It has been a very weird week. I spent last weekend writing my Old Man and the Sea article. I wanted to make it the best article I’d ever written as I hoped to convince more people to support Ron Paul. You might not think that writing an article is tiring, but after writing one I’m mentally and physically drained for at least two days. Then I had to head to the shore after work and clean the condo. I don’t know if this is why I’ve been so tired all week. I haven’t had the desire to log onto the site when I get home at night. My eyes have been closing by 9:00 pm every night. The markets were falling all week and the world seems like it is falling apart. I felt like there was a darkness clouding my thinking all week. I just don’t feel normal. Is it just me, or are other people feeling this way?

I also ran across the story below during the week. Japanese researchers have discovered that people with diabetes have a 74% greater chance of getting Azheimers. Just the news I needed to hear to cheer me up. My Dad died of Alzheimers. His brother died of Alzheimers. His sister has Alzheimers. My mother has two sisters with Alzheimers. Every time my mom tells me the same story for the 3rd time, I find myself thinking about when it will get me. When I’m at my desk and I can’t remember someone’s name or what it was I was about to do, a pang of doubt creeps into my mind. I was diagnosed with diabetes about five months ago. So now I have a 74% even greater chance of getting Alzheimers. My Dad got it in his early 70’s. That means I have maybe 25 good years left.

I could choose to be depressed by this situation, but it gives me a sense of urgency. As I walk to my office every morning I look down at the Ben Franklin quotes which have been inserted in the walkway and this one inspires me to keep plugging ahead:

“Lost Time is Never Found Again”  

 When I was diagnosed with diabetes, my doctor told me to lose weight and sign up for a diabetes class to learn about how I would need to live my life. I’ve been partially successful, as I’ve lost some weight, but I never signed up for the course. I tend to put off things that I don’t want to do. I think everyone tends to do this to some extent. I’ve also been writing for three years about the impending disaster that awaits our country due to our fiscal policies and massive debt. But again, I would put off preparations because in the back of my mind I hoped I was wrong. I’ve done more than most, but not enough.

I’m done wasting time. I called and scheduled my diabetes class at the local hospital. It’s time to really get in shape and give myself the best chance to fight off Alzheimers for as long as possible. I truly think things are going to go downhill faster than most people think. So I got off my ass and went out to buy a gas powered generator at Lowes. This purchase generated some interesting comments from a few people. As I pushed it up to the cash register, the cashier looked at it and asked, “Are you expecting something bad to happen?” I responded that I was trying to prepare in case of trouble. I pulled my Honda Insight up to the door and the nice guy from Lowes and I picked up the generator and slid it into the back of the car. A guy stopped as he was walking into the store and asked me what that was. I told him it was a generator. He thought it was funny that I was loading a big honking generator into a hybrid car.

Then I started to get in my car and a middle aged lady suddenly yelled out to me that she supports Ron Paul. She had seen my Ron Paul 2012 Magnet on the side of my car. I responded that he was our only hope. She said it wasn’t fair that he wasn’t getting enough air time on the MSM. She asked me if I was involved in his campaign. She wanted to know how to get involved. I gave her the website of the local Ron Paul support group. Then I told her to look for my Old Man and the Sea Op-Ed which will be in the local paper this week. It gives me hope when I see that middle aged suburban housewives with their daughters are understanding that Ron Paul has the right message.

Lastly, I’ve been somewhat annoyed by the fact that as the popularity of TBP has skyrocketed in the last few months, with visitor counts at all-time highs, the site makes less money every month. For someone with a business background, my efforts in generating revenue from this site have been a miserable failure. The google ads were doing well until google pulled the plug. No one seems to be clicking the new ads, as they are generating about $1 per day. The Amazon ad was pulling in a couple hundred per month and now is generating less than $100 a month. Not one person has opened an account at Everbank. The donation button resulted in an initial flurry of donations, mostly from the regulars on the site (thanks to everyone who made a donation), but there has been virtually no activity since. I did get one donation from a really famous political figure who I have the utmost respect for (I will not reveal his name). It blows me away that famous people read this site.

So, somehow I’ve turned the whole internet dynamic of increasing visitor counts into increased revenue on its head. The truth is that I could probably write articles with the specific purpose of generating revenue, but I have no interest in doing so. I’m trying to make a difference. Whenever I start to get annoyed by the lack of income, I think back to the reason I started writing in the first place. I want to leave my sons a country where they have a chance for a better life than I’ve had. My research for The Old Man and the Sea article has convinced me that winning or losing doesn’t matter. Fighting for the truth and fighting the good fight to the end is all that matters at the end of the day. I might get dejected, depressed, angry, and moody, but I’ll keep battling for the future of my kids.

I think we’ve created a somewhat dysfunctional support group at TBP, but it’s our dysfunctional support group. As things get worse over the coming months and years, hopefully our little community will function as a possible backbone for a new dynamic in our country based on local communities being self supportive. The government will not be the answer. Supporting local charities, helping your neighbors, and supporting your family are what matters. The ending will be the same for everyone who walks this earth. What matters is the course chosen on the voyage through life. Lost time is never found again.

I try to help the people in my community by donating to http://www.mannaonmain.org/.

I’m trying to help my country by donating to https://secure.ronpaul2012.com/.

We know bad times are ahead. Do what you can do to help make this a country you can be proud of.

Diabetes can Lead to Dementia

By Lenina C. | September 22, 2011 9:01 AM EST

We all know that Diabetes is a metabolic condition wherein the person has high glucose levels, the body has difficulty utilizing insulin, or simply because the body just can’t produce adequate amounts of insulin. This disease can lead to several complications like heart attack, kidney failure, and erectile dysfunction, to name a few.

But on top of these complications, the Japanese researchers found out that Diabetes can also lead to Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is a condition associated with loss of cognitive ability and has something to do with abnormal protein and tissue accumulation in the cerebral cortex of the brain. This is the most common type of Dementia.

There were studies conducted to justify the link between Diabetes, the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and Dementia however, there were no conclusive results revealed. This is exactly the reason why a group of Japanese investigators decided to do a thorough search for answers themselves.

The Japanese researchers have been conducting studies on heart diseases since 1961 in Hisayama. Then in the year 1988, a glucose tolerance test was done to more than 1,000 adult residents of Hisayama to observe the status of the glucose production of their bodies. After 15 years, the researchers, performed a follow up assessment and, found out that 232 of the 1000 participants had dementia.

Those who were diagnosed with Diabetes had a 74% risk of developing dementia compared to a person with normal glucose levels. Prediabetics or those who have abnormal glucose levels but not classified as a diabetic have a 35% tendency to develop dementia.

In the whole course of the study, researchers discovered that Alzheimer is the most common type of Dementia.

“Our findings emphasize the need to consider diabetes as potential risk factor for all-cause dementia,” the researchers said.

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September 24, 2011 9:48 pm

Tired all week. Slammed with a proforma, then prepped for the meeting with the bank for the contract work I did for 2 large developers. Sat in traffic for 2 hours in the pouring rain with them. Nothing like showing up to meet with the bank president 2 hours late holding your cup out.

Fought with PayPals $hitty billing system, collecting $$$$ should not be akin to passing a kidney stone the size of a bowling ball.

Up until today, reading or making commons sense of anything has been impossible.

The markets seem just pre-Lehman to me. Greece and the fallout into the EU’s top 20 banks is going to be FUGLY!

Hope you get some rest!

Dave Doe
Dave Doe
September 24, 2011 9:58 pm


You have a lot of company out there in the diabetes camp. Both My Mom and Dad had it. Luckily I have escaped up until this point. Go Low Carb and keep exercising. Type II can be reversed with diet and exercise. AWD should be some help.

September 24, 2011 10:28 pm

Yep low carb is the way to go,start reading the nutrician label on packages,the amount of sugar in food and drinks is crazy.

September 24, 2011 10:29 pm

PS If you want to get in shape go to Penn’s boathouse and put a single in it. I did this at UVA’s boathouse when I flew. I went from 215#s down to 165#s rowing 3-5 days a week depending on my airline schedule. I paid an ex-olympic rower about 200 bucks to teach me how to row. If I can get it in 2-3 lessons you’ll have it down in 1. You can pick up a boat for about 3K and they hold value.

You’ll be able to eat like a horse (and drink).

Painless, just stay away from the competitive dickhead races – that is what’ll kill you.

September 24, 2011 10:34 pm

Diabetes is a disease of carbohydrate metabolism. It makes NO sense that conventional wisdom recommends a high carb / low fat diet for diabetics.

Look into a paleo/primal diet. Check out http://www.marksdailyapple.com

September 24, 2011 11:36 pm

Admin-I share some of your concerns. When my 76 year old father tells the same story or asks the same questions on the phone, I worry he may be starting to slip. And I have followed in his footsteps with almost every medical condition I have had-I joke that I just look at my Dad’s medical records to see where I’ll be in 20 or 30 years. But at least you know about your diabetes and are taking action-that is the best you can do.

Glad to see you finally got a generator. I need to get another one myself. Funny to hear about the reaction-people in your neck of the woods consider a gas generator a novelty, huh? Needless to say, they are consider standard equipment in Fairbanks, no one would give you a second glance (unless they were envious).

Get some rest, and know that your efforts running TBP are appreciated. You are, in fact, doing good work and fighting the good fight.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
September 24, 2011 11:53 pm


I feel for you. My Mom is dealing with Alzheimer’s. Every time I see her, the regression is startling. She openly admits that her mind is practically gone. It is an unbelievably odious thing for an entire family to endure.

Best of luck to you on your weight loss program.

September 25, 2011 12:03 am


I’m glad you finally shared what’s been going on. It’s been clear that something has been going on. You’ve been absentee in the PM, which is quickly apparent.

It’s amazing how insightful you are, which is half the battle. Just a few thoughts, observations, recommendations after reading your piece above. You can take or leave them, it’s just what I see and my experience that may or may not help.

It would seem you are burned out. You have so much shit going on simultaneously it’s mind boggling. A full time job, trading and following the market, running an excellent blog, A rental property, Wife and kids, writing for multiple blogs, prognosticating, trying to prepare for the end of the world, financial pressures, health problems and worries, expectations not being met, worrying about your mom, and many others (those are just the one’s I know about). Holy shit, read that again and think about it for a minute. What if you knew someone with this much stress, what would YOU tell THEM?

Depression is something you might want to consider. Depression in men often presents with constant irritability, with a limited amount of depressed mood. This can wax and wain, with the depressed mood taking over some times. Men aren’t supposed to be depressed, especially men that are doing too much, but it happens. There is also Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD, really) Very common, under diagnosed, the moodiness and irritability start Sept/Oct. and last until April/May, when sunlight again predominates. A common pattern for depressed men is STRESS, causing constant irritability and anger, turned inward becomes depression. Then the physical symptoms: no energy, having to force yourself to do stuff, sleeping too much or not enough, eating too much or not enough, not taking pleasure in things you do. Something to think about. There is no reason, in this day and age, why anyone should suffer from depression. There is treatment that works. Men think they’re pussies if they get treament or help, but it beats the alternative. It doesn’t pussify anyone or make your dick smaller.

It’s interesting you call the shit throwing monkeys a support group, our support group. Nobody is more willing to lend support and sympathy than you, yet this is the first time that i know of you have, in so many words, requested feedback. Even dysfunctional support groups only work when you ask for help, especially amongst mostly men. Men feel more comfortable ripping each other apart, or joking about their dicks. You do have lots of guys behind you, supporting you. Some very intelligent and worldly men indeed, you should heed their advice. Which leads me to the next point.

The Blog. You can’t have it both ways. You can go for the cash, or you might as well forget about the cash. The mind-numbing amount of work you do on the blog is indeed worth money on some level, and you may feel you should be rewarded as such. But it’s not working out that way. So, either shit or get off the pot. Make it a pay site or let go of the expectation of payment. You are just mind-fucking yourself (more stress). NOTHING makes a person more miserable than expectations; whether at work, marriage, kids, or anything in life; the difference between reality and what you thought or think should be happening often determine whether you are happy/content or miserable. A very tough existential conundrum, beating expectations. Those that can learn to master and beat expectations can be called truly advanced souls. Not many reach that level, and so are not truly content. Make the decision and stick with it. To cash in or not to cash in, that is the question. Make the call and stick with it, get off the fence. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You help a tremendous amount of people, at no charge to them. Be it investing, economics, politics, current affairs, humor, or just entertainment; you are providing a light and path for people to follow. You are causing enlightenment. What could be better? And the word is out, people are sending their friends here, and their relatives. It’s working. You are doing good work. We, in this day and age, have to work in the medium we are presented with, that can do the most good. A blog is as good as any, especially a popular blog. Don’t buy into your brainwashing that whatever you do that is good must be rewarded with money. Helping people, and helping people to awaken mentally and spiritually is the greatest good a person can do. All I can do is help people recover from disease and physical illness, with an occasional bone thrown out spiritually. You have a gift, you are using it for good.

Health. Diabetes is a horrible disease. Your body release a cascade of inflammatory chemicals, and hyperinsulinemia and insulin-like growth factor in diabetics are damaging. It is no surprise that Alzheimer’s is more common in diabetics. Chronic inflammation damages neuronal tissue. Damaged neuronal tissue forms “scars” and plaques, characteristic of Alzheimer’s. The rub is, you can reduce or eliminate diabetes, if it is not to far progressed. You must lose weight and exercise. Exercise gets rid of stress, helps you focus, reduces appetite, reverses inflammation, disposes of toxins in your brain/body, causes weight loss, it reverses all the negative effects of diabetes (increases insulin sensitivity, reduces ILGF). Many more benefits. You have to take care of your health. Without it, you have nothing, and your later years will be miserable. There’s a guy at the gym who’s 82, and he works out every day like clockwork. His wife comes in on Sunday when I’m there, and she looks twenty years older than he does. He’s shaved 15-20 years off his physical and mental aging by exercising. It’s the fountain of youth. There is nothing you can do that will prevent Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and aging more than exercise. Unfortunately, when you get older, you become less and less able to do the same amount of stuff you used to do 5 or 10 years ago. Although frustrating, it can be stopped or reversed with exercise. Like they say in Asia, “if you lose your money you lose a lot, if you lose your health, you lose EVERYTHING”. Hence, money won’t do you much good if your dead, disabled, or your health is gone. Do some research into exercise and Alzheimer’s, and exercise and diabetes. You might be surprised.

The last issue for consideration is the most important. Spirituality. You can either be IN the world or you can be OF the world. There is a big difference. When your in the world, it’s you and your supporters/friends against the world. When you are of the world, you are centered inside your own skin. What happens in the world is an amusement, a story, a dialogue, something that you are interested in, but are not necessarily a part of. When you are spiritually centered, for lack of a better term, there is a separation between you and the world and everything in it. If you are not centered, you are at the mercy of the world, circumstance, traffic, politicians, of what is going on outside of yourself, you are a leaf in the breeze. The only way to become spiritually centered is to pray and meditate. I do both first thing in the morning. Sounds foolish, hippy-dippy, unmanly, whatever, but it works. After meditation in particular, I have a separation between myself and world for the rest of the day. Trying to translate the experience into words never works. People in the Western world, and the U.S. in particular, suffer needlessly because they spend nothing on the most important part of their lives. Meditation is intensely private and each person must find their own way. Must find their own way to the light and power that is inside each one of us. If you live constantly and always in your reactive, fearful, thought-based mind, everything and everyone is pulling at you, and your mind is always pulling as well. Meditation quiets the mind, you find your center, where the power and light is, and then, Ah, the rest of the day is amusing. You are walking the earth, doing what is in front of you, at peace. Not always happy, but at peace, everything is outside of yourself, you are separate enough. And prayer can solve any problem, and provide any answer to any question you can pose. It works, I’ll leave it at that. Thy will be done, not mine. What would you have me do? Please remove my fear/anger/frustration/weakness/boredom.

I posted a picture of the book “Siddhartha” not to long ago. The main character, Siddhartha, goes through many experiences, runs the gamut of life. His conclusion, his spiritual awakening was “I can fast, and I can wait”. That was it. Meaning, I can control my desires (to eat, fight, fuck: instincts), and I can control my expectations:what the world wants and expects of me and what I expect of myself. So simple, but if you can do these simple things, you are the master of your own life, your soul, and the world.

You are obviously an exceptional man. I try to put together a few posts now and then, and it takes quite a bit of time. You find and post stuff that people respond to and is relevant, all day, day after day. Your writing is getting better and better. Why? because you are putting more of yourself into it, instead of just charts and graphs. It’s a process, and you are progressing well. You are on a path, like it or not. You are being well used by the greater power in the world, like it or not. Now it’s time to take it to the next level. “My father’s house has many mansions.” You have been presented with the next steps in your progression. You also are having to face getting older and a world that appears to be crumbling about you. Yet, it is all grist for the Mill. All energy and motivation you can use for positive growth in yourself and your soul. Or, it can destroy you (you can get lazy, fat, and succumb to age and disease). You have a choice whether you realize it or not.

I will use the great Stucky as an example. He decided to go into the light. Lose weight, get healthy, get spiritual, all the while living and using the gifts given to him (from what I’ve been able to ascertain). He’s an inspiration to me, and I try to help him when I can. I had to go through some horrendous changes, and I used that energy to make my life how I wanted it, and not be a victim of the circumstances I found myself in. The good and bad, it’s all a gift is you see it as such. It only matters what you do with it. You are obviously concerned and reluctant to do what is before you, what you know deep inside you have to do. Only problem, there is so much noise out there. If your not centered, the noise is also in your mind. You know what you have to do, if you’re confused, pray for direction. Don’t be a victim, of the world or of your own mind. Become the master. You have so much awareness, you are well on your way. It is true that what direction you choose now will determine how the rest of your days turn out. You can turn to the power that’s out there, and inside you, any time of any day. The power is always there, always ready. You have to learn how to open the channel and channel the power. You have to be disciplined; to eat right, to exercise; you must do your part, nothing is free, except the power you can tap into at any time. I’m not sure what else I can say. It works for me and many others. There is no problem that is insurmountable if you are indefatigable. I know and see you struggling and trying; in the quotes and music you choose. You are just right there where you need to be.

I’d hate to see things turn negative for you, if you give up, quit, stop. Others are quitting and giving up, they don’t see a way out. There is a way out, and it’s by awakening, and it is so empowering and good, if you can catch it and keep it and feed and nurture it, you will wonder how you ever lived without it. Read Ram Dass, go to Amazon and search Ram Dass. Formerly Richard Alpert. There is so much out there for those willing to look and find. But, at the end of the day, you have to take and use. You have to find your path to the light. It is out there, again, and inside you. Once it is awake inside you, and the light grows and flourishes, EVERYTHING else will take care of itself, it’s amazing. You can see and learn to stand back and see the world and what it and the people are doing, and why, and more importantly, you can stand back and see what your mind is trying to do to you all day long.

A challenge indeed. You seem ready though. You are asking all the right questions. You probably already know what the answers are, or you can ignore and evade, at your own peril. I wish you luck, and I will do whatever I can to help you or anybody reading this. I hope my message isn’t taken in bad taste or being too forward. I’ve gone through a lot in my life, and I’ve come out better on the other side, by the grace of GOD. I certainly can’t take credit, I’ve been shown the way, I do the work, make the effort, and then the magic happens. There is nothing better. I know you or anybody can do it. It’s not easy though. I thank you again for the work you do on the blog. It’s been fun and I’ve learned a lot from you and all the people that show up here. I try to give back what I can, and will continue to do so. Keep the faith and do the work, and amazing things can happen!

September 25, 2011 12:04 am

Type 2 diabetes is all about carb consumption… No more than 70 grams per meal, and should be low fat, high protein. Measure your helpings to begin, then after time you will recognize what amounts to eat. All about moderation. Learn to just say NO to certain foods. You will see that you will live just fine without them. it’s a huge wake up call.

September 25, 2011 12:05 am

I just disabled my ad blocking software and instead of one or two ads there are tons. Maybe part of the problem is people don’t see them due to ad blocking software.

I must be genetically intolerant of advertising. I block out or dismiss a huge amount of the marketing thrown my way. Nearly everything I still watch on TV is recorded on DVR and watched later sans commercials. When I do see one it usually pisses me off or cause me to shake my head in disbelief. There is absolutely nothing that Americans will not buy.

I’ll pop $20 in the mail at the end of the month. I’ve already addressed the envelope and added it to my bills payable box.

September 25, 2011 12:13 am


My father in law and a few people from my church have lost alot of weight getting on board with Medi Weightloss Clinics. They recommend a very low carb and high protein diet. In the beginning of the program you can receive vitamin and hunger suppressant shots to help with the diet change. In the beginning, it is really tough because your body has to adjust to the lack of carbs and energy loss; this is why they recommend the shots. As you progress through the program, they start to add more to your diet so that you can eventually maintain the weight loss and diet for the long run. It is more of a lifestyle that they are trying to implement with their clients. I know it works because I’ve witnessed it work. You should look into it and see what you think.

September 25, 2011 12:32 am


If you don’t mind me asking, how do you meditate? I’d like to start meditating outside of prayer and try to get in touch with my spiritual side. I try to live my life according to sound principles. My main challenge is living a more structured life. I’m trying to get better at implementing a daily routine/schedule so that I can live a more balanced life. Lately, I have been sleeping in a litte longer and neglecting working out and I can feel the effects of it. It is easy to get lazy and neglect a healthy lifestyle in today’s fast paced world. If I don’t work out in the morning, I usually come up with excuses after work to not work out. Discipline is critical.

September 25, 2011 12:32 am

Admin: If I were you I’d:

1.) Get a shell, you’ll be healthy fast!
2.) Write a book — a best seller will change the world
3.) Do an occasional article
4.) Ease off — or even consider closing the blog 🙁

I closed my blogs, facebook and I hardly ever write. The world didn’t even notice 🙂 I agree with a lot of what AWD says. I also agree that our diet system in the US is as fucked as our monetary system as pointed out by several posts.

You’ve already changed the world through your kids — like your parents did with you.

September 25, 2011 12:47 am


Late. Serious subject. Need to absorb what you wrote. Watching Arizona and Oregon is not the time to respond.


September 25, 2011 12:49 am

Jmarz: repiteo es mater studiorum, latin for repetition in the mother of the student.

First you form your habits, then your habits form you.

It works both ways unfortunately. You have to make good habits, then discipline become easy. Or make bad habits, and start planning for your funeral. Easy does it, but DO IT.

I meditate in a sitting position, with instrumental music only, breath in, breath out. Usually breath in a word, breath out another word: God, love, or whatever seems right for the day. The initial struggle with my mind trying to pull off into thoughts. It eventually calms down, then I start watching my mind fire off thoughts, but they aren’t pulling me off anymore. Then, if I’m lucky, my attention, my mind/spirit goes UP into the light. On a really good day, I pull the energy from my surroundings, the earth, sun, the universe, whatever, in and out through the light. The light is above my head, but I can get into it, without moving my body or head, and then I’m utterly free, and I’m pure energy.I should mention I’ve been meditating for almost 30 years though.

Get Ram Dass’ “Journey oo Awakening”, the best book I’ve ever found for westerners on meditation. It’s what got me started.

And no, I’m not psychotic. Really.

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Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
September 25, 2011 12:55 am

Jim, I agree, but we are winning. Isn’t it great when you run into one of those people who gets it?

September 25, 2011 1:45 am

You obviously haven’t heard about the recent breakthroughs in Alzheimers which have not been forthcoming in the mainstream media (as usual). Please see:





September 25, 2011 1:51 am

You’ve got to go low carb/paleo like right now. Read Mark Sisson’s and Art DeVany’s books. And take a look at what DeVany looks like at age 75 — that’s the fountain of youth right before your eyes. You’ll find DeVany’s story inspiring as his efforts were spurred by the diabetes of his wife and son over 20 years ago.

You also might want to look into http://www.tiptheweb.org. It’s a way for people to throw cash your way when they like something. Can’t say I have any idea how effective it is, but I know other sites that use it.

September 25, 2011 4:52 am

Keep reminding us to donate and stuff, like you did with the Google button!

September 25, 2011 5:52 am

I place an order with Amazon last week and will do so again. Many order through Amazon, they just need to order at your site. There is a lot of research being done with resveratrol. Check it out. I take Longevinex every day. Some of the research is at longevinex.com. I first read about resveratrol in a monthly newsletter called Alternatives. An index of back issues is located at drdavidwilliams.com. He will tell you things the medical profession will not. You can win this battle. You got a lot of good advice before I posted this.

September 25, 2011 8:10 am


Maybe you are overextended in your life. Work, family. friends, property, blog. And who knows what else.

To worry about Alzhemier’s age at your Gen X age is futile. By the time the problem arises for you, the cure will already be proven. You’re probably more at risk from driving through the 30 blocks of squalor.

Making money from a blog is mostly a losing proposition. If a blog doesn’t needs money, there’s something wrong with them! When I got involved, it didn’t take me long to donate to two that seemed useful to me. X and Y, and X was one a friend recommended. When I mentioned I had donated to X, he was bemused.

Later, came TBP 1.0 and $100 (and I did get the DVD) but no thanks — and for all I know, you never even knew. In TBP1.5, I suspected “Don’t Do This” would wreak blowback but I clicked a few ads. And more than one Amazon link. My last one, typically bad timing, was billed after a ~10% decrease in exchange rate — and the effing shipping has changed and $88 added on, more than anticipated. Bigger blogs that have been around for a lot longer always have their hand out — unless they’ve been bought by TPTB, so don’t feel bad.

A score of years ago, as a sometime freelance writer, I was screwed more than once by editors and publishers. Imagine, having spent the bucks for some photo content for a project, only to eventually learn that the photos had been used in someone else’s article in a magazine. And when I wrote a strong letter to the edtior, I was sent a check that only covered my costs. Big woo! And I had to chase the publisher of a book I co-authored for the royaty payments.

So, shit happens on a regular basis. Everywhere.

Be thankful you have a loyal following that appreciates your efforts and supports in what small way we can.

Dave Doe
Dave Doe
September 25, 2011 8:34 am

Some great comments. I’m glad you decided to share that with us Jim. We’ll all benefit.

I personally don’t worry about you because if you use half the drive you’ve shown on this site toward your health, you’ll be a different person in a year.

I heartily second the rebalancing your life theme (even if it means all us TBP addicts lose our “Hit”).
There’s nothing more important than your health. Get that squared away and the rest will fall
into place. Close it down or maybe ask some of your better contributors to step up and write more.
Making it a pay site won’t reduce your stress – it will increase it.

Having faced a inherited tendency toward diabetes myself: some books I’ve found Useful:
Younger Next Year – Chris Crowly – humorous look at how daily exercise can take you to 80 and beyond in a health body.
Diabetes Solution – Richard K. Bernstein, MD – Type I Diabetic Since Age 12 Outlines his Approach.
The 4 Hour Body – Timothy Ferris – Unconventional Guide to “Slow Carb” and Minimum Effective Dose Exercise to improve health. Fascinating Read and Practical.

September 25, 2011 8:42 am

Thank god you are going to the class. Now I don’t have to listen to mom say how worried she is about you!

September 25, 2011 9:24 am


With all due respect, it sounds like you could really use a vacation. Not a weekend away with the kids. One more like you and Avalon head to someplace like New Zealand for a couple of weeks or Italy, before it goes into real economic chaos. Just to help clear the mind.

The world will keep spinning while you are away.

My wife has cancer, melanoma. Has had it for 5 years now. She’s beat the odds (Mayo said she’d be dead over two years ago) but we are now losing the fight. During these years we have taken those trips, and those are times I will always have with her, long after she is gone. Stress? You bet. 3 kids in college and wife dying? Uh huh. It was those trips with her that saved me.

Just a thought.


September 25, 2011 9:28 am

I am rather hesitant to write this for two reasons. First, there is the fear of revealing too much of one’s life on the internet. Will it come back to haunt me? Does anyone really give a shit about my particulars? Second, I am afraid my post may be construed as “one-upmanship” — i.e.; “Look at me! MY life is worse than yours!”. But, I consider you my friend so I will take the chance.

When my mom was about 14 the Russians came to her village and imprisoned all the Germans in the village. She was raped several times. On one occasion her mother attempted to stop it. The Russian soldier, in turn, beat her mother to death right in front of her eyes. Only my mom and her brother survived the prison. Somehow, she found the will to go on with life.

My dad was about the same age when the German army marched through his village in Romania. They snatched him from his home, gave him a gun, and shipped him to the Russian front. There he was captured by the Russian army and of course, sent to prison. There he suffered great deprivations. When he was released after the war ended, he weighed just over 100 pounds, and was near death. He wasn’t allowed to go back to Romania to be with his family. Somehow, he found the will to go on with life.

Ms. Freud has survived the pain and disfigurement of breast cancer. At the same time she battled cancer she was taking care of her mother, who had Alzheimer’s. Her mother died while she was battling her own cancer. Somehow, she found the will to go on with life.

My son was placed in a mental hospital against his will and diagnosed as Paranoid Schizophrenic. Through much work and effort he has been able to completely get off medication. They say that disease is incurable. Yet, even the State psychologists no longer consider him schizophrenic.

I, myself, have twice lost everything in my life. I still have not “recovered” from the second occasion.

My mom has arthritis so bad she cannot open her hands. They are like claws. Still, she manages to cook meals from scratch. My dad also has Type 2 diabetes. Yet, he still has the house, mows the lawn, tends to the garden. He’s almost 90.

I smoked my first cigarette when I was about 13. I would save the butts from my dad’s Marlboros (he quit a long, long time ago) and then light the little stubs behind the apartment building. Smoked for 40+ years. Somehow, I found the will to quit for good this year. One of the most difficult things I’ve ever done.

Then I stepped on a scale several weeks ago and saw that I was a 308 pound fat fuck. Somehow I have to find the will to change a lifetime of eating habits. Somehow I have to find the will to drag my fat ass to the gym every day, something I have never done. I have determined that weight machines are a waste of time. Last week I moved to the free-weights area. It’s the area where the younger people go and they are all in pretty damn good shape … no fat asses slogging around lazily. I cannot begin to tell you how fuckin embarrassing it is for me … big as I am … and the puny weights I can actually lift and the pathetically low repititions I can do. It’s fuckin embarrassing as hell. But, every morning I somehow find the will to just do it.
Well, that’s just part of my story.

Jim, I am NOT saying you don’t have any will. No, not at all. In fact, I wish I had your will power for you have accomplished mighty things in your life. But, it just seems that you may have lost sight of that fact. You just temporarily lost some of your mojo.

The FACT is that you have accomplished great things with this blog, and your life.

Even Jesus suffered great despair in the Garden of Gethsemane. George Washington suffered great despair in Valley Forge. The great Terry Bradshaw used to suffer panic attacks after games. People who do great things – people like you — at various points in their lives seem to lose sight of what they have accomplished. So, you are in great company.

BUT, the great ones always come back stronger than ever …. as will YOU. I am positive you will do whatever it takes to come out on top. The great ones always do.

September 25, 2011 9:49 am

AWD’s post also blew me away.

ALL the posts in this thread are wonderful. We have quite the awesome community here.

A couple of things I found on wiki ….

======================================== =

Q: What is the effect of fear on Diabetes

A: Any fear including of Diabetes, increases stress, which in turn triggers the secretion of Adrenaline [Epinephrine] which increases sugar in blood. Stress increases heart rate and stroke volume, dilates the pupils, and constricts arterioles in the skin and gastrointestinal tract while dilating arterioles in skeletal muscles. It elevates blood sugar level by increasing catabolism of glycogen to glucose in the liver, and at the same time begins the breakdown of lipids in fat cells. Like some other stress hormones, Adrenaline/epinephrine has a suppressive effect on the immune system.

======================= =

The Journal of Applied Physiology, dated December 15th, 2005 by American Physiology Society reported that “50% of patients with Type 2 Diabetes are no longer clinically defined as diabetic JUST BY EXERCISING AND LOOKING AFTER THEIR NUTRITION, STRICTLY.”

This means, you MUST eat right AND exercise. The journal also reported that this routine will decrease blood pressure and decrease oxidative stress (that creates free radicals which consequently can cause cancer in the long run) as well. By eating and exercising right we can increase the nitric oxide in our body that will keep our heart pumping healthily and smoothen our blood circulation. When you exercise, you build muscles. Muscles help to improve insulin sensitivity.

September 25, 2011 10:22 am

Stucky, wow dude, simply wow. My life has been a series of clawing my way up, then falling back down, then getting back up again, I’ve been stalled for a couple years.

My my life, and my families’, have got nothing on yours and I stand in awe at the strength and determination and love of life that your family exhibits. Thank you for sharing man.

As for the exercise, I read some mind-blowing information a few years ago and when I follow it, it works better than anything else in the world. The whole exercise model we have been taught is BS, just like the whole “eat fake (carbs) food and don’t eat real things like cheese & meat”. If the things we have been told are true than how is it that our country has gotten so freaking FAT?

I firmly believe that what we have been told is “proven” has been based more on what is best for the “health” & “fitness” industries, not what really works for the human animal in the 21st century. The more I learn the more is seems that lots of “proven science” is anything but.

Anyway, the model of lots and lots of time and reps is what we are told will work. And maybe if what you want is to look like Arnold, it might even do it. But what I find the MOST effective, what I find fast and radically pain free the next day, revs my metabolism and drops pound FAST without spending an hour or two in the gym, or walking, everyday.

If you are interested, I’d love to share it, like I said it blew my mind and actually worked for me – when I was doing it, I dropped close to 25 pounds, over 10% of my body weight in less than three months. Let me know.

Are you still doing the ACV and honey? I had forgot to take it for a month and lo and behold I gained three pounds and my allergies are flitting around. So back on it I am.

Peace to you Stucky and family.

September 25, 2011 10:42 am

Admin, your life is insane, you know that.

First, correlation is NOT causation. 100% of all mass murderers breathe oxygen, it does NOT mean that we should ban oxygen. I hate these fucking studies, I really do.

This week I have had a veil descend over my mind. Revelations are coming fast and furious, the fucking FUTILITY of it all, Washington, insane laws, money collapse, public education, the prescription drug cartels, my freaking marriage, ALL of it feels, I don’t know, worse? I guess? If not worse than I’m just feeling less able to handle it all, hopefully it is the fucking planets and this too shall pass.

The sleep thing is my own personal signal of the depths of the depression setting in, so I’m back on my exercise regime to counter it.

AWD’s advice about meditation is wonderful. I quit doing it a few years back (depression is a thieving bitch) and he has given me both the impetus to restart, and some great info. He also pointed me to Siddhartha and i am quite enjoying the read.

Before I read this today, I was wondering to myself how in the fuck I am going to keep it together when the shit is flying and the common everyday idiots we live amongst start making irrational decisions. My head is going to split in half, I fear it.

Then I remember that somebody HAS to buck it up for my daughter. That someone is me.

There is not a fucking thing, or much, I can do to change this insane world, all I can do is to fix what I can, help where I can and continue my lifelong goal of learning. Whatever else that happens is just how the chips may fall.

One way I can help is to quit procrastinating and donate to you and Dr. Paul.

The only way I find to fight the feelings of futility is to actually do something.

You can whomp the diabetes Admin, go forth and research alternatives and do NOT rely on just the “approved” medical community. They are not gods, no more so than Ben is a financial god, and many people have found wonderful results by bucking the status quo.

Good luck and please take care of yourself, I just don’t know what I’d do if I lost your insights and this place. Hug Avalon from all of us and tell her thanks for helping to take care of your ass.

September 25, 2011 10:46 am

I just love you guys. All of you. You are wonderful, intelligent, thoughtful, funny, exasperating, inspiring, beautiful people, and I am so impressed by your words when you open your hearts like this.

Jim, you have been working too hard. I wholeheartedly agree with AWD, but I would add one more suggestion. Take a day off the blog once a week. Sunday, perhaps? Kick back and have some fun – we all need a little playtime. Best of luck; we’re all in this together.

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September 25, 2011 11:26 am

TeresaE, thanks for the kind words and thoughts.

Am I still doing the ACV and honey? You betchya!!! Every day, without fail. Thanks!!

Yes, please DO share whatever insights you have regarding your exercise routine. FWIW, you might even consider making it a seperate thread. I know AWD and others here workout so I think it would generate responses. It IS an interesting topic.

Speaking of that … we could all help Jim out by starting threads. It’s not that hard. We don’t need to post “War&Peace” masterpieces like Jim. Post an article that’s interests you. Or, do an llpoh type Short Story … which are awesome. I’m thinking weekends would help Jim the most … give him some family time.

PS. I wasn’t able to make that Squasage recipe. Missing some ingredients and Ms Freud doesn’t like shopping on weekends. So, it’ll have to wait till next weekend.

September 25, 2011 11:30 am

“I just love you guys. All of you.” —- Newsjunkie


fwiw imho
fwiw imho
September 25, 2011 12:35 pm


Your site is more than a political blog.
It’s: All in the Family, Days of Our Lives, and Cheers.

It’s a community.
It’s OUR community.

Be Proud. Be very, very Proud.

September 25, 2011 1:06 pm


Thanks for sharing, but I already had hints, plus you run around over the speed limit for your body to function right.

I think AWD hit it on the head, is TBP for money or love? You seem to have a great not too stressful job, but sadly you have to go to work each day, plus a comute from hell. There is only so much of you to around.

The shit throwing monkeys are selfish bastards and want most of your wonderful efforts and time. Please remember Avalon is worried, your family needs you, and your body would like you to pay more attention to its well being.

Be sure to run your new generator once in a while and rotate the fuel yearly. I have a natural gas generator that goes on at 5AM every Monday morning as I am in the office reading TBP.

Supporting all these Libertarian causes I guess is worth it, checks in the mail.


That was a good read and I know it is hard to talk about. My wfie’s family have the same kind of stories of what the Germans had to deal with once the war was lost. The losing side doesn’t get to make the rules. Sounds like your dad was on two losing sides, talk about bad luck. and going strong at almost 90 y.o.

My father in-law, a Lt. in the German Army, through some loose talk got to visit your local friendly gestopo station for questioning (sound familiar Stuck). They let him off, but his reward was a gov’t paid for trip to the Russian front. Then his luck got better, he developed a appendicites, after the operation he was sent to the Italian front. Lt. Leo surrendered to the Americans, and was sent to Alabama to pick cotton for the rest of the war. My father in-law thought he had died and gone to heaven. He could speak fluent English and the guards took very good care of him. Lt. Leo’s sisters came by train from San Francisco to visit him in Alabama, and the guards even let him go on a picnic with his sisters.

Hope Ms. Freud is on the mend, and you seem to be enjoying your diet and the new you.

September 25, 2011 1:15 pm

I do not know if the Administrator is feeling stressed.

I do know that stress is a combination of anger and fear. If you ever feel stressed, search your feelings and you will find that you are afraid of something and angry about something.

In truth, anger is fear announced.

I think every person at some point deals with stress, because problems are a part of life.

And problems eat shit.

September 25, 2011 1:30 pm


I do not believe that being true to your beliefs on your blog necessarily has to preclude earning money from the blog. I do not believe the two are diametrically opposed.

There is nothing wrong with generating some income from your blog, as long as that process does not corrupt the purpose (your ideology) of the blog.

The important thing is to be realistic about expectations and accept whatever comes.

Me No Likey
Me No Likey
September 25, 2011 2:08 pm

If it wasn’t for you and this blog, I wouldn’t be voting for Ron Paul.

If it wasn’t for you and this blog, my life wouldn’t have changed and I wouldn’t have stopped being a selfish, self-centered fuck.

If it wasn’t for you and this blog, I wouldn’t have decided to be a force for good (in my community, my country, my life, whatever).

If it wasn’t for you and this blog, I wouldn’t be making the difference in my small corner of the world that I have been.

If it wasn’t for you and this blog, I wouldn’t have decided to become a True Patriot.

Thank you.

I’m not the first to say this, but I don’t think we should be afraid of death as much as afraid of having never really lived. All any of us ever has is a very brief moment in the stream of life to be. No matter what happens to you, your leadership demonstrates that your visit on this planet has been worthwhile. Which is more than can be said for most.

September 25, 2011 2:15 pm

In spite of his politics, I’ve always admired T.R. He didn’t let asthma or a bad heart stop him. From captaining the Harvard wrestling team to being a cowboy to San Juan Hill and big game hunting, he never let his health issues stop him. (As a former recruiter, I can tell you that fat guys with asthma and heart problems don’t get to enlist, let alone lead combat arms units like the Rough Riders.)
I’m your age, and I’ve already outlived both parents (gone at 66 and 75) and a brother (48), so I have some understanding of what you are thinking. It’s my belief, however, that you and I (and everyone else) stay here until the reason for our being here is fulfilled, for good or ill. As long as you bear fruit, you should expect to have your season here.
Keep on – and may your efforts bear much fruit.

September 25, 2011 2:33 pm

So, there you have it. Everyone got to share and be enriched as a result of Admin (getting the ball rolling), which is what happens on daily basis (although not always this topic).

We all have our own crosses to bear. I probably say too much, but I am incapable of not responding when someone reaches our their hand for help. Yet, I am the worst about not asking for help. Me trying to fix myself has resulted in more than one catastrophic mess. As this thread shows, there is an abundance of help available for those that are willing to ask.

Stucky: good job, moving to free-weights is always better than machines. You managed to get over your pride. Look at the number of the 7 deadly sins you are now beating: Sloth, Gluttony, Pride, vanity. Thanks for the stories.

Admin: sorry, but I don’t consider walking to be exercise. It doesn’t raise your heart rate enough. It’s better than nothing, as far as that goes, but offers little cardio and no resistance. Go to the gym.

Newsjunkie and TeresaE: Great words.

Smokey is also correct. Fear is an evil and corroding thread, our existence is shot through with it. It leads to trains of circumstances we feel we don’t deserve, but we start the ball rolling with fear. And fear underlies almost every instance of anger.

The great spirit will take away fear. I use a simple prayer: “God, please remove my fear and direct me to what you would have me do and be” I commence to outgrow the fear in short order. Those that can realize and identify fear (and then have it removed) are indeed advanced, not saying I am, but a simple prayer CAN make it go away. Most people just go through life afraid and angry, and pile all types of crap on top of it (food, stuff, laziness, T.V. etc) so they don’t have to feel it.

The bottom line to everything, the totality of existence, the key to peace and success as a human being is humility and gratitude. Humility is realizing your limitations, then turning them over to the greater power out there. No person can run the show, we can only do our part and turn the results over to God. You have to turn everything over and LET GO. Faith that HE is running the show takes all the pressure off. I am working for him, doing his work. There is a grand plan, and it is my job just to play my part, whatever that is, and turn it over. Gratitude is simple. Be happy with what I have, realizing all my needs are always met, and will continue to be met. My wants are infinite, and will never be met. I try to realize and be happy my needs are met, and starve my incessant wants. The happier I am with what I have, the less I want more. I can fast and I can wait.

A story, you may have hear it:
There was farmer who had a son. One day, while riding and herding cattle, the son fell off the horse and broke his leg. It meant half the crops could not be harvested, and the farm would lose a small fortune. The son was distraught, the father wasn’t. Two days latter, the army came around, taking all young men, the son couldn’t go because of his broken leg. The next day, the horses got out of the barn and ran away. Now the farmer had no way to heard the cattle. The son was very upset, wondering what was going to happen. The father was not concerned. Three days later, the horses came back, bringing 3 wild horses that had tagged along. These things go on, for weeks and months. Seemingly bad things always seem to happen. Yet, the father was not upset. The son finally asked “How do you keep so calm all the time? These things make me crazy”. The father said “you never can tell, son, what is good and what is bad.” Time will tell, and I have faith.

Faith is all anyone can have, that things will work out well, and almost always not the way you planned. Thus, you have to let go of expectations. They are a killer. If you are minding and keeping clean your side of the street, things will work out. It is better to have faith and patience, than to label everything as “good” or “bad”. Otherwise fear will eat your lunch. You can’t have faith without belief in something greater than yourself, a plan in action. Every civilization in the history of mankind has believed in something greater. Our intellectual pride resulting in atheism and agnosticism, is a relatively new phenomenon. You can’t have faith without works, either. You have to, as individuals and as a collective society, do spiritual work in order to attain faith. Our society doesn’t do that, and we are therefore rudderless, and prey to savages, thieves, and the corrupt. Thanks again for reading my ramblings.

Another book I read a little of every day. I cannot underestimate the value of this small book:

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September 25, 2011 2:42 pm

No, AWD, you do NOT “say too much”! You are one of the many precious gems that make this site so worthwile to read every day. Keep it up.

September 25, 2011 2:59 pm


I believe they will have a 75% cure for Alzheimer’s in the next 10-15 years, using which chemical, you’ll never guess, NICOTINE and metabolites. Very promising research being done. The other 25% is due to lifestyle issues, for which there is no treatment except change in lifestyle.

September 25, 2011 3:09 pm

my two cents. for what it’s worth.
Get out of the rat race.Cash in your chips and head for the hills.
I did several years back and haven’t looked back.

You can always make more money doing something different , but there’s only one you.
Look after him.
It’s all you’ve got.

September 25, 2011 3:50 pm

Wow, just wow. Who knew what JQ was struggling with and who knew what great advice, compassion and insight lurked among his readership! Although, duh, should have suspected it…..

First off Jim, TAKE CARE OF THE DIABETES. Go to the classes, take the diet instructions to heart, do the exercises. Eating better, more exercise, reconnecting with YOURSELF is the keystone to wellness. You can’t help anybody if you are ill.

What has been offered on this site, kudos to AWD/Stucky/TeresaE, is pretty much what I tell my patients. I like the eatcleandiet.com, weight watchers and yoga/meditation myself.

The most important thing is probably to UNPLUG from the world a bit. Limit the tv, the cell phone, the radio, the fax, the computer, you get the idea. Limit the amount of fear and craziness and hate and stress you allow in your space. You are not responsible for the 30 Blocks, for the actions of the banksters, for the FSA. While I know you care deeply about the effects these asshats have on our society, at the end of the day, they are not your problem. Let it go. These people and their problems are an endless black hole of need that will suck you dry.

It is all about building your own Lifeboat and being Captain of that ship. YOU have to decide who gets to come with you and what baggage they are allowed to bring. YOU are responsible for yourself, your family, your local commuity, period, in that order. I suppose that sounds selfish, too bad, but if you don’t tend to them, who will?

I think you have finally gotten the memo that our beloved country cannot be saved by anyone with in the current political/financial paradigm. That does not mean that it isn’t worth fighting for, the good fight is always good, even if it doesn’t yield results in your lifetime. Who knows who is out there reading this blog this very minute that will be inspired to bring some SANE change? You will be able to stand tall before your kids and say this is what I tried to accomplish, this is what was worth fighting for, never forget all that was good, and bad, about America, so future generations never forget.


September 25, 2011 3:56 pm

AWD: most incredible post I’ve seen here. I take back the shitty things I have said about you! Admin: you have the support of all of us, even the evil Boomers. Stuck: what an incredible story! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, even though I don’t know you.

September 25, 2011 4:09 pm


The Giants kicked some Eagle ass.

Please stay awy from tall buildings and/or the freeway for the next 24 hours. This, too, shall pass.

September 25, 2011 4:34 pm

Yankmees. That’s precious. Thank you for assuming they will even make it to the World Series. I’m not so sure, really.

The Scotch Plains High School baseball team could kick the Mets asses. That’s not something to hang your hat on.

I am in a gracious mood today. Plus, it’s Sunday and I’m filled with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I cannot tell a lie. I think the Phillies win it all, no matter who they play.

September 25, 2011 4:39 pm

A primer on Anger/Fear:

fear of losing everything you have.
fear of not getting something you want..
fear of disease, illness, disability, poor health
fear of being too healthy, living too long.
fear of getting old
fear of the young
fear of eating too much
fear of not getting enough to eat
fear of sleeping too much
fear of not sleeping enough
fear of being cheated, stolen from, robbed, or violence
fear of cheating, stealing, and murdering others (on purpose or by accident)
fear your wife running off.
fear of having to stay with your wife.
fear of the government, politicians, laws, rules and taxes
fear of anarchy
fear of police, SWAT, Army, DHS, et. al.
fear of criminals and terrorists
fear of exercise
fear of not exercising.

See a pattern? I could increase the list ad infinitum. Fear results in anger. Get the idea? Don’t let fear be your master, because it will.

September 25, 2011 4:47 pm

My last words,

Fear is like cancer, it can consume you and leave you weak, suffering, or dead.

Faith is the antidote to fear.

Fear knocked on the door, faith answered, and nobody was there.

Faith without works is dead.

Pain is a given, suffering is optional.

Pain is the touchstone to spiritual growth.

September 25, 2011 5:46 pm

AWD: the ultimate fear of any man is fear of failure.

September 25, 2011 6:23 pm


Says, “I’m angry at so many things, it will be tough to figure out what I fear the most.”

For What It’s Worth——–It AIN’T a suitcase nuke from Akmed.

September 25, 2011 7:02 pm


Thank you for your input on meditation. With 30 years of meditation practice, you clearly offer valuable wisdom on this topic. I’m going to order that book you recommend from Amazon today.

I must admit that this thread has provided some of the best comments I’ve seen on this site. Thank you everyone for passing along your wisdom. It is always appreciated.