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How Big Pharma Sold Depression to the World

Via A Midwestern Doctor

Story at-a-glance

  • After the SSRIs were developed, their manufacturers realized the population needed to be convinced they were suffering from depression so as many people as possible would buy their drugs
  • The tricks the drug industry used to perform this were remarkable and have many parallels to how the predatory pharmaceutical industry pushes many other drugs on us
  • While a minority of patients (about a third) benefit from antidepressant therapy, the majority do not (termed “treatment resistant depression”), but unfortunately, until recently there have been minimal options available for these patients
  • Much of this results from depression being viewed as a single illness, rather than a myriad of conditions with somewhat overlapping symptoms which each need to be treated differently (rather than simply all being given the same drug)

When you read history textbooks, you will frequently notice events of the past (and the society going along with them) being cast in a negative light. Yet in many cases, when the exact same processes occurs in the modern era, it is not cast in the same negative light — even when many prominent dissidents are actively explaining why what we are doing is completely insane.

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“Those who don’t build must burn.”Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Nick Tyrone on Twitter: "This Venn diagram isn't possible. “1984” is set in an authoritarian future in which all pleasure is repressed; “Brave New World” in one where people are provided with

“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” George Orwell, 1984

The Venn diagram above perfectly captures the zeitgeist of our current dystopian world better than any academic drivel disguised as a scientific study or any regime media produced propaganda disguised as journalism. In fact, these three novels capture everything that has gone terribly wrong in our world, and I put the blame at the feet of totalitarian governments and an apathetic fearful populace who went along because it was the easiest path to follow.

These three novels, considered among the top 100 novels ever written, were penned between 1931 and 1953, during three distinct periods, which are reflected in the themes and story lines of their dystopian worlds. They were supposed to be works of fiction, providing warnings of what could happen if we made the wrong choices and trusted the wrong people. Sadly, they became user manuals for today’s authoritarian dictators in how to control, condition and cow a population of indoctrinated sheep, as displayed during the covid pandemic exercise.

Continue reading “BURNING BOOKS IN A BRAVE NEW 1984 WORLD”

Nearly 1 in 4 Women 60 and Over Use Antidepressants

Via Mercola

antidepressant use in women 60 and older

Story at-a-glance

  • Depression is a mood disorder commonly treated with antidepressants; data reveal 24.3% of women age 60 and older are on antidepressants, which is over twice as many as women age 18 to 39 years
  • The number of women on antidepressants jumps dramatically in the 40-to-59-year age range, which experts believe is related to perimenopause and post-menopause. During these years, hormonal changes can have a significant effect on a woman’s mood
  • The number of women on antidepressants is greater than men in all age ranges. While women are three times more likely to attempt suicide than men, one woman dies for every four men by suicide
  • Experts recognized a rising number of people with depression over the last two decades, but there was a marked jump in the number during the pandemic and the levels have remained high
  • Scientific evidence demonstrates antidepressants do not improve the user’s quality of life, and the effect is only slightly greater than placebo in the short-term and has poor long-term outcomes. This has led many doctors to consider other more effective options

Depression is a mental illness that affects the way you understand and relate to your environment and the people around you. It is deeper than sadness or a low mood and includes symptoms that vary from mild to severe. People who are depressed1 may have trouble sleeping, loss of energy, changes in appetite or loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed.

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Cut the Crap: We Need Full Constitutional Carry, Several Dozen Insane Asylums, and a FULL BAN ON ANTIDEPRESSANTS

Hat tip Yojimbo

Guest Post by Ann Barnhardt

See this kid?  Yeah, where I’m from, that’s called, “crazy as a shithouse rat”.

Here’s a nutty idea.  Stay with me.  How about we put the crazy people in a facility where they can receive supervision, care and treatment?  We could call it… hmmm… let’s see… an “insane asylum”, or even a “mental hospital”.  That is, a place where people who are insane and/or mentally ill could receive shelter and care, and at the same time the rest of society would likewise be protected from them.  Because CRAZY PEOPLE CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.  It would almost be like a CORPORAL WORK OF MERCY OR SOMETHING.

Just brainstorming here, kinda free-associating, what if there were religious orders that had as a charism the care of the mentally ill?  Wouldn’t that be a beautiful thing?  People dedicating their lives to God, the right worship of God, and as a function of their love for God, they would care for those of God’s children who are insane?  Off the wall, right?  I know.

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Antidepressants Scientifically Linked To Violent Behavior In Youth

Submitted by Derrick Broze via,

A new study published in the PLoS Medicine journal has found that younger people taking antidepressants are more likely to commit violent crimes.

Reuters reports that the researchers “used a unique study design which aimed to avoid confounding factors by comparing the same individuals’ behavior while they were on and while they were off medication.” The study was led by Seena Fazel of Britain’s Oxford University.

Fazel’s team used matched data from Sweden’s prescribed drug register and its national crime register over a three-year period. Among 850,000 people prescribed Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), one percent were convicted of a violent crime. SSRIs are often prescribed to fight off anxiety and depression and include drugs like Prozac and Paxil.

Most of the age groups did not show an increase in crime and violence, however, the 15-24 year-old group showed a 43 percent increase in their risk of committing violent crime while on SSRIs. The researchers also observed an increased risk for younger people to be involved in violent arrests, non-violent convictions and arrests, non-fatal injuries, and alcohol problems when they were taking antidepressants. The results also showed those who took lower doses had an increased risk of being violent.

Ironically, the researchers recommend that young people might take higher doses of the drugs to reduce the risk of violence and criminal activity. Fazel told Reuters it is possible that younger people taking lower doses are not being “fully treated,” leaving them vulnerable to impulsive behavior.

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The politically correct corporate media won’t say it, so I will. There are only two logical explanations for the co-pilot of this plane to purposely crash it into a mountain. He was either on one of the mega-drug company psychotropic anti-depression drugs or he was a Muslim terrorist sympathizer.

Of course Obama immediately has to chime in by saying it wasn’t a terrorist act. What the fuck do we care what the fuck Obama thinks about a German airliner crash? He should just shut the fuck up and concentrate on his NCAA pool or decide what other country he is going to invade in the Middle East.

If this co-pilot was on anti-depressants, will we ever find out? Most of the mass murderers in the U.S. were on these drugs, but the information is suppressed from the public because drug company profits would suffer.

Via Marketwatch

Germanwings co-pilot appears to have deliberately crashed plane

Black box contains screams believed to be from passengers

Debris at the Germanwings crash site.

PARIS — The co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525 appears to have deliberately crashed the plane after he was left alone in the cockpit, according to a French prosecutor.

The captain was intentionally locked outside minutes before the A320 crashed into an alpine mountain ridge, French Prosecutor Brice Robin said Thursday. Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, a 28-year-old German national, could be heard breathing throughout the plane’s descent and was alive at the point of impact, according to the prosecutor.

Robin’s initial conclusions are drawn from the plane’s cockpit voice recorder, recovered at the crash site in the French Alps late Tuesday and analyzed by French accident investigators on Wednesday.

The co-pilot’s actions during the final minutes of the flight could be interpreted as a “willingness to destroy this aircraft,” Robin told a news conference in Marseille.

The voice recording, which lasts over 30 minutes and includes the crucial last 10 minutes of the flight, contains screams believed to be from passengers once they recognized the plane was crashing.

An expanded version of this report appears on