Biblical Anxieties

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The sore beset people of this land may be good and goddam sick of politics, RussiaGate, and Trump-inspired social strife, but they may soon have something more down-to-earth to worry about: Biblical floods and plagues.

Media hysteria around the Mueller Report has nearly eclipsed news of historic flooding in the midwest that has already caused $3 billion in damage to farms, homes, livestock, and infrastructure. With spring rainfall already at 200 percent of normal levels, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a statement in late March saying, “This is shaping up to be a potentially unprecedented flood season, with more than 200 million people at risk for flooding in their communities.”

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Avoiding a Louisiana U Boat

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Something you don’t want may be floating your way soon.flooded cars pic

Well, it probably won’t actually float there. More likely, a truck will carry it there. To a used car lot near you – and far from the scuba diving lesson it got in Louisiana during the recent (and still ongoing) historic flooding down there.

Dry ‘em out – and ship ‘em out.

Hope no one notices.

You’d better… before any money changes hands.

Water-logged cars are always bad news, but a water-logged modern car is worse news. Rust and moldy carpets aren’t fun but they can be dealt with. Endless electrical problems caused by water in electrical components and electrical connections never meant to get wet is much harder – and can be much more expensive – to deal with.

Sometimes, the only fix is to throw the car away and start over.

Better yet, avoid becoming the owner of a former U-boat.

Here’s how:

* Pay attention to news stories about flooding –

Continue reading “Avoiding a Louisiana U Boat”


Comment below from Hardscrabble Farmer:

These people have built their homes on a piece of land that is less than 6 feet above sea level and when exceptionally high tides and heavy rains flood the streets, they demand that the government “do something”. Meanwhile the prices of property in the Keys is skyrocketing.

It’s absolutely surreal.

“For now, south Florida real estate is booming.

More than half of transactions are paid for in cash, a sign of the powerful influence of foreign investors on the real estate market.”

WTF? Do Americans not use cash? How is that a sign of the “powerful influence of foreign investors”? I’d think the name on the deed would be the sign. And if it’s going to all be underwater and the prices are picking up, WHY WOULDN’T YOU UNLOAD IT ON THESE IDIOTS AND TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN?

I can’t even. Wow, just wow.

Via Yahoo News

As Florida Keys flood, property worries seep in

Key Largo (United States) (AFP) – Extreme high tides have turned streets into canal-like swamps in the Florida Keys, with armies of mosquitoes and the stench of stagnating water filling the air, and residents worried rising sea levels will put a damper on property values in the island chain.

On Key Largo, a tropical isle famous for snorkeling and fishing, the floods began in late September.

While people expected high tides due to the season and the influence of a super moon, they were taken by surprise when a handful of streets in the lowest-lying neighborhoods stayed inundated for nearly a month with 16-inches (40-centimeters) of saltwater.

By early November, the roads finally dried up. But unusually heavy rains in December brought it all back again.

“Like a sewer,” said Narelle Prew, 49, who has lived for the past 20 years in her four-bedroom home on Adams Drive, a waterfront lane lined by boat docks.

Residents have signed petitions, voiced anger at community meetings and demanded that local officials do something, whether by raising roads or improving drainage.

Continue reading “IDIOCY ABOUNDS”


It was another normal Spring day in Philly yesterday. We received two months worth of rain in 24 hours. Most of the region got 5 to 7 inches of rain.

And the Flyers got knocked out of the playoffs without winning the Stanley Cup for the 39th straight year. I was 10 years old when I skipped school to go to the Flyers Stanley Cup parade. I don’t think I”ll be alive for the next one.