Why Nourish with COCONUT – ‘The Wonder Fruit’

Via Super Foods Living

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August 26, 2016 9:34 am

Switching from Olive oil in my diet to almost exclusively Coconut oil resulted in very high cholesterol level that was barely affected by Statins that made me feel like I was on a downward sprial with death waiting at the end to completely normal and healthy levels and greatly improved energy and a feeling of being healthier.

Anecdotal of course, but worth a try and easy to do. Just substitute Coconut oil in place of other added fats in your diet (raw oil has a coconut flavor to it, refined oil is almost as good as raw and has no flavor if you don’t like the coconut taste).

(Effects aren’t instantaneous the way we expect drugs to be, the improvement occurs slowly over time but some benefits should be apparent rather quickly.)

August 26, 2016 12:41 pm

My wife is bad for grabbing every new health fad she hears about. Recently she tried ” oil pulling ”

It involves wishing this oil in your mouth to pull off bacteria. Whatever.
So I see her swishing this oil. She is using coconut oil which resembles a different ” nut ” oil.
So she swishes this crap for like 5 minutes and then spits it into the sink. It lays here like a guilty glob. I look her in the eye and say :

I don’t wanna here another no regarding blowjobs ever.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard, formerly known as Elpidio Corona aka El Coyote
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard, formerly known as Elpidio Corona aka El Coyote
August 26, 2016 2:28 pm

Just cause they look like coconuts don’t mean they will taste like coconuts.

August 26, 2016 1:46 pm


Alexender pop
Alexender pop
August 26, 2016 10:56 pm

Coconut oil is good for health.In this we can make dishes,vegetables etc. with coconut oil.We can chumpy our hairs with coconut oil..
Thanks for sharing…

Sedona Rocks
Sedona Rocks
August 31, 2016 10:08 pm

Love coconut!! I use it as a body lotion. It penetrates deeply and feels great!