Do you think General Dwight D. Eisenhower was telling these young men that they weren’t special? Was he telling them they’d never amount to anything? Was he telling them they were lazy and self involved? How do you motivate young people towards achieving great things? Do you berate them and tell them they will never achieve greatness?

Neil Howe echoes my sentiments exactly about the older generations that have ruined this country, but have the balls to blame young people who haven’t even begun their adult lives. We’ve had massive firestorm threads on this site about this exact issue. The Millenial generation has 87 million members and 60 million haven’t reached the age of 21 yet. And somehow the old cranks that have royally fucked up the futures of these Millenials with their greed, materialism, and delusion have the balls to blame the Millenials.

Will the older generations in this country ever man up and accept the consequences of their actions, or will they blame others right up to the time we thankfully put them six feet under? I have no faith that Boomers will ever step up and do what is required to leave a future for these young people. They have earned their Shallowest Generation title and will always wear it proudly.

Let the games begin.


“Dear Graduating Class of 2012: You Are So Not Special

“How not special you are.”  That seems to be a popular message older people want to deliver to the young these days.  In the last couple of years, I’ve started to notice this new tough-love refrain pop up in commencement addresses.  This year, it’s really ramping up.  Apparently, when middle-aged folk tire of apologizing to the young about how badly they have messed things up—they easily move on to remind the young how unworthy they are themselves.

See in particular the pugnacious and dismissive (if not contemptuous) address penned by Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal a few weeks ago, which got lots of attention.  He starts out with this happy note: “Dear Class of 2012: Allow me to be the first one not to congratulate you.”  And then he goes on:

Here you are, probably the least knowledgeable graduating class in history…

To read through your CVs, dear graduates, is to be assaulted by endless Advertisements for Myself…

Your prospective employers can smell BS from miles away.  And most of you don’t even know how badly you stink.

And so on.  OK, so Stephens didn’t actually deliver this address to an actual school.  But I’m sure someone will try.

Last week, David McCullough, Jr., a high school teacher at Wellesley High School (and son of the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian) gave a lighter, wittier version of a similar message: Shape up, you’re very ordinary, and your parents’ incessant praise won’t help you now.  “You’re not special” was his repeated refrain.  The video has gone viral.  Clearly, these “speeches” have struck a chord among some of today’s Boomers and Xers, those who find young people in schools, colleges, and workplaces just too confident, too full of themselves, and too “special” for their taste.  Apparently, it’s time for older people to take youth down a few notches—for their own good.

So what exactly is going on?

At some level, I guess I’m baffled by the sudden popularity of this trope.  Here we are at a time of historically high youth unemployment during the longest and most severe economic bust since the Great Depression.  Why would anyone think Millennials need to be reminded by graybeards that history won’t give them a free pass?  Just about everyone knows, moreover, that in the decades to come Millennials are eventually going to have save more and bear higher taxes (in just about any fiscal scenario) to pay for their parents’ unfunded retirement liabilities.  And, if those programs go bust, Millennials are conveniently situating themselves in or near their parents’ households so they can help out in person.  Shouldn’t these older people want to be nicer to these kids in anticipation of what’s ahead?  Shouldn’t they be at least hoping that this rising generation is indeed special enough to handle the challenges being handed to them?

It might be different, I suppose, if these young Millennials were aggressively attacking their parents for their alleged misdeeds—like young Boomers famously and loudly assailed their own parents for raping the earth, waging colonial wars, and subjugating women and minorities.  If that were the case, today’s older generations could plead self-defense.  Yet Millennials rarely make such attacks, and certainly don’t make them at public events.  I have attended a great many commencements, convocations, and ceremonies involving high-school and college students in recent years, and in all the them Millennials thank and congratulate their parents and teachers in the warmest terms.  Never do I recall a young person saying something like, “Mom and dad, I really don’t think you are very special.”

So it’s a weird and one-sided conflict.  If Millennials wanted to attack, of course, it would be easy enough to find targets to strike–starting perhaps with their elders’ greed, short-sightedness, and blind partisanship, which have recently brought the global economy to its knees and rendered the nation’s capital ungovernable.  Yet Millennials do not strike.  They bear perhaps the heaviest burden from their elders’ malfeasance.  But they do not attack.  Perhaps because they are just too nice to get nasty.  Or because they would rather not get into a conversation with judgmental Old Aquarians who simply won’t stop arguing until they win.

Maybe, some say, this whole anti-special, tough-love line is justifiable as a natural and welcome corrective to the excesses of the “self-esteem” movement in recent years.  According to psychologist Jean Twenge, mindless cant about every person’s preciousness is turning the young into raging narcissists.  Maybe staring young people in the eye and saying, earnestly, “You are not special” will humble them, teach them a lesson, and incentivize them to try harder.

Personally, I think this is nonsense.  Sure, I understand that parents or teachers must often tell young people that they aren’t meeting a standard—and instruct them in what they must do to improve.  That’s fine.  But I don’t see any reason, ever, to tell people publicly and officially—in groups or as individuals—that they are existentially not special.  And certainly not if you are trying to motivate them to become better people.

Think about it: Why do all of the major religions (especially the monotheisms, which account for two-thirds of the world’s believers) teach that every soul, even that of the lowest sinner, is special in the eyes of God?  Is that a huge mistake?  Would these religions do a lot better by teaching that most of us are just an indistinguishable putrefying mess in the eyes of God?  Or think about great moments in history: Caesar on the eve of Pharsalus, Henry V before Agincourt, Eisenhower before D-Day.  Can we imagine King Hal rousing his motley crew by telling them that tomorrow, on Saint Crispin’s day, you will all be feeling very ordinary—because that’s really all that you are?  Or think about pedagogy.  How often have you ever heard a person say about his or her former teacher, “Yeah, he was amazing, turned my life around.  He just made me feel so unspecial.”

So how can we explain what’s going on?  I think we need to go deeper, to descend to America’s collective subconscious—and to recognize that generations sometimes give free reign to their worst instincts.

As America enters a Fourth Turning, characterized by a new mood of restraint and responsibility, older generations feel a need to exorcise their own attitudes of selfishness and habits of indulgence.  How do they do this?  Sometimes, atavistically, they do this by projecting these attitudes and habits on the young and blaming the young for them.  In the western tradition, this rhetorical response is encoded in the Jeremiad, so-called because Jeremiah (in the 7th century BCE) blamed Israel’s woes on the decadence of the chosen people in general, but especially on the corruption of the “rising generation.”  Ever since, throughout history, the Jeremiad periodically regains popularity as the need for its message arises.  In New England during the 1660s, Increase Mather responded to recurring famines by blaming the colonists, and blaming especially “the sad face of the rising generation,” whose “heathenish” and “hard-hearted” ways boded ill for their collective future.

We may indeed be hard-wired to “blame the victim” just to assure ourselves that some sort of moral order still prevails.  I know some parents who will scream at their kids for an accident they know wasn’t their fault.  No, it’s not fair, but then again the parents can (rightfully) point out that life is not always fair and their kids had better get used to it.  More optimistically, we call these “teaching moments.”

So I get why Boomers sometimes tell Millennials how unspecial they are.  It so fits their life story.  Boomers have spent a lifetime judging other generations.  Back when they graduated high school and college, their parents called them “special” and hoped for a nice conventional ceremony.  But young Boomers so often found a way to darken the mood and spoil the event.  Ditto, today—only now it’s the kids who just want to have a nice conventional ceremony.  And now it’s the parents who insist on delivering stern lectures about the selfish, complacent, and meretricious lives of a generation other than their own.  Oh, sweetie, was this supposed to be a happy moment?  Sorry!

I also get why Gen-Xers often echo the same line.  While growing up, they absorbed so many negative images of youth that many figure horrible dis-incentives are the only way kids can be motivated—from “survivor” games to “this is your brain on drugs” ads.  The very phrase “tough love” was invented in the ‘70s and ‘80s to describe the standard operating procedure for dealing with Xer kids.  My Los Angeles friend Marc Waddell has reminded me that the current anti-special message echoes the famous line spoken by Brad Pitt, in that Xer classic Fight Club: “You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.  You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile.”  Throughout history, this has been the retort of skeptics, cynics, and materialists to all of the saints, seers, and visionaries.  Generationally, it has been the trademark response of the Nomad archetype to the Prophet archetype which always just precedes it.

Some Xers may also feel jealous: No one gave a damn about me when I entered college or got my first job, they recall.  So why am I required to be so solicitous toward these Millennials—with all their onboardings, parent meetings, mentorships, feedbacks, career pathway maps, and 360 reviews?  Sooner or later, Xers learn why.  Because Millennials came along at a different time.  That makes all the difference.  And as Xers raise their own kids, they understand better what motivates that difference.

The very word “special” has itself changed its meaning from one generation to the next.  During the Boomer and Gen-X ascendancy, the word “special” was increasingly used to single out individual excellence, as in the “special” academic or sports ace who in school performs better than everyone else.  Every sarcastic speech about precious youthful specialness thus contains at least one anecdote about how absurd it is that everyone on the team can receive a medal.  Echoes Wellesley High School’s McCullough, echoing everyone else: “If everyone is special, then no one is.”

But is that always true?  Imagine society veering back to a more collective understanding of “special”—something a bit more like how King Hal addressed his “band of brothers.”  Or imagine a generation of young people who, like Millennials, are more likely to reward everyone on the team simply for participating, who go back to pull forward anyone who needs help, and who don’t mind chopping up the valedictorian or homecoming award (recall the climactic scene in Mean Girls) among a large number of people?  Yes, this is a different understanding of specialness, one that has hibernated in recent decades, but surely it too has some legitimacy.  One hates to think that the few can be special only to the extent that the many are found deficient.  Or, to put it more bluntly, that heaven is rendered meaningful and desirable only by the sufferings of those in hell.

I have found that Gen-Xers in particular find it hard to imagine how feeling special can mean anything other than a sense of individual entitlement.  As managers and supervisors, therefore, their natural impulse upon encountering special-feeling Millennials is to confront them with a tough-love, drill-sergeant message: In my eyes, you maggots are not special at all!  They admit to me that this approach, when they try it, often backfires—and at best does little good.  My advice?  Don’t fight the energy.  Channel it.  Say something like this: In my eyes, you young people really do seem special—and guess what, we expect special things from you!  Most of these Xers tell me this works better, and many admit that they had never before thought much about how to leverage positive self-esteem in a collective setting.

GoldMoney. The best way to buy gold & silver

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June 22, 2012 10:12 am

Howie’s got it all wrong….
It’s the privileged silent honkies that burnt down the barn with the mules in it..

Why waste digital space blaming a mere generation of people for all societies problems when you can blame an entire race…damn honkies make boomers look like pentecostal pikers.

Unfair Campaign PSA

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 22, 2012 10:16 am

Someone didn’t read the book…. or even the post…. now did they?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 22, 2012 10:18 am

Admin beat me to it.

Focus, now, Flashy….





June 22, 2012 10:19 am

BTW, Ike was telling these young men to charge into enemy fire and die for the sake of having a few megalomaniac General claim victory in battle that never should never have been.
Admin–speaking of worthless, you woulda’ loved bootcamp.We were told everyday,all day,just how special and great we were.
…made me want to die for them …fer shure.
Air War College
Air University
OVERLORD: The Unnecessary Invasion


William F. Moore
Lieutenant Colonel, USAF


The massive allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944 was not necessary for the military defeat of Germany. The German Army had already been destroyed on the eastern front, and the German war industry was being devastated by the combined bombing offensive. According to Trumbull Higgins,

When the British were finally compelled by their Allies to invade France in 1944, it was an invasion essentially undertaken in the self-interest of the West, the terrible risk of the collapse of the Soviet Union having long since passed. At this date the Red Army no longer needed more than Western supplies with which to occupy eastern Europe. (4:283)

The Normandy invasion was simply too late to be of meaningful assistance to the Russians. In fact, Stalin had conceded that is was no longer necessary.

Furthermore, many capable allied strategists knew that OVERLORD was no longer required and recommended against it. Why were these recommendations not heeded, especially since they would have resulted in greatly reduced British and American casualties? Two considerations cannot be ignored. First was the sheer momentum behind the OVERLORD planning. American planners had placed all their European “eggs” in this basket, they had been advocating OVERLORD against the British for over two years, and they were unwilling to concede to the British position in late 1943. Secondly, American leaders, including Roosevelt, felt that unless American forces took a significant (albeit late) share in defeating the German Army, the Russians would be entirely uncooperative in the post-war world and probably would

June 22, 2012 10:21 am

Regardless of generation, people who kill other people for no reason are never great…Ike was one of those murderous shitstains..

[imgcomment image[/img]

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 22, 2012 10:25 am

What, pray tell, has any of that to do with anything?



June 22, 2012 11:39 am

He apparently doesn’t bother to read comments, either.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 22, 2012 11:46 am

So any comments from parents on this?

From people who read the post?

Obi-Wan Neil Howe-Bi basically nailed the attitude problem with the elder populations….

It’s like a whooped bully going home to take it out on the weaker.

June 22, 2012 12:09 pm

howie-It might be different, I suppose, if these young Millennials were aggressively attacking their parents for their alleged misdeeds—like young Boomers famously and loudly assailed their own parents for raping the earth, waging colonial wars, and subjugating women and minorities. If that were the case, today’s older generations could plead self-defense. Yet Millennials rarely make such attacks,

Bull effing shit.. ..all we hear now is Howie and ilk blathering on about how the boomers screwed the kidz when the truth of ii is that boomers went deep in depth spoiling their kids with whatever car/trinket/trip they wanted.

I hope no one be paid Howie for this nonsensical generational drivel, because if they did they certainly got taken to the outhouse and dumped.
I’ve had kids working for me who would slit your throat and piss down you neck with the slightest provocation.

Howie -Just about everyone knows, moreover, that in the decades to come Millennials are eventually going to have save more and bear higher taxes (in just about any fiscal scenario) to pay for their parents’ unfunded retirement liabilities.”

So,” Howie believes that the can will continue to be kicked on into perpetuity and the minnie meeze will be picking up the bill ….to be paid in what @ for doing what?

Like always Howie is full of generalizing piss and moan about nothing…… about as important as a case of chronic gas.

June 22, 2012 12:14 pm

It’s nice to see Howie in touch with his feminine side..Berkley was it?

that figures…nuts and fruitcakes..

June 22, 2012 12:29 pm

Wow! I’m surpised that Anonymous and Flash can even use a computer. And, that comment has nothing to do with your view, which is inscrutable. Seriously, those are arguments? Not rational arguments or anything resembling a coherent thought. I’m unsure who either of you think is right or what you are even talking about. It’s just:


June 22, 2012 12:29 pm

This is either a paint job using a broadbrush on all old people by some not so old people, or some anguish over the not so successful OWS movement.

I’d rather read the words of all these old nasty people firsthand than be told by a young person that all the old nasty people said these things. Sounds too much like MSM.

June 22, 2012 12:30 pm

Hate to break it to you Dave, but Howe is actually a Boomer. So, the old nasty person is calling out the old nasty people.

June 22, 2012 12:42 pm

Chad: I’m beyond boomer and I don’t spend my time complaining about younger people. And other than the Xer Administrator claiming that Neil Howe echoes his sentiments(I’d rather read that from Howe), what part of the above article was penned by Howe?

June 22, 2012 12:42 pm

chad…if you can take time out from sucking your thumb please take a flying leap..there…did ‘splain it properly?

June 22, 2012 12:48 pm

“Administrator says:


Forgive DaveL.

He’s a Silent who got his and yells at kids to get off his lawn. Howe told me directly that he thought OWS was instigated by Boomers. He wasn’t a fan.”


Forgive Admin: I don’t have a lawn. And I can’t figure out if Howe wasn’t a fan of boomers, just thought (without actual evidence) that OWS was instigated by boomers, or wasn’t a fan of OWS.

June 22, 2012 1:02 pm

minnies love their parents and even use the net to show it.

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June 22, 2012 1:04 pm

I’m a Gen X’er born in ’66. I don’t have much interaction with Millennials on a regular basis except for two (current) co-workers and my nephew. There were also four other (former) co-workers in the last two years. On a personal level have no issues with Millennials. I actually enjoy being around them. However, on a professional level I’m at a loss. I’m not convinced it is a generational thing though. They are just young like I was in the not so distant pass. Work was certainly not on the top of my agenda when I was 18-24 years old. It just got in the way of EVERYTHING else I wanted to do. My parents had instilled a pretty strong work ethic in me during my childhood so knowing that not working was not really an option, I just sucked it up for 8-10 hours a day and got it done.

The Millennials where I work have been pretty useless though. They show up on time and despite being able to understand and explain the intricacies of 1000 different video games, they do not seem capable of carrying out or even understanding simple tasks. One of them would walk to a different part of the factory to use a trash can because the one in his area was full. He was told and even shown how and where to empty the trash but no dice. He never made it to his 90 day review. It’s almost as if “work” sucks the life force out of them. I believe that our company starts these new guys out at $15-$16 per hour plus excellent health insurance, sick and vacation leave and 401k. They are not required to have anything more than a high school diploma. We are happy to train them but it’s like beating your head against the wall. I like to joke that they saw people “work” on TV once or read about it in a magazine and figured they could just show up and “work” would just magically happen.

Every one of them have been good people in every respect save for work. Out of the six hired in the last two years, only two remain and one of them is on his way out. The other guy actually seems to get it and does a good job.

My nephew is almost as useless as a wart on your ass but he has two functioning legs so he is a step above the ass wart. I KNOW this kid was raised right. He is not into drugs or alcohol. He had numerous summer jobs and worked at all of them. Employers liked him and offered him jobs for the following summer. One day, while still in high school, (junior) he just decided he was not going to school anymore. After about six months, my brother and his wife gave up on getting him to go and told him he needed to find a job and a place to live. He told them in no uncertain terms that he did not think he should have to work and that there was no reason they should not continue to support him. He could offer no explanation for why he felt this way. He continued to sleep and play video games all day while his parents worked. He would not do laundry, dishes or even take out the trash. Finally my brother let him know on a Friday that come Monday morning he was no longer going to be allowed in the house while they were at work and he had to be in the house by 10:30pm because the doors would be locked after that. He then changed all the locks on the house while nephew watched. Monday arrived and the kid refused to get out of bed so my brother physically picked his ass up and threw him out into the yard in his underwear. He did not come back for several days. He then proceeded to wear out his welcome with all of his friends and even the parents of his friends who chastised my brother and his wife for throwing him out. It was actually kind of funny when they eventually threw him out as well……reminiscent of the pot calling the kettle black.

After a year of bouncing from couch to couch he joined the Navy but that only lasted a year because he had an allergy to the paint used on naval ships. Right out of the Navy he landed an awesome job as a phone tech solving problems with Navy computer systems around the world. He was living with my brother again and work was only five blocks away. The little prick was making $28 an hour plus benes! About six months later my brother comes home for lunch one day to find him in bed playing video games and asks why he was not at work. He said that he didn’t like getting up early so he quit his job. My brother booted his ass out and three years, two kids and one divorce later, he is starting to get his shit together by working at Domino’s. The guy is nice, polite, has a great personality, is fun to be around but he is fucking useless!

My over-all impression is that the Millennials I’ve known have almost no ambition at all. I think they know so many members of the FSA are getting it for free and feel entitled or they see how totally fucked everything is and choose not to participate. Perhaps the brain washing they received in school is so disconnected from reality that they feel more like the proverbial deer in the headlights? I do not get the sense that they feel special at all.

June 22, 2012 1:07 pm

Actual pic of me as an infant..
I was born very young

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 22, 2012 1:27 pm

It’s going to be a looooong weekend for flash and DaveL….

Dogma from flash.

DaveL: Go to the “4th Turning Library” bottom of page. Read “A few hours….”

Come back with a report. If you refuse to do this homework you will be figuratively thrashed all over this thread, like flash.

June 22, 2012 1:33 pm

“When I was 21 to 25 all I wanted to do was get to the weekend so I could get drunk with my buddies.”

Now, when he’s what, 48? all he wants to do is get to the weekend so he can get drunk with his wife.

June 22, 2012 1:39 pm

my rant from yesterday, that nobody read:

“We used to be a moral, ethical and spiritually based nation. We defeated the evail Nazis and the Japanese, who were amoral and tortured and killed millions of innocent people. We were rewarded as we were the only nation left intact after the war.

People had jobs, produced stuff, and through hard work (not luck) the great middle class was born. As the graph below shows, the 50′s through the 80′s had one of the lowest periods of income inequality in our history. Then, in the 80′s, look what happened. The baby boomers started their income grabbing and debt created economic expansion. Profit became more important than people. I can remember it happening, and was glorified by such movies and “Wall Street”

It’s been a long and sordid 30 years. Our production was gutted so corporations could make more profit by shipping millions of jobs overseas. Our society, as a result of the baby boomers destroying all the morals, ethics, and values that made us successful, has turned into an obese, lazy, live beyond your means, greedy amoral corrupt cesspool.

Germany and Japan got back online after about 10-15 years, and, with hard work, thrift, and production, along with China, have wiped us out. It’s not luck. Boomers mission in life was to wipe away the old order, to create some type of utopia, hippie values of doing what feels good, free love, drugs, and anything goes.

All it takes is one generation to wipe out a country. I may take several decades for the damage to be realized, especially given our former wealth and prosperity, but today we’re the biggest debtors in the world, living on borrowed time, and boomers are still around to make sure the final collapse is forthcoming, this time because of entitlements, Social Security and Medicare.”

I don’t think this post will top “screwed generation”. The boomers have no effective defense, they are defeated before they begin. Therefore, not much of a battle.

June 22, 2012 1:40 pm

The picture of the bearded baby is a young Ben Bernake, not flash. Sorry.

June 22, 2012 2:04 pm

I cant think of a period in time where people werent fkin over other people and using others as a scape goat. All the wars started by governments so young men die over? Now wars are about money,were taking it in the shorts for knothing.

June 22, 2012 2:13 pm

When I was a kid working for the greatest generation of assholes, if a kid screwed up, the GI jack-offs would get in their face in a nano-second, placing their nose about an inch from yours and scream their friggin’ head off.
I once witnessed a GI jack-off boss bitch slap a kid for making a mistake and the kids just shugged it off.
But nowdays, if you even cock an eyebrow in disapproval at the minni -gens lackadaisical job performance ,they storm become enraged , off the job never to return.
So where was Nancy Boy Howe’s mighty pen when the GI-gens and the Silents were shipping hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs out of this country?…sitting in some Wall Street pimp’soffice with his legs crossed, lips pursed sipping white wine or was he railing at the men who exported the jobs to Asian slave labor camps?
Howie boy , is simply stirring up generational animosity because he wants to divert attention from the Wall Street thugs who sold America down the river…and naturally so since he works for them.
Let see the prissy Berkley boy take a shot at the criminals on Wall Street if he really wants to get to the bottom of this shit pile he and his class have created….but that is unlikely…and wonder why?

June 22, 2012 2:16 pm

Administrator says:

Shamrock here I come.

soup time already?

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 22, 2012 2:18 pm

Boomers keep it real…

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June 22, 2012 2:21 pm

AWD’s personalized car tag..

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 22, 2012 2:27 pm

Schizo Flash bulb cuts and pastes, pastes and cuts, and links, links, links.

The more he cuts and pastes, and links, the worse the voices in his head become. There isn’t even a common theme to his cuts and pastes, and links, just schizophrenic projection of delusion.

Schizo flash required a straight jacket at a young age (for his own safety):

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 22, 2012 2:28 pm

At the state hospital, they let geezer schizo flash out on walks now, as long as he has his favorite jacket with him at all times, and there are at least two orderlies with him.

[imgcomment image?w=490[/img]

June 22, 2012 2:37 pm

In the lock-down ward where schizo flash spends his time, this is listed on his medical chart. It’s a few of his characteristics. The electro-shock therapy hasn’t produced the results his psychiatrists had hoped for. He still screams out about cutting and pasting, pasting and cutting, google searches, and links, links, links. When restrained, he twitches uncontrollably, until they set a keyboard in front of him. It’s not connected to a computer, but he types wildly, trying to cut and paste, and link. After about 500mg of Haldol IM, he finally quits twitching, and goes into a stupor, until his violently deranged mind is once again awoken, forcing him to cut and paste, paste and cut, and link, link, link, and google searches.

Characteristics of Flash bang:

* Eats slop
* Can’t be around sharp objects
* Stares wide-eyed and confused when confronted
* Constantly throws pointless, frenzied tantrums
* Attaches self to closest breast, refuses to let go
* Sleeps in padded chamber
* Must be forcefully held down to be cleaned
* Temperature must be taken via anus
* Needs constant supervision
* Hides razorblade in mouth
* Frequently shits self

June 22, 2012 2:42 pm

Here’s a link for you, flash old boy:

Adult Deluxe Genuine Strait Jacket
Price: $180.99

In Stock.
Ships from and sold by Jekyll and Hyde.
Only 1 left in stock–order soon.

* Genuine heavy canvas jacket
* Leather straps
* Metal buckles

“Keep flash away from the keyboard and mouse, he shit himself again”

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 22, 2012 2:48 pm

Things my generation has to look forward to:

Houses that cost 3 times more than they are worth
Over a decade solid of war
Sky rocketing college tuition costs
Near record unemployment

Just scratching the surface.

Anyways, all of these speeches should say the same thing: We fucked the world up, now you get to work fixing it. By the way, since we outnumber you we will consistently undermine and deride your every effort to make this world a better place.

YOU aren’t special. WE are! *boomer pride*


In all honesty, the amount of effort it takes to get ahead these days is a touch ridiculous. In order to land a decent job I had to work for free for two years straight. I made 7k a year as a GA at the university. There were no paying internships in town. I talked to the PhDs around…apparently its not common practice to forgo hiring (much needed) interns. Go go economic downturn.

There are no free rides for my generation. Work for free, and work as much as possible. This will allow you to enjoy the same level of financial stability as someone with just a 40 hour/week job twenty or thirty years ago.

June 22, 2012 4:52 pm

Admin says:
“Did I mention he was a cheap bastard who still has his lunch money from grade school?”

Chad, did I mention that I took that lunch money from him before I gave him a giant wedgie?

June 22, 2012 4:56 pm

I’ll bet a dollar to a doughnut that the young people who complain that boomers fucked them will grow up to be the same way. There ain’t no fucking altruism here.

June 22, 2012 5:15 pm

Colma Rising says: “DaveL: Go to the “4th Turning Library” bottom of page. Read “A few hours….”

Come back with a report. If you refuse to do this homework you will be figuratively thrashed all over this thread, like flash.”

Oh, thank you, thank you for directing me to that wonderful library in the lower right. Could you be a little more specific about which articles were actually written by Neil Howe, and point out where he spent HIS time trashing boomers, because I want to make it a lot easier on myself to be thrashed by fuckwads.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 22, 2012 6:14 pm

DaveL: You know the old saying….

You can lead a horse to water….

Now, answer the question: Does Neil Howe trash boomers?

June 22, 2012 7:56 pm

Colma, here’s another old saying, at least in Missouri. “Show Me”

June 22, 2012 8:05 pm

DaveL says:

Colma…from god’s (Admin) lips and your library. An interview with Neil Howe.

“I asked him(Howe) why the Boomers didn’t seem to be supporting and leading the Millenial generation. He said that within families Boomers and Millenials are very close. This will ultimately exhibit itself. He thinks Boomers will eventually choose to sacrifice some of their entitlements in order to give Millenials a fighting chance at a future.”

Wow, what a TRASHING”

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 22, 2012 8:10 pm

So your conclusion?

You’re getting so dam close to the punchline, DaveL.

June 22, 2012 8:20 pm

Colma trying to lead DaveL to enlightenment is like a neurosurgeon trying to lead a cockroach with a piece of cheese. Hilarious.

The boomers would sell their children for a pint of Haagen Daz. You think they give a fuck about millenials, or anybody but themselves? Wake the fuck up. They, now AARP members, will be fighting to the death for more scooters, dependents undergarments, 15 more medications, and 15% COL adjustments a year. They destroyed our country, do you think they give a shit about kids? Too funny.

June 22, 2012 9:22 pm

I took a few days off from TBP. Came back to read SSDD. AWD, Colma and the rest of the usual suspects pissing and moaning like a bunch of little girls. Blaming a whole generation of hard working Americans for problems in their own miserable lives. Boomers this, Boomers that, what a bunch of bullshit! Boomers wear depends, boomers hate kids, Boomers all ride some kind of scooters? A while ago this site was a place where intelligent people put forth comments and opinions on relevant topics. Now it is nothing but a few whining pussies blaming others for their problems and shortcomings. My best to Admin and his family. He is truly a special person, a man among men. I’ll not be back.

June 22, 2012 9:38 pm

Ragman got his ass smoked, returns to bid farewell. Enjoy your retirement, what’s left of it.

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 22, 2012 10:05 pm


Funny thing…. I don’t see much pissing and moaning.

Just your post.

June 23, 2012 1:33 am

Anonymous: ” that boomers went deep in depth spoiling their kids with whatever car/trinket/trip they wanted.”

Maybe that was true of you — certainly not the trend. The Law of Large Numbers reckons your opinion sucks.

June 23, 2012 1:50 am

This boomer has a X’er daughter.

Its hilarious to listen to the group think gimbal heads with their delusional finger pointing.

June 23, 2012 6:12 am

suck a fat one Novi…eh mate?

June 23, 2012 6:14 am

Tonto and co. out doing what they do best….nothing.

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