You go girl. I think she should identify as a hog or a heifer.
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The average price of a regular meal at McDonalds is about $5.00. This would be for one of their greasy, fat filled, sodium time bomb sandwiches, some greasy fries and 16 ounces of sugar water. They are the dining choice of the obese American masses. They were absolutely booming during the early part of this fake economic recovery. Comp store sales increases of 4% to 9% were the rule in 2010 and 2011 as the Obama stimulus funds flowed like McDonalds chicken McNugget dipping sauces. But something happened in the middle of 2012. The $800 billion Obama McNugget Keynes Stimulus Meal plan was designed to feed the Democratic constituents – government union workers, the urban ghetto dwellers, and the rest of the Obama entitlement class.

Just like with McDonalds food, the Obama stimulus plan gave the appearance of providing sustenance, but just gave our economic system a case of the runs. And now all we’ve got is gas. The Obama/Bernanke economic solutions have left the poor and middle class more impoverished, while enriching the sociopathic greedy rich bastards that destroyed the worldwide financial system in 2008. While 7 million people joined the ranks of the food stamp army AFTER the “economic recovery” began in 2009, the .1% have reaped billions in Federal Reserve created stock market profits. Sales at Del Frisco’s and Nobu, where the big swinging dicks of Wall Street celebrate their brilliance and ability to force the Fed to guarantee risk free returns, have been booming. Champagne flows freely and the wolves of Wall Street like their steaks bloody. It reminds them of the carcasses of the former middle class, who they have brutally slaughtered.

american psycho

Over the last 18 months McDonalds, the largest restaurant chain in the world, has generated a net 0.6% increase in sales in the U.S. Our friendly government drones at the BLS tells us that food outside the home inflation has been 3.1% over this same time frame, but anyone with an IQ above 80 (rules out most McDonalds customers) knows you need to double any government reported number to get the truth. I’m sure the BLS has captured the fact the mega-corporation restaurant chains have reduced portion sizes and quality of ingredients while keeping prices the same. McDonalds, dining option for the ignorant obese masses, has gone off the rails.

You know things are getting bad in this country when the obese, unemployed, ignorant, SNAP dependent masses can’t find $5 in the couch cushions to enable them to consume fat filled, greasy, salt saturated grub at a germ infested palace of plastic clowns. The continued decline of sales at McDonalds is the rat in the fryer. The implosion of retailers to the lower and middle classes (JC Penney, Sears/Kmart, Kohl’s) is being matched by the decline in restaurants to the lower and middle classes. The average American is so broke they can’t even afford a Little Mac.

The fat lady will be singing for America as soon as she finishes her three Happy Meals.