This article sells this idea as if it is no big deal. They try to convince you that the Obamaphone meme is false. They declare it was a program started during the Reagan years. It’s the usual progressive liberal bullshit about the poor not having access to cell phones.

Here are the facts:

  • This program cost $800 million per year before Obama entered office.
  • This program now costs over $2.2 BILLION per year after Obama and his minions advertised the availability of these Obamaphones and begged their voters to get one.
  • You, the working taxpayer, pays $2.50 per month on your cell phone bill so the free shit army can call in their drug deals for free.
  • Obama and his minions also thought it was a good idea to give out these subsidies without making anyone prove they were eligible. Easy peasy. The corrupt phone sellers were thrilled. And the free shit army’s eyes lit up.
  • After the blogosphere began revealing the massive fraud and cost to the American taxpayer, the FCC was forced to make people prove they met the eligibility requirements.
  • In a shocking development 41% of the Obamaphone recipients could not or would not prove their eligibility. That puts the annual fraud amount at around $900 million.

As you can see, this is another highly successful government program. So what do you do with a program racked with 41% fraud? If you are Obama, you expand it to cover internet service for the free shit army. You have to hand it to the liberals, they know how to solidify their core voting base. Just keep doling out more free shit.


FCC proposal would extend Lifeline voice subsidy to broadband

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will consider including broadband within a controversial program that subsidizes telephone or mobile service for poor people.Recipients of the FCC’s Lifeline program, which provides a US$9.25 monthly subsidy for voice service, could use that money to purchase broadband service instead under a proposal from FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. Eligible households would continue to receive one $9.25 monthly subsidy, and they could choose whether to apply the money to traditional telephone service, mobile service or broadband, FCC officials said Thursday.Conservative critics of Lifeline call the program Obamaphone, and they portray it as an attempt to give poor people free mobile phones in exchange for votes for President Barack Obama in past presidential elections. A single YouTube video from the 2012 election season drove part of the misconception about the program.