The False Flag Link: Passport “Found” Next To Suicide Bomber Was “Definitely A Forgery”

Tyler Durden's picture

Yesterday, when we explained just how the tragic events in France over the past 48 hours unfolded precisely as we predicted they would two months ago (ironically, as per our post from September 11, 2015) we commented on the oddly fortuitous discovery of an intact Syrian passport found next to the body of one of the suicide bombers, a passport which Greece chimed in as belonging to a Syrian refugee who had entered the country at Leros on October 3, 2015 from where he subsequently travelled all the way to Paris.

Specifically, we said that “we admit to not being experts on the nuances, or even basics, of “suicide bombing for terrorists 101”, but is bringing your own passport to an event that will be your last, really that crucial, especially when the passport is such a critical smoking gun?

The following cartoon best captures the idiocy of anyone actually believing a suicide bomber would have brought their actual passport to what they knew would be their last act on earth.

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