Hidden Agenda Perpetrated By Congress & The Fed Exposed In One Simple Chart

This chart explains the rise of Trump. The middle class is tired of getting fucked over by the establishment, The Fed, Wall Street, mega-corporations, and corrupt captured career politicians.

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via FirstRebuttal.com,

I like to say policy objectives are invisible ink and policy results are the coloured glasses that expose them.  You see, policy makers always tell us how they design and implement policies targeted at middle class America.  However, time after time after time, the only segment of society that fails to realize any benefit from any policy is middle class America.  Yet for some mind boggling reason we continue to allow these policy makers to carry on with this skullduggery.  The following chart really tells you everything you need to know about economic policy objectives for the past three decades.

The above chart depicts Wall Street real profits (black line), non-financial corporate real profits (red line) and real median weekly wages and salaries (blue line) all indexed back to 1982 (this is an important period where antitrust policies broke down under the Reagan admin).

What we find is that while median wages and salaries have increased by a paltry 9% over the past 35 years, corporate income is up 250% and Wall Street income is up almost 800%.   And so over the decades this story line about policies targeting the middle class is absolutely, in every way, a total and complete fabrication.  This chart doesn’t happen by accident nor could it be the result of honest mistakes.

The above results expose the hidden agenda perpetrated by Congress and the Fed.

The American middle class is a patsy in a system designed to do exactly what it has done.  

International trade agreements and excessive money printing do help Wall Street and Corporate America but do not help the middle class.  This is made absolutely clear in the above chart.  And if you are one of those typically shallow regurgitators of the theories you’ve been told, well tell it to the facts above.

Remembering 9/11: The Wolf In ‘Patriot Act’ Sheep’s Clothing

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via FirstRebuttal.com,

This is a piece I wrote last year for Ron Paul’s Voices of Liberty.  Now although mainstream media has all but put a gag order on 9/11 memorial coverage, I believe this article’s message has never been more relevant and so I’m posting again at what is obviously poignant time.  I find it odd that we have 10 Hollywood blockbusters made each year about the holocaust 75 years on, but only 14 years after the event American media will no longer discuss 9/11, even upon the anniversary.  It is perhaps the most telling phenomenon about the secretiveness and mystery surrounding the horrific tragedy.

It was the sixth week of my first job fresh out of college. I was still eagerly excited for each new day. Having moved stateside from a small town in Canada to finish up university and then on to the big city of Chicago, I was still in awe of America. I was working in the north building of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on the corner of Madison and Wacker. It was early morning and I was on the phone with Paul Salvio from our New York office when…


…the phone went dead.

The day was September 11, 2001. Our New York office was on the 92nd floor of the World Trade Center Tower 1. None of the employees who had arrived to work that day survived. It is a moment that elicits strong emotions within me to this day and I know I’m not alone.

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“Start Giving A Damn!”

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via FirstRebuttal.com,

I find it shocking how often I have people tell me the Constitution is out of date and is no longer relevant or necessary.  Then there are the vast majority of people that think about the Constitution the same way they think about religion; it makes us feel good to believe in it and we’ll even worship it on a holiday or two   The reality is that those who seem to get very worked up to the point that they are willing to act in defense of the Constitution even against the highest levels of government make up a very small minority of Americans.  This is a real problem.

You see if people gave a damn the government couldn’t get away with negating the Constitution.  But the vast majority of people just don’t give a damn and so the government very easily provides ridiculous and false legal sounding arguments to explain away why they have become a higher law than the Constitution. Now I’ve tried to understand why it is that we Americans are so damn apathetic about everything the government and government officials do.

Let me give a couple examples for which our apathy just boggles my mind.   We know they took us into wars on false pretenses resulting in the wrongful deaths of thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and yet we’ve prosecuted no one.  Hell they’ve admitted to hacking into millions of our home webcams and downloading videos and pictures of us in our most private moments and maintaining those downloads on government servers and then sharing these files with foreign governments.

But because today’s American is simply a shell of a citizen none of the criminal atrocities creates even a stir from us.  Sure we all read about these atrocities and we are angered in the moment but it passes rather quickly and we fall back into our self induced ignorant bliss.  Only two things can get Americans to formidably rise up.  The first is a very direct and immediate impediment to our comfort.  For example try cutting back on the monthly social welfare checks.  You’ll have riots.   The second way is if the mainstream media relentlessly instructs us to be upset about a particular issue.  Outside of that there is absolutely nothing the new American won’t move past like water off a duck’s back.

Continue reading ““Start Giving A Damn!””

Shut Your Mouth & Start Fighting These Political Parasites

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via First Rebuttal blog,

I was shocked today by the absolute gaul of the Fed releasing a statement about Net Worth in America reaching record levels.  Now I get that they are under extreme pressure to sell the story that everything is rainbows and butterflies.  But surely they understand that working class Americans are going along with the story because they really don’t have any say in our nation’s policies anymore.  That doesn’t mean they want it thrown in their faces that the Fed has spent 6 years now inflating the wealth of the top 10% so much that it actually lifts the total wealth of the nation’s citizens to record highs.

The ugly reality is that the bottom 80% of Americans experienced none of that gain.  That’s right a big ole goose egg.  And so when the Fed via its ass pamper boy, Steve Liesman, start banging on about the fact that some sliver of society is being handed extraordinary wealth while the working class has lost 40% of their net worth since 2007, well a big fuck you right back at ya bub!  The Fed is very aware that the bottom 80% of Americans own less than 5% of US equity markets.  And so the Fed is very aware that its manipulation of stock prices such that it creates immense unearned wealth to those in the markets doesn’t reach the bottom 80%.  So why celebrate the results of the stock market price manipulation??

Continue reading “Shut Your Mouth & Start Fighting These Political Parasites”

“There Is No Reality Anymore…”

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via First Rebuttal blog,

“I’d Like to Change the World, but I Don’t Know How So I’ll Leave it Up to You”

What a great lyric that is from the late 60′s, early 70′s English band ’10 Years After’.  I believe this describes that uneasy feeling of discontent that sits deep in the stomach, beneath the day to day exteriors, of so many people today.  The world is like a black hole in that it seems to be getting smaller and smaller as the years go by but also heavier and heavier with each passing day.

When I was a teenager and my friends and I were taking reality obscuring substances, one of my buddies (this means you Nichol) would stop us at certain points throughout the night for a reality check.  This was just a few moments where we’d all gather our senses to make sure the world was still right and then we’d venture back into obscurity.  I feel that reality is an old world term.  There is no reality anymore.  With advances in technology came unending possibilities of if you can dream it ‘they’ can make it so.  The ubiquitous flow of information ensures that the truth is always available but never known with certainty.  It means there is no such thing as a reality check.  It’s like that dream inside a dream inside a dream.  Which reality is real anymore?  How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Continue reading ““There Is No Reality Anymore…””

The Fed & “The Grandest Con Job In The History Of The World”

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via First Rebuttal blog,

I used to get a kick out of the cute little children waiting for the Fed Chair to come and deliver presents or coal.  So giddy and excited from the anticipation of not knowing who Janet thinks were good boys and girls.  Who’s going to be rewarded and who disappointed?  And I don’t know how many people asked me today what the Fed will do.  My answer was “The same f@#*ing thing they always do, nothing.  So stop asking”.

You see if you read some of Stanley Fischer’s early work on the rational expectation model you find that the key to fixing the lack of long term effectiveness to monetary policy is by confusing the working man. The idea being, people will act rationally with the information they are provided and so what typically happens is that people change their behaviour which counters the impact of the policy being implemented.  The solution is to keep us guessing.  And so what they have done for essentially every meeting is nothing.

However, they use the media to talk about all the things they just might do.  And the pundits on television go on and on about all the things that might happen and what the follow on implications will be given those alternatives and then the moment comes and ahhh nothing, damn they fooled me again!  I really thought this time was it gosh golly dang it!.  I guess it was just that this or that was just slightly out of place otherwise they said they were totally gonna do this or that.  So close, but ultimately they are right.  Yep they made the right choice based on all the variables.  They are just swell.

At this point, I just get annoyed with the ridiculous foolishness of people.  We’ve got to start using our own brains.  The Fed stopped using any benchmarks because while the benchmarks were improving, the economy wasn’t and isn’t.  And so they were being railroaded by the transparency that benchmarks provide.  And now it is just a black box of various indicators that will be analyzed in real time to form justifiable actions, far too complex for you and I but trust them that there is a definite method and it’s very quantifiable at that, they just can’t tell us what it is because it would just confuse everyone.

Does anyone really not get it??  I mean I was under the impression that the pundits on television were just acting for the sake of good drama.  Is that not the case?  Are people really still confused by what’s happening in the market and broader economy?  It’s been 6 years of the absolute same bullshit.  How could anyone not clearly understand exactly what is behind the action or non action of the Fed???  Come on people wake up.  Take a deep breath, grab some coffee, do whatever you need to do but please wake the hell up.

The economy is a wreck.  Debt to GDP is at even higher all time record highs than the stock market.  Demand is absolutely dead except for the flooding of debt that continues to bury the average consumer.  None of that equates to economic growth.  It’s just cash flowing today rather than tomorrow.  And so there can be no rate hike.  Not for, well ever.  Perhaps in 2 years we see a token quarter point to make it seem like we’re not completely dead but we are.  Our economy is dead.  You take away the increases to household debt and you have negative GDP.  If you want to keep it in the calculation well then you have to take it out of your forecasts because you can’t count those purchases twice.  And what you buy today with money you don’t have means money you do have in the future will not be available to buy anything.  Is that clear to all?

I might sound a bit frustrated but I am frustrated.  It’s one thing to throw your hands up and say I get the system is a complete sham but I just don’t have a solution.  But please do not sit there and pretend that there are any market forces behind the financial markets other than the Fed.  And please do not pretend that the current policies are expected to generate economic growth.  But please do acknowledge that you understand what is happening here.  If you don’t, well then take a giant step back and have a good look around.   For what is happening is the grandest con job in the history of the world, bigger than the Trojan Horse by at least a few hands.  There is no coming economic growth.  That jump in GDP that they’ve been promising each quarter for 20 quarters now is not coming.  In fact, it only gets worse from here.

And those all time highs in the stock market, well until you cash out, those remain unrealized and I would suggest cashing out.  The reality is the powers that be are out of the market and preparing for a big sweeping transfer of wealth from all those little retirees and soon to be retirees out there that believe the market is no longer a risky asset. Their assets will be picked up for pennies on the dollar.  The point is folks play along for the entertainment of it.  Play along because it’s tradition.  But don’t play along because you think the market is still some random response to fundamental supply and demand relationship. 

The market has not been a function of fundamentals for some time now and is not reacting to them in any way, shape or form.  To wrap this up I think it’s fine to play make believe with the magical Fed Chair and wish upon a star that she will pick you the winner today.  But do it with your eyes open.  Like Christmas, I still enjoy playing along with the kids regarding Santa, but I’m not putting my hopes, dreams and future on him.  Make sense?