The Mike Rowe Truth about Get Out and Vote

I hoped to generate a discussion about the meaning of the word “efficacy” and why one should feel motivated to vote.  I once asked a college professor why a voter should be informed of anything since a voter simply marking circles beside random names couldn’t pick any worse people than all the informed voters in our history had done.

Excerpt from main article:  … “there’s nothing virtuous or patriotic about voting just for the sake of voting, and the next time someone tells you otherwise, do me a favor — ask them who they’re voting for. Then tell them you’re voting for their opponent. Then, see if they’ll give you a ride to the polls.”

Twenty-some years ago, my neighbor asked me along on a money-making housewife adventure she’d heard an ad for and called to verify.  We could be “paid” members of a group rating local radio stations, sponsored by an “unknown” radio station.  Since she only listened to ONE radio station, a local Christian station, I surmised that was the station sponsoring it because how else would she have learned of it?  I was also taking my required public relations and advertising classes in the Journalism program at OU, so I knew a bit about how the data for such surveys was gathered and used — and also understood built-in bias.

My neighbor drove to the assigned location at an abandoned mall-turned-telemarketing plaza, where we were to sit in a lecture style room with headphones on listening to radio segments of music for an hour or so.  Each of the hundred or so participants had buttons or dials on the desk in front of us to rate the music/host segment we heard on a scale of 1 to 10. I definitely wanted the 50 bucks for a couple hours of my Saturday, but I wasn’t the least bit interested in radio stations. I played CDs or cassette tapes when I drove (for you millennials?  Tapes are an ancient form of music recording device we listened to by candlelight in the olden days).  So, to entertain myself over the hour-plus session, I watched what my neighbor input with her buttons/dials and then made the opposite choice on my own input device.  If she entered 8, I entered 2. If she entered 10, I entered 0. When she entered 5, I alternated between 0 and 10 because to throw off a neutral always in one direction might have skewed my attempt to invalidate her inputs to the data set.  Anyway, when she was driving our rich selves home, she said that she had noticed that my tastes seemed to run exactly opposite hers. That if she really, really loved a song, I seemed to HATE it. I told her what I’d done, thinking she’d laugh.

She got really upset with me, claiming that I had no right to totally negate her vote. She said I had made her opinion count for nothing. I held up the two 50-dollar bills and told her it counted for this.  I said the only thing that counted to anyone in any sort of media survey was the money and that between us we got a hundred of it.  She said that she’d felt like her opinion was making a difference to the community.  She said that she felt like she would have been making Christian music more popular and that would mean a bigger ministry to reach people who needed to hear good wholesome music.  She had a sense of efficacy about her votes for the music we heard in that room that I couldn’t fathom.  I think that altered our relationship forever.  When we moved from Oklahoma, I didn’t even bother telling her goodbye and she may or may not have noticed.  We were neighbors for almost twenty years.  But the disconnect in our intellect was too great to overcome.  I don’t know which of us was most wrong (no one is ever completely right).


I know that a lot of folks cannot help but HOPE this election makes a difference.  Admin’s story of taking his son to his sophomore year of college in 2012 reminds us with casual eloquence during his trips to Walmart and all-you-can-eat-dining experiences that the economic and social ruin described between the lines has only escalated toward this election cycle four years later.  Without saying it explicitly, Admin reminds us the mess that must be cleaned up NOW is much worse than what was waiting in his son’s apartment in 2012.

I did not register to vote when we moved here.  I’d hoped to be able to disappear off the Repugnicant roster of someone who was once a precinct captain among minions.  Unfortunately, the GOP appears able to track anyone anywhere, so I am deluged with letters from the Donald here in the middle of Ozark nowhere.  But, those are easily burned and since we have made the lifestyle choice that allows us to go for days without turning on television or listening to radio, we can pick and choose what we see and learn about the world out there.  My husband is registered as an Independent, but I have no idea if he will actually go vote.  My educated guess as his wife of 24 years is that if I stay unregistered and do not make an effort to vote, he will not leave this farm to go vote either.  But, if someone ponies up a hundred bucks for us to put our “mark” on a ballot, even I will go.  Or logon or whatever we proles are supposed to do these days.

Now, on to the discussion of Rowe’s excellent comments about voting:

After Mike Rowe received a letter asking him to encourage his “huge following” to get out and vote in the presidential election, the wise host of “Somebody’s Gotta Do It” replied with quite the eye-opening civics lesson.

Rowe noted that voting is “an important right that we all share, and one that impacts our society in dramatic fashion. But it’s one thing to respect and acknowledge our collective rights, and quite another thing to affirmatively encourage people I’ve never met to exercise them. And yet, my friends in Hollywood do that very thing, and they’re at it again.”

More from Rowe’s reply:

Every four years, celebrities and movie stars look earnestly into the camera and tell the country to “get out and vote.” They tell us it’s our “most important civic duty,” and they speak as if the very act of casting a ballot is more important than the outcome of the election. This strikes me as somewhat hysterical. Does anyone actually believe that Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen DeGeneres, and Ed Norton would encourage the “masses” to vote, if they believed the “masses” would elect Donald Trump?

Regardless of their political agenda, my celebrity pals are fundamentally mistaken about our “civic duty” to vote. There is simply no such thing. Voting is a right, not a duty, and not a moral obligation. Like all rights, the right to vote comes with some responsibilities, but lets face it — the bar is not set very high. If you believe aliens from another planet walk among us, you are welcome at the polls. If you believe the world is flat, and the moon landing was completely staged, you are invited to cast a ballot. Astrologists, racists, ghost-hunters, sexists, and people who rely upon a Magic 8 Ball to determine their daily wardrobe are all allowed to participate. In fact, and to your point, they’re encouraged.

The undeniable reality is this: our right to vote does not require any understanding of current events, or any awareness of how our government works. So, when a celebrity reminds the country that “everybody’s vote counts,” they are absolutely correct. But when they tell us that “everybody in the country should get out there and vote,” regardless of what they think or believe, I gotta wonder what they’re smoking.

More at…Source: Mike Rowe Delivers Some ‘Undeniable Reality’ About Celebrities Who Urge ‘the Masses’ to Get Out and Vote

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rhs jr
rhs jr
August 21, 2016 9:45 am

What is she smoking? This is not the usual nonchoice: Trump sincerely wants to save America from the NWO and Hillary is an Evil Witch of the NWO. If to many good people don’t vote for Trump for whatever reason, the Elite get to finish forcing their NWO on US which would be unAmerican, unHoly and unHealthy for about 300 million Americans (citizen or not).

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 21, 2016 10:21 am

For some people, it’s to late; their voting places and even states have become so corrupt their vote gets switched and sometimes over 100% of the people registered vote. My county is rural North Central Florida and I think honest; some neighbor counties have had Black Officials arrested for vote fraud and that is a good sign. Even if your vote doesn’t get to count, stand up boldly for Trump and maybe the shear mass of such people will matter enough to force change. It would help timid people to “grow a pair”. I’m surprised an old Soldier like yourself would consider surrender so easily to the in your face Communist; if they win, their next step won’t be nice or pretty.

  rhs jr
August 21, 2016 11:48 am

I really don’t think I’ve “surrendered” to the Communists by not registering to vote, kokoda. I am just trying to assess whether I am capable of the same level of efficacy others feel about voting.

As Gayle alluded to, George Carlin claimed that if our votes mattered they wouldn’t let us do it. I can’t help but think he was on to something.

  rhs jr
August 21, 2016 3:43 pm

“if they win, their next step won’t be nice or pretty.”

It’s their casino. Their rules. The house always wins.

I’m at a loss to picture any steps by “them” during my lifetime that were nice or pretty. Some steps may have been less evil but none were nice or pretty.

One day my steps won’t be nice or pretty either.

August 21, 2016 11:48 am

Everything happening to us has been done to us by those we voted into power.

You think that doesn’t matter?

  rhs jr
August 21, 2016 1:34 pm

Rowe repeats the falsehood that voting is a right. If it was a right, rather than a privilege of citizenship, the any newly arrived traveler (or illegal immigrant) would have the right to vote simply by walking into a polling place.

Voting is a privilege of citizenship. Keeping and bearing arms is a right. Which one is more zealously policed by the rulers?

August 21, 2016 9:52 am

A few days ago there was a post titled…”Who would you have a beer with”. I didn’t answer it. I would have a beer with Mike.

August 21, 2016 5:03 pm

Wip, i don’t think walmart mike drinks

August 21, 2016 9:54 am

Maggie – not interested in the Rowe data, but in you with your neighbor of 20 odd years ago.

You were doing it for the money and being cute (for a laugh); Your neighbor was doing it for the money and also for a moral stance.
“She said that she’d felt like her opinion was making a difference to the community. She said that she felt like she would have been making Christian music more popular and that would mean a bigger ministry to reach people who needed to hear good wholesome music.” Very admirable – what’s not to like. And I am an Atheist – I know Christians are generally very good people.

You did make a mistake and that was allowing her to see your selections. Because your choices were a Machete to hers, it became personal. We all make mistakes. She seems like someone I would have liked and she would have been a good friend to you.

August 21, 2016 11:52 am

I really wasn’t being “cute” about the money either. The reason the group was “hired” to complete the rating session was to provide the radio station with statistics to support increasing their advertising revenue. That is what would increase their listening audience.

It is almost always about the money until it is about control.

August 21, 2016 11:14 am

I executed a download and sent the pdf to others. Read it when I get a chance.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 11:07 am

To vote or not to vote, that is the question……and I don’t need some putrid fuktard celebrity telling me what WE should do.
Why do they constantly drag out these godless actors to drone on and on about every news story and election? That alone should tip you off that this is lame theater for the sheep. Who is so braindead as to care what Leo DiFaglio thinks about ANYTHING. I would not want that guy’s opinion on toilet paper much less politics.
There are too many actors saturated into the political system and if you look at how many actors/comics/entertainers are placed into high office, I have to wonder why we need another.
When will you notice these actors for who they really are? Actors will tell you anything….it is just another line for them to read. Do you think actors truly mean what they say? It’s just lines in a script to them, just anther gig. They think you are saps for falling for it.
Ask yourself this question, past a cameo role would a real billionaire spend ELEVEN YEARS of his life doing a scripted reality tv show? If you answered yes, you still live in the matrix. You are a sucker of epic proportion and your desperation to save the country has clouded your ability to reason. Harpy falls into the “politics is acting for ugly people” group. Either way you get yet another shill actor. Try to advance and free yourself from the enslavement of the manufactured system.

  Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 11:34 am

I take it that is a “not efficacious” ruling on voting, Bea?

  Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 1:36 pm

Good point, Bea. BTW, the saying is : Politics is show-biz for ugly people.

August 21, 2016 11:16 am

I sometimes ponder how things would be possibly different if John McCain/Mitt Romney had been allowed to become president (implying that possible voter fraud makes this discussion irrelevant).

I did not vote for either. Letting my conscience be my guide, I wrote in Ron Paul both times, demonstrating once again that sound moral decisions can often create nothing beyond personal satisfaction that integrity has been maintained.

So, imagine voters had selected McCain/Romney. How would the past eight years have been the same and how would they have been different?

McCain/Romney’s friendliness to crony capitalism put them firmly in the grip of Wall Street, so economic recovery would be equally compromised.

Romney’s healthcare plan in Massachusetts was said to be the model for Obamacare, so we can assume a national healthcare plan of equally disastrous expense would have been passed by Congress, the only difference being that Republicans would have voted for it, too.

The Neocon warmongers would have sunk their claws into McCain/Romney just as they did Obama. The Deep State would not have become dislodged in a McCain/Romney administration, and the current geopolitical mess would be much the same, possibly worse.

So far, it appears that voting in the last two elections was fruitless for anyone hoping for reform or change in national direction.

However, a critical difference between McCain/Romney and Obama is that Obama has used his position to foment racial tension and division. There has been a measurable destruction of good will among the people. One senses a sort of revenge has been cast upon the land. As bad as McCain/Romney are, unlike Obama, they apparently like America in a cynical sort of way. It’s hard to imagine either of them not being able to say “radical Islamist terrorist.” I could be wrong, but I don’t imagine either of them promoting the immigration of large numbers of unvetted Muslims to satisfy their vision of a new kind of America, perhaps yearning to hear the “sweetest sound in the world,” the Muslim call to prayer, ringing throughout the land.

So maybe voting can make a difference. I am guessing it is going to make a tremendous difference in 2016. Or maybe I am totally naive, as George Carlin would agree.

August 21, 2016 11:32 am

I hope you are right, Gayle. I really don’t know if I can bring myself to believe my vote makes one iota of difference, but I do like your approach (write-in votes)

August 21, 2016 3:52 pm

If shitstain mccain had been (s)elected we’d probably be in our seventh year of a full on ground war in Iran and Syria with a full on draft in place for the last 3 years because Russians would be backing the Iranians.

Regardless of the choices you think we have, the results ALWAYS benefit TPTB.

August 21, 2016 5:46 pm

Gayle, if McShitstain had been elected, with Palin by his side, we wouldn’t be having this exchange right about now because WWIII using nuclear weapons would have already wiped out Humanity.
That’s the danger we now face and why this election is so important. Hilliary Clinton is a neocon warmonger and rather than her Presidency just being “Obama’s 3rd term” it would result in a nuclear exchange, probably with Russia and China on the other side.
I’m voting for Trump not because I like him that much, but to keep Hilliary away from power. And I’m hoping he’ll shake up the power structure in D.C.

August 21, 2016 6:55 pm

I don’t disagree with you about McCain. I rest my case that voting can make a difference, especially in 2016. I am concerned that TPTB will keep the election from happening via false flag operation.

August 21, 2016 11:54 am

I still vote but I know it doesn’t change anything and 1 vote doesn’t make a difference. In 2012 I voted for Rosanne Barr because it’s already a circus in DC, and I knew she would lose. I’m voting Trump this time in hopes of he either changing things (like immigration) or burning the place down. I’d prefer the former but will accept the latter.

I get mad at the way things are going but have to remind myself, I am a peasant in an aging, overextended empire. Nothing I do will change that. Declining empires tend to follow a pattern and this one is doing the same. My vote won’t change the path the psychopaths at the top are going to take this country. There are no Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker to fight the empire and make it better, that’s not how it works historically. Empires get looted by the people at the top and start wars as they try to regain their waning power. Voting won’t change that and neither will raising your blood pressure.

August 21, 2016 12:32 pm

Lisa you summed up how I feel about my vote … “either changing things (like immigration) or burning the place down. I’d prefer the former but will accept the latter.”

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 21, 2016 1:18 pm

When the voting is for the lesser of two evils the only logical choice is neither.

larry morris
larry morris
August 21, 2016 1:51 pm

after the civil war it has not counted and gets worse they all lie money talks even the commies lie

August 21, 2016 2:14 pm

In most elections it’s heads they win tails you lose as the real power is controlling both choices. In this election tbtb are seemingly not (yet?) in control of one of the choices and they’re using the media which they own to attempt damage control. I don’t think it will work in this case because the choice they do control is such a mess that it would be a near miracle for it to prevail. However, these “people” are very smart and powerful and have managed to fool most of the people most of the time so I wouldn’t bet the farm that we won’t see another (cough cough) Clinton in the White House.

I’m looking forward to the debates!

August 21, 2016 6:15 pm

Do you really believe Hillary will actually stand on a stage with Trump and answer questions? I don’t. I think she will proclaim him to be beneath her with his racist policy proposals.

Anyone want to take that bet?

August 21, 2016 6:49 pm

Well, considering that venues have already been selected (contracted with), a schedule has already been set and I’m sure TeeVee contracts paid, something will happen.

2016 Presidential Debate Schedule

August 21, 2016 2:57 pm

I’m about at the point where I think voting in elections does no more than provide a patina of legitimacy and approval to the graft, greed and corruption that is endemic with the globalist elites…

August 21, 2016 3:31 pm

noun: efficacy

the ability to produce a desired or intended result.

Here is the only lesson of “efficacy” in voting you will ever need:

Every vote ever cast in the United States since the day you were born has brought us to this point.

Any questions?

August 21, 2016 6:16 pm

Exactly what I meant when I told my PoliSci professor that randomly picking names from a list by an uninformed voter could not have done any worse.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 3:58 pm

Yup and I/S answers correctly. We are where we are and voting was most definitely part of the process so how did voting deter this shit sandwich? Anyone……?

Keep playing and they will keep laughing at your stupid ass as well they should O’sheeply ones.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 7:52 pm


Don’t think they can pull off the grand charade of at least three debates between Hitlery and tRUMP? The only thing missing is all the mud Hill Can sling right back at him and most of all the guy has zero experience and a loud mouth. Women don’t like him and I predict she will be successful with the help of the MSM to paint him as the all time sexist woman abuser ever to run for any office. Radical feminism here we come!

Maggie, there are two women for every man in Merica and most of them won’t feel good about voting for him. It will be a hatchet job by the MSM… wait. I have seen it many times before.

  Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 9:30 am

I think that the very FACT that we have only Trump and Hillbitch as viable candidates speaks volumes for our country. I truly will be surprised if she actually debates him. I think he knows he will lose and therefore, has nothing more to LOSE by saying exactly what he wants to say to her face. Which would be great entertainment to the 49 percent of the country who loathe her and her scumbag family.

She knows that.

  Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 9:32 am

And Bea… Two Women for every MAN?

Here, I fixed it for you: “Two Women/pussified males for every REAL man in this country.”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 6:00 pm

Maggie – You argue from the position that only Trump has mud to sling and therefore has a huge advantage. That would be a miscalculation, the Hitlery commercials have already been quite effective painting the Donald in a negative light.

It is mind boggling what the right mind control strategically planted can do to turn the sheep toward a different direction. I can’t stand either of these WWF frauds so it makes no difference to me who out maneuvers who.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
August 22, 2016 5:35 pm

Only slaves vote. Free people have no rulers and therefore no need to vote.