinese submission. All indications are that Russia and China will not submit. Nor will the US back away from unipolarity. Certainly Hillary Clinton will not.

The US government’s misbegotten drive for unipolarity is the most important issue Trump has raised. Humanity’s survival may be at stake. Call it the military-intelligence-industrial-media-complex, the powers that be, or the Deep State, if Trump follows through on his rhetoric he will be fighting the most lucrative and powerful cabal on the planet, a far greater threat to American liberties and lives than that which President Eisenhower warned of in 1961. Simply raising the issues he has accounts for the lion’s share of the fang-baring hostility towards him, especially from members of his own party. If his only accomplishment is to splinter the cabal “into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds,” as President Kennedy reportedly wanted to do with the CIA after the Bay of Pigs disaster, Trump will have earned his place on Mount Rushmore.


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June 14, 2016 6:33 am

Bingo. Great column, Robert.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 14, 2016 6:41 am

Quite true, unfortunately even if he were exactly as he claims to be with no stealth or ulterior motives there exists the entire weight of the combined system that stands between him and accomplishing anything. He may have superior business acumen, but does he have the iron-fisted will to power?

We shall see, we shall see.

June 14, 2016 6:43 am

Robert if TRUMP is not the next President then what happened in Orlando Florida will be just the beginning of blood shed in our once great nation.Hillary Clinton will open the flood gates of hell upon our nation.The economy will decline quickly and we will be well on our way to becoming a third world banana republic with even more corruption and violence.

Soon whites will have no where to flee from this multiculturalism. Most of the Cities are already majority minority with a lot of ethnic tension boiling under the surface. Hillary will dump even more minorities in these large urban areas.Many will eventually become war zones. Stay out of them unless
You have no choice but to enter.

June 14, 2016 8:05 am

RG, this I like!

“Trump understands that you can do quite well in business with nowhere near 100 percent market share, and trying to attain such dominance is often ruinous. He has questioned whether the US can or should maintain uni-polar dominance, the geopolitical equivalent of 100 percent market share. Even during its supposed heyday at the end of World War II and through the Cold War, US power was not absolute. The acquisition of nuclear weapons by the USSR, China, and lesser powers, the US’s string of inconclusive or losing military engagements since World War II, and the rebuilding of European and Asian economies devastated by that war chipped away at US dominance. The government refused to recognize it then, and still doesn’t.”

Well done.

June 14, 2016 9:27 am

Well, keep any respect for my opinion under the radar RG, because there is a Butt Wanker (BW) around here that has a hard-on for me.

When I was modelling jet-jammies on an E-3B/C in the 1980s, we had just come through the first Reagan presidency and the pride in wearing the uniform was surging. The Cold War was still justifying my travels around the world staying in very nice hotels (aircrew members need their crew rest EC!!) and there was a sense that we were part of something important.

And then one of those incidents that sneak up on you and change your life occurred to me in the training office of the 963d AWACS Squadron when a pasty white boy named Mark Chafe was visiting from his one year tour in Iceland and told me about being part of the welcoming crew when several Soviet fighters asked for and received permission to land at Keflavik NAS due to terrible storms on the North Seas. In keeping with the “tensions” between the countries one section of the chow hall was made available to the Soviets for dining and breakfast until they could depart for USSR. I couldn’t help saying that Mark had met the enemy when they were dining at the chow hall.

What was racing through my mind was that my old technical school pal had been part of the welcoming committee for the Communists we were supposedly saving the world from.

It was a thought provoking realization that someone wasn’t telling me the whole truth or they just didn’t know it themselves.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 14, 2016 10:21 am

The American people are unserious. Trump is trying to save America from multiple invasions and from stumbling into WWIII with the most heavily armed nation on the planet. Half or more of the country is pissed because he called a guy a Mexican.

Gereral pabilsimo (ret.)
Gereral pabilsimo (ret.)
June 14, 2016 10:53 am

The single most important reason NOT to allow the clinton crime cabal back into power, is the status of the supreme court, which is currently missing 1 judge who died with no autopsy, and was cremated, with no chance of an autopsy. With Justice Scalia gone, there is no voice for the conservatives, or the 2nd amendment. The Clintonians will load the court with a left leaning judge.

the 2nd reason, if you need one:

She will put a no fly zone over Syria, just like she did to Lybia, with the same results, she is working for the same cabal that started the Arab spring, which is providing all the blowback we now see all over the ME. She is a war monger.

June 14, 2016 11:13 am

Excellent post, thank you for the insight. I think one of Trump’s biggest impediments is going to be the sclerotic government. It has grown so massive, so immovable, so invasive, and so self serving that truly long term significant changes may well be impossible, but I still look forward to seeing if something, anything can really be accomplished. The institution of the government will still have a very liberal bias and any thing short of a massive purge and complete restructuring, coinciding with a huge reduction in its scope and size will still leave us with a mantle oppression. I hope and pray for the best, but I will still prepare for the worst.

June 14, 2016 12:29 pm

To be honest, since the Federal Government has grown so large, corrupt, and unwieldy, that the only real way to shut it down and restart is with the death of the Federal Reserve’s fake dollar. Obviously, that would also end the US empire and cause quite a bit of chaos too. Trump may be able to shrink the government a little, but he runs the risk of getting the JFK treatment.

June 14, 2016 1:49 pm

Maggie, the Soviet government might well have been our enemy at the time, and the Soviet aircrews nominally so, but we weren’t actually shooting at each other (at least, not in uniform; what the spies do to each other, no one but they know). As such, don’t armed forces members from nominally opposed forces owe each other some decency? Even back in WWII, when the Nazis were fighting the West, there were examples of occasional Christmas celebrations that took place with at least nominal participation by both sides. Singing “Silent Night” is one example I vaguely remember.
I have no problem with bad weather cooperation: if a Soviet ship went down at sea near American forces, would we not rescue the sailors and repatriate them if not at war? The Cold War was a kind of aberration, but there was a Soviet mission in NYC and elsewhere even then.
The real reason for being nice to soldiers and sailors you’re not actually shooting at is reciprocity: if an American ship went down while isolated, we would want the sailors rescued if at all possible and treated gently until returned. We treat them nice and they should treat us nice, which brings up how Iran treated those sailors they recently “captured” ….

Big Dick
Big Dick
June 14, 2016 2:00 pm

I am still waiting for the media to publish anything negative about Hillary. The pictures and story lines are all positive and built on lies. Meanwhile I have noticed the liberal trolls are visiting many conservative and previous strong Trump sites and posting negative responses and comments to regular supporters. They are obvious first time posters on these sites. Just another level of the rotten ways the liberal world of anti Trump is working. What they do not realize is that all their false praise and bull just makes more people jump into the Trump circle of time for this crap and people to go.

June 14, 2016 2:42 pm

Trump is not promising retrenchment and isolationism. He wants to increase US military power. and, if he is not drawing ‘red lines’ in Syria, his threats to obliterate ISIS would almost certainly involve some sort of American expeditionary force in Syria and Iraq. ( unless he can goad Obama into sending in the Marines to retake Ragga and Mosul first).

In Asia, Trump would not be able to stand by and let China assert sovereignty over the South China Sea ( absent some Chinese quid pro quo ) as the cost would be too high. Were the US to walk away from the region The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, even Australia would have to accept Chinese domination. That’s some 500 million people.

Allowing Eastern Europe to join NATO may irritate Russia but how else can the independence of small nations with large Russian minorities like the Baltics be guaranteed when Russia is led by a reckless ruler who has demonstrated he will use force to redraw borders? Its not just the US who is alarmed by this. Western Europe has even more at stake in seeing that Russia is not allowed to overrun its former satellites. OTOH, despite Putin’s paranoid propaganda, NATO does not have anywhere near large enough forces to invade Russia. The only threat Russia need worry about is that Chinese ‘quid pro quo’ I mentioned above. To avoid that Putin needs to stop his bellicose behavior or find the US and China making a deal to remove him.

June 14, 2016 2:52 pm


Thank you for offering up a neocon opinion, point by point.

Fucking asshole.

June 14, 2016 4:50 pm

Mr. Gore,
You have written another insightful piece and I thank
Mr. Trump for his contributions also. If the other side
had anyone remotely decent to offer, we could be less
anxious about the elections. As it stands, Trump is lending
truth to the mix but HC just reeks of corruption…and it is
getting worse as more is revealed about her/her family.

The stakes are high, truth vrs. mega corruption and wars
without end. Yet truth is not action, and action may require
a Mt. Everest climb effort. It isn’t looking good for any of us
in the US. It is so disheartening to know some of the power
brokers laugh out loud at death and dismemberment. And,
they claim credit for it!! It does not bode well.

We also hope and pray for the best, but continue to prepare
for the worst. And the worst is in sight/or the probability of
tyranny has been revealed.

8/2013 a caravan of black MRAPs was slowly advancing up
the highway north.
The other net sites are missing somehow. The operation I
saw a bit of was reported to be a joint Somali-Mexican job, out
of Minnesota.

Sometimes I feel sick about it all.

June 14, 2016 5:03 pm

Unit 472
Not too long ago I would have echoed and endorsed your position. You eloquently made the case for a foreign/defense policy which should have been put away gradually with the new year of 1992.

June 14, 2016 5:15 pm

Sure, jtw… it certainly does make perfect sense on that level, but I was a fairly young and intelligent woman in a man’s world where the bloodlust during War Games like those ongoing in the North Sea that we had under surveillance 24/7 made it seem as if we feared invasion at any moment. So, I assumed that if the Russians had a big exercise in the North Sea just to irritate the USA forces in Iceland and the NATO fleet in Norway, then there must have been reason to believe it was hiding other ulterior motives.

So, as in any war, I assumed that when the enemy is under your control, you information gather and try to disarm him if you can. I didn’t realize that it was almost like that scene in the old Loony Tunes cartoons when the coyote (okay, is ralph wolf, but seriously? That is EC if I every saw him) and the sheepdog are at the timeclock. All day, they’ve been slamming each other with rocks and anvils and missiles from Acme manufacturing and they walk off arm in arm into the sunset.

So, that was the first time that I realized the enemy might really NOT be the enemy at all.

June 14, 2016 5:15 pm
Kill Bill
Kill Bill
June 15, 2016 1:51 am

Trump is like riding a roller coaster with a carnival barker.

I have no idea wtf they are talking about and feel sick…

June 15, 2016 1:47 pm

I entirely agree that it makes total sense for the US to stop trying to dominate militarily the entire world. But I’m not so sure that Trump would know how to scale things back. It’s something that needs a lot of diplomatic skill, and Trump is anything but diplomatic. He’s already upset the leaders of Mexico and Great Britain. And if he screws up in his attempt to scale back, and other countries in the world start laughing at the US, we have a good idea of how he’d be likely to react: he’s all for toughness and in favor of listening to the military. I think he’s the sort of guy that could get WWIII started, not because that’s his plan, but because he’s quite capable of blundering into that situation.

As for the comments on judge Curiel, they’re disgraceful, but not because he said he might be biased. Any judge might be biased, it’s a fact of life, and anybody in a trial is likely to suspect the judge is biased, whether he is or not. The problem is that Trump said that if he became president, he expected the situation to change. That’s against the constitution, people! Presidents aren’t allowed to interfere with the independence of judges.

Also, he talked about removing the judge because he was Hispanic. Since every judge is going to be of some ethnicity, gender, etc., you can’t request to remove a judge based on their ethnicity, gender, etc. because any judge might be biased because of the group they belong to. If you are unhappy after they’ve given their verdict, that’s what appeals are for. And if you sincerely believe that any person of a certain ethnicity is likely to hate your guts, maybe shouldn’t have done what you did to get the enmity of a whole group of people in the first place.

June 15, 2016 1:55 pm

Mr Gore, Admin,
Please go to WRSA and see the interview with Matt
Bracken and others…lots of answers there.


June 15, 2016 2:58 pm

Robert, this was a great post thank you very much. I read part one as well and it was very good. I was stationed in Germany 87-90 and there when the wall came down. Hammered my own piece of the wall off. I remember the “deal” struck then that would allow East Germany to become part of NATO but no further. Since then we’ve had a dozen or so join NATO moving ever farther east to Russia’s border and somehow they are the aggressor? MSM is the propaganda arm of the US deep state… Keep posting, hopefully you will wake more people up from the matrix…

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
June 15, 2016 7:43 pm

From the article –

“Back in December 2014, the only criticisms the anointed candidates had about those policies were that the US had not intervened enough, and where it had intervened, it had not dropped enough bombs or killed enough people. The operative word was “tougher”: everybody, including Clinton, was going to be tougher than the current inhabitant of the White House.”

– and –

“It’s hard enough to maintain a confederated empire when its leader has clear military, economic, and financial superiority. When it doesn’t, the effort is dangerously delusional. For the government—deep in hock and unable to realize its objectives in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, and Ukraine, among others—to even contemplate confrontation and conflict with China and Russia would be farcical if the potential consequences weren’t so deadly.”.

Let’s remind ourselves – which group is the largest recipient of “Government Aid” – (note that the much – derided “Social Security / Unemployment” element is a very measly 3%)

[imgcomment image[/img]

So “guess who” will be prepared to back “their” preferred Candidate – and back them with the BIG Bucks . . . . .

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So, the MIC will get the “President” they want. Hillary, Trump, some “Last minute pretend libertarian” – it matters little who the “Puppet du jour” is, all that matters is the continued, unchecked flow of money.

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June 16, 2016 12:22 am

Thanks Phil. The pie chart pretty much says it all. Sadly, there’s a lot of ranting on this site against welfare recipients and students as if they were responsible for the majority of the red ink.
The elephant in the room wears a uniform…