Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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June 20, 2016 4:15 pm

Well, you co-exterminate the bastards. This is obviously aimed at Israel which is an accidental country carved out of the British Middle Eastern Empire after WWII in response to the horrors of the holocaust. No thought was given to internecine interactions and living space of the various tribes, religions and warlords scattered across the desert from the Gulf of Oman to the Med.

As a result, Palestine was gobbled up, picked the wrong side in 3 wars, lost every one of them and still thinks it gets to dictate to Israel about living conditions. If Palestinians had been on Israel’s side in 1948, they would now be well off, peacefully co-existing with the Jewish population of Israel and – likely – now and again, furnishing troops to fend off the other Arab, Persian and Muzzie assholes who just want Israel to disappear because they are Jewish.

The only way Israel is going to disappear is with a gigantic ball of nuclear fire that will engulf the entire Middle East (which will include anyone on the other side when Israel sees defeat on the horizon) and put us all (especially Europe) into another radioactive Bronze age.

Without damnable religion in the mix, everyone would probably live as happily ever after as humans are capable of doing. Troubles? For sure – but none of the nuke variety.

I hate religion. I hate religious bigots and fanatics. I hate them all regardless of their “faith”. I love secular humans who believe in the goodness of 99% of the humans not corrupted or brainwashed by the religious bigotry of one religion or another (and I’m not limiting my comments to Islam, either). Baptists, Catholics and most other fragments of man made religious orders have been (and are) the biggest bigots of them all. Believe my way or get burned at the stake, strung up, shot, skeward, strangled or otherwise dismembered.

Those who believe in a religious theology are free to do so with my blessing and ignorance. Just don’t get organized and try to kill off those who do not believe as you do. Then I get pissed and the AR-15 comes out.

Bless you every one..


June 21, 2016 12:02 am


I luv you, man. Think the world of you.

But, if you think 99% (of any human subset) is basically good ….. well ………. YOU’RE FUCKEN’ NUTS!!!! :mrgreen:

June 22, 2016 9:44 am

I love you, too, MA.

Secular, rationalist thought is the foundation of modern civilization, not “Judeo Christian” ethics, for we know what those were. How many thousands of people were burned at the stake in the middle ages by the Mother Church? How many tortured on the rack in the repeated inquisitions?

June 22, 2016 9:50 am

We like the AK round these parts.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 20, 2016 5:08 pm

Coexist bumper stickers are for the Farcebook crowd of below 80IQ mouth breathers who embrace goateaters at every turn and make me want to slap their stupid ass into next week. Uuggggghhhhhh!

If I had the above version, I would lay it over the maroon’s sticker on every car I could, heh heh. That would really piss off the mooslim lovers.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 20, 2016 6:40 pm

Islam is a barbaric cult (read the Koran which is a hundred times worse than the KKK ever was). Islam should not be tolerated by decent people anywhere; Islam is worse than Nazis and Marxist and should be banned worldwide forever; muslims will make that perfectly clear to even Useful Idiot American Liberals real soon when they carry the weapons over our Southern Border to blow up our nuclear power plants causing dozens of American Chernobyls and Fukashimas.

June 20, 2016 6:42 pm

MA……don’t agree with your diatribe on religion. I could write a similar piece but it would be targeted at Atheists/Liberals and the main point would be that those wonderfully intolerant, can’t speak a sentence without lying, shoving their beliefs down the non-believer’s throats, liberals are scum just above ISIS.

As long as any religion doesn’t impose their beliefs on me or affect my liberties, they are just fine – and so much nicer people than liberals/Atheists.

June 20, 2016 9:35 pm

Re: MuckAbout “Those who believe in a religious theology are free to do so with my blessing and ignorance. Just don’t get organized and try to kill off those who do not believe as you do.

Islam is an ideology dedicated to killing off those that do not believe as they do. It’s in the very core beliefs of the ‘religion.’

Every day that even a single muslim still draws breath, is a bad day for humanity.

June 20, 2016 9:58 pm

Christianity is not a religion, it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (God). Any religion is about rules and laws, which never turns out well. A personal relationship with your creator is just that, personal. Religion dictates how that should look, which it should not. It is the creator in you, not human laws dictating how that should apply. Bash religion, fine, but don’t bash an individual’s decision to believe in faith and God’s Grace. Accept it as His gift, or don’t, your choice.

June 20, 2016 10:01 pm
June 20, 2016 10:26 pm

Muck you have a delusion. 99% of non religious people are good? Bruce Jenner is a woman. Every time I see a coexist bumper I want to run it off thr road.