Embracing Realism with an Attitude of Pessimism and a Foreboding Sense of Fatalism

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


We perceive our civic challenge as some vast, insoluble Rubik’s Cube. Behind each problem lies another problem that must be solved first, and behind that lies yet another, and another, ad infinitum. To fix crime we have to fix the family, but before we do that we have to fix welfare, and that means fixing our budget, and that means fixing our civic spirit, but we can’t do that without fixing moral standards, and that means fixing schools and churches, and that means fixing the inner cities, and that’s impossible unless we fix crime. There’s no fulcrum on which to rest a policy lever. People of all ages sense that something huge will have to sweep across America before the gloom can be lifted – but that’s an awareness we suppress. As a nation, we’re in deep denial.

– Straus and Howe (1997):  “The Fourth Turning”, FIRST EDITION page 2


The books Generations (1992) and The Fourth Turning (1997) by historians William Strauss and Neil Howe identified and categorized recorded cycles of history across multiple cultures and eras.  Both books analyzed the timelines of historical events and correlated them to specific life cycles identified as generational “types”.   Strauss and Howe addressed the concept of time in the context of both circular and linear perspectives.  In so doing, they described the “saeculum” as a “long human life” measuring approximately 80 to 90 years and comprised of four turnings, each lasting around 20 to 22 years.

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On the Violence in the Middle East…

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

Like most of the world, I have been considering the Israel / Gaza slaughter with fascination and a sense of dread.   Did Israel allow the events of October 7, 2023 to happen? It appears so. Were the savage acts of Hamas sickening? It appears so. Have the ensuing actions of Israel in Gaza been devastating? Yes.

Have the reactions of the general public in nations around the world, and on the internet, become increasingly polarized? Definitely.

Geopolitical expert and former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter has predicted Israel will lose this war, and deservedly so.

At the height of the hysteria during the build-up to Operation Desert Storm®, and in the jingoistic fever of the newly coined War on Terror®, Ritter claimed Saddam Hussein had zero Weapons of Mass Destruction®.  Ritter was right back then, so, now, I pay attention whenever he addresses global tensions.

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Political Purges Emerge Through the Compliance of Those Following Orders

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

Albert Einstein


It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

Fascism is capitalism plus murder.

Upton Sinclair


Supposedly, a mid-nineteenth-century American Medical Association pamphlet quoted Vladimir Lenin as saying:  “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of a socialized state.”  Although online fact-checkers claim there is no “credible source”  proving Lenin actually made that claim, it does appear to be an accurate observation.

After all, before becoming President of the United States, Ronald Reagan identified “medicine”  as a traditional method of “imposing statism or socialism” on people.  In the same 1961 speech, Reagan claimed that it is “very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project” but, once the precedent is established, government would, in turn, form a dictatorship over the healthcare system prior to the “short step” to “all the rest of socialism” encroaching throughout society.

Four years after Reagan’s warning to America, Medicare began in 1965 as a federal health insurance program under the auspices of the Security Administration (SSA). And, today, the program is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

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Biden Speaks – Nothing but Lies Again to Start WWIII

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Biden has delivered a propaganda justification for launching World War III. I have reported in the various previous reports that every war we have entered has been justified on nothing but lies. He makes no mention that these provinces have been the issue under the Minsk Agreements since 2014 where the people wanted to be independent because they were Russian ethnically – not Ukrainian.

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Iran & World War III

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Thanks to provocative moves by Iran, President Biden is facing an increasingly uncertain situation when it comes to Iran, which has been America’s nemesis since the 1970s when they called the US the Great Satin. They have been pushing much of the Middle East’s instability for decades. The military in the last days of Trump dispatched B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf in response to an alleged Iranian attack plan and reversed an order to bring home the USS Nimitz, the only US aircraft carrier in the region.

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In Part One of this article I exposed the numerous false narratives being peddled to the masses, as this Fourth Turning is entering the intense phase headed towards an unknown climax.

Image result for false narrative

I’ve been expecting the next shoe to fall in this Fourth Turning for years, but the financial elite have pulled the debt levers to keep the Ponzi scheme alive far longer than a reasonable person would expect. We are only six weeks into 2020 and it seems like a year’s worth of major events have already occurred. The year started with the assassination of Qasem Soleimani in Iraq.

For the next week the world was awash in rhetoric about World War III and possible revolution in Iran. Accusations of Trump using the Wag the Dog method to deflect the negative press from the impeachment hearings were rampant among the half of the country that despises Trump. Soleimani was lauded as a hero by the left and a terrorist by the right. Now, the entire episode seems like ancient history, as more interesting squirrels have arisen for the propaganda media to chase.

The entire month of January was occupied by the ongoing coup/impeachment against Donald Trump. Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi doing their best impression of the three stooges, conducted a laughable prosecution in the House, revealing this was nothing more than a desperate attempt to avoid losing to Trump in a November landslide. The predictable trial in the Senate resulted in an acquittal and Trump’s popularity soaring to all-time highs, as independents realized the Democrats misused the power of impeachment for purely political purposes. Trump’s SOTU address infuriated Pelosi to such an extent it provoked her into acting like a petulant child, tearing up the speech. Future campaign ads wrote themselves.


Is World War III on the Horizon?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Socialism is dying and in the process, we are witnessing the rise in even domestic violence. In the United States, this hatred of Trump-inspired by the Democrats has unleashed the destruction of the United States as we have known it. The United States will most likely cease to exist after 2034 and the same result will impact Russia by 2038.

The crisis we face is that governments have made so many worthless promises that cannot be funded. When that takes place historically, the political states collapse internally. However, before that happens, they will turn to international war as a means to retain power and distract the people from the real economic crisis which is befalling civilization.

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‘World War III’ Is Trending On Twitter As Iran Hawks Rejoice

Authored by Jake Johnson via CommonDreams.org,

As peace advocates voiced alarm at the very real prospect of all-out conflict with Iran following the assassination Thursday night of that country’s top military leader on orders from U.S. President Donald Trump, war hawks who have had their crosshairs trained on Iran for years enthusiastically celebrated Trump’s decision — and even suggested the president should go further by targeting the nation’s oil refineries.

“To the Iranian government: If you want to stay in the oil business leave America and our allies alone and stop being the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world,” tweeted Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a longtime supporter of regime change in Iran.

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World War III – 2024-2027?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

There is no doubt that we are in the process of a rising war cycle. It really appears to be more of a bitter war between leaders once again, as was the case with the last two World Wars. World War I was really about destroying the former Holy Roman Empire which had its seat of power in Vienna. That city was besieged in 1683 when the Ottoman Empire sought to conquer Europe.

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U.S. “Gets Its Ass Handed To It” In World War III Simulation: RAND

Via ZeroHedge

In simulated World War III scenarios, the U.S. continues to lose against Russia and China, two top war planners warned last week. “In our games, when we fight Russia and China, blue gets its ass handed to it” RAND analyst David Ochmanek said Thursday.

RAND’s wargames show how US Armed Forces – colored blue on wargame maps – experience the most substantial losses in one scenario after another and still can’t thwart Russia or China – which predictably is red – from accomplishing their objectives: annihilating Western forces.

“We lose a lot of people. We lose a lot of equipment. We usually fail to achieve our objective of preventing aggression by the adversary,” he warned.

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Warning Neocons Joining Democrats to Support War

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I have previously written that all wars have been started by the Democrats with the single exception of the Iraq War under Dick Cheney and the Neocons. Now after Trump has pulled out of Syria, the Neocons are meeting with the Democrats to retake the White House and restore the effort to bring World War III to the Middle East. This is by no means something I care to have to write about. But there is a very dark cloud rising and all the people who hate Trump so much are clueless that he is actually trying to prevent these people from creating war. The hatred they are spreading about Russia is a deliberate attempt to paint them as evil to gain support for a war.

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From Economic Crisis To World War III

Authored by Qian Lu via Project Syndicate,

The response to the 2008 economic crisis has relied far too much on monetary stimulus, in the form of quantitative easing and near-zero (or even negative) interest rates, and included far too little structural reform. This means that the next crisis could come soon – and pave the way for a large-scale military conflict.


The next economic crisis is closer than you think. But what you should really worry about is what comes after: in the current social, political, and technological landscape, a prolonged economic crisis, combined with rising income inequality, could well escalate into a major global military conflict.

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What would it look like? Would you recognize it if you saw it? What would you say if I said that Draining The Swamp has already begun? What if I told you World War III has already begun? 

Is it possible that you might not even recognize it?


I can’t definitively say what is going on. Hell, most of you know I have not been a Trump supporter. I’m of the opinion that ALL of our (s)elected leaders are vile, villainous scum that cannot be trusted and who would blame me based on the last nine years and even the last fifty years or more?

I want to give a Hat Tip to T4C for turning me on to all of this. I am of course referring to the now infamous Q or Q clearance or Q Anon. (google Q clearance & Q group)



In Part 1 of this article I provided the background regarding the phases of Fourth Turnings and where we stand nine years into this period of crisis. I will now ponder what could happen during the remainder of this Fourth Turning.

“History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The most important point to comprehend is the death of the existing social order always occurs during the course of a Fourth Turning. Thus far, those constituting the Deep State hierarchy have fended off their demise. They are utilizing every tool at their disposal to retain their wealth, power and control. As their mass media propaganda machine falters, they have redoubled their rigging of financial markets to promote a narrative of economic recovery, while further enriching themselves and their cronies.

It is clear they have reached the peak of financial manipulation, money printing, and artificial interest rate suppression. The narrative is faltering. Their last and final option to retain power is war. As their “everything bubble” (stocks, bonds, real estate) inevitably implodes, civil and/or global military conflict will be utilized to distract the populace from their Deep State domestic disasters.



“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning 

This Fourth Turning was ignited suddenly in September 2008 as the housing bubble, created by the Federal Reserve and their criminal puppeteer owners on Wall Street, collapsed, revealing the greatest control fraud in world history. A crisis mood was catalyzed as the stock market dropped 50%, unemployment surged to highs not seen since 1981, foreclosures exploded, and captured politicians bailed out the criminal bankers with the tax dollars of the victims.

The mood of the country darkened immediately as average Americans flooded their congressmen’s websites and phone lines with a demand not to bailout the felonious Wall Street banks with $700 billion of TARP. But they ignored their supposed constituents and revealed who they are truly beholden to.


Russian Sanctions – The Start of World War III?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The Russian sanctions being pushed by Congress demonstrate the most unprofessional comprehension of how to manage an economy I have ever seen. These sanctions are effectively economic war and will find that Europe will be forced to side with Russia.

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