Handling Common Objections When Getting Your Family to Prep

Guest Post by Dan Sullivan from Survival Sullivan

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? When your loved ones are unawaken, you feel like the more you try to convince them to prepare, the less receptive they are. There you are, trying to save their lives and, instead of showing gratitude and appreciation for your efforts… they all think you’re nuts.

Prepping alone works in theory but, the reality is, when disaster strikes, if they’re not prepared, you’ll have no choice but to stay behind and help them and that may very well mean the end for all of you.

Just imagine… mass social breakdown all around you and your spouse standing in the doorway petrified… your hiding under the bed and YOU KNOW you need to evacuate or you all perish. What will you do then?

There’s a little secret to finally getting them to listen to what you have to say and get them to join your cause. It’s not a magic pill and it does require a little bit of practice but the thing is… it works.

The secret is to have an assertive behavior. This way you can handle pretty much any objection thrown your way and pave the road to getting them to join you and be happy they did.

The Meriam-Webster online dictionary defines assertiveness as:

“disposed to or characterized by bold or confident statements and behavior <an assertive leader>”

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