“At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move all the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.” Frank Zappa

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” ~Frank Zappa

“In the past few years, you have been living within an escalating hybrid war. Globally, we have witnessed overt media control and propaganda campaigns; censorship, including arrests of people speaking in public; monitoring of all electronic communications and physical contact tracing; brutally enforced lock-down and masking requirements, with people being beaten, handcuffed, and arrested, even in their homes; suspension of healthcare services and weakening of healthcare systems; invasive testing requirements for employment and travel; forced quarantine of travelers; and coerced quarantine and “vaccination” of the healthy, general population.

Governments dropped all pretense of democracy and were emboldened to open despotism. There were no functioning checks on this power. The courts provided no effective recourse to the public. Governments broadly abused fundamental human rights using as justification prevention of the spread of infectious diseases, which are, in truth, a great many, ever-present, and continually evolving. And so, this justification, if allowed to stand, assures the end of democracy and installation of openly despotic government.”David Webb – The Great Taking


Why the United States Could Be Heading Straight into Another Great Depression

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

First it was the COVID economic panic that started in March of 2020.

Then it was Biden’s disastrous mishandling of the military withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

Almost immediately following that disaster, the Biden administration went on a multi-trillion-dollar deficit spending spree that dramatically worsened inflation.

Not long after, Biden led NATO in financial sanctions against Russia, but that also blew up in his face (and left us footing the bill).

The Israel-Hamas conflict threatens to ratchet up global tensions even higher…

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Doug Casey on the Silent Depression and Current Economic Realities

Via International Man

International Man: Wall Street Silver, a financial analyst on Twitter, highlights that during the Great Depression, the average home cost 3x the average income. Today, it costs 8x as much.

In the 1930s, the average car cost about 46% of a year’s earnings. Today, they eat up 85% of the annual average wage.

Rent, which previously claimed just 16% of yearly income, now demands a staggering 42%.

By these metrics and others, the average person is in a worse position than during the Great Depression, the most challenging economic period in the last 100 years.

What is your take?

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How the Fed Might Trigger Another Great Depression

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

How The Fed Might Trigger Another Great Depression

After the most recent FOMC meeting, Chairman Powell issued an official statement explaining the decision to raise interest rates another quarter-point.

That brings the Federal target funding rate to 5.25-5.5%, the highest rate in over two decades. (Granted, those were two decades of perpetual emergency, the lowest-for-longest rates in U.S. history.)

Powell summarized the FOMC decision as follows:

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Fox News – “ominous Great Depression warning”

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Fox Business is reporting that economic conditions are much worse than you are being told.  Unfortunately, this is the conclusion when you have ZERO understanding of the historical trends and economic conditions. It is true that the shortages of COVID have caused prices to rise faster than economic growth and most incomes.  Therefore, they conclude that our standard of living has been rapidly declining.  The number reveals that more than one-third of all U.S. young adults are being supported in part by their parents. Thanks to COVID, this disrupted society far greater than anyone is reporting. In addition to the shortages because of the lockdowns, by the end of 2020, more than half of young adults in America were living with one or both parents. That statistic actually exceeded the record high of the Great Depression.

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Love Letter to Ireland! (and to ALL the Debt-Enslaved Nations of the World)

Guest Post by David Chu

Love Letter to Ireland! (and to ALL the Debt-Enslaved Nations of the World)

How often have the Irish started out to achieve something and every time they have been crushed politically and industrially. By consistent oppression, they have been artificially converted into an utterly impoverished nation.

~ Friedrich Engels, 1856

Look out, Ireland!

Financial debt-bergs, dead ahead!

The Irish “external debt to GDP” ratio is currently at 609%. In December 2010, it was well over 1,000% (1,091.5% to be precise). No other nation on Earth carries this much external debt to its GDP. The United States, the world champion of all debts for sure with an official national debt reaching almost $31 Trillion, only has 104% as its external debt to GDP.

What this means is that Ireland will be fleeced once again, meaning her people will be enslaved financially and economically . . . when interest rates rise. Interest rates are rising significantly and will rise dramatically. Ireland is the poster child of nations in debt slavery and what will happen to those who borrow way beyond their means.

Before we get into the nitty gritty of this unlucky Irish story, I want to state for the record that I am not an economist. Thank God! I am a mechanical engineer by profession and I understand numbers. Numbers don’t usually lie. Well, sometimes numbers can be manipulated. But most of the times, they also can tell the truth. We are going to take a 30,000 feet overview of this increasingly hot and very dangerous situation that is not adequately covered by the mainstream or the alternative media.

Continue reading “Love Letter to Ireland! (and to ALL the Debt-Enslaved Nations of the World)”


Great Depression | Definition, History, Dates, Causes, Effects, & Facts |  Britannica

Economic Depression: Definition, Causes, Prevention

Photos: The Ubiquity of Smartphones - The Atlantic

How to watch and stream The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33 -  2022 on Roku

The economy is already in a recession, they just haven’t told you yet. They need to get their money out of the stock market before they tell you to panic. Will this just be a standard recession, the next great depression, or the end of our economic system as we know it?

Welcome To The Slow Motion Depression

Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via DailyReckoning.com,

Think for a moment of other failed experiments in human history.

One that comes to mind is the Bolshevik Revolution. Its leader, Vladimir Lenin, never really expected to take power, much less be put in charge of implementing the system he had spent a career promoting.

He was asked to speak to what communism would mean. He fished around and came up with the idea of electrification of Russia.

It didn’t work. In fact nothing worked. By 1920, electricity was even failing in Russia itself, and food shortages were everywhere. The experiment had already flopped and the workers and peasants were furious.

The answer was the “New Economic Policy” which liberalized the economy and bought the party time. The point is that the communist experiment had failed already, only two years in.

The issue of failing plans from elites has vexed rulers from time immemorial. We live in such times today, arguably on a larger global basis than ever. They said they would suppress a virus but everyone got it anyway.

They said they would print and spend their way out of recession but now we have inflation plus recession. They said they would minimize the social and economic carnage but it is everywhere.

Continue reading “Welcome To The Slow Motion Depression”

Money As the Greater Depression Deepens

Guest Post by Doug Casey via International Man


We talk a lot in these pages about what to do with one’s money, but I question whether most subscribers (forget about the public at large) have an adequate grasp of the basics. Without it, much of what we say may seem capricious or outlandish, crazy ideas readers tolerate only because we’ve been so right about the big trends. But the basics in speculating and investing are like the basics in martial arts: Just remembering them isn’t enough; they need to be second nature. That means reviewing and practicing over and over.

It’s not an accident that we usually make good investment calls; the selections arise from a constant awareness of the basics. So I want to briefly review those fundamentals. Let’s start with gold. We’re very gold-oriented around here.

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Doug Casey: “This is Going to be One for the Record Books”

Guest Post by Doug Casey via International Man

economic depression

Just because society experiences turmoil doesn’t mean your personal life has to. And a depression doesn’t have to be depressing. Most of the real wealth in the world will still exist—it will just change ownership.

What is a depression?

We’re now at the tail end of a very long, but in many ways a very weak and artificial, economic expansion. At the same time we’ve had one of the strongest securities bull markets in history. Both are the result of trillions of new dollars created over the last decade. Right now very few people are willing to consider the possibility of tough times—let alone The Greater Depression.

Continue reading “Doug Casey: “This is Going to be One for the Record Books””


“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”George Orwell, 1984

Huxley and Orwell were contemporaries. Huxley’s dystopian masterpiece was published in 1932 at the outset of the rise of totalitarianism, while Orwell’s was published in 1949 after 65 million people perished in a World War and Stalin had already murdered tens of millions of his own citizens. Those were dark times. They also coincided with Edward Bernays 1928 publication of Propaganda, in which he revealed the existence of an invisible government who used propaganda to manipulate the minds of the public to insure those controlling the levers of power were able to engineer their desired outcomes.


Here’s What the Government Should Really Do in the Greater Depression

Guest Post by Doug Casey

government intervention

It’s hard to have a conversation today, or even overhear one, without being exposed to moronic – and I now use that word in its colloquial as well as its clinical sense – opinions about what “we” should do.

“We,” of course, is the government. Everyone believes it should “Do Something”. And it is.

But why deal in half-measures?

Why only send everybody a check for $1200? Why not buy everyone a new Cadillac to get Detroit back to work, a big new house to help builders, and a $10,000 check that must be deposited at a failing bank and then spent at Victoria’s Secret.

A plan like that certainly sounds like more fun than what I’m going to propose. Especially since Americans are going to be a bit short on fun over the next little while.

They used it all up over the last generation.

Continue reading “Here’s What the Government Should Really Do in the Greater Depression”

Doug Casey Explains the Real Reasons the US Arrived at the Greater Depression

Guest Post by Doug Casey

US Greater Depression

Let’s talk about what conditions will be like and about how you can get through the Greater Depression confidently, comfortably, and profitably. It’s not going to be easy or fun, but it’s possible.

I am of the opinion that what’s happening now isn’t just another cyclical downturn that can be papered over by printing up some more money—although that’s exactly what the U.S. and other governments are doing, and in unprecedented amounts. In fact, what the world’s governments are doing is not only wrong but also the opposite of what they should be doing.

Barring the start of another world war—which is not unlikely—the physical world probably won’t be changed much by the Greater Depression, but the way people relate to the world will change a great deal. And not because of the virus, which is about 90% hysteria; it’s just the pin that broke the bubble.

Continue reading “Doug Casey Explains the Real Reasons the US Arrived at the Greater Depression”

Doug Casey on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Via Casey Research

Editor’s note: Regular readers know we’ve been warning against the mass hysteria in the media surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. So today and tomorrow, we’re bringing you a two-part conversation with our founder, Doug Casey, who sets the record straight on what’s really happening amid this crisis.

Doug believes that the panic is overblown, irresponsible, and dangerous – and that the markets aren’t done falling. In part one below, he discusses why the reaction to the virus is the greatest hysteria we’ve seen since the Salem witch trials… and why the government’s response will ruin our economy…

Daily Dispatch: So Doug, where are you now? Are you back in Uruguay or are you in Argentina?

Doug Casey: I’m on the farm in Uruguay, surrounded by horses, cows, poodles, and nature.

Daily Dispatch: And people?

Doug Casey: I’ve got a couple of people who work for me, keep the place up, and prepare great meals. And my wife. I’ve got a gym, a pool, a ton of books, and an internet connection. That’s about all I need.

Continue reading “Doug Casey on the COVID-19 Pandemic”


“Suckers think that you cure greed with money, addiction with substances, expert problems with experts, banking with bankers, economics with economists, and debt crises with debt spending”Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms

The Logic of globalism | The Vineyard of the Saker

“Globalization has created this interlocking fragility. At no time in the history of the universe has the cancellation of a Christmas order in New York meant layoffs in China.”Nassim Nicholas Taleb

As we continue our national lockdown suicide cult to hell, I find myself getting angrier and angrier at the pathetic leadership displayed by politicians, government bureaucrats, so called medical “experts”, and intellectual yet idiot academics displaying their ignorance of facts, reality, history, and humanity. My nature is to be skeptical of everything I read or am told.

I most certainly disregard everything communicated to me by politicians, world leaders, central bankers, corporate CEOs, CNBC talking heads, the mainstream corporate fake news media, and lately – self-proclaimed medical experts who have distinguished themselves by not seeing the danger coming, downplaying the danger, not being prepared for the danger, incompetently handling the danger and righteously proclaiming the nation had to be brought to a full stop because their terribly flawed models said so.