The recent deal to keep Carrier jobs in the United States is not at all unusual. It only received so much press because Trump made it a campaign issue and saw an opportunity to record a big early PR victory before he even took office. Government and corporations cooperate, negotiate deals, scratch each others backs, kickback ill-gotten gains, and function as a career advancement funnel for corrupt politicians.

In reality, the intertwining of government and big business meets the definition of fascism. A centralized autocratic government that picks winners and losers, while suppressing un-favored companies or industries, meets the definition of fascism. Fascists let business remain in private hands, but use regulations, laws, tax benefits, and the distribution of goodies to control the economy. Big business serves politicians and government bureaucrats instead of their customers.

Our corporate fascist economic system benefits big businesses who have hundreds of lawyers, lobbyists, tax specialists, and accountants to comply with the tens of thousands of government regulations, indecipherable tax code, and ridiculous laws, while small businesses are driven into the ground. Small businesses have no political influence and no ability to influence the corrupt system. The big connected conglomerates receive the government subsidies, tax breaks, and preferential treatment. Corporate fascism at its finest.



“Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences.” – Donald Trump

The reaction to Trump’s deal to keep 1,100 Carrier jobs in Indiana has ranged from outrage to adoration. There are so many layers to this Shakespearean drama that all points of views have some level of credence. I’m torn between the positive and negative aspects of this deal. If you’ve read Bastiat’s The Law and Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson, you understand the fallacies involved when government interferes in the free market. Politicians and their fanboys always concentrate on the seen aspects of government intervention, but purposely ignore the unseen consequences.


The New CEO’s First Moves (and Trump)

Guest Post by Scott Adams

One of the things I will enjoy about the Trump presidency is watching non-business writers try to explain his methods. Case in point, the recent stories about Ford and Carrier keeping some parts of their manufacturing in the United States because Trump negotiated/bullied them into staying. If you tell that story through a political filter – which is all I have seen so far – you focus on the facts. In this case, the political story is that both the Ford and Carrier situations are exaggerated claims of success.

The political filter misses the story completely. As usual.

Here’s the real story. You need a business filter to see it clearly. In my corporate life I watched lots of new leaders replace old leaders. And there is one trick the good leaders do that bad leaders don’t: They make some IMMEDIATE improvement that everyone can see. It has to be visible, relatively simple, and fast.


Continue reading “The New CEO’s First Moves (and Trump)”

“THIS is why Americans are voting for Donald Trump.”

The quote in the title was actually spoken by Stuart Varney on Fux News on Monday.

Pray for the Top Dogs at Carrier.  After all, they said it was a “very difficult decision”. Poor guys …..



Watch American Workers Being Told Their Jobs Are Being Sent To Mexico: “F*CK YOU!”

This video is the undeniable depiction of so much of Donald Trump’s appeal to millions of American voters. An American company caught on video announcing to its workers that in order to “remain competitive” their jobs are moving to Mexico. 

For years, Democrats have allowed this to happen. Republicans have allowed this to happen.

And now the American Middle Class has had enough.

Continue reading ““THIS is why Americans are voting for Donald Trump.””