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August 18, 2016 6:58 am

The elite and their bought and paid for media has thrown everything in to demonizing Trump but the kitchen sink. It is HiLlARy to win by character default on the part of Trump. Character assassination where none is truly deserved. It is so pathetic.

HiLlARy’s character is soooo, soooo bad the media can’t possibly shine a light on her accomplishments because her accomplishments are a direct assault on her character or lack of it that even die hard Demos would see that they are being bamboozled.

Trump’s bona fides on the other hand give some indication that he can get things done. Wouldn’t that be something!

The media’s obvious bias is why I never read a newspaper or watch mainstream news on television any more. You can’t make valid decisions in the face of fantasy.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 18, 2016 6:26 pm

According to an ex-body guard, Harpy is a Witch who flew to California almost monthly to attended a coven; and to seances at the UN to talk to Eleanor Roosevelt; she was the best Secretary of State our enemies could buy; is partly responsible for Benghazi, the destruction of Libya, Ukraine, Syria; the creation of ISIS and billions of dollars of graft. Also watch Youtube: The New Clinton Chronicles, Clinton Cash etc.