Undocumented Shopping: Legacy of an African President



Just another day at the Exceptional Nation. Racial attacks, racial threats, looting, burning. When I am politically upset, I loot stores. Don’t you?

It is worth understanding what we deal with. The video makes it clear.

The  rioters grow in imagination. This time they tried to throw a photographer into a fire. There was stealing, of course. They steal in response to anything they don’t like. What they can’t lift, they break.

And they attack whites. It doesn’t matter to them who did what to whom. An African cop in an African city with an African police chief shoots an African criminal, and the rioters attack whites. In Milwaukee a black cop shot a black criminal and the tribesmen called for burning white suburbs. We seeing an episodic, one-sided–so far–race war. We will not admit it as then we would have to do something about it, and we do not know what.

These things come faster now. The outbreaks have become normal. This time, to judge by the internet, whites are getting angry. Sales of guns to whites are way up. Not good. Yet there is a reason.

Perhaps this explanation, from an employee of the Hyatt Gun Store in Charlotte, will make the foregoing clear: “First off, our prayers are with law enforcement this morning. People are afraid. They see lunacy in the streets being perpetrated by criminals and they are gearing up to protect themselves,” Justin Anderson, director of marketing for Hyatt Guns told Secrets.”

Protect themselves. When government will not or cannot enforce the laws, people prepare to go it alone. This merits attention. It won’t get it. Instead we will hear from the media about gun nuts and white racism, about slavery and discrimination and how we need to confiscate guns leaving black criminals as the only ones that have them. (It will not be expressed so candidly.) When part of the population arms to defend against attack by another part, it is time to think.

It is coming. One day rioting blacks will try to loot the wrong store, burn the wrong house, beat the wrong white man, and hell will cut loose. Talking about law-abiding blacks, law-abiding whites, will make no difference at all. There were law-abiding Protestants, law-abiding Catholics in Ireland. Did that stop the violence?

Three solutions, or ameliorations, offer themselves: Repression of rioting and enforcement of the law. Segregation. And having it go on forever or blow up hugely. Choose. Refusal to choose selects option three.

The problem is not racist police. It is racist blacks. Whites are not burning the businesses of blacks. White people are not sacking the stores of blacks. White people are not calling for the burning of black suburbs. White people do not play the Knockout game.

We are blaming the victims.

And we are encouraging disaster. Blacks, a large proportion of them anyway, live in the expectation, and fact, of racial immunity. They are a special, protected category. The slightest offense to them causes the media to erupt, yet nothing they do seems to carry much penalty. Anyone who refers to blacks as niggers will likely lose his job and pension and become unemployable. It doesn’t work in the other direction. When a black man  calls for the gang-rape of a white woman (Sarah Palin), specifically by “burliest black men,” nothing happens to him. Feminists do not make so much as a peep.

Obama: “Within the white communities, across the nation, we see the sincerity of law enforcement officers and officials, who in fits and starts are struggling to understand, and are trying to do the right thing.”

Never, ever, a word about racial attacks on whites. He, like everybody in BLM, cannot conceive that any black could ever do anything wrong.

Like any other spoiled children, blacks are coming to believe that they can do anything they choose. In the long run, it may not be a good thing. In the short run, it may not be a good thing. The run, I suspect, is getting shorter.

It is a great mystery why the least productive thirteen percent of the country, the most dependent on welfare, the most criminal, should be permitted to steal, burn, rape, and beat those who behave in accordance with civilized standards. To shout “kill Whitey” while buying groceries with an EBT card, to expect to be taken care of, to get welfare and affirmative action while attacking the caretakers, does not suggest a crushing burden of mental acuity.

The bedrock problem, which most know but none dare speak, is that blacks cannot, or assuredly do not,  perform at the level of whites. Exceptions, yes, but the exceptions are exceptions. They never have performed, not in Africa, not in Haiti or Jamaica, not in Detroit. It is a frightful truth, but a truth. They know it. We know it. Liberals know it. Conservatives know it. No amount of pretending can change it. No amount of rabid ideological egalitarianism, of holding our breath and turning blue, will produce different results.

Now what?

Our policies make it worse than it has to be. The black columnist Walter Williams, professor of economics at George Mason University, points out that badly unqualified blacks are admitted to universities so that liberals can feel good about themselves–his exact diagnosis–and, since both they and white students see what is going on, demand separation to avoid feelings of inferiority. Why do this to them?

All of this under an African president who was, remember, going to be post-racial but in fact shares the ideas of the looters.

Again, the question: Should the country enforce the law, which would likely lead to a continent-wide insurrection?  Should it separate the  races to the extent possible? Or should it continue until it becomes open war on both sides? The easiest and least destructive of the three is segregation. The idea is verboten among the politically correct. It is not verboten everywhere. Around the country blacks in universities call for segregated dormitories and segregated fraternities. Well and good. Why not segregated facilities for whites? Why not segregated police for neighborhoods black and white? Why not end laws intended to force the races together? They do not love each other.

Breitbart: Back Lives Matter: We’ll Tear Down New Orleans’ Monuments Ourselves

Andrew Jackson Statue Must Go!

‘That’s not a threat, that’s a promise’

These are words of people completely out of control. Anything Africans don’t like must go. Anything they want, we must give them. If we don’t, they will take it by force, loot and burn and beat whites. And whites allow it, which is astonishing.

The rioters appear–correct me if I am wrong–to be too ignorant to know that Andrew Jackson of the statue is not Stonewall Jackson of the Army of Northern Virginia. Andrew of course is revered in New Orleans because of his generalship in the Battle of New Orleans, but you can bet that a good ninety percent minimum of rioters have never heard of the battle, or the war in which it took  place, and a fair number can’t spell it.

It has worsened under Obama because he is first and foremost a black President, as obsessed by race as anybody in Black Lives Matter. Why do you suppose he is furiously bringing in any immigrants but white Europeans? (On the streets of Paris, we see what Obama imports. Video) Why do you think he consoles families of black criminals shot by police, but never the families of white policemen shot by black criminals?

America is well and truly screwed.


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September 29, 2016 1:47 pm

It almost seems if this was a planned event started O I don’t know 50 years ago to cause a civil war.


September 29, 2016 2:37 pm

Good to see Fred back to his brilliant normal self.

“Again, the question: Should the country enforce the law, which would likely lead to a continent-wide insurrection? Should it separate the races to the extent possible? Or should it continue until it becomes open war on both sides? ” —-Fred

I’m going with “open war”.

The kneegrows are hugely outnumbered, dumber than a box of rocks, can’t survive on their own merits, and are mostly concentrated in shitties. I say 4 weeks, 6 weeks tops, until Mission Accomplished.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 29, 2016 3:00 pm

Stucky- Agree with you 100%. The fun part is that 99% of kneegrows DO NOT KNOW they are only 13% of the population and seriously outnumbered puts it mildly. They will walk into the biggest shitfest in history believing they are there in equal numbers and equally armed. Can’t help but remember the Asians who were shooting at their ass like it was a natural reflex in the LA riots , so YT ain’t their only problem.
Mexican gangs will join in the festivities just to be on the winning team so they are not considered to be on the wrong side of the coin.

September 29, 2016 2:53 pm

I can’t say which choice is the best. Thank goodness Fred
has regained his composure. I can say that.
I do hope the men in our communities won’t be as shy as I
am. Something has to break the pattern. At present we have
a guerilla war of blacks against whites.
I think blacks hate whites because whites have the gumption
to avoid them whenever possible. And the ADL is hot on our
heels. Case in point: the Pepe attack.

September 29, 2016 3:15 pm

Take away the money. EBT cards etc. Put out a warrant for the arrest of George Soros and freeze all the assets of his charities. Over in less than two weeks, hopefully with a lesser degree of bloodshed

September 29, 2016 3:21 pm

Bravo Fred. I imagine he may take some grief for this, but he was only speaking the truth – the inconvenient truth that blacks, SJWs and self-loathing whites will not admit to lest it lessen the profitabilty of their continuing narrative that whites are evil racists while blacks are loving and numinous and completely incapable of harboring racist beliefs or even the very emotion of hate.

As a child of the early fifties, I have watched the progress that blacks have made in this country in the following decades – the programs, benefits and court rulings that have been made with the intent of improving the potential for blacks in this country, often times at the expense of white people. I can honestly say that the last eight years, at least in my opinion, have represented some of the worst times as regards race relations, particularly between whites and blacks. It has become painstakingly clear that this is by design, or at the least, is a matter of presidential indifference to black looting, rioting, murdering, racism and criminality as if such was their birthright. The ironic part is that we have a president who is more consumed with his “legacy” than seemingly anything else – such that he is telling all blacks and Trump haters that they must vote for Hillary in order to safeguard his precious legacy. Regarding black-white relations his legacy of failure is already etched in stone. I suspect that even intelligent productive blacks might agree with that though they may not admit it. Obama will have two legacies. One will represent the truth, that he was a terrible president in terms of race relations as well as economic growth and foreign relations. The other legacy will be a legacy of excuses for his short comings, a legacy proliferated by The Party, SJWs and the aforementioned self-loathing white apologists with the disclaimer that any who would question this legacy is a racist bitter-clinger who may be subject to legal action for refuting Dear Leader’s glorious legacy.

September 29, 2016 4:34 pm

As usual Admin beat me to it. Jim, just trash what I just sent you. Ok??

Sorry about the duplication..


September 29, 2016 4:45 pm

All the following is a cross-post of a comment from Unz.com on Steve Sailer’s blog:
BostonTea says:
September 17, 2016 at 12:26 pm GMT • 300 Words
Steve, did you read this paper – Steffensmeier et al, “Reassessing Trends in Black Violent Crime, 1980-2008″?

We know that black males and females whose race was identified are responsible for over 50% of nation’s homicides. But there’s a huge problem with official assessments and conclusions about trends in violence based on national statistics published annually in the FBI’s UCR.

In federal statistics an overwhelming majority of the U.S. Hispanic population is classified as White (93%), whereas 4% of Hispanics are considered Black. Also crime-reporting programs typically record Hispanic arrests as White arrestees, failing to separate ethnicity from race – in particular, failing to separate Hispanics from non-Hispanic Whites. This does not only limit understanding of ethnic involvement but also hides the true disparity between White-Black crime rates (when ethnicity is NOT considered the disparity between the two races is less extreme) and tends to inflate White rates and deflate Black rates. It is called the “Hispanic effect”.

After creating estimates of “clean” White and “clean” Black arrest counts that do not include Hispanics, Steffensmeier et al. discovered that the Black share of violent crime was enlarged from 51% to 64% for homicide category and from 59% to 70% for robbery. As far as ratios are concerned, the average Black–White ratio for homicide was 7:1 using official FBI’s figures and jumped to almost 12:1 after adjusting (after separating Hispanics from non-Hispanic Whites). Same for robbery: ratio jumped from 10:1 to 15:1.


In essence, classifying Hispanic arrestees with Whites (or Blacks) deflates the Black fraction of arrests and deflates the Black–White arrest rate ratio, particularly for the more reliably reported offenses of homicide and robbery.

September 29, 2016 4:48 pm

People in the USA were shuffled together like a deck of cards during the last 50 years of studiously denying reality.

Reality is making a comeback (or better, recognition of it) and people are going to discover they’re intermixed with those who they do not wish to live beside.

It is going to be VERY ugly to resegregate.

September 30, 2016 2:13 pm

If that is our future, then it will likely end up looking like the former Yugoslavia’s breakup where there were 3 primary groups who decided to ethnically cleanse the other 2 from their neighborhoods.

September 29, 2016 5:02 pm

When you think about it – virtually all the riots are caused by Neegrows. The police should come down hard, arrest them, and MSM should just stop reporting about it.

There’s this show – The First 48 – it’s on Direct TV – something like channel 264. It follows homicide detectives, it is not reenacted – has actual footage of crime scenes – and interrogations. I’d say 95% of the cases involve niggers. If you can stand it – watch the interrogations – these niggers are so stupid – more stupid than a bag of hammers.

September 29, 2016 5:15 pm

“Undocumented Shopping” is a brilliant rhetorical weapon.

It should become a standard of the vocabulary.

September 29, 2016 6:04 pm

In the “good old days” when blacks misbehaved and transgressed against whites. they were “run out of town” and their buildings and businesses destroyed. They were warned by the white townspeople “never to come back”…
These actions were successful in getting blacks to “behave themselves”.
In extreme cases, such as assault, rape or robbery, they were transformed into “Mississippi wind chimes”.

The narrative that these “poor blacks” were set upon by whites for no good reason is patently and completely false.

Here are the true, updated and corrected stories about “icons” of the so-called “civil rights” movement . . .

There is much more to the “Emmett Till” story that is not widely known. Of course, killing him was wrong, (and made him into a “martyr” of the black “civil-rights” movement). but–it is not generally known that Emmett Till was a strapping young man of about 160 lbs.–NOT a “little boy” as some media types tried to portray him as. He was a known womanizer and attempted to take his cocky “Chicago ways” in dealing with women to the Deep South. He was sent to live with relatives in the South because his Chicago relatives could not handle him. He had a “cocky attitude” and bragged about “getting it on” with white women–not a good idea in the South. . . According to published accounts, Mr. Till did not just “whistle” at a white woman, but grabbed, manhandled and fondled a married white woman. In Southern culture, this is the ultimate form of disrespect. Despite Mr. Till’s relatives’ attempts to spirit him “out of town” to avoid retribution by the woman’s relatives and townspeople, his cocky attitude “got in the way”, similar to the way that “young master Trayvon’s” attitude got him killed. Despite being given numerous “chances” to apologize for his behavior, he was defiant to the end. IF he had apologized for his behavior, he would still be alive today.
It is interesting to note that Emmett Till’s father was executed by the U S military for multiple rapes. Maybe “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” . . .

Rosa Parks was not the “ordinary” black woman that so-called historians made her to be. She was an organizer for the NAACP and was “planted” in order to advance the cause of black “civil-rights” to which she was successful.
Approximately a year previous to Rosa Parks’ “bus ride” and refusal to vacate her seat, a REAL ordinary black woman did the same thing. This black woman received NO publicity or support from the NAACP or other black “civil-rights” organizations. You see, she was an unmarried black woman with children. According to the black civil-rights crowd, this would not do. They wanted someone who was “squeaky clean” without any “baggage”. In fact, the “white guy” sitting behind her was part of the “set-up”. He was a UPI reporter, contracted to “stage” the event…
Hence, Rosa Parks made (fabricated) history . . .

Martin Luther (Michael) King was well-known for frequenting prostitutes, beating and abusing them while exclaiming that he “finally felt like a white man”. His own associates have stated as such. He also plagiarized his college papers and doctoral thesis. Of course, this was overlooked because of his status. King was also a communist.

Jesse Jackson used to brag to his associates on how he would spit in the food of white patrons of the restaurant he worked at.

There are many more fabrications of history that were used to lend “legitimacy” to the so-called “civil-rights” movement . . .

More to come . . .

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
September 29, 2016 9:43 pm

Anarchyst, i’ve read this exact piece before. You should really rethink some of the stuff you post and repost. Let’s look at the part about Emmit Till. Killing him was bad, BUT, “he was a strapping 160 pounds.” Kill him. “He had a cocky attitude” Kill him. He was a known womanizer” kill him. I could go on and on. Where do you get this bullshit? And why do you keep posting the same stuff over and over. You have spirit. You have opinions. Why not put your mind to good use and tell us what you think? It would be more interesting, and your stuff would get more people thinking, which is the point of the exercise, right?

  starfcker the deplorable
September 29, 2016 10:48 pm

I do not condone the killing of anyone…Emmett Till contributed to his own demise by his own actions…just like “trayvon martin”. If you can’t handle seeing my posts on these sites, that is YOUR problem, not mine…regards,

P. S. are you a “kneegro” or a “kneegro sympathizer”, or sjw”???

SJW starfcker the neegrow sympathizer
SJW starfcker the neegrow sympathizer
September 29, 2016 11:44 pm

Anarchyst, i didn’t say that at all. What i’m saying is you bore us constantly with the cut and paste, but when you take the time to actually write a post, it’s generally pretty good, and interesting to read. I’m encouraging you to more of that. Don’t get defensive. I’m telling you something you need to know. Great social skill. Avoid boring people whenever possible. Cheers,

September 29, 2016 8:09 pm

It’s all part of the agenda to create chaos by making a group of people, appear victimized. Especially when it’s clear to anyone with an ounce of objectivity, that a large part of this said population is full of non functional members and troublemakers. It’s the ideal way to create cognitive dissonance by drilling a message that is clearly not in line with what you can see objectively.

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 29, 2016 9:33 pm

President Obozo is the Cheerleader for Blacks, Muslims, Marxist and FSA Useful Idiots. What could go wrong? Susanna: The Communist have started the Race War which will explode into pitch battles around 8Nov but Whites, Browns and Asians will end it, rest assured. A word to the good Blacks: stay out of site and out of the fighting and remember that it’s a white flag that will save your life.

September 29, 2016 9:58 pm

Everybody chill…..this be for lloph, Ed and our other native amigos..

Oh the wind blows cold
On the trail of the buffalo
Oh the wind blows cold
In the land of the Navajo
In the land of the Navajo

A hundred miles from nowhere out on the desert sand
One Eyed Jack the trader hold some turquoise in his hand
By his side sat Running Elk his longtime Indian friend
He vowed that he would stay by Jack until the bitter end

Jack had gambled everything he owned to leave this wondering life
He might have had a happy home and a tender loving wife
But his hunger was for trading trapper’s furs for turquoise stones
Anything that the Indians had Jack wanted for his own

Said Jack to Running Elk I’ll gamble all my precious stones
Before I leave my body here among these bleaching bones
Though now my time is drawing near and I’m filled with dark regrets
My spirit longs to journey as the sun begins to set

We raped and killed we stole your land
We rule with guns and knives add whiskey to your waters
While we stole away your wives
said Running Elk what’s done is done you white men rule this land
so lay the cards face up and play your last broken hearted hand

* Refrain

When your dealing cards with death the joker’s wild the ace is high
Jack bet the Mississippi River running Elk raised him the sky
Jack saw him with the sun and room and upped him with the stars
Running Elk bet the Rocky Mountains Jupiter and Mars

The sun was sinking in the west when Jack draw the ace of spades
Running Elk just rolled his eyes and smiled and passed away
Jack picked up his turquoise stones and cast them to the sky
He stared into the setting sun and made a mournful cry……

Blockhead Party
Blockhead Party
September 30, 2016 12:19 am

There is a marked difference in the way black people and white people react as their emotions become more inflamed. It seems to me blacks (generally speaking, certainly not all, certainly enough to make a generalization) can go berserk over nothing while white (socialization, natural predilection?) try to keep things calmed down.

But if it really starts to rain shit, blacks seem to lose their interest in hanging around and quickly find a way to disappear into a crowd or leave the scene. Whites, on the other hand, just seem to amp up and amp up. They have almost an endless supply of burning rage, deep resentment and a white hot emotional fuel that is almost machine-like.

An Indian friend of mine said that in India, in a traffic altercation, the two drivers exit their vehicle and begin screaming at the top of their lungs, gesturing wildly and making exaggerated postures, then eventually return to their cars and leave. In a similar circumstance in the US, a white American is likely to exit their car and execute the other person with hardly a word said. Gross caricature but it contains truth.

Whites are just about at the end of their patience with what we are seeing and being subjected to. We are waiting for our Anglo Spring. When it starts (Muslims in Germany or Sweden, blacks in US?) it is going to ignite the seething rage for all the years we have tried to do right, tried to make amends, tried to assist as best we could, tried to be colorblind. When that ignition point is hit, it will reverse 50 years of civil right gains in a few months. The many, many decent black Americans are going to be punished right along with those who indeed should be Mississippi wind chimes. Tragic, but it seems as though there are enough mentally deficient blacks to make it happen.

I saw a perfect response to the insane charges of widespread racial prejudice against blacks that are raised by those I call Social Justification Warriors.

It said “I’ll check my White Privilege if you’ll check your Black Attitude.”

Amen and amen.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 30, 2016 1:20 am

In times of civil unrest (rioting) looters are shot ! That would solve a great deal of issues . This BLM bull shit , we are so upset about racism and un fair acts we had to break into a store and steal some stuff , sure makes me give a rats ass about BLM . Years ago a radio call in asserted blacks are ready for a race war and whitey is going to lose ! Of course another caller pointed out , you are at that time 12% of the population and 80 MILLON gun owners of which 95% are white so if it’s war you want , let’s rock ! BLM do not keep pushing you may end up with way more than you bargined for !

September 30, 2016 1:50 am

I can’t stand that term “check yourself.” I did. I’m fine.
I say to white liberals, argue based on facts not cliched terms.
I say: White liberals make me sick.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
September 30, 2016 10:37 am

Bravo Fred!
“Three solutions, or ameliorations, offer themselves: Repression of rioting and enforcement of the law. Segregation. And having it go on forever or blow up hugely. Choose. Refusal to choose selects option three.”

Repression and law enforcement will not happen because the cops will do what they are told regardless of what is right. Their #1 consideration is their paycheck and pension and they will stand down and watch a city burn if that is what their politician rulers order.

Segregation is not possible since goobermint policy is to build goobermint housing in the middle of middle class white communities. The same goes for the placement of mooslim migrants. Search Stone Mountain Ga, migrants. Ughh!

Since nothing goes on forever I suspect it will blow up hugely. When? I do not know but it will surely follow a financial catastrophe or maybe a simple violent protest in the wrong neighborhood. Either way, it seems to be the best long term solution. Keep in mind the military is merely humans and eventually will act in the same manner as civilians. I served in the Navy in the mid to late 80’s and racism was alive and well.