Pussy vs Bear

The Pussy believes ISIS is “contained“.  That the only thing we’re having trouble with is “decapitating” their command and control.  He says that this will be a “multi-year” effort.  He loves his strategy, and claims no one has offered him a better one.

The Bear says “Bullshitski!“.  And proceeds to actually decapitating.

Here is The Pussy In Chief. Does he instill respect, or do you want to roll on the floor laughing your ass off?  If you think he’s a buffoon … imagine how other world leaders really feel.


Here is The Bear. Do you think he has “handlers” telling him what to say?  Do you think he’s talking bullet-points from a Powerpoint presentation?  Do you think he’s fucking around? Neither do I. Neither does the world.

Translation follows:

Continue reading “Pussy vs Bear”

Why Didn’t The Bear Eat The Girl?

Maybe because she’s a square shouldered, super-fit, double marathon-running, tree-hugging, deodorant-refusing, whale-saving, hairy-legged, bike-riding, rail-thin vegan with an Associate degree in Buddhist philosophy ….. and a voice that makes Hillary sound sexy?

