Persuasion is to Unity What Coercion is to Conformity

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Where there is no law there is no freedom.

– John Locke


Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right.

― H.L. Mencken


It would be easy to speculate ad nauseam regarding the 2022 U.S. Midterms, but that is not the main intention of this post. Therefore, my comments regarding the national elections will be brief:  In short, it seems there were three general outcomes possible: 1.) Democrats holding both Houses of Congress 2.) GOP winning House or Senate but not both 3.) GOP winning both House and Senate.

In the Old Normal, given current economic shortages and inflation, the extremism of woke politics, increasing urban crime, the politicization of COVID, and the weaponization of federal agencies, a sizable red wave would have been assured.  But we no longer live in the Old Normal and we haven’t for some time. As the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential Election demonstrated, America has crossed the Rubicon. Speculation is moot. At this late date in history, the beast system will never cede power via honest elections.

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The Demise of Fox News

Guest Post by The Zman

News brings word that the SJW’s have bagged their biggest trophy to date. Bill O’Reilly is the most popular cable news talker in the business and he was just fired for making the girls cry. It is all part of what is looking like a well orchestrated effort to break Fox News on the wheel of political correctness. The screeching harpies knocked out Roger Ailes and now they have taken out the top star, all via the same method – powerskirts claiming to have been done wrong by the knuckle-dragging misogynists running the network.

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The Left Can’t Take a Joke

Guest Post by Ben Garrison

Bill O’Reilly said Maxine Waters’ hair looked like a James Brown wig. His was a small quip that should have registered a slight chuckle and then be forgotten. Instead, he faced the usual legacy media firestorm.

CNN pompously declared it ‘an insult that should offend all Americans.’ The Chicago Tribune said the insult was ‘par for O’Reilly’s ignorant course.’ Even though Bill apologized (he shouldn’t have), the SJW crowd angrily cried that he be fired. This is a familiar pattern. It’s always about losing one’s job for saying things deemed politically incorrect these days. It’s the fascism of the left in action.

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Has The American Establishment Opted for Thermo-Nuclear War?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

If you want to be an American TV talking head or a Western presstitute, you are required to be braindead and integrity-challenged like Bill O’Reilly, CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and all the rest.

In an interview with President Donald Trump, O’Reilly said: “Putin is a killer.”

O’Reilly is indifferent to the fact that thermo-nuclear war is a killer of planet Earth. For O’Reilly, President Trump’s desire to normalize relations with Russia is an indication that the President of the US is comfortable making deals with killers, as if America’s last three presidents have not been mass killers comfortable with their destruction in whole or part of many countries and millions of peoples.

President Trump’s response to O’Reilly’s was: “We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think – our country’s so innocent?”

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