With Stuck’s imminent incarceration only one hour away I thought it was appropriate that we start the movement to free him. It will be similar to the movement to free Nelson Mandela. That didn’t take too long. I tried to find some images to support our Free Stuck movement, but only came up with Free Stuff images, so that will have to do.

After minutes of racking my brain, I got creative and found some images to support our movement. I think the images are quite fitting. Ignore the grave stone.

I’m afraid the devious police will use an interrogation  technique which is bound to make Stuck confess and ask to be sent to prison.  


But once in prison, he will not like playing sports.

We will sneak a little pick axe in a birthday cake into his cell, like Shawshank Redemption. But, with Stuck’s luck, his tunneling efforts are likely to end shitty.

I know everyone will rally around the FREE STUCK movement. I understand even Smokey is mobilizing his mountain lion and buying extra barbed wire.