“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
Friedrich Nietzsche


The big story this past week, besides the annual State of the Delusion speech by Barack “It won’t add a cent to the deficit” Obama, was the fate of the passengers on the Carnival Triumph as their skyscraper sized ship was left adrift at sea for days without power. This 900 foot long, 100,000 ton goliath is one of the largest passenger cruise liners in the world, carrying 3,400 passengers and 1,100 crew members in luxurious splendor through warm Gulf of Mexico seas to sun drenched exotic isles. These ships are practically floating countries, with passengers treated to an endless American buffet of never ending quantities of bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, waffles, pizza, cheesecake, soda, beer and the rum drink of the day. It’s as if all 3,400 passengers have a SNAP card with no limit. There are retail stores, restaurants, bars, ice skating rinks, movie theaters, showplaces, and staff waiting on you hand and foot. No cash changes hands. You charge everything to your room number and then just pay with one of your 13 credit cards at the conclusion of your voyage into debt. Then you pay 18% interest on the 25 Funky Monkeys you consumed for the next 14 years. Cruising captures the essence of America as we traverse our voyage to hell.

The ordeal at sea of the Carnival Triumph and the leadership displayed by the Carnival management and executive officers is a microcosm of our declining empire. The $420 million Carnival Triumph was put into service in 1999 and has run continuously for the last fourteen years, with only periodic dry dock maintenance. These massive ships are replenished within hours of docking and depart within twelve hours of dumping their 3,400 passengers back onshore. The CEO and top management of Carnival care only about ROI and whether their stock options are vested. Their goal is to bilk the passengers out of as much cash as possible, while paying their foreign slave labor crew members as little as possible. The ships are registered in foreign countries for tax purposes and the crew members are mostly from third world countries. Carnival executives and shipboard officers have a history of recklessness, mismanagement, and willingness to endanger its passengers in its greedy thirst for short term profits. Ask the families of the 32 passengers killed in the sinking of the Costa Concordia.

The engine room fire that disabled the Triumph was not an isolated instance. This was the fourth engine room fire on a Carnival owned ship resulting in a loss of power, the others being the Tropicale in 1999, the Carnival Splendor in 2010, and the Costa Allegra in 2012. The Carnival Triumph should not have been at sea. It had been plagued with mechanical problems for weeks prior to the engine fire. Voluntarily taking the ship out of service would have hurt the 1st quarter earnings per share of this public company, therefore the leadership of Carnival told the engineers to patch it up and get it back out on the seas. Two weeks prior to the engine room fire the Carnival Triumph experienced propulsion issues that caused it to be five hours late returning to its Galveston home port on January 28, 2013 and delaying the ship’s departure for its next cruise until 8:00 pm that night. The ship departed, but the problems had not been fixed. The Associate Press reported a story about that cruise that provides a different assessment than the public relations drivel released the corporate office:

An email informed Debbi Smedley and other passengers that the propulsion problem would prevent them from docking at two ports. “Due to the limited cruising speed, our itinerary will be impacted. Depending on the progress of the repairs, we will either visit Progreso or Cozumel,” stated the email, signed by Vicky Rey, vice president of guest services. Smedley said the ship was in poor condition overall. During her five-day cruise, a water line broke in the hallway ceiling near her cabin, and a separate sewer line broke outside the main dining hall, she said. Metal was protruding from handrails on the staircases, and the elevators often did not work. Rather than docking in Progreso for only a few hours as planned, the ship stayed in the port for two days, and cruise workers repeatedly told passengers they were waiting for parts to fix a mechanical problem, according to Smedley.

Carnival’s public relations machine then admitted to an electrical problem with the ship’s alternator in the last voyage before the fire, but claimed it was repaired. What they didn’t reveal is that it was a Coast Guard inspection that revealed there was a short in the high voltage connection box of one of the ships generators causing damage to cables within the connection box. A directive with a compliance due date of February 27, 2013 was issued following the inspection requiring that “the condition of the ship and its equipment shall be maintained to conform with the regulations to ensure that the ship in all respects will remain fit to proceed to sea without danger to the ship or persons on board.” The Coast Guard Marine Information Safety and Law Enforcement System showed that this deficiency remained unresolved at the time of the subsequent fire and loss of power while at sea on February 10. So you have a company PR maggot lying and you have another useless Department of Homeland Security branch not enforcing regulations that are supposed to protect passengers. This is par for the course in our corporate fascist states of America today.

Shit Happens

George: Aha. Aha. Could it be because you don’t want him to know that you have a friend who pees in the shower, is that it?!

Elaine: No, that’s not it!

George: Oh, I think it is! I think that’s exactly what it is!

Elaine: Why couldn’t you just wait?

George: I was there! I saw a drain!

Elaine: Since when is a drain a toilet?!

George: It’s all pipes! What’s the difference?!

George Costanza would have enjoyed sailing on the Carnival Triumph as passengers were left to piss in showers and shit in red plastic bags for days. It finally became socially acceptable to pee in the shower. Most of the ship’s electrical power went down after the engine room fire, causing extensive breakdowns of vital shipboard mechanical systems, including taking out sanitary systems. Passengers reported sewage sloshing around in hallways, flooded rooms and trouble getting enough to eat. Passengers waited in line for three hours to get a lousy hot dog. On the lower decks sewage came up through the shower drain, pooling in the sinks and flowing into the hallways. The allegory of the poor people on the lower decks being inundated with feces and living in wretched conditions, while the rich people living in luxury on the upper decks are blissfully ignorant of the fate of their fellow passengers is so easy to apply to our society in this day and age. The 1% glory in their stock market gains, while 20% of U.S. households are on food stamps.

These direct quotes from passengers and pictures taken onboard this voyage from hell provide a taste of what our future portends:

“We have to urinate in the shower. They’ve been passed out plastic bags to go to the bathroom. There was fecal matter all over the floor.”

“They’re walking around in a lot of urine and fecal matter, and the sewers are backing up.”

“The sanitation situation was gross and the stench was awful.”

“Just imagine the filth. People were doing crazy things and going to the bathroom in sinks and showers.”

“A lot of people were crying and freaking out.”

“We are trapped aboard a floating petri dish without power, air conditioning, or fresh water.”

“It’s degrading. Demoralizing, and then they want to insult us by giving us $500″

 Disgust: Guests were being forced to defecate into plastic bags and place it outside their rooms as toilets on board the Triumph backed up following the electrical failure Foul: Passengers on board the Carnival Triumph reported that floors were being flooded with raw sewage from overflowing bathrooms

 Where's my charger: After days without power a generator was airlifted unto the ship today and many people took the opportunity to charge their phones

After reading a number of articles describing what happened before, during and after the engine fire aboard the Carnival Triumph, the parallels between this Ship of Horrors and our Ship of State become self-evident. You have the CEO and top executives of Carnival only concerned about their wealth, power and control of the company. Rather than thinking long term and making decisions that might be detrimental to their short term quarterly earnings, but insure the long –term financial health and reputation of the company, their decision was driven by their true masters on Wall Street. Instead of taking the ship off-line to make vital repairs and  necessary investments, they just papered over signs of an imminent disaster and turned to public relations spin and propaganda as there preferred course of action. When disaster “suddenly” struck, the management and executive officers were unprepared, slow to react, and more concerned with their reputations than about the health, safety and welfare of the passengers. Much more could have been done to alleviate the misery of the 3,400 passengers. Carnival could have had a large generator helicoptered onto the deck and used to produce enough electricity to run some lights, ventilation, refrigeration and toilets. It appears that this ship had two engine rooms and only one was damaged by fire. They could have restarted the undamaged engine room and would have had enough power for most normal functions in the cabins of the ship, and probably some capability to propel the ship towards port. The disgraceful lack of urgency and refusal of top management to attempt every possible solution to this crisis is a lesson to be learned by passengers and citizens alike. They don’t care about you.

Rev. Wendell Gill’s experience onboard the Triumph provides a glimpse into our future. He immediately recognized the leadership of the ship was non-existent and it would be up to people helping people if they were to make it through the ordeal:

“What you had was a tale of two ships. You seldom saw a deck officer. I never saw the captain. Some of the people in the upper areas had plenty of air, but down below, it was unlivable. It was like a sauna of sewage. It was the people on the boat that saved Carnival. In an adverse situation, most people will rise to help — that’s just the human spirit.”  

Reverend Gill and his wife noticed that no one from Carnival was stepping up to help the elderly and sick get around. The Gills, along with other concerned passengers, decided to take matters into their own hands, carting mattresses and bedding up from the lower decks. They witnessed the worst side of human nature in the inaction of Carnival leadership, along with some people becoming drunk, disorderly and fighting over food. But they also witnessed people coming together under difficult circumstances, with many in the upper cabins sharing their space with those from the lower uninhabitable decks. The passengers created their own shanty town of tents on deck and in the cooler hallways. The vast majority of people acted like decent human beings. Kindness, sharing, and helping one another won the day. This voyage through hell is a precursor of what lies ahead for everyone in this country. When vital systems fail, the lights go out, and your beloved government leaders are nowhere to be found, how will you fare? Don’t count on someone from the government to lead when we are set adrift in a sea of chaos created by them. The politicians, bankers and bureaucrats will be scrambling to save themselves. Your family, friends, and neighbors will be the only people you can rely on. Your caring government doesn’t really care about you.

Cruisin for a Bruisin      

“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” Friedrich Nietzsche

The similarities between the horrific voyage of the Carnival Triumph and the tragic voyage of the dysfunctional ship of state we call America are many. We have a ruling class consisting of the President, Congress, Judiciary, Central bankers, Media titans, and goliath corporation CEOs who care not for the citizens of this country. You are ignorant peasants in their eyes. They only care about maintaining and expanding their wealth, control and power through the complete capture of our financial markets, political system and media propaganda to the masses. The health and welfare of the peasants isn’t even on their radar screen. The ruling class steering this ship of fools have no interest in the truth or the best long –term interests of the country. The vast majority of the passengers on this impaired listing ship prefers to believe the propaganda and lies spewed by the captain and his minions. They prefer the illusion of safety and security to the truth about the real condition of this ship. When the engines of this ship come to a grinding halt, their illusions will be shattered. Big government will come up small when it counts. The government propaganda and public relations will be revealed as nothing but hot putrid air and fecal matter.

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Speaking of fecal matter, President Obama’s State of the Union address, which was watched by 33 million (down from 52 million in 2009) believers, was a perfect reflection of the thinking that led to the Carnival Triumph disaster. The reality facing the country is: $220 trillion of unfunded entitlement liabilities; a $16.5 trillion national debt; annual deficits exceeding $1 trillion; 48 million citizens on food stamps; 11 million people on SSDI; a true unemployment rate of 23%; true inflation exceeding 5%; record high gasoline prices; 0% interest rates for senior citizen savers; free money for criminal bankers provided by their sugar daddy Bernanke; not one criminal prosecution of a Wall Street executive for the greatest financial fraud in history; a war department that spends $1 trillion per year and fights undeclared wars around the world; a chief executive that invokes dictatorial executive orders to murder Americans with his fleet of predator drones and imprison citizens indefinitely without charges; and a bureaucratic nightmare called Obamacare that will drive up deficits, drive up healthcare costs for every family, enrich the healthcare industrial complex, drive doctors into retirement, and drive small businesses into bankruptcy.

Rather than deal with this reality, Obama chose the Carnival Cruise Line method of public relations, misinformation, denial and delusion. He has embraced the Big Lie concept as if he had created it. With a straight face he proposes “investments” in infrastructure, new jobs programs, new education initiatives, more green energy projects, pollution control schemes, bailing out more underwater mortgages, and raising the minimum wage, all done for the children – and it won’t add one cent to the deficit. Instead of leveling with the American people and explaining the dire economic issues confronting our nation that require sacrifice, reality based thinking, and tough choices, we got more platitudes, class warfare, divide and conquer, phantom spending cuts, disingenuous twisting of the truth, intellectual dishonesty and fuzzy math. Public relations spin created by Madison Avenue maggots and pronounced grandly by corrupt puppet politician hacks will not prevent the catastrophic engine failure that will leave this country adrift in a sea of its own feces.

Our cruise of illusions and delusions is headed for troubled water. The math challenged citizens on this ship have been enjoying the 24 hour pizza buffet without the labor required to pay for the bounty. When your leaders boldly lie and tell you we don’t have a spending problem, refer to proposed spending increases as “investments”, and hail $1.6 trillion of spending cuts that did not happen, you’ve got a ship that will be signaling SOS in the imminent future. Both political parties are laughable in their blathering about spending cuts as Bush and his Republican cronies drove spending from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.0 trillion in 2008 with their unfunded wars, unfunded new entitlements (Medicare Part D), Wall Street bailouts, and creation of police state agencies (DHS); while Obama and his Democrat co-conspirators have driven spending up to $3.8 trillion in four years with new unfunded entitlements (Obamacare), expansion of warfare in the Middle East (they sit on top of “our” oil), $800 billion stimulus handouts, $60 billion hurricane relief pork handed out for $25 billion of uninsured losses, and bailing out banks, auto companies, homeowners, and other gamblers who took undo risks and lost to the tune of hundreds of billions. Politicians and the inhabitants of this country have forgotten there are consequences to their actions and inactions.

Carnival Cruise Line is trying to buy off the passengers with refunds and $500 bribes to keep them quiet and sedated, while protecting their continued hundreds of millions in profits and million dollar bonuses for their executives. The ruling class in the United States has bought off the American people with entitlement promises that can’t possibly be honored, food stamps, SSDI, tax rebates, homebuyer tax credits, loan modification programs, Cash for Clunkers, payroll tax cuts, $1 trillion of taxpayer financed student loans, taxpayer financed subprime auto loans, and a myriad of other handouts designed to keep the masses sedated, while the ruling class continues to pillage the national wealth. It’s as if the entire country has been charging their food, drinks, excursions, and purchases to their room number and the bill has reached $16.5 trillion, rising by $3 billion per day. This voyage is reaching an end and the bill is coming due. The engine is on fire but the captain is telling us all is well. Eventually, everyone will know the captain lied.

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died

Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows


survival seed vault

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February 18, 2013 12:38 pm

I never had the desire to go on a floating Pig Trough.

Jim the parallels you mentioned were spot on….In the community were my farm is we’ll do fine when the SHTF..

The folks in that area have been there for generations as have my family ( since 1820, in the Carolina’s since 1710 ) . Most are prepared and all have skills beyond the skills that they apply at work.

February 18, 2013 12:39 pm

Nice analogy, admin. If the impact of the unsustainable course the country is on was as obvious as the problems at Carnival, we’d probably have a lot more interest in politics. It’s a clear case of the shit hitting the fun.

I’ve taken two cruises out of Galveston on Carnival in the past. It’s been a while, but our experience was quite decent. My guess is that revenue is down and spending on maintenance is being denied by the corporate higher-ups.

Cruise ship companies were supposed to have a lock on profits because of demographics….I’m guessing old people who have to live on cat food don’t take cruises, though.

I remember sailing in the Caribean on a sailboat and seeing those huge cruise ships at night. They look like little floating island cities, all lit up with generator produced electricity, probably burning hundreds of gallons of diesel fuel for every mile they travel. I wonder how Peak Oil is going to affect their business model.

February 18, 2013 12:43 pm

I’ve been following this Carnival cruise on the Houston Chronicle since it began as the ship was supposed to return to Galveston. That ship was not fit to go to sea and Carnival knew it but they had it booked solid for the next few months so clearly the plan was just to keep things patched together on the fly and to hell with passenger safety.

It was obvious from the Costa Concordia disaster that Carnival allows reckless operation of its vessels and this incident shows they have learned nothing. They came withing a few hundred feet of losing thousands of lives with the Concordia and had Triumph been dead in the water during hurricane season that ship could have been lost too.

Hadn’t thought of the ship of state metaphor but its a good one. We have the same reckless behavior in those charged with running our financial and fiscal policies and, like Carnival, only luck has kept them from a catastrophe here too.l

Goy Paloi
Goy Paloi
February 18, 2013 12:53 pm

Carnival owned by a jew so none of these tourists will see any reimbursement. If they persist, they’ll be prosecuted for antisemitism. Goy Paloi how stupid can you be??

February 18, 2013 12:55 pm

That’s pretty close to the shit hitting the fan. Perfect analogy. Great comparison and writing. People fighting over food (see Greece), general lawlessness, feces and urine everywhere will be the least of our worries.

We’re on a cruise ship to hell, with Obama as captain. Most people didn’t choose him and can do nothing about him, but we are all going to suffer when he crashes this country into an iceberg. We’re already on fire, but for some reason nobody can smell the smoke. I’m prepared for anything, unlike the 3400 hapless people that showed up for the sloth and gluttony fest cruise. Great research and pictures. I love the useless idiots trying to get their devices charged back up. Clueless dipshits.

Roger S
Roger S
February 18, 2013 12:56 pm


February 18, 2013 12:57 pm

Why Don’t People See

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2013 10:03 -0500

Via Monty Pelerin’s World,

I meet people that still believe that the world is fine. They believe things like:

The US government has plenty of money.
Government cares for its citizens.
The economy cannot crash.
We are not in a recession (Depression).
The lives of their children will be better than their own.
The government can continue to print money to fund promises they cannot afford.

Despite these untenable beliefs, these are not stupid people. Many are professionals who do quite well — doctors, lawyers, dentists, college professors, etc. They are not zombies, our walking dead, have no idea about what is happening around them no less the way things work in an economy, society or the world. It is our educated who should care yet seem to be oblivious to what lies ahead.

It is not that others have not presented the information as much as these people refuse to acknowledge the implications. Are they all too busy? Are they idiot savants who are geniuses in their fields but not very smart away from it? Warnings come from many sources and from many different perspectives, yet they do not seem to penetrate the minds of those most capable of effecting change.

From a self-interest standpoint, this productive group should be the most concerned. After all, they are ground zero for the Socialist schemes that are destroying society. They are the ones that will be crushed in the redistribution dreams of our political class. Will they awaken too late? Or, will many of them just withdraw their productivity by retiring early, emigrating, etc.?

I don’t have answers to these questions, but I do know that this professional class is about to become prey for our predatory State. And, when that happens, they will hurt but not nearly as much as the rest of us.

February 18, 2013 1:18 pm


You have a gift for the extended metaphor. This is a great piece that succinctly describes our current a way only an imbecile could not grasp.

February 18, 2013 1:22 pm

My only cruise experience was a “Carnival” one. I would not do it again even if it were free. Truly a bilge water operation.

February 18, 2013 2:02 pm

I don’t like this article at all.

There is absolutely nothing to disagree with.

“Great article, Jim!” … “Nice job!” … “Great writing”, blah blah blah. Is that what you want? When in the fuck are you gonna grow some balls and write something controversial? Where we can call each other names and levy threats. LIke the good old days.

Fucken A. Nice article.

February 18, 2013 2:03 pm

Thanks Admin, spot on as always .

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
February 18, 2013 2:06 pm

I’ve been on a couple of cruises and generally enjoyed myself, but the average traveler was a fat, disgusting slob – the stereotypical Ugly American in bermuda shorts and flip flops. They would gorge themselves at the buffets, as if eating a mountain of food would make it all worthwhile. Pretty repulsive.

I can confirm that the wait staff was almost to a person from the Third World. They were some of the most gracious people I’ve ever met, but they worked like slaves. I actually felt sorry for these people, especially when you consider that their predicament was better than the alternative!

February 18, 2013 2:07 pm

3400 lawyers were waiting on the pier for the Carnival Triumph to arrive.

February 18, 2013 2:12 pm

Carnival Triumph disaster compared to The Hunger Games
Posted by fandomnet on February 15, 2013

The Hunger Games has become a common pop-culture reference, which really shows how the series has worked its way into daily life. Sometimes, however, the connotation is really negative — such as in this case, where the people stranded aboard the Carnival Triumph compared the experience to The Hunger Games:

“Passenger Kendall Jenkins, a 24-year-old self-employed property manager from Houston, Texas said conditions on board the ship were ‘like the Hunger Games’ as guests looked out for themselves and hoarded food.”

February 18, 2013 2:17 pm

My question to all these people who keep saying, “Americans think nothing is wrong” is : What on earth are you expecting as an indication that Americans do know something is wrong? I am a middle class worker and I know the ship is sinking, but right now I’m still making money and still have a job. What do I do about the boat sinking that will make you know I “acknowledge” something is wrong? Quitting my job would be stupid, so I continue to do that. I am stockpiling food, and other things to get through an economic collapse, including silver and arms…but I am certainly not going to tell the world about it, so you aren’t going to know I’m doing that. You think we are clueless and just living life like normal when quietly, many (MANY!) are trying to prepare without drawing attention on themselves.

February 18, 2013 2:55 pm

I had my book club read Naomi Klein’s “Shock Doctrine” for February. For most it was the first time they had heard anything like it – but at least they had their eyes opened a bit. Now all I have to do is get them to realize this same oligarchical, .01% psychopaths who consider the CIA and military their “staff” put there to assist in strip mining the earth of its wealth for their own .01% personal use are the same monsters seen on the nightly news.

One of the more significant discussions from the book was the recognition of the “Left’s” desire to charge in, confront and stop the human rights abuses – but never with the associated goal of “following the money” to see who and what are benefiting from the abuse. I thought that was revelatory.

February 18, 2013 2:58 pm

Another analogy. Those passengers weren’t very creative in addressing their problems.

You’re on a fucking boat. How hard is it to whip out your dick and piss in the ocean? Or, if you’re unfortunate enough to be of the double-X chromosome variety, to hang that booty over the edge?

February 18, 2013 3:03 pm

AWD……Obama is the captain…unfortunately CONgress is Gillighan.

Susan H
Susan H
February 18, 2013 3:07 pm

Fantastic article. One of the best I have read in a long while about the reality of our current time.

February 18, 2013 3:15 pm

Here’s another analogy. Those phat phuck Boomers on that cruise are mostly all A BUNCH OF PUSSIES !!!!!!!!!

The only people I respect are the ones that got drunk. You’re stranded. On a boat. In the middle of a large body of water. With not a goddamnthing to do. What better time is there to get drunk??? Fuck the tea totalers.

Yea. And I’ve been reading all over the internet (cuz I no longer watch MSM cable horseshit) about the trials, tribulations, and “horrors” …… yes, HORRORS!!!!! …. these phat phuck pansies “endured”. Oh, cry me a goddamn river about waiting “four hours for a hot dog”. You pussified phat phuck elite pansies wouldn’t starve if you went 30 days without food … in fact, you MIGHT actually become a normal weight. Goddamn whiners and complainers.

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 18, 2013 3:20 pm

“Obama is the captain” ——– Buckhed

Carnival Obama
[imgcomment image[/img]

“CONgress is Gillighan” ——– Buckhed

Even Gilligan doesn’t want a piece of that Richard Cranium
[imgcomment image[/img]

February 18, 2013 3:26 pm

@Wendy, I think many Americans do realize that something is wrong but they cannot quantify it so they just plod along trusting that shit will get better. They continue to believe the lies of the MSM so they don’t have a real sense of alarm.

There are many who are quietly prepping but not enough. Not enough by a long shot! Sounds like you are already doing what you can. The only thing left to do is find ways to accelerate your preps and educate those you trust.

February 18, 2013 3:36 pm

From what I’ve seen, most of the people on the cruise (and on every cruise, well almost every American for that matter) could stand to go without food for days, if not weeks.

February 18, 2013 4:19 pm

BEING stranded on that cruze liner for 6 months would be better then what the LORD has been showing me whats about to happen,WE’RE going to have every pissed off nation in the south central americas,europe and asia on us shortly..and judging by whats going on,YOU GUYS had better be more then ready or you won’t make it anyway…THE best thing you can have going for you is living in the mountains and have really good weapons,twice the amount of ammo you think your going to need and enough dryed food and a way to filter your water,and a really good location to hide at,if you think your farm or house will work ,they’ll find you and it will be over for you and your family,THE LORD SAID america is going into captivity……….and get away from any large city NOW……….a gang can walk 100 miles in a week,after that there screwed,and they won’t go into the mountains after you, PAGE 3 special forces manual,never chase the enemy into the mountains,good advice…………….

February 18, 2013 4:42 pm

I almost forgot,as nibiru approches the weather is going to get crazer and crazer till the pole shift happens,so make sure you can get underground,it will be good protection from drones anyway,and obama does intend to use them on americans,THIS will not be a game,it will be as serious as a heart attack,you must be getting ready NOW………….AND not near any valcanos,during the approch of nibiru a lot of them will erupt,like yellowstone,400 miles minuim,south or north,NOT east,and NOT WEST either,look over the country real well,before moving there,but no matter what ,DO IT NOW,and if by chance your captured,DON’T TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST,they have poison in them and will cause a DNA change you won’t like……….snake DNA is in them………one push of a button from a satilite and within a year you will not look human anymore,do not take it…..theres no snake people in heaven……………………….

Jeebus, Son of God
Jeebus, Son of God
February 18, 2013 4:44 pm

I once told ARIZONA to stop wacking off 8 times a day.

Other than that, I didn’t “tell” him jack shit. I like surprising you all.

Trust me on that.

February 18, 2013 4:47 pm

I think that a brief mention of the new Boeing airliner near-catastrophe is appropriate here! What if those battery fires had taken place midway between LAX and Auckland ? Once again, total catastrophe was barely avoided? But if we/they are playing Russian Roulette, remember that there are only so many empty chambers ion that pistol. I wonder if a significant investigation by an outside entity into the Boeing 787 would reveal not only incompetence, but worse.

February 18, 2013 5:09 pm

A very interesting analogy. I believe the “pirates” who have captured the good ship America, need to be held to account. Otherwise this once great ship will be no more. Here is some info:

February 18, 2013 5:21 pm

Good God, Jim, you’re on fire. Tell it like it is.

February 18, 2013 5:34 pm

Perhaps the first lesson my father ever taught me, as he said 1) it would hold me in good stead throughout my life if I but remember it (I have), and 2) it was applicable to a great many life situations (he was right), is “Shit flows downhill”. My old man was smart as hell.

So when I book a hotel, I try to be on an upper floor. If I were to ever book a cruise (I would rather gouge my eyes out with a fork or hit my testicles with a hammer), I would indeed book an upper deck.

It is always best to avoid being downhill, no matter the circumstances. If you cannot afford to be uphill, then do not go. Cheap seats are cheap for a reason. I would rather a first class picnic in the local park, with nice wine, a nice steak, etc., than take a budget holiday to anywhere on earth. Always be uphill, no matter what it is you are doing.

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 18, 2013 7:03 pm

Thanks for the info. The MSM shill Scott Pelley is pushing the line that the only problem was fuel leak. Pathetic.

February 18, 2013 7:25 pm

Thanks, Avalon and Jim


OK, good point re yourself and those you know. Ask yourself what percentage of people were ready for Hurricane Sandy.

February 18, 2013 7:31 pm


I was onboard with your “upper floor” system until one morning in 2006 when an earthquake hit Honolulu while I was making coffee in my room on the 23rd floor of the Waikkiki Hilton.. Now I look for the beachfront bungalows to rent and just listen for the tsunami warnings.

Those veranda cabins on cruise ships are definitely the way to go, though. I hate sleeping below decks. I think I went down with the ship in a past life.

February 18, 2013 7:36 pm

Eddie – if that hotel goes down, those on the first floor will be marginally flatter than those on the 23rd.

Jack Sarfatti
Jack Sarfatti
February 18, 2013 7:37 pm

If I were on the Jury I would award huge damages for pain and suffering for the passengers idiots though they are to take such a mindless voyage. Suckers born every moment. It’s a P.T. Barnum world. Moral of the Story: When booking passage on The Titanic it pays to go First Class. 😉
ref: Ship of Fools, The Grateful Dead.

February 18, 2013 7:37 pm

Read your essay on ZH, had to comment….

…it is one of the best posts EVER on ZH in my opinion.

Great job.

February 18, 2013 7:46 pm

Admin – unfortunately, he was not the only idiot posting. Oh well, on the whole the article was very well received, as it should have been. DP is totally out of his mind. I am beginning to feel sorry for him – if he were a dog you would put him down as an act of kindness.

February 18, 2013 8:05 pm

Great piece Admin, I have never taken a cruise and I doubt I ever will now.
I am glad you didn’t take DP’s bait on ZH. He sounds like a complete tool, WTF is his problem anyway?

Me No Likey
Me No Likey
February 18, 2013 8:16 pm

“When vital systems fail, the lights go out, and your beloved government leaders are nowhere to be found, how will you fare?”

You know, I don’t really give a damn how I’ll fare. I had a serious illness at age 38 that had me losing control of my body while dying a little each day for about a year and a half until I was two months away from death. So fuck death. And anything it can do to me. A vastly more important question for me personally is who will I help when the vital systems fail?

I was thinking this very morning about how much this blog and others liked it had changed my life, saved my life, by waking me up in every way from the matrix. I know you know what I’m talking about. I felt a huge responsibility to pass it on.

So today when a stranger needed help pushing his truck out of rush hour traffic I did it without thinking. I really did save his ass. No, I’m not patting myself on the back. I’m saying those of us who have benefited by the selflessness of those who write the truth while the Ministry of Propaganda spews lies have a responsibility to take actions that support our communities, however small, each and every day.

Because of this blog, and others like it, I’m quitting my corporate job year after next am going to *start* by working with homeless youth. Where I go from there only life will tell. Who knows? The lights and vital systems might have gone out by then and I may have to just go help people. What the fuck else am I gonna do? Piss life away by worrying about how I’ll fare? I would rather die than do that.

Thank you for being here.

February 18, 2013 9:03 pm

Well, I went to ZH to see what was being said.

That low class sheep fucker, David Pierre, edited my comments. I would seriously love the opportunity to meet this faggot face-to-face, and deliver some Stucky love to his face. Admin, arrange it if you can.

Meanwhile, there were many positive comments on the article. Nice.

However, there also many conspiracy comments. Of course, DP tried to turn it into a 9-11 debate. Somehow the Titanic and JFK conspiracies came up. And that’s only reading 3 pages of comments. I couldn’t stomach any more. IF I ever go back again —- they do post interesting stories from good writers, it seem —– I will certainly never again read the comments section. Too many fucking nutjobs on that site.

February 18, 2013 9:59 pm

Great article JQ connecting a floating broken ship to our current problems today. I will be anxious to see if any good post mortem reports come out as a result of this fuck up. My father was in the Navy and to him a checklist to make sure everything works is vital. If the CO neglects preventive maintenance then his ass is on the chopping block. I have three cousins who are alums of the Merchant Marine academy and would love to hear their thoughts as to the preventive maintenance and operation of the vessel. I should not be surprised that fucking up is the norm for corporate management. But back to why was not a backup generator available and why was not a backup engine power available? It’s absolutely vital to pump sewage out when you have over 3000 folks on board. Again I am not an expert so I don’t have the answers but there has to be a better way. I get that corners are cut and lying is the norm but I don’t have to like it. Might think twice before taking a cruise as they are designed to suck you dry and expand your waist.

February 18, 2013 9:59 pm

what i want to know is who are the 4 nutjobs giving AZ the thumbs up? niburu? reptile people? they are not real, Arizona. although i can say that you are going back into captivity once the men in white can make out your coordinates, please keep posting…

February 18, 2013 10:07 pm

I loved your post! You’ve written it with real brilliance. I’ve added your site to my bookmarks and hope to check in again soon.

Thanks very much. You are appreciated.

George Tirebiter
George Tirebiter
February 19, 2013 12:06 am

A good analogy as per your usual skill.
Why is “Let them eat cake” rolling through my mind?
The capital vampires know that they have to keep their victims satiated with just enough bread and circuses to keep them from becoming too restless.
These same vampires have systematically drained the lifeblood of the US including the infrastructure of the country, just like the vampires that own the Carnivore cruise line.
The vast majority of the ‘Third Chimp’ troupe has evolved only far enough to focus its attention on me/my/mine, which for better or worse, will continue to steer things as they have been since civilization began.
Surfs Up!!!

February 19, 2013 12:25 am

Stucky – “You’re on a fucking boat. How hard is it to whip out your dick and piss in the ocean? Or, if you’re unfortunate enough to be of the double-X chromosome variety, to hang that booty over the edge?” thet move sounds like a good olympic event candidate.

i just saw a funny pic of a girl falling backward off a fence. the booty must’ve weighted more than her upper body.

February 19, 2013 12:42 am


Indeed, there are some risks.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Admin practicing in his driveway.
[imgcomment image[/img]

A bad cruise suddenly becomes more enjoyable.
[imgcomment image[/img]

February 19, 2013 3:09 am

Hey, that last pic looks like my ex wife……though she usually shows her teeth when she smiles…… Oh, yea ——- bout the Triumph. Look at the bright side —- maybe all the passengers were OB-1-KENYAOBI voters on their presidential victory cruise… a free ride paid for by wellfare checks and hotdogs for foodstamps….

February 19, 2013 3:43 am

And Article dead-on. Just another Harbinger (like the gulf oil rig)?!!! When the Captain of your ship (Obama and company) make merry in Gods storms as though the ship were “Unsinkable”, expect an iceburg!!!!

February 19, 2013 5:15 am

Great description of the problem (with the usual blindspot of observation that there is no law, and no sovereignty because there is no Constitution when the republic has been Usurped by an illegal putative President) without describing how to regain the republic, and take back our country from the criminals whom have captured it.
Barack Hussein Obama (that IS his middle name) is a foreign agent domestic enemy sitting in the WH playing with his favorite toys– the drones. He was born British of a British subject father, and is therefore ineligible, (not a natural born Citizen), no matter if born on the Oval Office desk. Here is US law, with respect to that definition (and which JQ refuses to even consider— like I made it up):

“The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners”. Minor v. Happersett, 88 US 162, 167

Barack Obama’s foreign father makes him ineligible— if found so, and the people wake up, all of the bills, executive orders, and appointments of the Usurper become null and void. The Treason committed by Congress and protected by the useful idiot media would become apparent. the curtain would be pulled back on the Wizard Central banker criminals behind the curtain. Yet JQ refuses to make the most important subject of all part of his talented scribbles. Why? Supposedly he must think that it is nit picking (like obeying the security requirement for the highest office in the land is “nit picky”— like it’s somehow not fair). Or, like others, he thinks that the Usurper is another in a long line of puppets. However this is a particularly destructive puppet, one which destroys any semblance of law, because when the President, whom is the executor of the law is illegal, then there is no law! What other reason would there be to muscle in an illegal President? Seen any bankers go to jail? Obama is the poster child for whom the founders did not allow to be President— the British subject son of a British subject Kenyan father, raised and immersed is a hotbed of anti-American thought, and steeped in a caustic worldview gleaned from Communists, Islamists, Black Nationalist, and Alinskyan Community organizing. Barack Hussein Obama is EXACTLY whom the founders were preventing from the Presidency. See Federalist 68– Obama is not a “creature of our own” because his father was an “improper ascendant” (IMPROPER ANCESTOR).

Yet JQ is demure to all of that. To him Obama is an affable fellow in over his head and no worse than any other puppet, when in fact Obama represents the death of the Republic. Why this blindspot? Is JQ a coward, and told to shut up, or is he a steam vent purposefully planted to provide a relief valve to the disgruntled public? Is he just not that smart? Is he afraid of the ramifications of the Obamanation exposed and rioting in protection of their master? Were his parents not US Citizens when he was born, and feels it unfair that he is not an eligible natural born Citizen (I see this a lot)?
The point is that the way back is directly in front of us, and JQ refuses to take that path of exposing the true treason. Of course he will attack me as some sort of loon, without refuting anything that I have cited— I have given you all proof that Obama is a Usurper.