Obama just keeps breaking records for ineptitude and creating despair. The charts below detail the huge success of his economic policies. I think even liberal morons would agree that men between the ages of 25 and 54 years old SHOULD be working. College is behind you and it is time to earn money, raise a family, save for your retirement, and become a productive part of society. When the Obama recovery began in the middle of 2009, 10% of all men between the ages of 25 and 54 were not in the labor force. That was already an outrageously high number.

Now, after 5 years of “economic recovery” spurred by massive Keynesian debt spending, zero interest rates, government handouts to Wall Street, and the introduction of free healthcare for all, 12% of all men between the ages of 25 and 54 are not in the labor force. Now that’s real progress. I bet Obama can get that figure to 14% before he leaves office with accolades from the liberal media pundits. Who needs working men anyway?

The fact that 17% of all men between the ages of 25 and 54 are not working is a shocking enough figure, but even the politically correct conservatives refuse to go one step further and examine the BLS data regarding the racial breakdown of working men. Obama is supposedly the champion of the poor and minorities. He won over 90% of the black vote in the last election. It seems that 30% of all black men between the ages of 25 and 54 years old are not working. And this doesn’t even count the black men in prison in this age bracket.

You get more of what you encourage and promote. Why are there twice as many black men as white men not working during their prime employment years? Because they don’t have to. They can live off of the working population through food stamps, Section 8 subsidies, SS disability, and the myriad of other welfare programs supported by Obama and his liberal control freak minions. Everything Obama does is a detriment to creating jobs. Every Keynesian waste of tax payer dollars has kept the market from truly recovering. Every new regulation to save the earth deters companies from hiring workers.

The rollout of his disastrous Obamacare abortion has already resulted in layoffs, small business closings, and reduced hiring by all businesses. And the worst aspects of this law haven’t even been implemented. His brilliant idea to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 would provide a real boost to the number of 25 to 54 year old men not working. He’s the gift that keeps on giving.

The consequences of men in their prime earning years not working are far reaching and dire. This puts a halt to family formation, home buying, car buying, contributions to the Social Security system, income taxes needed to pay for all that government waste, and the mental stability of men who feel worthless without a job. Throw in the massive build-up of student loan debt among young men and you have a powder-keg ready to blow. The upcoming financial crisis will be the trigger to unleash a hailstorm of anger, violence and rage. It’s uncertain who this will be unleashed upon. Hopefully, the ire is focused where it belongs on Obama and the government. The war has just begun.

“There are currently 61.1 million American men in their prime working years, age 25–54. A staggering 1 in 8 such men are not in the labor force at all, meaning they are neither working nor looking for work. This is an all-time high dating back to when records were first kept in 1955. An additional 2.9 million men are in the labor force but not employed (i.e., they would work if they could find a job). A total of 10.2 million individuals in this cohort, therefore, are not holding jobs in the U.S. economy today. There are also nearly 3 million more men in this age group not working today than there were before the recession began,” the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee claim…

Although defenders of the current economy attribute shrinking labor force participation to the increasing pace of retirement of the Baby Boomer generation, these new statistics above confirm a trend that Barron’s recently diagnosed: ‘The ratio of those over 55 in the workforce actually ticked up’—in other words, older Americans are being forced to return to work in a poor economy to make ends meet while many younger Americans simply aren’t working at all. In short, there is an unprecedented supply of working-age Americans who do not hold jobs.” – Daniel Halper