You want a job? Become an engineer.

Back in 1986 over 14% of all undergraduate degrees were in engineering. Today, only 8% are in engineering.

In 1986 38% of all degrees were in engineering or business, where you could expect to earn a living to support a family. Today, it is down to 28% in those majors. The 10% shifted to Ethnic studies, Gender studies, English Literature, Psychology, Social Sciences, Communications, Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, and Parks & Recreation. See for yourself:

Math is hard. It’s really hard when you have mediocre union teachers teaching a dumbed down government curriculum to under-motivated, i-gadget distracted, participation trophy infected kids.

If a kid wants a decent shot at landing a decent paying job, they should study like mad and earn a degree in a math based major.


Obama and his minions have touted the huge success story of saving this murdering union controlled abortion of a company. They used your tax dollars, ignored bankruptcy law, and kept this piece of shit alive in order to keep their union constituents happy. Even though auto sales are supposedly booming, this company manages to lose money. They jam millions of vehicles onto overflowing dealer lots and call it sales. They have their government financing arm ALLY FINANCIAL dole out 0% seven year loans to deadbeats in the inner cities so the free shit army can drive Escalades.The bad debt loses will fall on the taxpayer.

In the meantime, the management of this fucked up company do presentations to employees about what not to put into emails. Every week we get a new revelation of defects, cover-ups and deaths of innocent people. Where is Obama now? Where is MSNBC and the union loving press? After reading the documents below, how can top executives of this company not be in jail?

Via Doug Ross


2008 GM document warned engineers to avoid “widow-maker”, “deathtrap”, “decapitate”, “Hindenburg” and other inflammatory words

You may recall that GM has suffered from a series of embarrassing product defects and recalls including one that the company “didn’t fix until 13 people had died.”

Patrick George at Jalopnik discovered a GM Powerpoint that illustrates how the automobile manufacturer went so far off the rails related to a whole host of catastrophic product defects.

George calls the presentation a “smoking gun” intended to dissuade employees from candidly discussing safety issues. In fact, one panel goes so far as to request that engineers avoid the use of the words “defect” or “safety” and instead focus on “issue, condition or matter.”

One panel offers a laundry list of words to avoid including “disemboweling”, “impaling”, “maiming”, and “mangling” even if, presumably, victims were in fact disemboweled, impaled, maimed and mangled by said vehicles.

So Toyota committed no such crimes and was forced to pay billions in fines (after laughably being accused by Eric Holder of a “cover up”) while GM really does cover up a “death trap” and will pay $35 million?

Sounds fair.

Hat tip: BadBlue Car News