Guest Post by Jimski


Presidential Address to the Nation
President Pro Tem
Former Secretary of Education

My fellow Americans

I speak to you today from the historic heart of our republic in Washington DC. The last year has seen such pain and misery for our country but at last we see and end to the conflict that has devastated not only America but the whole world. With the Accord signed by the new and old governments we will see a draw down in combat and in mass destruction readiness across the globe. The world has seen pain like no other time in history. Cities Lay in ruin and the people of the world cry out for peace. Peace is now at hand.
The first nine months of combat saw a replay of the second world war in which men and machine fought across the globe. More resources we consumed or destroyed in that time then all the worlds wars in history. Tank battles and sea battles and men in trenches fighting for what they believed was right.

We know know just how wrong everybody was.

When the war finally came to American shores it unleashed more death than every single war in American history. The targeting of 8 American cities resulted in the destruction of 7 of them. Our people continue to die due to the radiological affects of these weapons. We will take a long time to heal but we will heal. 3 of the cities will be decontaminated and rebuilt. We are planning to isolate and quarantine the other 4 cities as not viable for reconstruction at this time. It is triage plain and simple.
What we do know from the missile that targeted Washington and was shot down is that 4 enemies took part in the plot. Evidence shows that the Nuclear material was supplied by North Korea and the missile technology came from Iran. The ships used to launch the attack was funded and flagged by Saudi Arabia through many fake companies. The personnel who built the weapons and pushed the buttons were a cross section of radical Islamic Jihad’s from 21 different countries. Even American citizens were involved.

I state that again, even American citizens were involved.

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