Elon’s Space Pinto

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket recently had trouble getting off the ground – well, in one piece – and it’s an awfully long way to Mars.space-pinto-lead

There’s also an awful lot of money involved.

Taxpayer money.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in government contracts. Which Musk hopes to wrangle for his Space Pinto – er, SpaceX rocket. It’s the ballistic version of his Tesla electric car.

Both seem to have issues with catching on fire.

And burning through cash.

Houston, we have a problem. 

Maybe that’s why SpaceX is shopping conspiracy theories that “someone” (hinted-at rival for government payload payola United Launch Alliance) deliberately monkey-wrenched the rocket – like Gary Seven, from the original Star Trek series, Assignment Earth. Or maybe sniped at it with a rifle from the roof of a building more than a mile away, Texas School Book Depository-style.

Elon’s minions – and Elon himself – have actually suggested the latter.

According to The Washington Post, a SpaceX employee visited the ULA building shortly after the rocket blew up and asked for access to the roof. You know, to look for the sniper’s nest.

Yes, really.

From the article: “SpaceX (says it) had still images from video that appeared to show an ‘odd shadow’, then a ‘white spot’ on the roof” of the ULA facility, which has “a clear line of sight” to the launch pad where the Falcon9 rocket grenaded.pinto

Mel Gibson, your phone’s ringing…

“Particularly trying to understand the quieter bang sound a few seconds before the fireball goes off,” Musk himself Tweeted. “May come from rocket or (cue ominous sound effects) something else.

But not even Lee Harvey Oswald – and whomever was behind the Grassy Knoll – could make that shot.

Besides which, why would they? 

Musk – like the Warren Commission – appears to want a diversion. A politically acceptable explanation for the debacle.

Back in ’63, the Commission’s job was to sweep the serial incompetence of various government agencies, especially the FBI and Secret Service, under the rug and focus all the blame for the president’s murder on the “lone nut” who came out of nowhere. In the case of SpaceX – which is investigating itself – the object seems to be to not look into potential problems with the engineering of the Falcon9 rocket, procedures or personnel involved with the botched launch.

The Oswald Solution is apparently preferable. musk  

Particularly odd is this business of self-investigation, an oddity given that while SpaceX is nominally a “private” company, it is subsidized by taxpayer dollars and effectively operates as a kind of quasi-NASA. Where is the oversight? Haven’t taxpayers got a right to know how their cash is being burned up?

SpaceX concluded its secretive self-investigation in less than one month.

A NASA investigation of a launch failure typically takes at least six months, often longer. And NASA is a government agency, subject to all the normal disclosure laws that provide at least some degree of accountability.

SpaceX  quickly “ruled out all the obvious possibilities” … except, apparently, the Lone Gunman Theory.

Which, if true, would absolve SpaceX of responsibility for the loss of the rocket. And, perhaps, financial responsibility for the financial losses – not just of the Falcon9 and its payload, either.

Future payload payola is on the line.

But what’s more likely? That there was a mechanical/engineering/procedural problem of some kind that SpaceX is shying away from acknowledging or just doesn’t want to know about? Or a that Gary Seven (or Lee Harvey Oswald) was on the roof of the ULA building a mile away and took down the Falcon9 with a well-placed rifle shot?

All of this would be entertaining – in a Mel Gibson-ish way – if it weren’t our money that’s paying for the show.

SpaceX is one of those weird for-profit/sort-of government operations. It doesn’t earn money through voluntary free exchange between a willing seller and a willing buyer. It uses the coercive power of the government to take people’s money; to force them to “buy” things they’d rather not – like a Falcon9 rocket (or a $60,000 Tesla electric car for some rich West Coast celebrity to drive around in).    

NASA, of course, also takes people’s money and spends it on things many people would (if they had the choice) rather not spend it on. But in defense of NASA, at least there’s no billionaire middleman (Musk) making money off the transaction.

The Apollo Program was not a for-profit operation. It was a straight-up government operation with the goal of getting men to the Moon and back. Not to make men rich. And taxpayers had the consolation of the magnificent Saturn V rockets – which never blew up on the pad.

And actually did take men to the Moon and back.musk-deux

To be fair to Musk, he did did put a sizeable amount of his own money – reportedly $100 million – to launch SpaceX (the company, not the rockets) back in 2001. Good so far. But SpaceX depends almost entirely on government contracts (about $500 million as of  2012) to actually launch its Falcon re-usable rockets.   

Another contract – worth a reported $440 million – was awarded recently for development of the “next generation of U.S. human spaceflight capabilities.”

And, of course, Musk has Great Plans – all his plans are Great Plans – to send humans to Mars.

And, naturally, to make a buck off each trip.

Which isn’t the issue here. The making of bucks.

The issue is making bucks off the backs of other people, using the state  as your muscle.

The rent-seeking, crony-capitalism that defines all of Musk’s operations.musk-crony

Musk considers this “privatization” – and himself a real-life Tony Stark.

But privatization is a term that properly applies to private transactions, which are voluntary transactions. If government is involved then coercion is involved and private citizens aren’t given the option to decline to buy in.

That’s not heroic.

Congressional Republicans especially – who constantly pay lip service to the free market and deride “wasteful” government – ought to take a harder look at all of Musk’s operations – from SpaceX to Tesla. And quit making excuses – and better yet, stop opening taxpayers’ wallets up – to a guy who sees himself as Iron Man but whose operations always seem to have trouble getting off the ground.  

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 4, 2016 7:54 am

All that money to try and get into space- to what end?

And we never went to the Moon.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 4, 2016 8:41 am

gave me a good chuckle


Jackie cox
Jackie cox
  hardscrabble farmer
April 5, 2017 7:33 pm

Recalling the thousands of engineering lifetimes R&D that Obama tossed away by ending shuttle and constellation, firing bear 8,000 NASA personnel, launching shuttle flying independent of earth magnetosphere then landing shuttle on a runway.

Then watching obama give elon billions to hire NASA scientists he uses to reach low earth orbit, then land the junk rocket bodies on barges like it As an earth WORLD MOVING SCIENCE 1ST all up in under the news media between Trump Stomping rants EXPOSES how corrupt we have become. Pretending bad is good

Tiny Tony Fart—tinman mUsK all lawyered up hostile-takeover expert who took Tesla from Martin Everhardt then claims to be some great inventive genius tesla designer by using taxpayer cash from obama to release TESLA IPO’s then buy the shares he puts up for sell to set an imaginary value, pays investment dealers to sell his penny stocks for hundreds, grabbing more cash to setup more equally mismanaged companies that rely on our tax dollar Funding which he tosses away on inexperience and stupidity, hiding a lot in offshore creative accounting that has made the other san jose…fremont,,,gilroy”’frisco homo chinese junk salesmen so ritch-wretch

I wonder how long these street hustlers will last with a government of AWARE businessmen at the helm.

Elon in a real supply and demand market from barry turdbender et. al. pOtUs another IDIOT tossing trillions away on chinese dolar panels and windmills that stop turning.

Put that in the empty pipes of the empty charging stations elon gets free money to setup for the never ending FALSE claim to becoming a significant factor in the auto matket place with a 200- mile range between charges unless its hilly, or trafffic jamed, or if the tesla brakes down, it burns up, or, or, or look at ME, MEME ME eLoN mUsK, the self agrandesment ritch boy empowered by Barry Turdbender—faggox usurperX……race baiting, policeinciting murderer, white people killing inciter. Kenyan from the fart-feather Tribe

October 4, 2016 8:09 am

Watched an excellent little film on Netflix the other day called “The Last Man On The Moon”. Well worth watching.

October 4, 2016 9:57 am

I love the moon shot details:
1. you managed to get a dual purpose craft to orbit the moon, with no computers to help navigate. you just aim for the moon, and achieve orbit, based on some theory that you need to travel at x with angle of y.
2. you detached a lander, go pick up some rocks, take a selfie, and then hop into the lander. (who cares if there is enough fuel to bring back all dem rocks)
3. by the grace of god, you manage to blast off the moon, hook back up with the orbiting ship, with no cameras to help dock, or computers, but, you do it on the first try.
4. then you fire you return rockets, no issues with timing the propulsion, or trajectory, cause the pilots have a joy stick, with no windows to see where the earth is.
5. the re-entry is just as easy as pie, no problems determining where the old ship will be to pick you up, in the nick of time, while you bob in the sea with 10 foot swells, on an aluminum dingy that was just passed 4000 degrees a few minute earlier, but now has rubber balloons keeping it afloat.

October 4, 2016 10:13 am

Never went to the moon?! What’s next? That Hitler didn’t personally gas 60 Trillion jews and turn them into soap and lampshades? That humans didn’t evolve from slime? I suppose the earth is flat, too..

October 4, 2016 10:21 am

Those who worry about ‘nuclear war’ ought to rejoice. It is ‘rocket science’ and a difficult thing too. Putting a satellite ( or nuclear warhead) on target is hard. With a satellite launch teams of technicians constantly monitor the rocket, launch systems and weather. It there is a problem detected with any they stand down and wait till it is resolved and yet those rockets and satellites still go awry or even explode. Like I said it is rocket science and it ain’t easy.

Now imagine the problem of launching a bunch of missiles that have been sitting in inventory for months or years, maintained by a bunch of bored enlisted men and trying to salvo launch them on a minutes notice for the purpose of waging nuclear war.

April 25, 2017 7:13 pm

Designing,Producing ammunition to last for periods of time, between scheduled maintainance procedures insures the Enlisted Men who actually keep our military Ready by attending military educational facilities to ensure their capability in the thousands of specialities that make up our military are an interesting subject for those with the mental acuity to encompass the scope of our Military. The greatest our earth has known.

Enlisted, to serve out Christian Nation, tolerant of those who are tolerant of others

April 25, 2017 7:24 pm

SpaceX blows up a lot for you to brag about all those failed launches to low earth orbit.

Before spaceX was given the billions to become 2nd fiddle to other nations after scores of years NASA leading the world, launching 70% + of world satellite launches.

Then along came Barry Turdbender POTUS and his butties he funnels taxpayer money so they can DRAG our nation EVER DOWNWARD, pretending like anything spaceX does is wunderful has just about run its course. The tax spicket to be cut off will see an end to further liabilities created by the disaster elons trio of losers

Jackie Cox
Jackie Cox
September 4, 2017 9:23 am

Bored enlisted men ?

What ? Officers are any better than anyone else ?

You reek of a person who serves themselves

October 4, 2016 12:31 pm

Unit472, what proof do you have that nuclear weapons actually exist?

October 4, 2016 12:47 pm

Huh? Do tell. What part of the history of this is up for debate? Until they moved testing underground, all this stuff was lit up right on the surface for everyone to see, film and measure. Now, that they can put them on a missile and send it around the Earth might be something they can not do which is why we got very upset when missiles were put in Cuba and why Putin is angry that we are putting systems in E. Europe.

October 4, 2016 1:23 pm

It’s a serious question. No one I personally know has ever witnessed a nuclear explosion. The available “eyewitness accounts” of Hiroshima / Nagasaki are problematic. The images I see on Google often look photoshopped (why so much variability?) and the official government photos are often laughable. Only government supported university science labs would have access to geological sensor data. And think about how useful the “history” has been over the past seventy years in keeping the public in a state just short of panic and military budgets elevated. Just for anyone interested, below are some links to the guy that got me started thinking along these lines, and I think his analysis at least deserve wider exposure:

Miles Mathis – The Nuclear Hoax

Miles Mathis – The Bikini Atoll Nuclear Tests Were Faked

Example of a laughable government photo: J. Robert Oppenheimer and Gen. Leslie Groves, supposedly at the site of the Trinity test, a couple of months after the explosion, with no radiation protection except for little white booties:
comment image

October 4, 2016 1:51 pm

Jeebus. Really??

Conspiracy Nut Formula:
— 1. Make outrageous claim.
—2. Force the OTHER person to prove YOUR claim is bullshit.


Hey, I have never seen Hillary’s vagina. Have you? Has Bill? Thus, I believe she is a descendant of reptilian Quetzalcoatl. Prove me wrong.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 4, 2016 2:02 pm

Even if she is a reptilian she will still have a cloaca. That is good enough for Bill.

October 4, 2016 4:02 pm

The stupid around this place is really starting to burn.

October 4, 2016 4:04 pm

Stucky, thanks for sharing your opinion; I know you’re a smart guy, but surely you must realize that you’re asking me to provide proof of a negative – the non-existence of nuclear weapons. I’m hoping to hear from people like HSF and Bea, who seem a bit more open to challenging ideas: is the best evidence for the existence of nuclear weapons the fact that our government says they have them?

And we never went to the moon.

Jackie cox
Jackie cox
April 5, 2017 8:04 pm

Farts are not real EH? Anarchipagan, give me visual evidence andi will beLIEve U

October 4, 2016 5:03 pm


As in many conspiracy theories …. you’re ‘nukes-don’t-exist theory would literally require hundreds of thousands, if not MILLIONS of people to participate. Just think of all the people and knowledge required to build the bomb …. the bomb that supposedly never existed. It is literally not possible for such a secret to exist, and to exist for decades on end. Not ONE Russian, or Brit, or French, or Paki, or Joo, or from any other country with nukes has spilled the beans??

So, the USA!USA!USA! is gonna spend a Trillion dollars over the next decade upgrading nukes that don’t exist??? (Oh, wait …. that’s actually plausible.)

Russia spends billions on nukes that don’t exist?

Iran is risking attack from Da Joos and Amerika to build nukes that don’t exist? And on and on and on.

Man, if you believe that, then I_S is right …. the stupid, it burns.

October 5, 2016 1:55 pm

“But privatization is a term that properly applies to private transactions, which are voluntary transactions. ” – I don’t think this means what you say it means, with regard to government “privatizing” selected functions.
I have seen DoD put $10B into R&D and walk away from the result (“Forward Heavy Cannon”). NASA can, and has, done the same.
You are essentially just arguing over the form in which revenues are taken and doled.

March 22, 2019 1:38 pm

Tony Fart, untold billions as we drop behind other nations in satellite launches Musk, petitions China to take spaceX AMERICAN TAXPAYERS FUNDED to China.

Yet spaceX Barry Turdbenders Replacement to NASA he leveled, firing 8,000 real scientists, launching near 80% of worlds satellites. Gave Elon endless billions and no bid contracts.

Thus we are now saddled with another Obama long term liability,