Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas


Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said. “One can’t believe impossible things.”

“I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” – Alice in Wonderland

We live in an age when the level of deceit and propaganda is at an all-time high. Josef Goebbels, Vladimir Lenin and others did their best to force-feed propaganda to the masses, but they were rank amateurs compared to the spin doctors employed by the political leaders of today. They’re masters at convincing people of impossible things.

Whenever I listen to Americans discuss their country, I find people that are eager for more news and information, yet most, without even knowing it, accept much of the dogma they’ve been fed on a daily basis by their government and the media, even if, to outsiders, the assumptions are preposterous. Only those who make a concerted, ongoing effort to see through the smokescreen seem to keep clear.

Here are six impossible things that many seem to have little trouble accepting as reality.

Yes, the country’s in a mess, but that’s because of opposition party meddling. If the party I favour could get a majority, they’d sort things out.

This seems to have been a popular belief for decades. It’s believed by Democrats and Republicans alike. But, in 2001, the Republicans held both houses of Congress, plus the presidency, yet even then they failed to deliver on what they claimed were their party’s fundamental goals. Between 2009 and 2011, the Democrats controlled all three, yet they, too, failed to deliver. If the electorate were to step back and look at the history of who is in power vs. changes in policy, they’d find that the government central programme of welfare/warfare continues unabated, regardless of who controls the Congress and White House. The primary policies of the US are determined independently of who has been elected. As American writer Mark Twain stated correctly, “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.”

We’re on the road to economic recovery. We just have to be patient.

The US is deeper in debt by far than any country ever has been in the history of the world. The level of debt is so great at present that it’s impossible to pay back. The reaction by the US government has been to increase that debt, pumping more heroin into the body of the addict. There’s no possibility for this to end well; all that can be achieved is to postpone the inevitable, thus assuring that the final outcome will be even worse. The final tab will be picked up, not by the political class, but by the electorate.

I don’t like government bailing the banks out, but, if they don’t, the system will collapse.

Bank failures have existed for as long as banks have existed. Under a laissez faire system, a bank that’s behaved recklessly with lending, to the point that it becomes insolvent, collapses. Depositors are harmed and sometimes financially ruined. Often, there’s a brief economic downturn, but the culling of the bad bank actually strengthens the economy in the long run. However, in the last century, the major banks in the US have become so powerful with regard to government policy that they can now act recklessly, then be bailed out by the government, then act recklessly again. (Ultimately, this trend will result in a crash of epic proportions – an event that may come quite soon.)

There’s no problem raising the debt ceiling. All that’s necessary is to print more money to pay for it.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Dramatic printing of currency generally leads to higher prices. Inflation robs people of their wealth. Hyperinflation can utterly destroy it. And, as regards foreign debt, trading partners don’t take kindly to having the debtors degrade their debt. At some point, they’re likely to sell back their debt into the debtor’s economy. It would only take a fraction of the US debt held by the rest of the world to be sold back into the US for the US economy to collapse.

I don’t like war, but the attacks on Ukraine and the Middle East are necessary to make the world safe for democracy.

Since the end of World War Two, the US has regarded itself as the world’s policeman – a role that most of us outside the US consider to be quite an arrogant one for any nation to take. Even more puzzling for us is the general belief in the US that American invasions of countries actually result in democratisation. From Vietnam to Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Libya (the list goes on), there has been little evidence that US invasions have led to stable, democratic rule. In most cases, it has led to increased chaos. America is seen, not as the policeman, but the world’s foremost aggressor. This is not conducive to long-term American hegemony.

I realise that the US has passed considerable legislation lately that’s taken away my basic freedoms, but it’s been necessary in fighting terrorism.

Beginning with the Patriot Act of 2001, the US government has gone mad with the passage of a plethora of legislation that has trashed the US Constitution (often regarded by the outside world as the finest founding document that any country has ever produced.) As a result, even many Third World countries now enjoy greater individual freedom than can be found in the US.

This is still the best country in the world.

By almost every standard, this has, over recent decades, ceased to be the case. Before the world wars, the UK was the most powerful country in the world. Britons managed somehow to equate this fact to the belief that the UK was the “best” in every way. This was never entirely true, but most Brits accepted it anyway. Today, the methadone has finally taken effect and most of us accept that the dew is very much off the vine. This suggests that it will be a long time, possibly generations, before Americans come to realise that the glory days of empire are over and the decline is in process.

Alice had the right idea. As a young person, not yet programmed by her government and the media to believe impossible things, she had a greater ability to see the world as it was. The rest of us have to work quite a bit harder to see through the smokescreen that governments and the media create. By the 1960’s, it was apparent to the world that Britain had become a shell of its former self, but many Brits weren’t ready to accept that the party was over. (Today, 70 years after the war, the message has sunk in.) Now it’s America’s turn and it will be equally hard for them. For most, the standard of living and quality of life will diminish.

Those who will be the most likely to do well will be those who choose to recognise that, as America declines, there are some countries that are on the upswing. Those few who choose to diversify themselves beyond American shores will not only increase their objectivity, but, very likely, will assure themselves a freer, more prosperous future.


Jeff Thomas
email: [email protected]

Jeff Thomas is British and resides in the Caribbean. The son of an economist and historian, he learned early to be distrustful of governments as a general principle. Although he spent his career creating and developing businesses, for eight years, he penned a weekly newspaper column on the theme of limiting government. He began his study of economics around 1990, learning initially from Sir John Templeton, then Harry Schulz and Doug Casey and later others of an Austrian persuasion. He is now a regular feature writer for Casey Research’s International Man and Strategic Wealth Preservation in the Cayman Islands.

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October 7, 2016 10:45 am

7) Green Jobs and energy conservation creates Jobs.

Try pointing out that Kliebers Law, EMc2 and the size of the economy are all correlated by the laws of Thermodynamics . Good luck.

October 7, 2016 11:17 am

8) Unemployment is only 5%

9) The Affordable Care Act will bring down the cost of health care

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 7, 2016 12:38 pm

The terrorists hate us for our freedom and want to attack us any time, any where — but allowing completely unchecked flow of illegal foreigner “dreamers” to come across our borders makes our nation stronger by increasing diversity.

October 7, 2016 1:09 pm

Islam is a religion of peace

Those aren’t chemtrails, they are normal plane contrails.

Global warming is the cause of everything having to do with weather and if we pay taxes to banksters it will stop global warming.

There is no difference between gay marriage and traditional marriage

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
October 8, 2016 3:08 pm

There is no difference between gay marriage and traditional marriage

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 7, 2016 1:29 pm

“You worry too much. Things will work out fine, just as they always have”.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 7, 2016 1:59 pm

“In the great city where he lived, life was always gay. Every day many strangers came to town, and among them one day came two swindlers. They let it be known they were weavers, and they said they could weave the most magnificent fabrics imaginable. Not only were their colors and patterns uncommonly fine, but clothes made of this cloth had a wonderful way of becoming invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office, or who was unusually stupid.”

The key is to implicate everyone by virtue of their going along with the lie. Suddenly, everyone is corrupt or else they are unfit and stupid.

And it works.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  hardscrabble farmer
October 7, 2016 9:19 pm

Lying is one thing, all you have to do is deny the truth. Bullshitting elevates lying to an art form.

When you have control of both houses and the presidency and still claim that you have no mandate to fix the illegal immigrant problem, so you lose both houses and the presidency and the new majority party claims that with that extraordinary majority it still doesn’t have the mandate to go against the wishes of the American people, you know you are listening to master bullshitters.

Consider that AWD insisted Latinos had put Obama in office. They are his constituency, why did he waffle and tell them that they had more work to do? That they had to organize demonstrations – which they did – and still they got nyet.

So, what Hispanics could conclude if they kept notes is that voting doesn’t serve any purpose but to get a bullshit artist a job in congress working for the shadow government.

Reminds me of Phil’s old joke about the guy who married a hooker to save money. Of course, when he tried to collect, she said, $5 – same as everybody, asshole.

Don Levit
Don Levit
October 7, 2016 2:23 pm

Had a discussion with a fellow who believes public and private debt are irrelevant when a nation can print money
He said a few minutes later than man evolved from apes
I looked at him, thought of an ape, and laughed uncontrollably
My second thought was he was committing a severe injustice to the ape

October 8, 2016 1:44 pm

Weird. I was reading Alice in Wonderland yesterday thinking we were falling down the rabbithole.

October 8, 2016 1:45 pm

#7) Take away all firearms from we Dirt-People and violence and crime will disappear.

(Some Assembly Required: may require additional and repeated doses of: Fairy Dust and/or sparkling Unicorn Poop administered liberally by the Cloud People.)

October 8, 2016 2:23 pm

I agree with your assessment of America’s role as “world policeman” but it must be pointed out that this is not entirely an artifact of American arrogance. For one, the American people have never wanted this role. It’s the American government that has inserted itself into world affairs, and even at that it’s still not an exclusively American phenomenon. There is an entire global elite responsible for this, and it merely uses the American military as its enforcement arm. I cite as examples the recent brouhaha over Trump suggesting that NATO has outlived its mission. The most vociferous condemnations came from Europe, whose leaders were quick to tell us Americans what our role in the world must be: the global policeman that they condemn on the other 6 days of the week.

The rest of the world, Europe especially, sends conflicting messages on the American role. On the one hand they complain about American meddling, then on the other hand they scoff at America only entering WW2 in 1941 after the war had been raging for 2 years already. Well which is it? Are we supposed to preemptively involve ourselves, or should we wait until given reason to? I even recall America being castigated for such things as “allowing” the Rwanda massacre to occur.

The American people are naturally disinclined toward interventionism. It’s sort of a foundational premise of this country, in fact. The “GloboCop” role is anomalous and no one would like to see it end more than American people themselves. The American government is not “American” so much as the American chapter of an incipient global government, and that global order doesn’t give a toss what we think about its commandeering of our military.

Colorado KnightOwl
Colorado KnightOwl
October 8, 2016 3:27 pm

Well Said Sir!
We do NOT want to be anyone’s policeman. We should NOT be in Afghanistan, Libya or Syria, nor have we any Right to tell those nations what to do.
We should close 90% of our bases around the world and come home.

October 8, 2016 2:23 pm

I once asked my (now late) father if he, having grown up in the last one, ever feared we would face another Great Depression. He said “Oh, no – the government would never allow that.”

I glad he didn’t live to realize he had been betrayed – since the government caused the last one – the government was going to do it again and again as the ethical strictures wore more and more thin.

Muck About
Muck About
October 8, 2016 5:12 pm

I find myself wondering (more often than is healthy, I think) if humanity is worthy of the tasks set for it.

If we are indeed alone in this Universe, our responsibilities are beyond measure to insure we prosper, learn, eventually modify the physics of the place and spread our seed far and wide and peacefully among the stars.

If we are only one of many kajillion beings scattered throughout the known (and unknown) Universe, then we are but a mite upon a fleas’ back and it matters not what we learn, what we do or where we end up as our mere existence is less notable than the preverbal fart in a tornado .

What we have left, until in the fullness of time things become clear, is that our own lives, our existence is what we have and we damn well better make the best, the kindest, the gentlest, the most loving life we can make of it.


Clarence Klekar
Clarence Klekar
October 9, 2016 10:59 am

“Those few who choose to diversify themselves beyond American shores will not only increase their objectivity, but, very likely, will assure themselves a freer, more prosperous future.”

To the author of this story…where? What yonder country do you refer to? Are you suggesting moving to another country? I’ve looked into that, it doesn’t have a rosy picture like you suggest.