Hillary’s Corruption Knows No End

White House Hillarys Den of ThievesThe revelations about Hillary are never ending. Even Donald Trump who admits buying politicians donated $100,000 to Hillary’s Foundation back in 2009. While others were handing her tens of millions to get deals from the State Department, with a token $100,000, Trump was obviously just putting his name on the list for influence as he has admitted. But Hillary is really the poster child for everything that is wrong in Washington. This is politicians just in your face with corruption going wild. The fact that everyone I speak with behind the curtain knows Hillary has always been for sale, demonstrates that they are sanctioning her running for president implying they too are anything but honest.

Standard Oil MinopolyHillary’s tentacles even connect to Ukraine, which  is starting to surface. Where at the turn of the 20th century, the corruption was seen as Rockefeller and his Standard Oil. It was portrayed as having tentacles that stretched everywhere. Today, that is Hillary.

Oligarchs who once supported Viktor Yanukovych, the fourth President of Ukraine who fled during the revolution, have cleaned their image by donating money to Hillary. The Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who spoke at Davos, was also the top donor for Clinton’s pretend charitable foundation.It is amazing what money can buy.

Since 2006, Pinchuk has given about 13.1 million dollars to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Why are foreign billionaires donating to Hillary’s charity in the USA? It gets them access and influence on the world stage. So as mainstream media join in this conspiracy to create the coronation of Hillary, one must wonder just how bad things will get with her in the White House? Can you image her negotiating with China? She creates another “Foundation” offshore hidden from view for their donation to change policy.

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August 27, 2016 4:13 pm

The fact that Hillary stands a decent chance of being the next President speaks volumes about our political system and our electorate. Despite the lies, the lies about the lies, the unbridled graft, her tired and dis-proven political plank, the unmitigated corruption in every chapter of her life and her utter disrespect and disdain for everyday Americans, there is still a sizable group of the voting population that has a craving to see her elevated to the throne.

I suppose that the group that desires to see her in the White House can be divided among three groups: (A) Those that believe every bit of the verbal diarrhea that gushes from her deceitful mouth and the mouths of her bought and paid for media, (B) Those who know and will admit that she is a corrupt and unscrupulous hag, but want her elected for the sake of left-wing ideology, and finally (C) Those that don’t care about her character or her politics, but are primarily concerned with her birth gender. You know, we had our first black president, so now it’s time for a female president. With that line of thinking what comes next? Our first transvestite president? Our first Muslim president? Oh wait…never mind.

Holy Skolkovo, have TPTB already so thoroughly succeeded in dumbing down such a large percentage of the population such that morality, trustworthiness, honesty, decency, respect and ethics are totally irrelevant when selecting a nominee or a president? I imagine that question can only be answered affirmatively. What these devotees of Clinton should consider is that Hillary only cares about herself, first and foremost and then her immediate family. Nobody else matters to her. She has proven that numerous times and reaffirmed that at Benghazi.

There are very stormy sociopolitical seas brewing, both domestically and globally. It is frightening that some people have comfort with her steering us through these churning waters – absolutely frightening. Personally, I would love to see the Sea-Hag walk instead of talk the plank.

August 27, 2016 4:46 pm

Have we forgotten BOSNIA?

larry morris
larry morris
August 27, 2016 4:49 pm

well good by america.

August 27, 2016 5:00 pm

If the nation elects Hillary, then the nation will justly deserve everything that Hillary will cause.

August 27, 2016 6:23 pm

but what if the nation does not elect hillary, but hillary elects hillary anyways?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 27, 2016 7:03 pm

Bah. Hillary is just a whore to the big donors and a liar to the plebes. That The Rump financed this seizure prone skank doesnt make me want to vote for the oompa loompa pimp daddy.

Let the pollex down crowd begin.

August 27, 2016 11:39 pm

Martin Armstrong recently provided links teaching about growing
food in the house/basement under lights. What does he know?
I think the day of reckoning for the dollar is approaching. The
reserve currency status for the US will end. That concept alone
should be a wake-up call for people. Prepare to be poor/poorer.
I am thinking most TBP readers are smart and savvy…which means
they are likely to have resources. I mean money. Use some of the money to stock up on items and food resources that can be stored.
If nothing dire occurs you can always use the items as you would
an extended pantry. I think we can predict something dire will
happen. What and when is the question.

August 28, 2016 5:24 am

The biggest problem, Susanna, is that even if you prepare to survive through the disaster that is coming, what then?

How do we rebuild a society of which we want to be part?

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
August 28, 2016 8:21 am

“How do we rebuild a society of which we want to be part”?
The Hardscrabble Farmer way. 🙂

August 28, 2016 10:32 am

Part of Non Complience is to move to states with lower taxes. And said states should drive to move taxes even lower by cutting eduction to the bone forcing people into private schools and home schooling.

This will be the way to decide the country officially. Existing laws will provide the frame work for what is to come.

There will be a recursion just as in Detroit. People leaving high tax states will beget more people leaving faster and faster. Leaving the Democrats behind to fend for themselves.