
The deterioration in race relations is due primarily to tribal collectivism.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Tribes are collectives. The collectivist foundation of tribal demarcations and conflicts is rarely recognized or understood. As opportunities, production, and wealth are allocated to those who objectively have not earned them—a cornerstone of collectivism—a potential recipient’s tribe often becomes the key distributive determinant. By definition, a process that is not objective will be subjective, governed by favoritism and prejudice. Resurgent tribalism represents a huge step backwards and comes at the expense of the smallest tribe: the individual.

Human history is almost entirely tribal, the actions—mostly war and conquest—of racial, ethnic, national, and smaller collectives. The intellectual seeds of universal individual rights didn’t germinate until the Renaissance, blossom until the Enlightenment, or bear fruit until the American Revolution. The notion of individual responsibility stems from prehistoric times, but it was the responsibility of an individual to the tribe and its sovereign. A manifestation of reciprocal individual responsibilities—mutually enforceable promises between equals—did not become the foundation of contract law until the nineteenth century.

One of today’s more inane intellectual exercises involves claiming credit for actions of forebears who share membership in the same tribe but who lived long before one was born, or apportioning blame to people in other tribes based on the reprehensible actions of that tribe’s long-dead forebears. Arguments are waged on who started the Crusades and who committed the most heinous atrocities, which supposedly justifies, depending on who “wins” the argument, either foreign interventionism or terrorist acts in the Middle East. Recompense is supposedly due from descendants of oppressive tribes to descendants of tribes they oppressed. Just this week the UN called on the US to pay reparations to descendants of slaves. The historical record is replete with injustice, so potential tribal claims and counterclaims are virtually infinite.

As a logical matter, we can neither take credit nor blame for the acts of people who died before we were born. Yet a band of intellectual hucksters peddles Original Sin and Original Victimhood based on the history of one’s tribe. What are they really peddling? Essentially the subjugation of one group to another based on history and tribal affiliations; Marxism in which “tribe” replaces “class.” If an identifiable group has sinned against an identifiable group of victims in the past, then the victims’ present descendants are owed continuing compensation.

Tribal ethics obliterate ethics based on individual responsibility and merit, the outcome reached in all collectivist systems. The amount of recompense can never be calculated, the debt never repaid. No offsets are allowed for any benefits the victims might have garnered from the guilty (the UN proposal has no offsets for benefits slave descendants might have accrued because their forebears lived in the US rather than Africa for the last century and a half); the guilty are simply expected to keep toiling for their historical victims.

Collectivist systems don’t work because they are incompatible with human nature and the requirements of survival. Tribes do not think, reason, or make choices, individuals do. A tribe’s leader or leaders may decide what they believe the tribe should do, but the tribe’s individuals decide whether to comply, often “influenced” by the leaders’ abilities to threaten and coerce. Indeed, the capacity to wage violence is the implicit foundation for tribes’ and their leaderships’ power.

The command and control exercised by a tribe’s leadership more often than not hinders or prevents the organic adaptation and effort necessary for individual members of the tribes to survive and progress. It’s almost a straight-line relationship: the greater the primacy of command and control, the less successful and the shorter the lifespan of the tribe. Conversely, when tribal command and control has been relatively restrained and individual thought and initiative have held sway, humanity has achieved most of its progress, although such periods have been comparatively brief.

The US legal regime enacted since the 1960s with either a primary or secondary goal of helping blacks belongs in the dustbin of failed collectivist schemes. By 1970, most, if not all, <em>de jure</em> discrimination based on race had been stricken from the books. That, of course, could not eliminate prejudice in the hearts and minds of some whites towards blacks, or some blacks towards whites. That will always be beyond the reach of the law, although the law can attempt to stifle their expression. In a legal system based on individual rights, equality before the law is as far as the system can go.

Unfortunately, the individual rights basis of US law has been eroding since the ink dried on the Constitution, replaced by the only alternative: collectivism. By the 1960s, the legal right of the unproductive to exact goods and services from the productive was well enshrined. However, the war on poverty has actually been a war on the impoverished, including a substantial portion of the black population. Handing people the coerced fruits of other people’s labor makes the recipients parties to theft, and it’s all downhill from there. Incentives for self-improvement are destroyed, dependency takes hold, self-respect vanishes, and social pathologies effloresce.

Legal mandates justified by Orwellian newspeak treat black and other minorities as “more equal” than the unfavored. Based on statistical disparities and as a compensatory measure for “historical injustice,” standards have been lowered and preferences instituted: present discrimination as the remedy for past discrimination. Blameless individuals are penalized and beneficiaries compensated for sins committed before they were born. Risibly, proponents of these measures decry resentment harbored by the former towards the latter.

Receiving the unearned and undeserved hinders rather than helps the recipients, and renders them beholden and subservient to their patrons. Blacks have been the most doggedly loyal supporters of the Democratic Party and its collectivist tenets since the 1960s. As a group their status relative to other groups has not improved; by many measures it has deteriorated. These trends continued during the tenure of the first black president, which should come as no surprise. President Obama is a committed collectivist. Everything he has done, particularly Obamacare, has been consistent with his core philosophy and has had its characteristically destructive impact.

Many commentators argue that blacks need to do this, that, or the other thing to advance. Not that the putative recipients of such advice pay any attention to them, but even if they did, the commentators, by implicitly embracing the collectivist tribal premise, render their own advice worthless. Tribes fill history books, but individuals pursuing individual goals and achievements propel themselves and take humanity with them. They’re invariably hindered by collectivism. If individual blacks become so disillusioned that they question Obama’s collectivism and realize that their advancement must stem from their own efforts, it will be the best thing the president has ever done for them.


fell into the wrong hands?







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The Absolutely Deplorable Fiatman60
The Absolutely Deplorable Fiatman60
September 29, 2016 12:11 pm

Excellent post….
Back about 25 years ago, in the coffee room, of the company, someone suggested that the first nations of Canada, should be bought out for $1 million for each man, woman, and child for past transgressions, such as the post above suggests. It was argued that it would be cheaper in the long run.
Fast forward to today, – it has probably cost us $10 million for each man, woman and child, and counting. Instead of using the money to better themselves, they are now buying the best lawyers in the country to extract even more money and land from the people of Canada, all the while living in poverty, and claiming they are not Canadians and it’s all our fault!
Gee …I guess we didn’t see that coming!!……..

September 29, 2016 12:14 pm

Simply beautiful, Robert. Thanks!

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 29, 2016 12:40 pm

The problem with this whole SJW narrative is that we have to pay for slavery thing when my ancestors for the most part escaped conditions akin to slavery in Highland Scotland and Ireland. That and fact that I was born 1960’s makes it not my problem. And yet still they persist, the Liberal establishment that is, in trying to guilt me into handing over money via taxes to subsidize their lifestyles. Probably and ironically because they are the ones with guilt not me..

I got into argument with some folks on weekend about life and liberty. I tried my best to explain, in between their platitudes, that government is the cornerstone and anvil of collectivism.

Governments, even Democracies, are good all of the time for some of the people. Always have been always will.

Good Article Rob!


from another rob

  RiNS the deplorable
September 29, 2016 12:43 pm

Hey! Are you following me! Or do great minds just read alike?

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 29, 2016 12:53 pm

Too funny. I think great minds would suffice if I do say so myself 🙂

Two days in a row.

Synchronicity is once again at work!

September 29, 2016 12:42 pm

“In the 1960s, the legal right of the unproductive to exact goods and services from the productive was enshrined.”

I believe that the natural law that race baiters have ignored for decades (survival of the fittest) is going to visit justice upon our society very soon. I sense a desire for vengeance I’ve not known in my lifetime. But, it is probably way overdue for those of us who have gotten mad as hell and decided we aren’t gonna take it anymore.

I think most of us at TBP (except for the idiots and we all know who those are) are part of that crowd.

September 29, 2016 2:14 pm

So, those who are the most ‘armed’ and are the most ruthless are the fittests. I don’t think that’s what Darwin had in mind.

September 29, 2016 7:02 pm

Homer, I didn’t really mean it that way, since I was thinking of the productive day ahead of me clearing the garden and getting ready to put the winter’s mulch into the soil. But, armed and ready is also a sign of survival fitness.

September 29, 2016 12:52 pm

“I lie awake, staring out at the bleakness of Megadon. City and sky become one, merging into a single plane, a vast sea of unbroken grey. The twin moons, just two pale orbs as they trace their way across a steely sky. I used to think I had a pretty good life here, just plugging into my machine for the day, then watching Templevision or reading a Temple paper in the evening.
My friend Jon always said it was nicer here than under the atmospheric domes of the outer planets. We have had no peace since 2016, when the surviving planets (tribes) were banded together under the Red Star of the Solar Federation. The less fortunate gave us a few new moons.
I believed what I was told. I thought it was a good life, I thought all the tribes were happy. Then I found something that changed it all….” Anonymous 2016

September 29, 2016 7:24 pm


It has wires that vibrate and give music. What can this thing be that I’ve found?

September 29, 2016 12:58 pm

I’m pretty sure our masters understand this “tribal” thing. They milk it for all it’s worth with the aid of the presstitutes and our bootlickers in office.
Even some of the “sophisticates” around here seem prone to falling for it , such as BLM , muzzies , Redteam/Blueteam and so on.
Chumps for Trump ! 2016

Don Levit
Don Levit
September 29, 2016 1:03 pm

Tremendous article
It takes a collective working in tandem to make a difference
But within that collective, each individual must be encouraged to maximize his gifts, talents, and abilities
This is why I am proud to be a member of the Chasidic Jewish tribe
Judaism must be doing something right to have existed for 5,777 years starting Sunday night

Air-cooled VWs!!
Air-cooled VWs!!
  Don Levit
September 29, 2016 3:08 pm

DUDE! If individuals were able to maximize their gifts, talents, etc it WOUND NOT BE A COLLECTIVE!

  Robert Gore
September 29, 2016 1:27 pm

“Tribes are collectives.” ——- you

Ya see? You sound like a fucken COMMIE with all that “collectivism” crap.

That’s why I didn’t like the article. You should thank me anyway, just for taking the time to respond to your damned Commie ways.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  Robert Gore
September 29, 2016 2:32 pm

Come on Rob tell us what you really think…I might be wrong but I think the Stuckmeister was trying out a funny…

  Robert Gore
September 29, 2016 2:44 pm


Don’t worry though. My humor is sometimes much too cerebral so, it’s easy to miss. Hell … sometimes I read an old post of mine and I wonder — “WTF? Was I trying to be funny, or just being an asshole?” Can’t imagine how much I must confuse some others.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 29, 2016 2:57 pm

Come on Stucky admitting it is the first step.
You’re a funny asshole!
like Alcoholics Anonymous
is a 12 step program
for folks like us.

Meanwhile somewhere right now a Pastor’s head has just exploded because of something I wrote in response to something he typed.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 29, 2016 2:02 pm


Good piece and quite correct. However, our financial/political masters have done a wonderful job of unleashing a variety of tribes upon the rest of the civilized world in the name of diversity. It’s not a racial issue per say but it is certainly ideological and spun as racial by useful idiots and the media in general. Which means at this stage we are on a freight train to a new and very tribal looking planet. I am doubtful it can be stopped at this point.

I always considered myself a principled Libertarian but these days, given the velocity of our demise in the west it would be naive to expect that one would not have to revert to protecting one’s own tribe (whatever that looks like) while conversely seeking out those who have created such a mess and holding them responsible for it. Principles are grand in a principled world. But our world appears to be less so on a daily basis.

My .02 cents.

September 29, 2016 2:03 pm

This is great! Notice how the US had a massive burst of innovation and technical advancement that was second to none through its early history up through early/mid 20th century.

Collectivism took root in the early part of the century, coming into full bloom under FDR and expanded ever since. Now connect that with the slowed advancement and stagnation of the country ever since.

Articulated brilliantly here: “It’s almost a straight-line relationship: the greater the primacy of command and control, the less successful and the shorter the lifespan of the tribe. Conversely, when tribal command and control has been relatively restrained and individual thought and initiative have held sway, humanity has achieved most of its progress, although such periods have been comparatively brief.”

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
September 29, 2016 3:37 pm

This American “tribe” leaves a lot to be desired. Hey! White American employers, big and small! How about hiring a White person once in a while?

Hey! White LEOs….how about pausing in your never-ending quest to arrest, imprison and/or ruin the life of every White person you come in contact with?

Hey! Rich White people! How about taking the time to think of the consequences of your actions in relation to the White Race?

Fat chance with any of them. The only tribe you have is the people around you that you love and respect. Everyone else is a stranger.

  Lysander The Deplorable
October 1, 2016 8:17 am

Actually, tribalism is biological and rational. You can view it as clans as well. But how it works is our immediate family is your primary tribe and it builds out from there to the extended family, cooperative others (neighbors, work colleagues, etc.). Beyond those you know on site, your relationship to others and their relationship to your tribe is determined by survival meaning those of the same color so you can identify a threat immediately and at a distance. Then comes facial features (ethnicity/kinship clues), then comes shared language as this often signals geographic kinship and the ability for cooperative engagement. So, basically distrust between the races is hardwired in humans for rational reasons – diversity is crap.

October 1, 2016 9:57 am

@Lulu: Superb reply and very clearly put. Bravo!


September 29, 2016 3:47 pm

Those who read my comments pretty much know that I accept reincarnation as a fact of life. It gives validation to the Law of Karma, that is, you experience in your own life what you create in the lives of others. That’s perfect justice, but that justice may occur over several lifetimes. Lessons are given when one is ready and can handle what is being experienced. God does not overwhelm you.

The big mistake that people make is to think that Karma is punishment. It is not! Karma is a just an experience that you yourself created for yourself. God’s Universe (existence) is Lawful and these law are written in you, therefore, inescapable.

Many Negros, today, have in the past have been ‘whites’ who have mistreated the Negros at that time and have reincarnated at later times like today to uplift that race which they have mistreated.

The idea that past sins against a race should be mitigated by monetary reparations today, considering what I just said, shows a lack of understanding of reality. A person may or may not have contributed to the misery suffered by Negros in the past, but the person who did, most certainly will personally confront his wrongs, learning in the process, the right way to treat another.

Massive monetary reparations for people who are descendants of those who were harmed may in fact reward many of those who were responsible at that time for that harm. A better way is to eliminate discrimination by the law and help those less fortunate by restoring their dignity, self sufficiency, and treating them the way you want to be treated. Much has been done already to heal this historical divide, but government giving money is a big, big mistake as it’s debilitating in the long run. Look at the American Indian and the lawless big city ghettos’ and their subsistence on welfare.

Robert, we are all part of the same tribe. It is called Homo Sapiens. The grab for resources has fractured the human tribe and has led to human conflict over the ages. Abandoning the rule of free exchange, productivity, and the ownership of property in favor of theft and its corollary, war has been a societal millstone, keeping mankind in endless conflict.

It’s not that there is a scarcity of resources, but a scarcity of finished goods. The Blue Jays come and eat from my poultry feed because it is easy living. All of nature wants easy living, so it’s only natural for us to embrace that idea and seek it in our relations one with another. But, we are not Blue Jays. We are part of the human family, tribe, and as such, have a community of interests.

We pass laws with punishments for those who work to get something for nothing at the expense of our neighbors. Unfortunately, these laws get watered down and the Jackals predominate in governments and corporations. They divide the human family for profit and advance their greed at every opportunity. We must on an individual level endeavor to act differently, to create change, one building stone at a time. Creating, individually, stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks for ourselves and our human family.

You might think about that in this election year and look to see who divides and who unites.

September 29, 2016 4:19 pm

Homer, we are definitely not all of the same tribe. You’re engaging in the Equals Temple Cult sophistry by saying so.

“We Are the World” was in 1999. It’s OVER.

What’s coming will be a resumption of the English Civil War. Soon you’ll have to decide what side you’re on, and anyone who attempts to fence-sit will soon discover they’re in the No Man’s Land between warring factions who are shooting real bullets.

Equals Temple Cult Goodwhites will go the way of David Ruenzel and Amy Biehl.

AFAIK, I wouldn’t unzip my fly to pee on them if they were on fire, so they’d better not come to my door begging for protection. I am FAR from alone. It is Goodwhites who put us in this predicament.

PS: Blacks are 13% of the US population. Males of all races commit most violent crimes. Recalculating violent crime data to correct for the common error of including Hispanics as white, blacks commit at least 64% of murders and 70% of robberies, exhibiting ratios to whites committing these crimes 12:1 and 15:1 respectively.

That’s NOT part of my tribe.

September 29, 2016 5:47 pm

dc, we obviously have different meanings for the term ‘tribe’, which is ok as the term is used in various ways. But…I have defined my definition of tribe and I said HOMO SAPIENS. I guess you’re not a homo sapiens. Hmmmm. What are you? Extraterrestrial?

One can make infinite divisions of measurements of peoples, lumping them into self defined categories all the while excluding one’s self, but people don’t name themselves, others do. Take Japan, for instance, ‘the land of the rising sun’. That’s not a Japanese description of itself, but one given to island by the Chinese. You didn’t name yourself, your parents named you.

Therefore, I name you, dc, as a member of the Homo Sapiens tribe. So there! Live with it!

P.S. You have more in common with that black person living in East Philly than you do with the goat munching on grass in my meadow. The differences you see are exaggerated way out of proportion to the similarities that you both hold in common. I know….. ain’t that a bitch!

What’s ‘Equals Temple Cult’? I thought I knew everything, my wife, who agrees that I do, keeps reminding me, “I’m a big know it all”.

September 29, 2016 5:55 pm

Goats shit where they eat.

So do blacks.

No difference.

September 29, 2016 6:07 pm

Ya! I tried to get my goats to use the toilet, but they just pay me no mind. They just mooo.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 29, 2016 9:40 pm


An interesting take. I might do some reading on Kharma. I am not terribly religious as you can tell. But I do try and lead an honest life. I am not the cloven hoof heathen that some see me as. But the only Judge that matters is the one staring at me in the morning while shaving.

I have been accused of being narrow minded by religious folks yet they exclude billions of people from their paradise because they don’t believe as they do.

Hypocritical if you ask me.

There is a need for less Tribes not more.

September 30, 2016 11:31 am

Those aren’t goats

September 29, 2016 4:17 pm

Those Who Can See has a nice discussion of historical views of race and ethnicity; I think it’s relevant to this because one of his categories of “noticing differences” is “banal my-group preference.”

I fit comfortably in this, especially once the gloves came off 50 years ago with regard to other groups using the state to systematically redistribute wealth from mine to others.

The full post is here:

I heartily recommend TWCS as a site for closely reasoned discussion. This one is very good, the discussion about the religion of Progressives is outstanding.

“We propose five categories of historical realtalk (some of which overlap in our quotes):
–Banal my-group preference
–The More Able remarking upon the Less Able
–The Less Able remarking upon the More Able
–Us remarking upon the otherness of Them
–True bigotry”

September 29, 2016 4:20 pm

“Human history is almost entirely tribal, the actions—mostly war and conquest—of racial, ethnic, national, and smaller collectives.”

To which I’d add “religion” as a principle cause for, if studied, what are religions but “tribes” of similar belief systems, periodically gathering on a certain day to perform whatever group rituals they happen to want to believe in..

Some pretty big wars (and still a lot of havoc) is and has been produced by such “tribes” . Like today’s winner– uh — for example, Islam. Yesterday’s winners were called “Crusaders” or some other crap but they all had a Church (and Monarch (i.e. Imam – big boss)) behind them.


September 29, 2016 5:45 pm

“The big mistake that people make is to think that Karma is punishment. It is not!” —-Homer

“Many Negros, today, have in the past have been ‘whites ..” —-Homer

Lemme see if I got this right; — I used to be white, but now I’m a nigger. AND YOU DON’T CALL THAT PUNISHMENT??? Oh, ok.

September 29, 2016 8:14 pm

Ahhhhh, no! But, I like your humor. Let’s face it, at a certain age even sex is troublesome if not punishment.

I see a lot of rich, talented, and smart blacks. No one gets through life without challenges.

From a spiritual perspective, it doesn’t matter what your situation in life is. It’s all in how you react to it. In my next life, I’m goin’a be a stacked blond with brains or is that an oxymoron? hahaha

September 29, 2016 6:00 pm

Good article Robert ,I expect eveything as well as everyone will turn back to tribe eventually. Just in order to stay alive. As one who believes in God’s wrath we are in a state of judgment already. If you carefully read God’s judgments in the Bible it usually starts with God taking away the prosperity of a nation then full collapse into (national sometimes ethnic war) ,famine ,and diseases.I know this is where we are headed. Scary stuff but God is holy and will not be mocked.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 29, 2016 8:30 pm

Will not be mocked eh! What are you the American Wing of ISIS!

Well this tinkerbell sees that as a dare.

I posted this earlier today somewhere else when a pastor was going full retard with that end times bullshit. Anyways double dare and enjoy

@Pastor an now bb

You claim to have a direct line to Jesus so if you are talking to him today tell him thanks but no thanks. He will understand. Like I said before I spoke to Odin a while back. Two thousand years of drinking beer in Valhalla has loosened him up a bit. Odin tells me he ain’t an uptight cunt anymore. These days he takes a live and let live attitude. Odin also tells me that Jesus wants us all to be nice and have fun while were here. He will have a beer ready for those who follow that life when we get to the other side.

September 29, 2016 9:10 pm

bb, whatever happened to the God of Love? Why are you blaming God for the way things are and for the things that you created for yourself and others in this life. Sorry, my God doesn’t punish people. It’s inconsistent with his Loving Nature. But He does let you experience the consequences of your decisions. That’s not punishment.

I remember when my daughter was about 2 1/2 yrs old and she was eyeing the wood stove heating the living room as if she was going to touch it. I said, “Hot, it’s hot!” I watched her as she proceeded to touch it. Some people just have to learn things their own way. Not stopping her was not punishment, but just allowing her to experience the consequences of her decision.
She lived!

I find that people who earnestly believe that God is a God of punishment end up being punishers in their own lives and are judgemental and critical of others. Sometimes parents give this script to their kids as they are growing up and the kids as adults run the script. Ya, like movie scripts.

Many attributes attributed to God are what psychologists call Projection.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 29, 2016 6:58 pm

A tribe is an extended family. It’s easy in America today to feel disconnected from family since people no longer remain in the same place much longer than it takes to reach adulthood. With the widespread acceptance of divorce even the most basic relationships between parents and children are no longer the glue that keeps lineages connected. It isn’t surprising that so many people reject the fundamental relationships that define who we are.

Denying the role of our connections to one another through blood, shared history, common language, traditions and past accomplishments seems to play right into the narrative of atomized consumers with no allegiance to anything but the State.

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
  hardscrabble farmer
September 29, 2016 7:44 pm

HSF, that’s how I feel. You said it so much better then I did.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  hardscrabble farmer
September 29, 2016 11:14 pm


I read your comment earlier today and have been thinking about it for the better part of the evening. I post this for discussion – not to lecture so please take it in the spirit it is intended.

The problem I am struggling with is this: I’m white but there are a whole hell of a lot of white people I just don’t like. I detest the idea of thinking of them as members of my ‘tribe’. And it’s not just a few individuals but wide swaths of white society. Died in the wool liberals are a good example. I detest them and the most self righteous of the bunch tend to be white. I’d rather stick my foot up their asses than give them the time of day. But it goes further than that. There are entire (actual) tribes of white folks that I would hesitate to say I dislike but, beyond our common skin pigment, there is little we have in common culturally beyond the simple rule of law that binds us. Some of these groups would be some of the Mediterranean types: Italians, Greeks (The modern ones) the Portuguese and so on bear little resemblance to the white, Euro/North American culture in which I live and in which I was raised. I have a hard time being around large groups of them for any extended period of time. The energy and emotional level that seems to be prevalent through most of these groups is foreign to me and frankly, makes me uncomfortable. In terms of the more urban of this group I find the men too often (though not always) to be far to metrosexual and emotional for my tastes. I wouldn’t go so far as to say they are pussies but they lack a certain level of restraint, introspection and quietness that I am used to among my own people. For this reason I’d rather not be around large groups of them if I can avoid it. Although I bear them no ill will, nor would I say that I hate them or are angered by our differences in any way I would still say they are definitely not my ‘tribe’.

Moreover, I think a better term to describe what we are talking about here is ‘clan’. The tribe is a broader term and is limited largely to a shared ideology, sometimes genealogy and definitely familial values but may not necessarily be linked by direct blood. I would suggest that you and I are members of the same tribe by and large. If we were neighbours we would get along very well. We share similar values beyond mere appearances.

But the clan is something different. The clan is family. It is made up of the immediate, the extended and the added. An example of the added: My best man is black. Yesterday he came to visit me in my business. It is the first time I have seen him in 6 years. He is a big wig with a European construction company these days and is gone to the ME and Asia for years on end. When he comes home it takes us about 20 minutes to catch up and then it is like he was never gone. We’ve known each other since I was a teenager and I doubt it is an exaggeration to say that we’d each take a bullet for one another if it was needed. We’ve become kin because we were raised in the same environment, share the same values (hard work, abide by the rule of law, use your manners, be honest, be loyal etc) and love the same things – guns, trucks, hunting, travelling etc. We feel loyalty towards one another because of it. It is the same bond I have with my cousins, aunts, uncles etc and it is based on proximity to start then shared values and habits and eventually familial love.

There is no stronger bond than the clan. I’d kill for mine and I believe most of them would do the same for me. The tribe is a secondary consideration and I’m real careful who I even consider as part of that club. White or otherwise. My tribe beyond the clan consists largely of folks who think (and yes by and large look like me) and act like me, who dwell within my political realm and who, if I met even as a complete stranger I know I would by and large be able to trust. Many of the people here on this board fit this description which is good because it is nice to know that my tribe’s borders extend beyond mere national boundaries. But the tribe is more limited than simply being about race. I think as time goes on and our nation states begin to further erode you will be able to see more clearly who is and who is not in your tribe. It will be more exclusive than mere skin colour.

Just my .02 cents.

September 29, 2016 7:38 pm


About 10 seconds after the financial collapse we are going to find ourselves in a full blown genocidal race war. You can just feel it coming. The SJW and BLM folks have drawn their line in the sand and they are gonna die by the millions. They 100% brought this on themselves.

Now, normally I am not so much into the doom and gloom but everywhere I go on the internet finds me looking at comment after comment of people either planning for, wishing for or praying for this race war to begin so that the USA can start over fresh.

September 30, 2016 2:14 am

I hope not, but you may be right. I think that’s what the Powers That Be want. And the end result may not be better. It may end up with the consolidation of their power against us. Too many people will ask the government to come in and “protect” them. Not me!

September 29, 2016 8:42 pm

Tinker Bell , your mocking Christ . Very bad idea or do you not know Canada is included in His Judgments???

I think the whole western world is going down in flames. The way the banking situation looks Germany will be first .

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 29, 2016 8:57 pm


Why is that you feel we need to fear him. Lighten up man. God has a sense of humour. I would like to have a beer with him someday.

September 30, 2016 1:56 am

I say give every black man 40 acres and a mule, maybe located in the southern Midwest in all that open land, as they were promised after the Civil War. One or two of the rich liberals like Ted Turner can donate the land.
No land goes to women (unless they’re elderly and have no husband), unmarried women with children, or children of dead men.
After four months, when crops should start coming in for harvest, end all welfare. Black women will flock to marry black men for a change, recreating families. (OK, you can add in poor welfare whites to that, too.)

Only problem – the men will sell to the richest 10 percent or sell the land right back to the man who donated it, and the recipient will probably sell the mule or kill it because he doesn’t know how to take care of it, and the black man will be right back where he started – poor – after he spends all the money he doesn’t know how to handle. (The majority will be too lazy or too stupid to do anything with the land and the mule, with some exceptions, of course).
Anyway, we’re Even Steven after that.
Now we’re back to the way things were after the Civil War.
I think it’s a great plan.

September 30, 2016 8:22 am

Tribe up or die. Those are your options.

September 30, 2016 4:12 pm

Robert says: “Resurgent tribalism represents a huge step backwards and comes at the expense of the smallest tribe: the individual.”


“Collectivist systems don’t work because they are incompatible with human nature and the requirements of survival. Tribes do not think, reason, or make choices, individuals do.”

Putting aside the racial/tribal aspects here for a minute – Personally, I have always been astounded at watching the individual IQ’s drop within a gathering group. More often than not, the larger the gathering, the greater the intellectual decline. I suppose this is why I prefer more and more to work out of my own office and away from the herd. At the same time I still retain the utmost respect for “level 5” leaders as described in Jim’s Collin’s book: “Good to Great”. Unfortunately these are few and far in-between these days.

I also did some work at a company that utilized the concepts from Ken Blanchard’s book, “Gung Ho” and was very impressed at the apparent success of the model as applied to “groups” working in cohesion via the following three principles:

– The Spirit of the Squirrel: (Worthwhile Work)

– The Way of the Beaver: (In Control of Achieving the Goal)

– The Gift of the Goose: (Cheering Each Other On)

For some reason this essay and your quotes above made me think of all this. To each his own, though. Here on TBP “the gift of the goose” is more like “the shit thrown from monkeys”. I think I like that better. But that’s just me.