An Example of Cognitive Dissonance

Guest Post by Scott Adams

What the heck is “climate denial”? Is that even a thing?

I mentioned on Periscope the other day that I created a Sunday comic as a cognitive dissonance trap. I wanted to see if I could make an argument about the reliability of ECONOMIC models and dupe irrational people into labeling me a climate denier.

As you can see below, the experiment worked as planned. Notice the excerpt below leaves out the part of the comic that mentions ECONOMIC models.

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What Do We Call Media Fraudsters And Hucksters?

 Guest Post by Karl Denniger
Time to increase my long pitchforks, torches, lamposts and boiled rope trade, I suspect.

The words are hurled around like epithets.

People who reject the findings of climate science are dismissed as “deniers” and “disinformers.” Those who accept the science are attacked as “alarmists” or “warmistas. ” The latter term, evoking the Sandinista revolutionaries of Nicaragua, is perhaps meant to suggest that the science is part of some socialist plot.

In the long-running political battles over climate change, the fight about what to call the various factions has been going on for a long time. Recently, though, the issue has taken a new turn, with a public appeal that has garnered 22,000 signatures and counting.

The petition asks the news media to abandon the most frequently used term for people who question climate science, “skeptic,” and call them “climate deniers” instead.

Yes, and the so-called “climate denier” label is intended to evoke The Holocaust, which is an outrageous and intentional appeal to a factually-known act of mass-murder that left a few million skeletons behind as evidence.

The problem with so-called “climate science” is that it’s not science at all; it’s hucksterism and fraud.  Let’s look at a few (and only a few!) of the problems that the so-called “climate change” people peddle.

1. It was called “global warming”, but when the warming stopped and failed to verify against the claims of their computer models for 15 years running they changed their name.  That’s fraud.

2. Only something like 3% of the surface of the earth has a temperature probe covering a place in the immediate vicinity.  That’s a lack of data.

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