LLPOH: Making Beer While All Around Me Stress

While he rest of the world has been agonising over Covid, I have ….. been making beer.

On tap at the moment, and I generally only make on tap beer, I have 1) the best Pilsner I have ever tasted, 2) an incredible Pale Ale , 3) a good NZ IPA, 4) a really good apple cider, 5) a Kveik semi -lager (not my favorite), 6) a doppelbock (yummy), 6) a Trappist clone getting better every day, 7) a dark lager (oh boy oh boy!), and underway a large batch of Aussie lager for the neighbors who have taste buds of Neanderthals. At least they won’t guzzle the good stuff, which they would do and never know the difference, swine that they are. 

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Llpoh: Hints That Employers May Be Able to Require Vaccinations

Can employers make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory?

A judge has just ruled that universities can require students be vaccinated. In this case the judge was ruling on a lawsuit brought by some Indiana University students. He ruled that the Constitution does not guarantee the right to attend a university. He said that students could choose to attend another school without such a requirement, or could choose not to attend at all. But he was clear that no Constitutional right to attend university exists. As a matter of interest, he was a Trump appointee.
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LLPOH: Three Out of Three Ain’t Bad

Despite what some may think, I as a rule do not hold grudges and rapidly forget disagreements and fights. I not only usually do not remember the reason for past conflicts but generally do not even recall they happened. The fact is, I hold no grudges against anyone who may read this. I do remember some conflicts, some that continue easily, but truly I do not have any grudges. Grudges are unproductive as a rule.

However, in my lifetime there have been three people that I have truly hated, and I expect I will carry that hate to my grave. I will never forgive, and never forget.

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Llpoh: Narratives

narratives everywhere - Tony Stark Eye Roll | Make a Meme

Everywhere I look, I see narratives. Truth and logical reasoning has given way to narrative. People are buying into the MSM and politically driven narrative system, and become so entrenched in their positions that no amount of truth or facts can alter their views. This gives the narrators enormous control over the entire population. The lemming mentality is taking us down a dark path, which in the end leads to a cliff.

The left is entirely consumed by narrative, but the right is catching up rapidly. They are two sides to the same coin, and I encourage everyone to break free of the narrative system, and focus rather on facts and truth.

Following are but a few of the narratives that I see, day after day:

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Llpoh: Discerning Friend from Foe

As we all know, bad times are coming. So I have spent some time thinking about this: how will I be able to tell friend from foe? Hard decisions about these things will need to be made. Mistakes in making the determination could prove disastrous. A person is going to need to be ruthless in weeding foes out of their friendship group, lest he or she risk catastrophe.

Let’s start with a quote.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

This is an inordinately astute observation, and I believe it holds a key to how to make the decisions as to who is friend, and who is foe.

Quite simply, I believe anyone who receives income from the government must be put into the foe category. The why seems clear: anyone receiving funds from the government has clear motivation to maintain the status quo. Can someone who relies on the government for their means of existence be trusted? Will you be willing to take that risk?

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LLPOH: Exhibit 973 as to Why the Road Back May Be Endless

I exchanged emails with family in California the other day. I, of course, avoid all mention of politics, and kept my comments on such things to a single statement – that this virus stuff sure sucks.

The response I got from one relo (relative to you that do not speak ‘Strain) was that he sure is happy that that “clown” Trump is going down, and now there is real leadership on the way that will stop the virus in its tracks, and he hopes that they act like Australian leaders did and wipe out the virus. (I have drafted a long reply to that absurdity, detailing the draconian measures taken, the increased suicides, the hundreds of thousands seeking help for mental illness, the closed borders, the 40,000 Australians stranded overseas contrary to international law, the inability of citizens to leave Australia, the deaths caused to cancer and other ill patients unable to source care, etc. I advised him be careful what you wish for. I have not sent it at this time, as what is the point.)

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LLPOH: How Times Have Changed

Teddy Roosevelt once delivered an 84-minute speech after getting shot -  Business Insider

On October 24, 1912, Teddy Roosevelt was shot in the chest just before he was scheduled to deliver a speech. Coughing into his hand and determining he was not lung shot, he carried on with the speech. He spoke for 84 minutes, refusing all attempts to administer him care.

They were unable to remove the bullet that was lodged deep in his chest.

Whatever else he may have been, for sure and certain he was, as he described himself, a bull moose.

Compare that man to the soy boy metrosexuals that voted for Biden, that can today be seen everywhere. The faux tattooed toughness is a disgrace. How the mighty have fallen.

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Llpoh: If Not Now, When?

It did not happen when they invaded foreign nations.

It did not happen when they implemented income tax.

It did not happen when they began transferring money from the productive to the non-productive.

It did not happen when they refused to secure the borders.

It did not happen when they implemented asset forfeiture.

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Llpoh: Raised Vegetable Beds to Starve the Beast

As a response to the great article Admin just posted, I want to offer this as one means to starve the beast. My wife and I have installed around 100 square yards of raised garden beds for growing food. The amounts of food that can be produced by raised beds is truly astonishing. Some people get thousands of pounds of food each year from 100 yards of raised beds. We do not aim that high, but still we get tremendous amounts of food, and are able to give much away to family and friends.

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Llpoh: Demographic Reality

Just to brighten everyone’s day, I want to point out that currently 40% of the US population identify as non-white. We will for this exercise assume that 70% of all hispanics, which we will say are 25% of the population, vote left, and almost all of the blacks vote left. That means that straight away, approximately 30% of all votes in any election is already decided as left, and 10% as conservative.
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Llpoh: Get Out While You Can, Revisited

Just under two years ago I wrote the article that follows. It garnered a lot of comments, and I encourage you to revisit them to see how well they have stood the test of time. The original article can be found here:

If anything, I was far too optimistic in my assessment. It is now too late to get out, as you can easily see. I did what I could to sound the alarm. I told you so, and it brings me no pleasure (well, maybe a little) to say that.

Interestingly, there are a number of posters on the original thread that said they would fight when the time came. I called bullshit then, and still do. Things are far worse today than then, but no fighting is happening. None. The other side is better organized, and they are marching armed and un-impeded wherever they choose. It looks more and more like the normal folks are surrendering without even a dying whimper. Much as I suspected and predicted. It is not a criticism, just a statement of fact. The left and the minorities have won. If the Hispanics ever join the leftist march, it is well and truly over.

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Llpoh: My Mom Was World’s Best Cook!

Ok, enough doom and gloom. Time to talk about something more fun. Time to talk about food.

Now, I know many people think their mom was a great cook. But my mom was a great cook, and no one who ever sat down at our table ever disputed that fact. Growing up, I would have friends over, and they would have their entire reality changed. They never knew food existed like that my mom served them.

The thing is, we were poor. And so everything that hit out table was home made. And because we were poor, my mom had to be inventive with ingredients. Was it they healthiest food ever served? Not by a very long shot. But was it tasty and filling? Oh yes indeed.

So here, in some semblance of a top ten order, were her best dishes.

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Llpoh: Ten things I think I think

I have not posted one of these in some time. I have been less than motivated as of late, and I have also been fighting a general foul and dark disposition – hence my infrequent posting, as TBP is not a place where rainbows and unicorns and spring flowers are the norm.

1. I think I miss my good friend Stucky. I hope he is ok, and hope the same for his family. He has long been the straw that stirs Admin’s drink, and the irreverence he brings to this monkeyfest is sorely missed.

2. I think this secret impeachment debacle is a disgrace. I think it is nothing more than an attempted coup. And I think that the idiots behind it best be careful, as unintended consequences could be severe.

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LLPOH: Sad, but Guess the Race

Read the headline: “Mother who dropped 3-month-old baby during fight charged with murder after he dies”, and said to myself, welp, I know what race the mother and others involved will be. I hate it I am right so often. This is a sad case, but these type events are not unusual. Here are a few links in case one or two do not work:

The mother, it is alleged, did not seek treatment for the baby until the next day. It is alleged the two people involved attempted a cover-up.

How this is allowed to continue, in such numbers, I simply cannot understand. Why are WaPo, NYT, etc., not covering this stuff, when 13% of the US population commits over half of the violent crime in the US?

LLPOH: The World Has Turned to Crap

Well, there you have it. I suppose I could stop right there with that headline, as it reflects accurately what I witnessed on my recent several weeks in Europe, and what I am seeing in general world-wide. My mood is dark as of late, which is largely a result of what I am seeing.

I have been to Europe many, many times. There are places etched in my memory, that I loved: London, Madrid, Barcelona, Florence, Venice, Paris, etc. Each of those places have changed so much, for the worse, that I no longer can reconcile my memories with the current reality. What happened to these places?

Well, firstly, they have become “diversified”. That means they are now awash with hordes of unwashed. They are everywhere – begging, stealing, loafing, committing violence, and generally being parasitic and destructive.

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