As this vitriolic, unpredictable, outrageously entertaining presidential campaign enters its final stages I find myself pondering what happens next. I was reminded of the last scene in the 1972 movie, The Candidate. The movie is about a young untested non-politician candidate for U.S. Senator in California who puts his fate in the hands of a veteran political operative and overcomes a double digit polling deficit to win a huge upset victory. His entire focus during the campaign was to win. In the final scene of the movie he is standing among the celebrating campaign staffers and the fawning press corp. with a befuddled look on his face. He grabs his political consultant campaign manager and pulls him into a room. As the press break into the room he asks, “What do we do now?” The question goes unanswered and the movie ends.

The chattering class on the boob tube is enthralled and aghast at every seizure, collapse, and deplorable comment by the two most disliked presidential candidates in U.S. history. The establishment and their corporate media mouthpieces are perplexed and irate that Donald Trump has overcome their propaganda campaign to be leading in the polls with 51 days to go. He is a non-politician who was behind by double digits in the polls a month ago. He hired professional political operatives who have molded his message, while his opponent has been lying about her health, lying about selling access while Secretary of State, and denigrating blue collar middle class Americans in campaign speeches. The momentum is clearly in his favor and absent a major gaffe during the debates he could win an unlikely come from behind victory in November.

No one knows for sure what will happen over the next 43 days to impact the outcome of this highly improbable race between a reality TV star parody and a walking corpse propped up by her establishment cronies in the media, Wall Street, military industrial complex and smoke filled backrooms of D.C. The sole focus of both campaigns is to disparage and destroy their opponent. The negative attack ads will fill TV screens 24/7 for the remainder of this scorched earth fight to the death. The debates will be nasty and venomous, with accusations being hurled maliciously and with gusto. The corporate press corp., being the mouthpieces for the establishment, has done their utmost to scorn, ridicule and attempt to derail Trump’s march to the presidency.

They are shocked and stunned by the failure of their propaganda campaign. The basket of deplorables not inhabiting the liberal bastions of NYC, Washington DC, LA and SF are ignoring the unabashed media crusade to destroy Trump. Trust in the dying legacy media is at all-time lows. The linear thinking establishment has failed to acknowledge the cyclical nature of history and will now reap the whirlwind of consequences for their corrupt, greedy, traitorous actions.

The myopic media is so fixated on the minutia and trivialities related to the terribly flawed personalities of these Boomer candidates ascending to the throne of the American empire, they fail to step back and understand the real dynamics at work. When you comprehend the undercurrents of history it allows you to interpret the current mood of the electorate using the perspective of the Fourth Turning. This election is taking place in the eighth year of a crisis period which is likely to last through the next decade. Written in 1996, Strauss & Howe’s opus has been eerily prescient in predicting the start of and progression of the fourth crisis period in America history, all separated by approximately 80 years – a long human life.

“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning 

This Crisis was catalyzed by the housing bubble that reached its peak in 2005, leading to the worldwide financial collapse in September 2008. There is no denying a Crisis mood overtook the country in 2008 and after a temporary lull brought about by the unprecedented money printing scheme by the Federal Reserve and central bankers across the globe, the mood has been darkening rapidly as this election approaches. The fabric of the country is being shredded along racial, class, religious and party lines, as real hardship spreads across the land.

The Soros backed Black Lives Matter has turned into a domestic terrorist organization spurring young black men to ambush and slaughter police officers and innocent bystanders. Radicalized Islamic terrorists are committing mass murder, setting off bombs, and attacking non-believers. The corporate oligarch class, the Wall Street cabal, and their puppets at the Federal Reserve have effectively impoverished and destroyed the working middle class. Both political parties have shown their true corrupt colors as anti-establishment candidates Sanders and Trump generated enthusiastic support to the chagrin of the party bosses.

As we approach the midpoint of this Fourth Turning the regeneracy propelling the next phase appears to be an anti-establishment tsunami of epic proportions engulfing the nation and sweeping away the existing social order in a torrent of bile, venom, accusations and the shrieks of social justice warriors. Hillary’s deplorables are committed to expurgating the institutional cancer pulsating through every corpuscle of this terminally ill empire of debt.

Taking back control of a country, which has been captured in a silent coup by Deep State players of both parties, liberal and conservative ideologies, and corporate interests, has become a relentless quest of the debased and defrauded middle class. The Deep State traitors are driven solely by an unquenchable thirst for wealth, power and control, regardless of the impact on average Americans.

The darkening mood of the country has cast a shadow over this election, as the corrupt political establishment and their corporate media collaborators are failing in their unrelenting propaganda campaign to destroy Trump. The “experts”, pollsters, and pundits are shocked and appalled that a loud mouthed non-politician TV personality could possibly be on the verge of winning the presidency.

These linear thinkers can’t understand why their playbook of lies, misinformation, pointless social justice issues and a myriad of other inane distractions aren’t working this time. They fail to acknowledge that history is cyclical and we’ve entered the phase when generational cohorts are aligned for dramatic sweeping change. The data is there for all to see, but those benefiting from the current perverted paradigm will not be swept aside without a bloody fight.

Based on recent Gallup polls, the establishment probably realizes they’ve gone too far, but their insatiable desire for mammon and supremacy over the levers of finance, politics, and corporate share cropping, has blinded them to the reality of the devastation they’ve wrought on Main Street America. Average American families have seen their standard of living relentlessly driven into the ground by Federal Reserve created inflation designed to benefit their fraud loving Wall Street benefactors, greedy corporate executives, and psychopath politicians who’ve promised voters $200 trillion more than they can deliver. Good paying blue collar jobs have been shipped overseas by Ivy League MBA CEO’s who use wage arbitrage models to calculate how to optimize their stock price and executive bonuses. This is why the real median household income is lower than it was in 1999 and about equal to what it was in 1989.

For those not occupying academic ivory towers or gleaming office palaces in downtown Manhattan, life in the trenches is brutal, back breaking and untenable. With no wage growth in a quarter of a century, crushing healthcare costs due to Obamacare, rents skyrocketing as home prices have been artificially boosted to save Wall Street bankers, government run education and financing leading to a millennial debt crisis, and a Federal Reserve destroying the finances of senior citizens, savers, pension plans, and bondholders, how could anyone other than myopic oligarchs and their cronies expect average Americans to keep taking it without fighting back?

Is it any wonder that 73% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country? This is a massive decline from the 71% satisfied readings of the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Do you think this might have something to do with the depressionary economic conditions being experienced by the majority of Americans since 2001?

Considering the Wall Street banking cabal has been ransacking, pillaging and defrauding the American people since 2000 with their fabricated internet boom and the largest control fraud in world history – their mortgage/housing Ponzi scheme, it is entirely logical for tens of millions of hard working Americans in flyover country to be outraged and ready to throw the bums out. The propagandists who have worked tirelessly to consciously and systematically manipulate the public mind through social engineering in government controlled public schools, mass media messaging, and the constant use of fear by government apparatchiks, believe their control of these societal mechanisms is beneficial for our country and the world.

This “invisible government”, the true ruling power in this country, has used their Bernaysian propaganda techniques to mold the minds, desires, beliefs, ideas, and tastes of the masses for decades, but they’ve gone too far, stolen too much, and pushed the average American to the brink. The middle class is steadily being destroyed, along with hope for a better tomorrow, as reflected in Gallup polling data.

The former middle class citizens of this country aren’t sure who screwed them over because they have been busy trying to make a living, while simultaneously being distracted by iGadgets, 700 cable TV stations, social media, sports and myriad of other bread and circus diversions. They’ve been brainwashed to believe the two organized political parties offer them a choice. The two parties are co-conspirators in the creation of this welfare/warfare empire of debt.

Since 2000, we’ve had eight years of a Republican president, eight years of a Democrat president, with both parties having control of Congress at various points over the sixteen years. The national debt, after 211 years of this country’s existence, was $5.7 trillion in 2000. Both parties are responsible for the 342% increase over the last sixteen years to $19.5 trillion. Democrats agreed to never ending warfare in exchange for Republican support for an expansion of the entitlement state. Meanwhile, the country’s GDP only rose 79% over the same time frame.

The puppet politicians in Washington D.C. have only done what their “invisible government” puppeteers have instructed them to do. They don’t answer to the voters or their local constituents. They answer to Wall Street bankers, the military industrial complex, mega-corporation CEOs, and shadowy billionaire oligarchs who fund their corrupt existence. These feckless politician hacks could never have added $13.8 trillion to the national debt in the last sixteen years and run the country’s unfunded welfare liabilities to $200 trillion without the Wall Street controlled privately owned Federal Reserve manning the printing presses and manipulating interest rates to enrich their “invisible government” benefactors. They have inflated away 97% of the dollar’s purchasing power since their shadowy creation in 1913. They are single biggest reason real wages have not advanced since 1971. They are the reason the top 0.1% now have the highest percentage of the national wealth since 1929.

Make no mistake about it, everything the Federal Reserve has done since the Wall Street created worldwide financial collapse in 2008 has been to benefit their Too Big To Trust Wall Street owners, the rich and powerful oligarchs, and the biggest borrowers on the planet – the U.S., Japan and EU governments. The $3.8 trillion of QE was funneled into the vaults of the Wall Street bankers so they could pretend their insolvent balance sheets were solvent. The true purpose was to drive stock prices higher in order to subsidize Wall Street, corporate executives, and the .01% who own most of the stocks, while giving the appearance of economic recovery.

The inflation created by QE drove the middle class standard of living lower as energy, food, rent, home prices, health insurance, tuition costs and taxes rose relentlessly. Wall Street and their establishment crony capitalist parasites hit the jackpot in this rigged game, while Main Street lost again.  The Fed’s easy money policies are why since 1999 home prices have risen 76% while household median real income has fallen by over 1%. Pricing millennials out of the housing market has led to the lowest home ownership rate since 1965.

Luckily, the Fed and Wall Street concocted a scheme whereby Wall Street used the free money provided by the Fed to buy up millions of foreclosed homes at fire sale prices and rent them back to the poor schlubs who had been recently evicted by the very same Wall Street banks. The engineered shortage of home inventory led to soaring rent costs for everyone. This is called winning by the establishment.

Reducing interest rates to 0% again benefited those with the most debt: Wall Street banks, mega-corporations, and the U.S. government. It destroyed the finances of senior citizens living off their savings, penalized people for saving, and incentivized heavily indebted consumers to borrow more. How did allowing Wall Street banks to borrow at 0% so they could charge consumers 15% on credit card balances and 6% on auto loans benefit consumers? Did the government enslaving young people in $1.3 trillion of student loan debt with only low paying service jobs available at graduation, benefit anyone other than for profit diploma mills?

The Fed supposedly instituted their ZIRP as an emergency measure during an economic conflagration not seen since the Great Depression. According to the government and the Fed, we are now in the seventh year of an economic recovery with low unemployment, record corporate profits, household income jumping the most in history, and the stock market at all-time highs. If this fantasy narrative was true, the Fed’s discount rate would be 3% to 4% – not .25%. We are lost in a blizzard of lies.

At this point in the cycle only the truly cognitively deficient, Ivy League professors and lapdogs for the ruling class believe the tripe, disguised as government sanctioned economic data, being peddled by those desperately trying to retain hegemony over the country. The real people living in the real world know unemployment is not 4.9%, but north of 15%. They know inflation is not really 1.1%, but north of 5%. They know GDP is a warped measure of economic health, as soaring healthcare expenditures boosts it and using a real measure of inflation would reveal recessionary readings. They know Obamacare has driven their health insurance costs higher and made their care worse. They know “free trade” agreements like NAFTA and TPP result in their jobs being shipped overseas by corporate conglomerates. They know taxes and government fees ceaselessly march higher. They know the government has spent $4 trillion conducting an unwinnable war on terror by waging undeclared wars around the world and we’re less safe than we were in 2001.

Our leaders have made all the wrong choices. The American people have allowed a small cabal of powerful deceitful men to stealthily capture the financial, economic, political and social levers of power in this nation. The result will be depression, violence and ultimately war.

“History offers no guarantees. If America plunges into an era of depression or violence which by then has not lifted, we will likely look back on the 1990s as the decade when we valued all the wrong things and made all the wrong choices.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The darkening angry mood in the country is self-evident. Race relations are deteriorating rapidly. Cops are increasingly seen as the enemy or just revenue generating shakedown artists for their establishment bosses. Home grown Islamic radicals have been inspired by ISIS and other Muslim terrorist organizations (created, funded, and armed by the U.S. government) to slaughter the American infidels, while our government actively attempts to allow more into our country.

As Snowden revealed, the Deep State has created a surveillance state because they see “the people” as the enemy. They realize the militizaration of police forces and conducting military assault exercises in U.S. cities is not to protect them, but to protect the Deep State. The social justice red herrings are meant to distract the populace and keep them chasing their tails, while the looting and pillaging of the nation’s wealth continues unabated.

Honest, hard-working, traditional, family oriented households, not ensconced in the liberal elite bastions of NYC, DC, LA, or SF, have lost trust in politicians and their fellow Americans. The largest percentage of Americans in history distrusts all politicians and the government institutions run by these corrupt sycophants. Conservatives think liberals are brain dead. Liberals think conservatives have no heart. The social fabric of the nation is in tatters.

There is absolutely no desire for compromise on any issue. The insurgent crusades of Sanders on the left and Trump on the right have shattered establishment illusions they could continue to hand pick captured cronies who would do their bidding. The linear thinkers in the mainstream media are stunned their propaganda campaign to destroy Trump and elevate the choice of the establishment – Clinton – has failed miserably. It shouldn’t be a surprise based upon the Gallup polling data.

With an ongoing depression for the majority of American households, extreme dissatisfaction with the course of the country, and complete distrust of establishment politicians, it would be highly unlikely for the people to select the ultimate corrupt establishment lackey as their next president. While Trump draws tens of thousands to his rallies, low energy sickly Clinton can barely fill a high school gymnasium.

Despite outspending Trump 10 to 1 on negative ads, Trump is either leading or tied in national and key state polls. Considering the establishment controlled media is probably skewing the polls and the huge silent majority isn’t telling the truth, Trump’s lead is probably larger than being reported. The panic among the Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley elite is palpable. The anger and disillusionment of the majority is being channeled by Trump in a crusade to sweep away the existing social order. There is no escaping the Fourth Turning.

“Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning the way you might today distance yourself from news, national politics, or even taxes you don’t feel like paying. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted. The Fourth Turning necessitates the death and rebirth of the social order. It is the ultimate rite of passage for an entire people, requiring a luminal state of sheer chaos whose nature and duration no one can predict in advance.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

Unless the Deep State can rig the election or arrange for something unfortunate to befall Mr. Trump, we are likely to have a president Trump on November 8. When viewed within the context of the Fourth Turning, it is entirely logical that a cocksure Prophet Generation leader would emerge as a response to the anti-establishment regeneracy mood surging across the land. Being a libertarian minded realist, I realize the coming challenges will not be met with less government intervention, less government spending, or less money printing by the Federal Reserve. The era of procrastination and half measures is over.

“The era of procrastination, of half measures, of soothing and baffling expedience of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.” – Winston Churchill

Donald Trump and the country he will lead will be dining on a banquet of consequences for the remainder of this Fourth Turning. Trump has been a master of sound bites. The “Make America Great” slogan has resonated with the masses, but slogans won’t pay the interest on the $20 trillion national debt, make good on $200 trillion of unfunded entitlement liabilities, honor government pension plans that are $4 trillion underfunded, or turn $1 trillion annual deficits into surpluses. No candidate has ever been elected by promising to cut entitlements and asking the voters to tighten their belts and be prepared to sacrifice. They promise them more goodies.

Trump has promised to cut corporate and personal income taxes. Who doesn’t like lower taxes? He will cut regulations. Sounds good. He will expand government childcare subsidies. Sounds expensive. Not a peep about Social Security, Medicare, or defense spending. In fact, Trump declares he will rebuild the military. Cutting taxes and regulations, while starting a trade war, will not pay for itself.

Deficits, which are already on automatic pilot to reach $1 trillion in the next few years, will be driven higher. Voodoo economics didn’t work in the 1980s and it won’t work now. This isn’t a TV reality show where the happy ending can be scripted. I picture Trump making his glorious acceptance speech at 11:00 pm on November 8, striding backstage after the speech, turning to Steve Bannon and asking, “What do we do now?”

When I started writing articles about the economy, banks, military industrial complex and corrupt politicians back in 2008, I still naively believed the system could be changed from within. I thought Ron Paul’s vision could save the country. But after watching politicians double the national debt, TARP passed by corrupt politicians of both parties when 90% of their constituents were against it, not one criminal banker prosecuted for the biggest fraud in world history, a president waging undeclared wars all over the world, a national healthcare plan passed against the wishes of the people, and a rogue Federal Reserve implementing disastrous monetary schemes to enrich Wall Street while throwing seniors under the bus, I realized this rigged system is unfixable.

Trump may have the best intentions, but he will be foiled at every turn by his enemies in both parties, along with the ingrained establishment government apparatchiks running the hundreds of useless government agencies. The media will skewer his every statement. Wall Street and corporate America will threaten his agenda if it negatively impacts them in any way. The “invisible government” might decide it’s time to pull the rug out from beneath the overvalued markets, resulting in a crash. The civil chaos is likely to spread as Soros funds the violence. He will be tested by foreign powers. The Middle East is guaranteed to explode in chaotic violence.

Trump may have second thoughts about taking the helm of U.S. Titanic after it has already hit the iceberg. History is cyclical and we are only halfway through this Fourth Turning. The risk of catastrophe over the next decade is high. I have studied history and believe we will be confronted with economic, social, and military upheaval on par with the Great Depression/World War II crisis and the Civil War crisis. We are doomed to repeat history, whether we’ve studied it or not, because human failings span across the ages. Whether we meet the deadly challenges ahead will decide the fate of our country.

“The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

Notify of
September 26, 2016 6:05 am

” … these Boomer candidates ascending to the thrown of the American empire, ….” ——- article

Just an fyi cuz I know this is gonna be picked up far and wide.

The bolded word above should be “throne”.

OK … back to reading the rest of the article …

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
September 26, 2016 9:27 am

I think Stucky just skimmed the article because he missed the paragraph containing “life in the trenches is brutal, back braking and untenable”. I’m pretty sure you meant “breaking”.
Grate reed thoe. i lernt lots. 🙂 Weuns be skrood.

September 26, 2016 12:22 pm

I picked up the “back braking” oops.

September 26, 2016 6:26 am

Holy Shite! What an article! What more can be said?

If I may summarize: We’re fucked with Clinton, we’re fucked with Trump.

Weird, how life is … to KNOW what’s coming, yet powerless to stop it.

Wonderful article. Damned depressing. #fuckit. Well, since Admin quoted a movie, so will I.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 26, 2016 11:42 am


Did you just fucking ‘hashtag’ something?

Do it again, we’re taking your Man Card.

Last and only warning.

September 26, 2016 4:38 pm

We will survive with our republic intact, we will elect
Donald Trump and become allies with Russia in a world
wide war to destroy weaponized Islam. We will throw the snarky neocon’s out along with their cocked up neocolonial wars across Central Asia. We will jail Hillary Clinton if she survives her vascular dementia. We will
support Israel as a single Jewish state. America will
fucking prevail !!!!

September 26, 2016 4:41 pm

Islam will not survive in its present form….

September 27, 2016 6:48 am

Yeah, sure thing Prothero.

r a feibel
r a feibel
September 27, 2016 9:24 am


September 27, 2016 2:10 pm

you drank way too much for breakfast today

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 28, 2016 4:25 pm

Good luck with that.

September 27, 2016 9:29 am


There is a never a wrong time to quit drinking.


Huck Finn
Huck Finn
September 27, 2016 12:44 pm

I was thinking there is never a wrong time to have another adult beverage. Cheers!

  Huck Finn
September 27, 2016 9:50 pm

I had an uncle who drank a 1/2 a fifth of whiskey every day of his life and lived to the ripe old age of twenty-eight. Embalming wasn’t necessary.

September 27, 2016 2:27 pm

Day at the Beach.
If of course you mean by that…
A day spent in pleasurable or frantic activity, observing a continuing series of waves marching towards you.
Knowing that of course there is nothing you could possibly do to stop the waves, yet comforted by the inevitability of it all.
Meanwhile keeping an eye out for the waves to stop and recede out to sea, a sure sign of a Tsunami. Then it’s an all out run to high ground, assuming of course you know where that is, and your not blocked by others leaving.
Practice. Practice. Practice…
and Prepare.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 26, 2016 6:36 am

The linear, progressive mindset is one that will be pulled up by its roots and thrown on the rocks to die.

Everything is a cycle, everything. Nothing marches forward forever and the further it does, the more dramatic the results of physics will be when it follows Nature’s path.

Another exemplary work, golf claps from the edge of the abyss.

  hardscrabble farmer
September 26, 2016 6:23 pm

Everything evolves, even physics, as the multiverse theory shows. 19th century physics believed entropy led to an inexorable dissolution of complexity in the universe, whereas today the thinking is that ever increasing complexity is what the arrow of time brings. On the scale of human culture, that means ever evolving science, technology and social organization. Fantasies of an apolocalpae may be nice when you want to prove you’re right and everyone else is wrong, but they do t have much to do with where we’re headed.

September 26, 2016 6:40 pm

Indeed sir, just as the fantasies of “settled science”, especially regarding AGW, are little more than propaganda that don’t have much to do with where we’re headed.

September 26, 2016 6:41 am

Admin, you are the Thomas Paine, or perhaps, the Voltaire, of our times.

September 26, 2016 6:51 am

I reread it. Two observations from Admin particularly stood out for me.

“Being a libertarian minded realist, I realize the coming challenges will not be met with less government intervention, less government spending, or less money printing by the Federal Reserve.” ———- article.

Many folks here say they won’t vote because it-just-doesn’t-matter. Several folks say TPTB have pre-selected both candidates. I argue with both folks. I am ready to concede that we’re just gonna be served The Same Old Shit Sandwich as before.

Except for two areas. Long time readers know what’s coming. I’m a One Trick Pony at this point. Beating a dead horse.

1. Immigration — I truly believe Donald will stop illegal immigration, especially that of the mooselims.

2. WWIII — Perhaps even the Donald can’t stop WWIII if the worst case scenario happens according to the 4th Turning. However, I strongly believe it’s much much much more likely to happen under Hillcunt.

ADMIN, ol’ buddy! What do YOU think about these two issues? .

I know you’re swamped. A brief one line answer to each will make ol’ Stucky happy. I just wanna know …

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 28, 2016 4:28 pm

A fucking men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 26, 2016 7:03 am

And this one.

“There is absolutely no desire for compromise on any issue.” — article

I’ve actually been thinking about that for a long time now … especially in my personal relationships in my family. My libtard seester knows I’m voting Trump, as are both my parents … and she has almost cut off ALL communication with us.

I think to myself “how goddamned perversely fucked-up are liberals that they even abandon family???!!!!”. That stupid cunt cares more about her fucking rabbits and birds than her own aging parents. GOD, I FUCKING HATE liberals with a passion!!!

I have thought to myself “Can I compromise? Can I find common ground? Can I yield?”. The answer scares me. I can not. Fuck them. I wish most of them dead or, at a minimum, exiled to northern Alaska.

September 26, 2016 7:50 am

On matters of right and wrong

If you’re right and you compromise you become wrong.

If you’re wrong and you do compromise you don’t become right.

Decades long continual compromise with wrong is what has brought our country to the state it is in today and more compromise is not going to fix that.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
September 26, 2016 9:32 am

Well said, anon.

David O'Grady
David O'Grady
September 26, 2016 11:01 am

Now that is a great comment….

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
September 26, 2016 12:43 pm

Think what you will about Ayn Rand, but a comment from her has always stuck with me: There is no compromise between food and poison.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Crimson Avenger
September 27, 2016 7:30 am

Compromise? How does that work?

I’ll give up my guns, but not my business.
I’ll give up my business but not my home.
I’ll give up my home, but I won’t wear the star on my jacket.
I’ll wear the star but I won’t ride in the cattle car.
I’ll ride in the cattle car but I won’t stay at the camp.
I’ll stay at the camp but I won’t go into the shower room.
I’ll go into the shower room.

Of course it can’t happen here…

Deanna Johnston Clark
Deanna Johnston Clark
  Jason Calley
September 27, 2016 8:51 am

We put our honor in the cattle car ourselves when we swiped those plastic cards for slave made products all through the 1990s. Bill put us in bed with a dictatorship of amazing talent in manufacturing…and we are pregnant with the results.
I’m glad China and other countries are doing better…but I’m horrified that we got no human rights improvements in return. And now, WE have the giant prison farms and surveillance.
Black History Month teaches American children how slavery was too profitable to end…how people didn’t want to give up snacks and cheap cotton. It’s come round again….
This is a brilliant article. But there’s a lot of good folks here who want to serve, who do care, and who love the USA. We don’t see Russia or anyone else as a greater enemy than our own homegrown greed.

  Deanna Johnston Clark
September 27, 2016 9:40 am

I agree and would call on people please stop using those damn plastic cards for every purchase. The powers that be are trying to steal the last vestige of pure anonymity from us-CASH. Every time you buy something with those cards just reinforces the idea that currency should be digits and electronic. Buying groceries? USE CASH! Booze? USE CASH! Use Cash for many things you buy and put an end to this power/control scheme.

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 28, 2016 4:36 pm

Sorry I have to disagree somewhat. The solution is stick it to the banks by using every bit of credit you can to get whatever you need then file bankruptcy. The chapter 13 rules allow you to fuck the banks and pay back other creditors with small dollars. The chapter 7 rules let you save your house and car and fuck the banks for the rest. You have to realize it is a cash world for you after this, but given the world we see ahead your credit score means nothing. I say borrow and get all you can before the shit hits the fan then fuck the banks and stick it to them while you hoard everything you need and want.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Deanna Johnston Clark
September 27, 2016 10:08 am

Hey Deanna! I am sometimes reminded of the Opium Wars. The British Empire was importing so many goods from China that they needed some way to balance things out. The solution? Hook the Chinese people on opium and then sell them the opium. Pass laws that prevent the Chinese from keeping opium out of the country. Of course that was a century and a half ago… but the Chinese have long memories. Today, the US is undergoing the new opium war, only this time instead of opium from the British to China, it is China supplying the opium to the US. And in truth, it is not actually opium we are hooked on. It is a different drug; cheap consumer electronics, manufactured goods, food stuffs, and industrial supplies. We are hooked, and the net result is the destruction of our industrial capacity, increasing debt, and a constant filling of garbage dumps with broken and worn out junk.

Of course it is not just the Chinese, and besides, I don’t really blame them. They have worked their butts off to produce all those tiny “economic weapons of mass destruction”. Instead, I blame our politicians, starting with Nixon and Kissinger. They sold out to people, corporations and central banks, which make billions from the process. They are traitors.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 9:45 am


Northern Alaska won’t work because they can still walk back to civilization.

I got better idea. Canuckistan has many Islands.
Largely Uninhabited.
There for the taking. Ready to be turned into a Libtard Workers Paradise free from the evil corruptions of free tinkers and libertarians.

Somerset Island has a nice ring to it.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Selling features include ocean view and lots of space….

A win win eh!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 11:11 am

Yes. And 10 months of good snow mobiling with two months of poor snow mobiling.

September 26, 2016 12:00 pm


A “compromise” is both sides giving up what they can afford to and meeting at some middle point where neither side gets everything they want, but they can live with it…

In living memory, when has THAT shit ever happened?

All’s I’ve seen is one group acquiescing to the others’ demands, being pushed towards the cliff – little by little, over the past few decades… and now look where we are: strangers in our own land – picked on, vilified, marginalized, having to take the blame for everyone’s boo-boos, gripes and bellyaching, no matter where in the world it happened or when, taxed to the breaking point to pay for everyone else…

And now we’re being replaced openly. If we dare to complain about it, we’re labelled “racists”, ostracized and rendered persona non grata

People forget that even the smallest animal on God’s Earth will fight – teeth and claws, to the last breath – when cornered, faced with their own elimination and having no way out. Even if they know they have little to no chance of survival – because with luck, you can take your antagonist with you on the way out.

Not saying I am advocating anything. Not saying I am glad a throwdown is coming. I’ve made that very clear before.

All’s I’m saying is that the smart money says if you take a proud, productive people and shit on them for generations, blame them for everything, pull the cart for everyone else, kick the economy into a cocked hat with for-shit “treaties” that destroy our manufacturing base, debase the currency by placating the money-men, and then make an open effort to replace those proud, productive people – well, the smart money says being “somewhere else” when they go the fuck off is a good idea – picking up some change of address forms down at the post office and buying a plane ticket to a non-extradition country might be good plan for their long-term survival.


September 26, 2016 3:47 pm

Fantastic read Admin, even tops your last 4th turning articles!

Stucky, I agree but you know you can’t reason with libtards. They only know what they know and there is nothing else that matters. Hard as I have tried, I just give up and move on. As far as I’m concerned they are on their own when the worm turns.

Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
September 27, 2016 1:47 am

You bastard! Why would you wish that on northern Alaska!

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
September 27, 2016 10:51 am

Why would you want to mess up Alaska? Send them to live with their dear Muslim pals.

valduchi mendoza
valduchi mendoza
September 27, 2016 11:20 am

How ironic that liberals care about birds and rabbits more than their own flash and blood. Stucky, I feel your pain. Seriously!

September 28, 2016 1:37 pm

so you “think” “how fucked up liberals are that they even abandon family”, then you reveal that you cannot compromise and wish they were dead…

Wow, I would abandon you too, if you were my family…your attitude suggests a three year old denied candy…what an asshole…

September 28, 2016 7:17 pm

Randy — aka Mr. Shit For Brains (with apologies to shit)

I wish WHO dead?? My family???? You fucking idiot. First of all, the only libtard in my family is my sister AND I DO NOT WISH HER DEAD, you stupid shitfuk. I was talking about libtards in general. Let me add you to the list. Good lord, I’d give a thousand bucks to kick you in the fuck.

READ FOR COMPREHENSION. Take an online class. Ask a retard to assist you. Whatever.

September 30, 2016 12:07 am

Fuck you Stucky! I live in northern Alaska and I don’t want those fuck sticks up here!

“Deplorable” Olga
“Deplorable” Olga
September 26, 2016 7:07 am

Epic rant there Admin – congrats!

I’ll forward to a few peeps but what I’d really like to do is print it out and have my leftie book club read it *out loud* to discover what exactly they disagree with or are ignorant of.

September 26, 2016 7:39 am

Admin – you lit Stucky’s fire with this one! Good – he needs to boil off some of that lard and blow off some of that steam! Stuck, my friend you’ll be healthier that way!

Jim, another superior article. HSF again hit the nail.. Cycles. Bad follows good. Illness follows health. With sufficient work and personal responsibility, if not wealth, at least well being follows poverty. Sunshine follows rain. Death follows life. Joy follows tears. Love follows loneliness. Disappointment follows joy. Success follows failure —- and the other way around. We are, as HSF so nicely put it, living in a world of cycles.

Actually we live within and are ourselves of constant change; of Nature; right in the midst of a vast, monstrous, huge, unbelievably (and unknown) powerful and totally uncaring Universe where we, as human mice, prance and dance and pretend to be important and of some consequence (to who? to what?)…

Turnings follow one another although none of those things on the list are predictable in duration or extent or even meaning.

Because in the truly Big Picture, we are pissants on an infinite plane of existence and we are so small and without meaning that our entire Galaxy could vanish in a flash of energy, light and fire and nothing would change throughout the rest of the Universe. And we are so self-important. To which I say – piffle.

Live your life as if you own it – which is the only damn thing you do own. Love hugely – especially a good man or good woman and children, smile often and large, treat those less fortunate or able with kindness (but not pity) and leave behind you a trail of better things than you found when you came upon them.

You are today’s Thought of the Day. And that’s all you are.


September 26, 2016 5:20 pm

10 out of 10 for that one

September 26, 2016 8:20 am

Very good read, thanks. I agree with you about trump. As a libertarian minded person myself, I often cring when I hear him talk policy. But, since there is no libertarian to vote for, if I bother to go vote I’ll vote for trump. Not because I think he has a snowballs chance in hell at making America great again(that ship sailed long ago, consequences are what’s for dinner now) but becuase I see him as far less likely to engage us in some world ending nuclear conflict with Russia or China. That, and putting a stop to the insane immigration policies we’ve seen, and maybe not trying to remake the Middle East are pretty much my reasons for doing so. It’s pretty incredible how 16 years of bush and Obama have done this much damage, but policies put in place decades before pretty much set us on autopilot.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 8:43 am


a GREAT one…. Can’t help but think back to a movie. That great and epic rant.

Your article seems so fitting on such a pivotal day.

The time is close. On the weekend I had a conversation with a friend from away. Things turned to politics and the choices we had made in our lives. I find myself biting my tongue a lot these days in polite company. Most conversations on the surface seem happy to demonize what Trump stands for but I am beginning to sense a shift in mood. An unease.

When I defend Trump many attack not him and his ideas but me. How could I betray the cause.

We, the folks in fly-over country, have spent our lives on tour humping hills in the jungle created for the amusement of the Deep State. We count ourselves lucky to make it thru another night on patrol.

The people who attack me, just want me on Point. They seem satisfied that if my ideas are being scorned then they will be safe. But I am fucking tired of walking thru swamps and those folks are kidding themselves anyways. Years of so-called Liberal policies have not freed us. They have enslaved us. It only becomes more apparent with each passing day. People are beginning to see that the orders we follow don’t help the 99.9%. but the .1%.

[imgcomment image[/img]

I wonder what we will hear after speech tonight.

The MSM will be at the ready with their take on competing visions. But will anyone be listening.

Or will people instead go to a window close-by, grenades at the ready, to frag the delivery boys giving the orders.

The so-called experts and pundits on TV better be careful..

[imgcomment image[/img]

Folks are Mad as Hell and are not going to take it anymore…

  RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 9:46 am


If possible, get new friends! Preferably, deplorable ones!

Believe me … I am in need of new (real world) friends as well.

Muck About
Muck About
September 26, 2016 10:14 am

You always have me, Stuck!!!


Big Dick
Big Dick
  Muck About
September 28, 2016 4:42 pm

And me!

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 10:14 am


I’m working on it…

I have to say that the look on peoples faces when I tell them I support Trump is fucking priceless. If I could figure out a way to monetize the stunned disbelief I would already be a millionaire.

In the meantime I am going to adopt Billy’s attitude and not give a fuck!

[imgcomment image[/img]

My desktop background seems to be pissing the right people off…………

  RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 9:14 pm

I don’t know where you guys live, but I live in eastern central FL it’s the opposite. You don’t here hardly anyone support killery. There’s still a few leftover Bernie stickers around, but that’s it.

  RiNS the deplorable
September 27, 2016 1:19 am

“I have to say that the look on peoples faces when I tell them I support Trump is fucking priceless.”

That’s probably because you’re a Canadian living in Canada-stan!

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 27, 2016 7:37 am


Pretty much true. The Liberal Plague is strong here in Nova Scotia…

September 27, 2016 11:50 am

As deplorable as you are, Stucky, I will always love you. [imgcomment image[/img]

  RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 5:40 pm

“We count ourselves lucky to make it thru another night on patrol.”

RiNS, you’re humpin’ too much stuff, troop. You don’t need half that shit……..

Oh yeah, watch out for the black ants…

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 6:08 pm


One of my favourite movies.

Cheers nkit

go Jays!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 26, 2016 9:11 am

Admin has just written the only common sense article to come across the interwebs to date. He states that thing are fucked up and bullshit due to the factors listed and I agree. Glad he moved on from the illusion of government/politicians can fix/control anything as that is the job of the hidden hand.Politicians are purely for entertainment value.

Excellent article Admin.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Bea Lever
September 26, 2016 10:37 am

@Bea, I’ve never read anything by Jim that indicated he ever had any such “illusions”.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Rise Up
September 26, 2016 11:15 am

Riser – He spent an entire paragraph explaining just that. He admits he believed in the illusion and I saw that he still wanted to believe even two years ago. Do you believe Riser?
I think you do……beware of the matrix as she will seduce you and lie to you and have her way with your mind until you are completely confused and lost in the fog.

Free yourself Riser.

September 26, 2016 9:28 am

Trump won’t fix this nation because he can’t fix this nation. The polarization of the people is as extreme as it was in 1860. Worst case is that we will have a civil war. The real danger will not be the violence but the starvation and disease that will come with a collapse of law and order. The mega cities will be especially hard hit. I hope I am wrong.

Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
September 27, 2016 1:49 am

I hope you are right. LOL (I guess)

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 26, 2016 9:35 am

appears my computer infected by diebold, as bonus points were a constant. great stuff from jim down to all commentors

DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
September 26, 2016 10:05 am

Again I quote from ‘Mrs. Robinson ‘
“Laugh about it, Shout about it when you have to choose. Either way you look at it you lose.”

My hope is that Trump is indeed the lesser of two evils. But there is no doubt in my opinion that we are approaching times that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, especially my children and grandchildren.

I pray I’m wrong!
Beans/Bandaids & Bullets

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 26, 2016 10:14 am

???face it as a nation we are CTD (Circling The Drain) Trump is probably our only shot at turning any thing around ! BUT – $200 trillion in the real hole make America great again , nice slogan , great idea ! With what ? Steel mills gone manufacturing hollowed out to nothing but a shell and we have not trained a millright , welder or any other mechanical trades of heavy industry in mass to facilitate such an undertaking . Can it be done ? Absolutely ! Will the American people suffer and the wealthy theives cough it up and band together and make it work ? Probably not !

September 26, 2016 10:43 am

Here is my favorite line from this one:

“Hillary’s deplorables are committed to expurgating the institutional cancer pulsating through every corpuscle of this terminally ill empire of debt.”

Very thought provoking and disconcerting at the same time. As much as people have hope in Trump’s apparent willingness to speak truth to power regarding the real problems we face, it is important to keep our expectations in check. The odds are not in his favor, or ours.

The debate tonight could be epic and it reminds me of a saying which has become known as the Chinese Curse:

“May you live in interesting times”.

Hold onto your hats Folks and watch your step. It’s about to get trippy.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 26, 2016 10:48 am

Another great piece of writing. Good analogy to that movie. Keep ’em coming, Admin!

P.S. @Stucky, agree with you on the family relationships problem with this particular election. Never seen a divide this deep before with myself and some of my siblings. It’s sad. I keep thinking about the brother vs. brother conflicts of morals during the Civil War 1.0, because there are undertones of morality in this election on issues such as immigration (compassion for immigrants vs. protecting national security) and gender (tranny bathrooms, etc.), among others.

September 26, 2016 10:51 am

“@Bea, I’ve never read anything by Jim that indicated he ever had any such “illusions”.” ——- Rise Up

Rise Up, I think Bea is referring to this comment by Admin; —- “When I started writing articles about the economy, banks, military industrial complex and corrupt politicians back in 2008, I still naively believed the system could be changed from within.”

I remember those days … back on Raging Debate ….. like, when Admin was TOTALLY DELUSIONAL!!!

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 26, 2016 10:58 am

Got it. Thanks for the clarification Stuck. I started reading this blog a few years after that, so my comment is still accurate, as is Bea’s.

September 27, 2016 12:46 pm

Stucky, I was delusional about 45 yrs ago. I thought that the Courts was the last vestige of hope for the people, but that illusion was popped when I finally realized that the Courts system was the security guard for the social order. It wasn’t a a justice system, but a legal system with an agenda to protect the establishment. Just a reading of published opinions and most certainly unpublished opinions confirms that fact.

That is the problem with History. It reveals the motives and scurrilous deeds perpetrated on innocent peoples if one would only look. History is an ugly portrait of the worst in human interaction. This is why History needs to be rewritten by the victors, extolling their noble virtues glossing over their despicable conduct .

Nothing good comes out of Washington DC. Good only comes out of the hearts and minds of men that seek goodness and commit to it. That’s our failing. We commit to our most selfish desires and only change when that fails us as it usually does. We are in a time when our most selfish desires are failing us and change is about to make its appearance on the stage of the world.

I am a leaf hopelessly captured by the stream of humanity coursing its way as it moves toward the falls, to plunge in to the watery abyss below. I reel at the suffering that I see coming, but I realize that suffering is a precursor to change or change would never happen. But… The suffering I see coming, saddens me never the less.

“The Fourth Coming” is less a predictive discourse on what the future holds, I think, but more a treatise on the nature of man, the psychology of man, and his battle with good and evil. It’s a shame that lessons are learned the hard way and then so easily forgotten only to be learned again and again.

Historically knowledge was hard won. Today, the Internet is a fountain of knowledge at your finger tips and I have placed my hopes for a better future for mankind in the variety of ideas and knowledge that it represents. I hope I am right. I have been wrong so many time before.

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 28, 2016 4:47 pm

Those who deny to believe history are deemed to die.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 26, 2016 11:08 am

Jim writes:

“Trump may have the best intentions, but he will be foiled at every turn by his enemies in both parties, along with the ingrained establishment government apparatchiks running the hundreds of useless government agencies. The media will skewer his every statement. Wall Street and corporate America will threaten his agenda if it negatively impacts them in any way. The “invisible government” might decide it’s time to pull the rug out from beneath the overvalued markets, resulting in a crash. The civil chaos is likely to spread as Soros funds the violence. He will be tested by foreign powers. The Middle East is guaranteed to explode in chaotic violence.

Trump may have second thoughts about taking the helm of U.S. Titanic after it has already hit the iceberg. History is cyclical and we are only halfway through this Fourth Turning. The risk of catastrophe over the next decade is high. I have studied history and believe we will be confronted with economic, social, and military upheaval on par with the Great Depression/World War II crisis and the Civil War crisis. We are doomed to repeat history, whether we’ve studied it or not, because human failings span across the ages. Whether we meet the deadly challenges ahead will decide the fate of our country.”

These might be two of the most prescient and important paragraphs written on our political/economic times and this election that I have ever read.

Trump cannot stop the collision course that has been set by our captains at the helm. The best he can do is delay it but I doubt even that is possible. He may be the deep states perfect scape goat for the impending crash – and the deplorables will be blamed for it.

No matter who gets elected bad shit is going to happen.

DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
September 26, 2016 11:17 am

PS: the last line from that movie has stuck with me since. Possibly one of the most thought provoking lines written, along with “they shoot horses, don’t they?”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 26, 2016 11:39 am

I think we are all in agreement (maybe with the exception of Starfcker) that Francis is correct that no matter which puppet we get this place is going to turn to shit. Conversation should turn to how to survive all of this “bad shit” mentally/physically/monetarily. Not just in some prepper sense but as beings moving through a bad movie anticipating pitfalls gleaned from the history of past turnings.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  Bea Lever
September 26, 2016 1:09 pm

Funny Bea, i was just reading comments, looking for a nice place to interject, and francis’ comment looked like a good place. You nailed me. I’m gonna read Jim’s a couple of more times before I do. A lot there.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  starfcker the deplorable
September 26, 2016 2:00 pm

Star – I’m guessing you have the popcorn ready for tonight, pom-poms for missus. The Donald will look like a shinning star next to Harpy . No real issues will be touched on and no real maff will be discussed. The usual non-debate.

September 26, 2016 11:42 am

I really wish I could read one of Admin’s excellent articles like this one and feel like there is a shred of hope that we will not face a catastrophe. I really do.

My husband informed me first thing this morning (after peeking at the news) that a transgendered man has given birth to his own child and started my Monday off poorly. I was sharing some old school photos with a few old friends and came across the first school yearbook (1968) when desegregation took place, merging the black school with the “regular” school. It also happened to be the first year I attended school (kinnygarden) and can remember being told by a young black boy called “Boo” that if he wanted to marry me, I would have to marry him because he was the “man.” I was horrified… not necessarily because he was black but because I didn’t want to marry anyone named “Boo.”

That silliness aside, my musings are to say that in those photos, it is obvious that the black students very much were trying to assimilate and be like the rest of the school population.

I took a class called American Politics once upon a time and the professor made a statement the first day that I disbelieved at the time, but have come to understand was amazingly accurate. He said that everything in our political system eventually comes down to a single issue: RACE.

This fourth turning is going to get very ugly.

Stucky, I don’t “love” my rabbits more than family, but I do like the way they taste in a stew.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 11:51 am


I read the same thing.
Felt the same way.


September 26, 2016 11:49 am

Yeah, I gotta say I really liked this one. And I totally agree with Jim’s assessment. That said, we still face the question of what the evolution is going to be. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what the next north merika is going to look like? Let’s assume that it isn’t a sheet of glass and we all have to figure out how to live in the new world. Your spam is all eaten and your tp is all used up. Your sewers no longer accept your shit and the grocery stores no longer dispense food.

How is this any different from what it was 100 or 200 years ago? Well, it is different in that we don’t know how take care of ourselves. So step one, learn how to take care of yourselves, kinda like HSF. I don’t know if you can do it in an apartment, but most of use still have a little plot of grass. We can grow shit to eat and we can store it for the winter just like before.

Oh and god help those poor squirrels. They are the only meat left!

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
September 27, 2016 7:45 am

Yup. Squirrels… and any dog not trained to be a guard dog. Best tasting dog? Got’a be the Chow… 🙂

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
September 26, 2016 11:58 am

This is an outstanding explanation of where we are and what’s about to happen. Like Admin pointed out, we don’t know for sure what form(s) the catastrophe will be, but we are positive it’s right on our threshold.

The title of this piece reminds of the scene in ‘Saving Private Ryan’ where The Captain is coming out of his mental fog over the bloodfest which is happening all around him, and a young soldier is facing him and saying “What do we do now, Sir?”, and he repeats it; “What the Hell do we do now?”

This is kind of what I’m expecting from my ignorant and unprepared neighbors, friends and family. As you prepare for what’s inevitable, try to anticipate this question and come up with a better answer than ‘tough shit-sucks to be you’. I’m still struggling with what my response will be.

September 26, 2016 12:06 pm

Thanks Admin. for pulling it all together.

Obviously we have to get ready for a sharp downward
spiral. TPTB are orchestrating war, then importing the
victims…not the helpless, but able bodied fighters.
They are paying for false flags and protesters/rioters to
create misinformation and chaos.

They have destroyed all of our support systems. Our economy
is maybe the worst of it, as that will destroy the people fully.
I suspect we will see a cyber attack draining all savings, pensions,
and other paper wealth. Then the final looting will begin.

Survivors will be the debt free who will embrace their new
poverty rather than to suicide over it. The ensuing poverty of
the greater population is just a given, isn’t it? There are no
tooth fairies, are there?

Family members and friends that are aghast that one would support Trump or “believe” we are on a downward spiral
are just protecting themselves. They can’t accept reality
(denial) and are rationalizing everything while hoping for
magic. So have pity on them. Others, that are nasty and accusatory? The hell with them.

Pray they don’t take down the grid (unlikely) because if that
happens most will perish.

Thanks Admin, perhaps you have persuaded the secret holdouts.

September 26, 2016 1:28 pm

I couldn’t find one thing in this piece to disagree with!

it reassures me that I’m not the only one chewing my fingers to the bone watching the world go to hell in a handcart, maybe my great fears and worries are not paranoid delusions but actually lucid observations shared by others,

I do find Trump rather repugnant, I can’t think of anything positive to say about him or his stance but I really hope he beats Hillary in November as she scares the crap out of me!

all I want from Trump is for him to bring WW3 to an end before it spirals out of control, the current insanity of the neo-con hawks will make the next month or so seem like an eternity,

at the 1st sign of USA/NATO kicking off big style against Russia we need to get out in the streets in our 10’s of millions and scream ‘NO WAY’ at these lunatics in Washington, London, Paris etc.

I want to die in my bed of old age not radiation sickness!

September 26, 2016 2:02 pm

To all the people who say: “Fuck it, were doomed no matter who gets elected.”, I would like to remind you that a Trump presidency will buy us all the maximum amount of time. Whether it’s to get your financial house in order, or to formulate a relocation plan, or whatever. If you’re of the deplorable ilk like me, who loves sites like TBP, then you’ll be a Jew in someone’s attic soon enough. No need to hasten it by refusing to vote for Trump.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 26, 2016 2:41 pm

Vodka 10000+

…you’ll be a Jew in someone’s attic soon enough….

best line today..


September 27, 2016 1:30 am

” If you’re of the deplorable ilk like me, who loves sites like TBP, then you’ll be a Jew in someone’s attic soon enough. No need to hasten it by refusing to vote for Trump.”

All of the votes in all of American history have brought what you see laid out before us at this point in time. Every vote your grandparents ever cast and every vote your parents ever cast along with every vote you’ve cast has delivered us to this gigantic precipice. How is this vote different from all the rest?

September 27, 2016 11:06 am

How is this vote different from all the rest?

I totally ‘get’ your Que sera sera attitude, but you still wouldn’t carry around a golf club during a lightning storm. Don’t you think there would be value in slowing the Titanic from 30 knots down to 15?

September 27, 2016 4:22 pm

There might be but I don’t really expect to see any slowing. Besides slowing things down means I have to endure the collapse later in life rather than now when I’m 50. I’m as prepared as I’m ever going to be and tired of waiting.

Like my old friend Lawrence Welk said on Rock & Roll night: “Let’s get-a-down and get-a-funky!

September 26, 2016 3:33 pm

The insurgent candidacies of both Sen. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in this year’s presidential campaigns exposed a deep fault line in American economic policy: too few voters today have confidence in the country’s economic stewardship over the past generation.

In fact, Americans – by virtue of their support for Sanders and Trump – have issued a direct intellectual challenge to the market-friendly, internationally-open policy model of the past several decades. As wages have stagnated, inequality has grown and technological change and globalization have continued to disrupt Americans’ lives, more people are demanding an economy that generates both wider social participation and broader distribution of its benefits.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
September 27, 2016 8:01 am

Hey Betty! “Americans – by virtue of their support for Sanders and Trump – have issued a direct intellectual challenge to the market-friendly, internationally-open policy model of the past several decades.”

Either I misunderstand you, or we disagree strongly. I think you are absolutely correct when you say that Sanders and Trump both reflect a popular dislike of ongoing policy — but I cannot see that current policy is at all “market-friendly, internationally-open”. What we actually have (in my opinion) is NOT either market-friendly or internationally-open. What we have is a form of fascism or mercantilism. Individuals and companies prosper not based on how well they please customers, but based on which politicians they can bribe and what regulations they can get passed. We have plenty of international trade, but it is constrained by treaties that run into the thousands of pages. Companies that “donate” to the right charities get their licenses and permissions fast-tracked and those who merely produce superior products get left behind. Every time someone notices how badly they are getting cheated, the pundits blame it on capitalism and the market, but that is not the real cause. Between central banks, government and Too Big To Fail corporations we have not had REAL capitalism or free markets in our lifetime.

The Sanders supporters seem to think that the solution is more centralized control and redistribution. The old-school conservatives think that the answer is free markets and capitalism. What they BOTH agree is that what we have right now is destroying the average worker.

September 26, 2016 4:53 pm

Just incredible, Mr. Quinn. This oughta be on the front page of the New York Times. Thank You!

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 28, 2016 4:57 pm

Sorry never happen. Once a dirt liberal rag always a liberal dirt rag. The Times is one of the worst whores in the democratic based world. They support everything that Hillary is for and against everything that the deplorable ilk cry about. If there was ever a dirt shit liberal rag they are it!

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
September 29, 2016 10:17 am

If this were to appear in the NYT we’d all be questioning it’s credibility.

September 26, 2016 6:30 pm

Great article admin, thanks.
For a few years I have been physically preparing for this fourth turning. More importantly this website has been a great resource to help me mentally and emotionally prepare, which I think may be more important.

September 26, 2016 7:14 pm

What amazes me is that there is this much turmoil despite the shale boom that has propped up global energy consumption and thus the economy. Just wait until all those millions of barrels per day drop off…. you aint seen nothing yet.

I. C.
I. C.
September 27, 2016 6:48 am

Hillary is doomed. She is The Walking Corpse.

Just before the election, on October 23 to be exact, Negin will rise to the occasion. Negin will partner with his Lucille to end the neurological, vascular degenerative waste of her remaining pea-brain. Once he strikes, her Walking Dead days are over.

September 27, 2016 7:21 am

Another great article admin.

I didn’t learn about the Fourth Turning until arriving on the shores of TBP in about 2010. I didn’t read it until a year or two later. The thing that strikes me is not the way it identifies and predicts the 80 year pattern of fourth turnings but how it fails to identify the cause of the 80 year pattern. In medicine or manufacturing or just about any other human endeavor, whenever a pattern is identified, people try to find a way to stop the repeating of the pattern or they find a way to take advantage of it depending on whether the results are detrimental or beneficial.

I think we can all agree that the fourth turning pattern is very detrimental to the majority of humans existing on this rock so it would seem to me that finding the cause of the pattern and the things that perpetuate it should be of utmost importance.

The biggest thing that blinds us to the pattern is that we humans have the attention span of gnats and the same greed that drives our owners drives us to a large extent. The first twenty years of our lives is spent growing up, trying to be educated and generally having fun and shirking responsibility as often as we can get away with. If we’re lucky we’ll learn a few things and develop some values that help us get ahead in life. The next twenty years of our life is spend finding and getting into the groove of our careers or working lives and finding a mate mom would approve of, starting a family and buying a house. The next twenty years turns us into cynics as we slave away at jobs we mostly hate while trying to fund college educations for our little snowflakes and fund our own retirements so that we can hopefully extricate ourselves from the rat race while simultaneously trying to pay off the house. By age 60 or so we come to realize that the game is rigged against us but it’s too late to do much about it and besides, our health is starting to fail. Our best years are behind us as we begin our final twenty years managing one health concern after another and accepting the limitations our health puts on us all while trying to figure exactly when we got fucked and who was doing the fucking.

By that time we’re pretty much looking forward to our grave just to get some peace and to put an end to that pounding sensation in our asses. That final twenty years is when we should be imparting our wisdom to the next generations but I think that individually we see our lives as mostly over and the opportunity to teach our children about the realities of life has passed us by. So, like most people in their sixties, we spend our time trying to make ourselves as comfortable as possible prior to the big dirt nap. All along the way, in each twenty year block of time we vote for the things that are most important to us at the time, be it affordable education or increased Social Security and Medicare.

The real problem is that we think only in terms of our own lifespans at the most and usually in even shorter spans of time than that. That, more than any other thing is the biggest difference between the owners of this planet and us…..the slaves. We think in terms of decades and they think in terms of centuries………which brings us to the real crux of the matter and the cause of the fourth turning pattern………..


The true owners of the planet are the central bankers. Everyone else we think of as Elites, Powers That Be, K Street, Wall Street, Pennsylvania Avenue and the Congress and Senate are just the most useful of idiots who play a supporting role that enable the central bankers. Everything that ails us can be rightly laid at the feet of the central bankers though. The useful idiots are the public face of the central bankers and when need be, the fall guys for them as well.

So, to answer your question : WHAT DO WE DO NOW?

END CENTRAL BANKING! Period! Revoke their charter. Repudiate the debt.

If I loan you $100 and you don’t pay it back and then I loan you another $100 without being paid back and yet again loan you more money, still without being paid back, there is a principle in law that essentially says I have no right to expect to be paid back especially if I continue to make bad loans. That is the way I see the Fed and their fiat money debt. The debt has never been paid back and by design can NEVER be paid back. Fuck ’em!

The ONLY hope I see in a tRump presidency is a 0.00000001% chance that we can begin a process to throw off the chains and shackles of central banking from the top down. I doubt it will happen but that is what NEEDS to happen. If not then you may as well regale your chirrens with the tales of never ending fourth turnings because they are doomed to repeat the Fourth Turning patterns ad infinitum!

Tax reform won’t work. Education reform won’t work. Political reform won’t work. Welfare reform won’t work. Election reform won’t work. The ONLY thing that will work is reforming our monetary system from one of debt based money to value based money.


September 27, 2016 9:08 am

Finally someone says it!!!! The only solution to it all, Thank you!!!! Erwin

September 27, 2016 1:43 pm

Just think, all the central bankers are buying up stocks and bonds of corporations the world over and buying it with money printed out of thin air. One controls a corporation holding as little as 10% of the stock. The crime is that the banks paid nothing for their assets. The truth is you paid for the banks assets as their credit debt money that bought everything was transferred to you. The banks have no legitimate right to the benefits of their crimes. That’s a long standing dictum of law.

Look, it’s your goods and services that give value to their credit debt money.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
September 28, 2016 10:00 pm

Homer, that is the best comment on this thread. This piece is a dandy, certainly one of Jim’s best. But some of his conclusions are dated, if not by much, by plans Trump has commented on already. I’m going to print this thing out, and see if i can come up with a coherant response to some of his questions and conclusions. I’m not a doomer. This can be fixed.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 27, 2016 8:24 am


After I put away everything sharp on my desk and finished reading your post I will say that I have to agree with you. The Banks are the problem.

Money is and always has been a confidence racket. A convenient way to store of energy and labour. Convenience runs counter to entropy and magnetically attracts the charlatans and hucksters. The Masters of the Universe figured out long ago that if they can control the honey and hive will work for them. Happily for the most part. If the ruse risks being exposed then the Hive will be attacked by another with the same problem. Survival then trumps injustice.

[imgcomment image[/img]

After last night’s debate I am a little more pessimistic of outcome of this 4th turning. A Great Deception requires a Greater Crime and an even Greater War.

Peace is always for sale but most seem too busy to buy.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 27, 2016 9:01 am

RiNS- The bigger problem is the owners have figured out how to run the honey production without the bees. More bots mean less people, who decides who gets the ax? Well the owners, just as they have always made the decision who lives and who dies.

We are beyond talking about fixing the issuance of money.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 27, 2016 10:11 am


You are right. The hive is full of Drones who don’t work because of sloth or for the reasons as you stated. As it stands those still working blithely ignore the reality they face. It is summer time and the food abounds. But when the winter sets in as it always does those who can’t will get pushed out with those who don’t. Some workers, as History has written many times before, will be sacrificed for the greater good.

Once finished some statues will be erected, some myths written. Praise will rain for the heroic deeds of those gone that saved those left behind.

Contempt is on a collision course with ignorance and we will all pay the price.

A Masterpiece of Theater and Great monuments awaits.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 27, 2016 1:32 pm

Admin, references the movie the “Candidate”and state the line, “What do we do now?”.

What we do now, is what all politicians do after they win the election. They plan for their next re-election, of course.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
September 27, 2016 1:46 pm

An excellent article. There is no hope for any kind of a future for the working class with a Hillary Clinton presidency, making Trump the obvious choice. However he will not be our savior.

The surveillance state will continue to expand. Big Brother will know everything about you and every move you make. Cash will be banned forcing every bit of commerce through the central banking system. You will not be able to hide currency and it will be taken from you like it or not. You will be forced to purchase products that you do not want. Obamacare being just the beginning of that trend. TPTB got that ball rolling without any resistance. Expect much more to come.

The people are willing sheep. They’ll accept forced vaccinations, national ID cards, being chipped, precious metal confiscation, whatever form of slavery TPTB can dream up. Things will only get worse, because the people are unwilling to take the personal responsibility to put a stop to the BS. They think if they go to the polls once every four years they’ve done their civic duty. What nonsense! Politicians are not saviors. They are puppets. Voting never fixed anything and it never will.

My personal solution, the way I resist tyranny, is to opt out. Opt out of everything the establishment has to offer whenever possible to whatever extent possible.

Opt out of big Pharma healthcare. Don’t put your physical well being in the hands of doctors and hospitals who have been bought and paid for by Big Pharma. Learn health and wellness and live it as a lifestyle.

Opt out of the banking system. Buy used goods from craigslist. Pay cash when you do or even better, barter for as much as you can. Keep your savings in precious metals (including lead) or other trade goods. Invest in your own skills.

Opt out of public education and home school your kids.

Opt out of eating the poisons sold in supermarkets and raise as much of your own food as possible. Forage wild food. Join an organic foods co-op.

Opt out of the consumer society. When you stop buying crap you don’t need you don’t need to work for slave wages anymore and can devote your time to producing the things you really need for yourself. When you finally reach this point you’ll wonder why you ever submitted to such misery as working for wages that the government confiscated from you before you ever even saw them.

Opt out of hiring others to solve your problems for you. Be your own builder. If you use materials you harvest from your own land you’ve opted out of purchasing those materials from someone else. Earth has been a prime building material for thousands of years, and every property has earth. Be your own plumber and your own mechanic. It doesn’t take a genius to learn these skills. Build as fireproof as you can and have ponds for fire fighting. Opt out of using the fire department.

Opt out of calling the police. Use situational awareness to avoid risky people and places. Learn self defense. Build security into your home. Get the snake out of your own cellar without calling animal control.

You get the idea. Stop expecting someone else to take care of things for you. Take the bull by the horns and solve your own problems. In so doing you will starve the beast and it will die.

  Huck Finn
September 27, 2016 3:39 pm

A gazillion up votes to you, Huck.

Not that anyone gives a rat’s ass about what I do (neither should they) … nevertheless, if I can do it, ANYBODY can.

Opt out of big Pharma healthcare. Check. In the course of an entire year I might take some aspirin and Pepto.

Opt out of the banking system. — Done. Ms. Freud is improving. From 30+ credit cards two years ago, to just about 5 today, and she hardly ever uses those (due to a rather severe case of identity theft.)

Opt out of public education and home school your kids Kids are grown. But, when they were little, been there- done exactly that.

Opt out of eating the poisons sold in supermarkets Hard to do for city folk. Nevertheless at least half my stuff in the summer comes from farmer’s markets. In the winter we shop “around the edges” of the supermarket … and avoid the aisles where so much of the poison is found.

Opt out of the consumer society. Done! If all America consumed at the level I do well, I am not kidding, this country would lose ten of millions of jobs and be in the severest Depression ever known to man. Fuck unnecessary consumption!!!!

Opt out of hiring others to solve your problems for you. Just saved thousands re-doing my kitchen. I even cut my own hair. Really. We hired a driveway company last year cuz I don’t have the equipment. Ms Freud pays an accountant. Other than that, we DIYers. I even give Ms Freud gynecological exams. Daily. So far, no problems.

Opt out of calling the police. I don’t. They find me.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
September 27, 2016 5:53 pm

Opting out of the power grid in any way possible is also key, as it supplies the nuclear waste that the MIC requires to make nuke weapons.

Self reliant people do not need nor do they tolerate “leadership”.

September 27, 2016 8:01 pm

Hey! I cut my own hair, too. I do it with a vacuum cleaner. No, really.

I wonder if you feel guilty taking the bread AWAY from your barber, Stucky? Your not consuming enough. Get busy spending for the Motherland. The hopes of America are resting on you.

September 28, 2016 7:47 pm

Stucky, a buck and two doe rabbits will provide enough meat for a family of four and they are really fairly easy to raise. Just sayin

Big Cheesy smile.

September 27, 2016 2:15 pm

There is a website that is currently taking votes for questions to be asked at the next debate. Can you guys get in touch with Drudge and maybe convince him to get his minions to spam that site with votes to get really good questions up there? The highest rated question only has something like 1300 votes. And all the popular questions I see are your typical boring yawn inducers. I want to see some really strong questions be asked, such as “How do you feel about demographic engineering, specifically, the tactic of bringing in voters from failed leftist states for the specific purpose of gaining electoral support for programs that the domestic population does not support?”

September 27, 2016 4:00 pm

Highly amusing to see libtard used to denote left wing, when the term was originally created to describe that oh so very American term, libertarians.
And equally sad that it is precisely “liberty” – the freedom for the monopolist, the rights of the bankster, the privileges of the corporation, which underpin so much of what has been happening in this past several decades.
Not that I am an apologist for the left. The freedom to shove personal choices in my face in public places is not something I consider a right.
Still, libetarianism is not goings-on gain credibility so long as its public faces continue to get propped up by the Kochs and their ilk, any more than conservationists will gain credibility fronting for Steyer and solar PV profiteers. A pox on both their houses.

Old Dog
Old Dog
September 28, 2016 9:47 pm

What do we do now? Call in the consultants, of course….

September 28, 2016 10:16 pm

Great work, admin. I’ve read you for years– always thought it would be great to have a couple three beers with you as so often when I get together with others when topic of where we stand as a society- economically, socially, politically- I’m met with a blank looks, and the topic soon changes.

Small business owner in mfg/product development for 20+ years, watching first hand how outsourcing has decimated our economy/country. With a large family, had to go some years with minimal salary, one without one. Done what I can to hang tight- drive my 2003 olds van, cash for all 4 other pre 2008 vehicle, paid off all debt personal and business as I fear what is coming, but hope I’m – and you- are wrong. Either case, I did what I thought best to do.

I get the 4th turning. For some reason I’ve dusted off some of my old favorite Floyd tunes and “In The Flesh” really resonates. Not the actual lyrics of Waters, but what could be for our time to “get ’em up against the Wall.”

Keep the Faith, all I can say.

DC Wornock
DC Wornock
September 29, 2016 7:54 pm

Things change. Species come and go so in enough time the human species will evolve into something or die out. In any event, in the near term, humans cannot destroy all life on earth. Even an all out nuclear war will have little if any effect on worms, iron eating microbes, and other life more than two miles underground.

Even if it was possible to eliminate all life on the surface, in time some life deep underground would rise to the surface and evolve. Therefore, since life will survive, even if all humans die, I suppose it doesn’t much matter what happens.

Regardless, in the worse case I can imagine–an all out nuclear war–many or most human in the southern hemisphere will survive. That is because the nuclear bombs will fall mostly in the northern hemisphere and in the three months or more it takes for much air from the northern hemisphere to be mixed with the air in the southern hemisphere, radiation will only be 1 part in 10,000 of the radiation existing 1 hour after a nuclear blast. Now radiation from nuclear power stations that would be destroyed is different and lasts far longer but will not travel far perhaps mostly limited to 20 miles.