Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

There is a growing divide in the country and day by day it grows deeper and more irrevocable. All around us we see the signs, if we look for them, of decay and collapse built into the very system itself.

If you reward indolence, it will become the norm, if we practice wholesale slaughter from the womb to a foreign wedding party others will take the cue. If we celebrate slatterns and degenerates and ridicule the wholesome and traditional we will wind up with more of one and less of another.

The further an organism lives from it’s natural state, the more adaptable the organism will become to that which is unnatural.

Yesterday an older farmer came to pick up his cow from my farm. She had been a guest of ours for several days to be bred by my bull and when he arrived I asked him to pull his trailer to the lower trail beside the stream and open the rear door. I explained that I would be opening a gate from one pasture and leading the animals to another, that his animals- the cow and her young heifer- would follow at the rear of the herd and when he saw them approach he would simply close the pasture gate behind them and allow them to load back in his trailer. The cattle dogs watched my every move, excited to work and anxious for their opportunity to show off to my friend. I called out to the cows- mooing to them from the trailhead- and they quickly assembled at the gate, mooing in return.



Doug Ross’ website published a list of the top conservative websites in the world based upon Alexa ranking.


Zero Hedge was ranked #9.

Denninger was ranked #58

Mish was ranked #59

I consider TBP to be a libertarian website that is aligned closely with ZH, Denninger and Mish. So how come TBP didn’t make the list?

TBP’s global ranking is 87,966, which would put us at #94 on the list. We’ve gone up 30,907 places in the last three months. I guess doom is becoming more popular. Or maybe people can actually log-on now.


Our ranking in the U.S. is 21,612. Not too bad for a two bit blog run by an old guy, in his spare time, writing articles in his undershorts, while sitting in bed.

I don’t know if you noticed but the average load time has been between 1 and 2 seconds for the last month. I was ready to pull the plug a month ago due to all the technical problems and hacking into the site that was occurring. Stop the Hacker offered to fix the site for $149. It was the best investment I ever made. Whatever they did has worked. The site has been running like a dream from the moment they patched it. I applaud them.

With the new server company, the statistics are gathered differently than before, but our daily visitor counts are still around 15,000. One upgrade is that I can now see the views by post. We’ve been on the new server for two and a half months and I can run a report to see the most viewed posts of all-time. The results might explain why TBP is not classified as one of the top conservative websites. I have written hundreds of well researched factual articles over the last four years. I’ve put my blood, sweat and tears into the site. And after all that, the most viewed TBP post of all-time is my March 31, 2011 masterpiece:


I’ve figured out that with all the AWD pictures and penis references, we must be classified as a porn site. The huge interest in penis nicknames is further proof that our country has jumped the shark, or in this case jumped the penis. When will TBP ever get a little respect?