A Beautiful Mind And Wicked Sense Of Humor

Regardless of your position on religion: atheist, agnostic or religious zealot, this excerpt from an interview with mathematician David  Berlinski is an entertaining and enlightening read, although the interviewer blatantly attempted to turn the interview into a debate replete with loaded questions.

An Interview with David Berlinski

Jonathan Witt

… Why do you think the debate about Darwin’s theory of evolution has taken on such a nasty turn?

David Berlinski: Nasty, eh? If so, the nastiness is not entirely ecumenical. As far as I can tell, only one side is now occupying the gutter, even though the gutter is, as gutters generally are, more than spacious enough for two. But you raise a good question. Why are Darwinian biologists so outraged? Like the San Andreas fault, the indignation conspicuous at blogs such as The Panda’s Thumb or Talk Reason is now visible from outer space.


There is a lot at stake, obviously. Money, prestige, power, influence – they all play a role. Darwinism is an ideological system and when such systems come under threat, their supporters react in predictable ways. Freedom of thought very often appears as an inconvenience to those with a position to protect. Look at the attempts made to humiliate Rick Sternberg at the Smithsonian Institute, or the campaign now underway to do the same thing to Guillermo Gonzalez at Iowa State. There is nothing surprising in all this. I myself believe that the world would be suitably improved if those with whom I disagreed were simply to shut up. What is curious is how quickly the Darwinian establishment has begun to appear vulnerable ….

… Not to scientists …

DB: No, perhaps not. But to everyone else. Consider the latest Pew poll. “Two-thirds of Americans,” the New York Times reported, “say that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in public schools.” But even among those quite persuaded of Darwin’s theory, “18 percent said that evolution was ‘guided by a supreme being.’” Now these are astonishing figures. They represent an authentic popular revolt against elite thought. I cannot remember anything like it. The fact that so many Darwinian biologists are utterly tone-deaf when it comes to debate has hardly helped their case. It is no small thing to have appeared before the American public in a way that suggests both illimitable arrogance and scientific insecurity.

… With all due respect, Mr. Berlinski, there are times reading what you have written when it seems that you are right down there in the gutter with the best of them. You did, after all, refer to Richard Dawkins as – and I quote – “a remarkably reptilian character” ….

DB: Did I? Well, mine has been an exercise in defensive slumming.

… I see. What really accounts for your hostility to figures such as Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins? …

DB: In the case of Daniel Dennett, I think contempt might be a better word than hostility, and indifference a better word still. There are, of course, lots more where he came from – P.Z. Myers, for example, or Eugenie Scott, or Jason Rosenhouse. Throw in Steven Weinberg, just to reach an even number ….

… The Nobel Laureate? …

DB: None other.

… But Dawkins …

DB: An interesting case, very louche – fascinating and repellant. Fascinating because like Noam Chomsky he has the strange power effortlessly to command attention. Just possibly both men are descended from a line of simian carnival barkers, great apes who adventitiously found employment at a circus. I really should look at this more closely. Repellent because Dawkins is that depressingly familiar figure – the intellectual fanatic. What is it that he has said? “It is absolutely safe to say that, if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that)”. Substitute ‘Allah’ for ‘evolution,’ and these words might have been uttered by some fanatical Mullah just itching to get busy with a little head-chopping. If he ever gets tired of Oxford, Dawkins could probably find a home at Finsbury Park.

… You do not, I gather, think much of the kind of atheism Dawkins is concerned to promote …

DB: It’s pretty much the sort of stuff Bertrand Russell used to put out when he needed to knock-off a popular best-seller or dazzle one of his mistresses. You see, my dear, belief in god is no better than belief in a teacup orbiting Mars, whereupon my dear would generally begin loosening her undergarments. The fact is that these kinds of arguments have been known to embarrass a wart hog. This has been tested at zoos, by the way, and the experiments widely reported.

… But why should we take seriously religious beliefs that are lacking in evidence?

DB: We shouldn’t. But asking someone like Richard Dawkins about the evidence for God’s existence is a little like asking a quadruple amputee to run the marathon.

The interesting point is elsewhere. There is no argument against religion that is not also an argument against mathematics. Mathematicians are capable of grasping a world of objects that lies beyond space and time ….

… Come again …

DB: No need to come again: I got to where I was going the first time. The number four, after all, did not come into existence at a particular time, and it is not going to go out of existence at another time. It is neither here nor there. Nonetheless we are in some sense able to grasp the number by a faculty of our minds. Mathematical intuition is utterly mysterious. So for that matter is the fact that mathematical objects such as a Lie Group or a differentiable manifold have the power to interact with elementary particles or accelerating forces. But these are precisely the claims that theologians have always made as well – that human beings are capable by an exercise of their devotional abilities to come to some understanding of the deity; and the deity, although beyond space and time, is capable of interacting with material objects.

… And this is something that you, a secular Jew, believe? …

DB: What a question! I feel like I’m being interviewed by the Dean at some horrible community college. Do you believe in the university’s mission – that sort of thing. Look, I have no religious convictions and no religious beliefs. What I do believe is that theology is no more an impossible achievement than mathematics. The same rational standards apply. Does the system make sense; does it explain something? Are there deep principles at work. Is it productive?

… You know, Dawkins, at least, is quite clear that insofar as religion is expressed as a sense of wonder, he counts himself a religious man ….

DB: … Sure. But that’s because he has found it remarkably convenient to associate his views with those of Albert Einstein – you know, the standard starry sky at night, my goodness the universe is wonderful routine. Why should Dawkins, of all people, find the universe wonderful if he also believes it is largely a self-sustaining material object, something bigger than a head of cabbage but not appreciably different in kind? The whole place supposedly has no meaning, no point, no purpose, and no reason for its existence beyond itself. Sounds horrible to me. Wonder is the last reaction I’d expect. It’s like being thrilled by Newark, New Jersey. A universe that is nothing more than a collection of atoms whizzing around in the void is a material slum …

…How would you react to the argument that Dawkins has made that any form of religion that goes beyond the scientific facts about the universe really represents a form of brainwashing …

DB: He’s probably right. Most education is a form of brainwashing – so much better in French, by the way, lavage de cerveau. Give a child to the Jesuits, they say, and ten years later the man will cringe when he spots the Cross. But look, ten years or so spent studying physics is a pretty effective form of brainwashing as well. You emerge into the daylight blinking weakly and talking about an endless number of universes stacked on top of one another like an old-fashioned Maine pancake breakfast. Or you start babbling inanely about how meaningless the universe is. But if you ask me just who is the more credulous, the more suggestible, the dopier, the more perfectly prepared to convey absurdity to an almost inconceivable pitch of personal enthusiasm – a well-trained Jesuit or a Ph.D. in quantum physics, I’ll go with the physicist every time. There is nothing these people won’t believe. No wonder used-car salesmen love them. Biologists are, of course, worse. Tell them that in the future Richard Dawkins is going to conduct a personal invasion of Hell in order to roust the creationists, and The Panda’s Thumb will at once start vibrating with ticket sales.

… Perhaps this isn’t the most productive of topics to pursue …

DB: That’s fine. You lead, I’ll follow …

…Can you say a little bit more by what you mean by an ideological system?…

DB: Marxism is an ideological system, or was, and Darwinism is like Marxism. Darwinism, I must stress, the sibilant distinguishing the man from his message. By itself, Darwin’s theory of random variation and natural selection would simply be a hopelessly premature 19th century thought experiment, vastly less important than Clerk Maxwell’s theory of the electromagnetic field, which was completed at roughly the same time. But like confined quarks (or any number of quacks), Darwin’s theory never appears by itself in contemporary thought …

… Let me interrupt you. Can you be a little clearer on the difference, as you see it, between Darwin’s theory and Darwinism? …

DB: It is a matter of attitude and sentiment, Look, for thousands of intellectuals, becoming a Marxist was an experience of disturbing intensity. The decision having been made, the world became simpler, brighter, cleaner, clearer. A number of contemporary intellectuals react in the same way when it comes to the Old Boy – Darwin, I mean. Having renounced Freud and all his wiles, the literary critic Frederick Crews – a man of some taste and sophistication – has recently reported seeing in random variations and natural selection the same light he once saw in castration anxiety or penis envy. He has accordingly immersed himself in the emollient of his own enthusiasm. Every now and then he contributes an essay to The New York Review of Books revealing that his ignorance of any conceivable scientific issue has not been an impediment to his satisfaction.

Another example – I’ve got hundreds. Daniel Dennett has in Darwin’s Dangerous Idea written about natural selection as the single greatest idea in human intellectual history. Anyone reading Dennett understands, of course, that his acquaintance with great ideas has been remarkably fastidious. Mais, je divague

In the case of both Crews and Dennett, it’s that God-awful eagerness to explain everything that is the give-away. The eagerness is entirely academic or even literary. But, you know, what sociologists call prole-drift is present even in a world without proles. Look at Christopher Hitchens – very bright, very able. Just recently he felt compelled to release his views on evolution to a public not known eagerly to be waiting for them. What does he have to say? Pretty much that he doesn’t know anything about art but he knows what he likes. The truth of the matter, however, is that he pretty much likes what he knows, and what he knows is what he has heard smart scientists say. Were smart scientists to say that a form of yeast is intermediate between the great apes and human beings, Hitchens would, no doubt, conceive an increased respect for yeast. But that’s a journalist for you: all zeal and no content. No, no, not you, of course. You’re not like the others.

… Thank you, I’m sure. I am still not sure what you are getting at when you refer to Darwinism as an ideological system? Many biologists such as Paul Gross simply reject the term altogether …

DB: Yes, I know. The term – Darwinism, I mean – has been a long standing banana peel for poor Gross. No matter how often he swears not to slip, he can inevitably be spotted straddling that banana and about to slip-up all over again. Ah, there he goes – vawhoomp. I have a service that lets me know every time Gross topples.

But enough about Gross. Let’s get back to me. It’s not that easy to say what Darwinism amounts to, but then again, it was never easy to say what Marxism amounted to either. If you look at Marxists journals from the 1930s, the party line shifted all the time, so much so that in the 1940s, Stalin had to sit down and write an account of the principles of socialism. It reads very much like a high-school textbook in biology – a very sophisticated high-school textbook, of course. The real mark of an ideological system is its presumptuousness. There is nothing it cannot explain by means of a few trite ideas. Why is romantic love a sign of bourgeois decadence, Comrade? Because, Comrade, it represents a form of false consciousness. In Darwinism, natural selection has displaced such old standbys as false consciousness or the class struggle, Comrade. You don’t mind if I call you Comrade? It’s the least I can do ….

… But …

DB: Take the short essay in a most recent issue of The London Review by Thomas Jones, one of the review’s editors – no dope, by the way. “Since we use our brains to make up stories, and to make sense of the stories of others,” Jones says, “it is hard to disagree with the idea that the capacity for storytelling is the result of evolution.”


And here’s something Stephen Pinker said, it’s even better …

… But look, someone like Jones is simply stating the obvious – like everything else, literature must be understood in evolutionary terms. What other terms are there? …

DB: Why must literature be understood in any terms beyond the literary? Just recently someone named David Barash – an evolutionary psychologist, it goes without saying – published a book together with his wife called Madame Bovary’s Ovaries. Her ovaries? Look, set aside the appalling vulgarity of the book and its title, its almost unfathomable literary and intellectual crudeness. To talk about Madame Bovary’s ovaries is a little like looking at one of Rembrandt’s late self-portraits of his face and wondering whether the man suffered from bunions. What we know of the man is right there on the canvass. Nothing else. To imagine that somehow there is a real woman to be found in Flaubert’s nacreous masterpiece is to regard art the way an infant or a primitive regards art.

If you think you can take the story of Anna Karenina and connect its meaning to any anatomical, physiological, neurological, or biochemical feature of the human brain as it is now understood, by all means go ahead. We do not know how the human brain establishes that the word ‘cat’ designates a cat. Or that it does. Or that it has. Or that it can.

But even setting that aside, what reason do we have for supposing that differential reproduction tells us anything more about the anatomy of criticism than the class struggle tells us about the anatomy of love? That’s a learned reference, by the way …

… I have read Northrop Frye, Mr. Berlinski …

DB: Glad to hear it. Then you understand how pointless it is to coordinate our remarkable human powers with a filter so crude as the biological desire to promote oneself into the main chance.

You wouldn’t argue that the capacity for carpet-weaving is the result of evolution, would you?

… Yes, I would …

DB: Well, you would be wrong. Men and women make up stories, wander around foreign cities, take up sky-diving, invent financial swindles, learn to speak Mandarin, or weave carpets out of silk pretty much because they feel like it. Evolution has nothing to do with it.

… But how they feel and the decisions they make are shaped by evolution …

DB: That’s trivially true. If human beings did not have the kinds of brains they do, they wouldn’t make the choices they do. Different livers would probably lead to different choices, too, and who knows what a man shaped by evolution to have six sexual organs might contemplate.

… Oh please, isn’t that just clever word play? If the human brain did not arise by evolution, how did it arise? …

DB: I have no idea. It’s not my problem.

… That is an awfully convenient out for you …

DB: Sure. It’s the same out that Darwinian biologists take when it comes to the origins of life. Not our problem. What’s good enough for Richard Dawkins is good enough for me.

… How do you see Darwinism in the larger context of social or academic attitudes …

DB: A congeries of sentimental attitudes are at work in the humanities – atheism, moral relativism, materialism. They are incarnated locally in the United States by Richard Rorty, a philosopher, I must say, who while espousing irony as an antidote to anomie (and anything else that ails you) seems to me, at least, to exhibit an almost elephantine earnestness in everything he writes. The man could paralyze an infantry battalion just by beginning a lecture. I may have to consult with my spies in the Pentagon about this. Within the sciences, the governing attitude is often designated by the word ‘naturalism,’ especially by those sophisticated enough to know that adverting to the Temple of Reason after Robespierre might not be a good idea.

… Meaning? …

DB: Hard to say – again. Naturalism is sometimes taken to mean that there is only one body of human knowledge, and that is contemporary science; at other times, it is taken to mean that there is only one method by which knowledge can be acquired, and that is the scientific method. This is a little like arguing that cabbage is the only food and that prayer is the only way to get it.

… Why? …

DB: Mathematics is a counter-example to the first thesis, and the law, a counter-example to the second. In any case, science has no more method than golf …

… You don’t believe that …

DB: You mean about the scientific method? Certainly I do. Where science has a method, it is trivial – look carefully, cut the cards, weigh the evidence, don’t let yourself be fooled, do an experiment if you can. These are principles of kennel management as well as quantum theory. Where science isn’t trivial, it has no method. What method did Einstein follow, or Pauli, or Kekulé? Kekulé saw the ring structure of benzene in what he called a waking dream. Some method.

… I wonder whether we could get back to naturalism …

DB: A vos ordres. Carl Sagan seems to have captured the emotional content of naturalism when he remarked that the universe is all that there is, was, or would ever be. A curious sentence, don’t you think, and one that embodies a curious claim? Its denial is a contradiction, and so the claim is itself a logical triviality. This has not discouraged any number of commentators from embracing it warmly. Eugenie Scott is a small squirrel-like creature who is often sent out to defend Darwin. Whenever doubts are raised, she withdraws a naturalistic nut from her cache and flaunts it proudly. And if naturalism won’t do, there is always methodological naturalism. One nut is, after all, pretty much as good as another.

… What is the connection between Darwinism and naturalism? …

DB: There is none – at least if by a connection, you mean a logical connection. There is, however, a sentimental connection. A commitment to naturalism, however defined, very often makes Darwin’s theory seem more plausible than it otherwise might be. Naturalism is sentimentally a sufficient condition for Darwinism. By the same token, Darwinism is sentimentally a necessary condition for naturalism. Richard Lewontin has made this point explicitly, by the way. The point is elementary but it explains a good deal, as so many elementary points do. Biologists persuaded that there is nothing out there but atoms and the void are naturally made apprehensive by the thought that Darwin’s theory might be false, for in that case, it follows by contraposition that naturalism might be false as well.

… What do you think accounts for these sentimental connections, as you put it …

DB: Fashion, for one thing. It’s what everyone seems to be saying in the faculty dining room at Mongaheela State Community College, or at The New York Review of Books, much the same environment, now that I think about it. A good deal of this is changing, I should hasten to add, as academics prepared to sneer at religious experience or moral absolutes remember just who happens to pay their salaries. This consideration alone has a wonderfully clarifying effect on one’s theoretical commitments.

… If Darwinism is so unworthy of respect, what is the appeal of Darwinism? After all, a great many scientists disagree with you. They can’t all be fools, after all…

DB: I’m not sure why not.

… I’d like better to understand your views on science. You talk very often of, and I quote, “the serious sciences.” I take it you mean to exclude biology altogether. Is that your view? …

DB: To a certain extent. My real view is that there is only one science, and that is mathematics, and that the physical sciences are really forms of experimental mathematics. The idea that there is out there a physical world which just happens to lend itself to mathematical description has always seemed to me to be incoherent. There is only one world – the universe, in fact, and it has the essential properties of a mathematical model. For reasons that we cannot even begin to understand, that model interacts with out senses, and so without measuring devices, allowing us to pretty much confirm conclusions antecedently reached by pure thought.


But to tell you the truth, I’m not at all sure I understand my own views, remarkable as they are.

… I’m sure that in this you are not alone, Mr. Berlinski …

DB: No doubt. But it is odd, isn’t it, that we really have no good views about science itself. Its existence is as much of a mystery as the phenomena that it explains. I know of nothing like an imagined overall theory that even begins to explain the role of science in the universe. No theory explains itself, after all, even if it could explain everything else.

… I’m not sure what you mean …

DB: Suppose one had a fabulous final theory. The universe is made up ultimately of wriggling strings – or whatever. The theory would not explain itself in the simple sense that unless the theory is in some odd and perverse sense self-referential, it would leave something out – the reasons why it just happens to be true. For that, one would have to deduce the theory from something else, and so far as we know or understand, deduction is itself a relationship between theories.

… But how is this connected …

DB: Not to worry. It’s probably not.

… Mr. Berlinski, you have frequently been accused of being a crank, someone more generally participating in what has come to be called crank science. I know that …

DB: So?

… Well, is the accusation one that you accept? …

DB: Sure. It’s obviously true in essence, although I prefer to describe myself as an iconoclast, one whom history will vindicate …

… No doubt …

DB: But the point is the same, whatever the terms. But speaking of terms, maybe I spoke too soon. Look, it’s one thing to say that someone like me is a crank. That’s fine because it’s true. It’s quite another thing to talk about crank science.

… Surely crank science is what cranks do? …

DB: Surely. But that is not how the term crank science has come to be used. Look at someone like Jeremy Bernstein – a good physicist and a very good writer about physics. He means something quite specific by the term crank science, and that is a willingness to deny the cumulative structure of modern physics, the fact that each great physical theory represents an enlargement of its predecessors. This is terrifically important as a rhetorical strategy because it means that the burden of skepticism becomes impossibly high with each new theory. This is just another way of protecting the sciences from criticism. To go on the attack, it is not enough to say, hey look, this particular theory is wrong, or absurd, or preposterous. You must instead take on the entire history of a tradition. Not quite sporting, I say.

… Yes, but isn’t it true? Science is cumulative and the more it accumulates the greater the weight of evidence in its favor …

DB: Yes, this is the claim. Steven Weinberg has made it explicitly. He at least knows of no advance in physical theory that has really overturned previous developments.

… How could you possibly object to that? …

DB: How? By remarking that it’s just nuts, that’s how. Weinberg is a very good physicist, but as an intellectual historian he rather resembles a horse put to work in a glass factory. He can’t help it, of course, it’s just not his métier. He gives that pompadour of his a shake, and a dozen fragile figurines just topple. Far from being cumulative, it’s the reverse that’s more really true. Let’s try and be just a little bit more precise. What’s a theory, for example? Now I’m an old logic hand and the only answer I know is that a theory in the physical sciences is just like a theory in mathematical logic – a consistent set of sentences satisfied in a model. Not the best way of putting things, but so far as I know, the only good way. Now take Newtonian mechanics and compare it to general relativity. Is it true that GR is a consistent extension of Newtonian mechanics?

… Surely many physicists would say so …

DB: Yes, and they would be wrong. Newtonian mechanics is committed to the view that the spatial structure of the universe is classically Euclidean. Not so GR. Newtonian mechanics holds that if you accelerate a rigid rod, neither its length nor certain temporal intervals will change. GR holds the opposite. But why am I telling you all this. It’s obvious.

… But Mr. Berlinski, no one would deny these points? GR is an extension of Newtonian mechanics. It goes further and because it does, we see better …

DB: An extension, maybe, but a consistent extension? Never. Consistent? If so, then Newtonian mechanics and GR must be satisfied in the same model by the compactness theorem. But how can a single mathematical model satisfy the postulates of both theories? It just can’t be done. No, no, I’m not appealing to anything like a paradigm shift. It’s perfectly possible to compare Newtonian mechanics and GR. One theory is better than the other. It explains more. It reaches for deeper principles. It is more elegant. I’m talking about Newtonian mechanics, of course. But the intersection of the set of sentences in both theories is inconsistent and so satisfied in no model whatsoever. If this is so, then the whole image of science as a cumulative structure breaks down. What one really has is a collection of cathedrals on a kind of fruited plane [sic!]. Some are taller and grander than others, others are smaller and more elegant. No one cathedral is really built on top of the other.

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November 9, 2013 11:22 am


Thanks for challenging my brain, which after reading this, can only be assessed as pea-sized.

It is a refreshing diversion from the puny intellect and pornographic goats which came to dominate the late great “No Child Allowed Ahead…” thread.

Too bad Dr. Berlinski doesn’t hang around TBP.

November 9, 2013 12:09 pm

What a bunch of word fog. This is typical coming out of the intellect of man. We have gotten lost in the world of words that lead to nothing in the purpose of man. The intellect alone cannot come to the truth of being because the intellect is a product of personality; that artificial persona created around our essence, that is developed by imitation and education, and we use to navigate the external world of forms.

There is a good reason the believe in GOD. GOD implies higher mind; and that gives us a purpose and a desire to self develop into a higher level being. Level of being is gauged by a vertical scale rather than the horizontal scale of mechanical life.

We are machines with five centers that react to external influences; with two of these centers that can taste influences coming from the invisible. These are the intellect, emotional, the moving reflexes of the body, the instinctive, and the sex center. These centers can be identified by self observation using our attention. There are two more centers in us but we seldom sense them because these are buried in our so called subconsciousness. These two centers are a higher level intellectual and emotional sense.

We are born into this world with only the instinctive center operating. It only knows what feels good or not good and reacts accordingly. Babies function under the instinctive center. Some label this center the reptilian brain stem. It operates under the law of the pendulum; a binary function, that is with us all our lives. The next level of brain development involves the emotional center; then the intellectual center, and then the sex center. The instinctive center; this reptilian brain stem in us continues to grow like a vine, and enters into our emotional and intellectual centers of the brain to influence them throughout life. Through this development we become mechanical automatisms in life.

Now I ask the question: It this evolution, is it intelligent design, is it a result of creation?

Science grapples with evolution through physical observation. But what does science prove by this observation? How does it explain a single cell egg dividing into multiple cells and transforming into a full grown human being with an ability to psychologically self develop? What is this psychological self development about? Could it be into another level of transformation?

My observation of human activity around me and in myself is that we are created to serve life but with the ability to transform into higher level beings psychologically and move higher in the sphere of the universe thus leaving the realm of life here on earth. Life in this solar system is supported by the Sun so it belongs to the Sun.

GOD was originally an undefined word that implied higher mind. Man has corrupted the word. All religions were originally set up to teach of higher mind and the qualities that go with it. Religion is a medium that informs man that life can be transcended, and we can enter into higher forms of being in the universe; reveled to us in the invisible, if we are willing to work toward our transformation.

Man has also corrupted religion and used it to keep himself on the path of life. And there is only one purpose in life: to eat and be eaten. Creatures eating creatures or plants. Plants eat nutrients in the soil and the rays of the sun. Man, animals, and plants all competing for space and food. That is all. Think about it. Our attention is totally devoted to this by our mechanical reactions to the sensations of the outer world constantly bombarding our instinctive, intellectual, emotional, moving, and sex centers. We are creatures created for life with the ability to transform out of the life cycle. It controls our attention; the guiding light of our development if we can keep it from wondering into every form of distraction. Think you control your attention? Think again. Try walking down a quiet street in silence without thinking. You hear a dog barking in the distance and see where your attention goes.

This article speaks of the arrogance of man thinking he knows something when he doesn’t; and using word fog to baffle us with bullshit, in order to deflect us from the nothingness of the intellect.

In closing I would like to impart to you an observation that is very troublesome:

People in general are no longer asking questions and no longer thinking. And when they do think they only think in a one dimensional fashion which does not reveal to them the truth; rather than a three dimensional form that reveals to them a vision. Being automatisms; it is hard enough as it is to understand one another and our motives, but now with the invention of the computer, which is itself a machine, we have interfaced it between ourselves so that now we are automatisms separated in our communication by another automatism called the computer. This is leading people into a collective slavery where there is no more individualism.

Without the desire to ask questions or to think then the ability to self develop goes into atrophy

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 9, 2013 12:22 pm

A whole lot of self-important elite speak about Darwins theory of natural selection.

Like Darwin, Pongidae Doc Berlinski should serenade the nematodes in his garden.

November 9, 2013 1:22 pm

He’s a boring blowhard too full of himself.

November 9, 2013 3:06 pm

T-bird read for comprehension…fer chr!ss sakez..

Oh please, isn’t that just clever word play? If the human brain did not arise by evolution, how did it arise? …

DB: I have no idea. It’s not my problem.

Anon…ouch….ankle-biter alert!

November 9, 2013 3:11 pm

KB, well since you hadn’t posted anything since never , I had to settle for the next least sentient being…you’re just awsome dud..did I Ieave anything out?

November 9, 2013 3:15 pm

it’s like an atom bomb went off and I am one of the hapless soldiers invited to watch while wearing sunglasses. I see these beautiful colors, unaware that I am being exposed to so much more. he addresses sociology, literature, evolution, the origin of the universe, so-called ‘fashion’, fakers, blusterers and their cheerleaders in academia, the church and the public.

It is a treat to read an insider’s view of things we hold in awe, like a tweet from inside the white house. he has the knack of a cartoonist to say so much in a simple word picture, “a collection of cathedrals on a kind of fruited plane” representing the various sciences and scientists, with their unquestionable (because of tradition) theories.

November 9, 2013 3:17 pm

DB: I have no idea. It’s not my problem.

Word fog coming from an arrogant intellect. There is no meaning in it and therefore no purpose. Seems like a wasted education. The human ego dies when the human body dies. It is a product of false personality.

November 9, 2013 3:34 pm

TB… an arrogant intellect with a false personality?

Since when does an arrogant individual admit that they do not know something.It’s completely out of character?…ding…try again.

November 9, 2013 3:38 pm

OK TB, have at it.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 9, 2013 4:05 pm

Thunderbird says:

“DB: I have no idea. It’s not my problem.
Word fog coming from an arrogant intellect. There is no meaning in it and therefore no purpose.”

Viktor Frankl concludes that the meaning of life is found in every moment of living; life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death.

November 9, 2013 4:24 pm

Thunderbird says:

“The intellect alone cannot come to the truth of being because the intellect is a product of personality;”

No theory explains itself, after all, even if it could explain everything else. – from the article

“Science grapples with evolution through physical observation. But what does science prove by this observation?”

What’s a theory, for example? Now I’m an old logic hand and the only answer I know is that a theory in the physical sciences is just like a theory in mathematical logic – a consistent set of sentences satisfied in a model. – from the article

“This article speaks of the arrogance of man thinking he knows something when he doesn’t; and using word fog to baffle us with bullshit, in order to deflect us from the nothingness of the intellect.”

There is no argument against religion that is not also an argument against mathematics. Mathematicians are capable of grasping a world of objects that lies beyond space and time – from the article

November 9, 2013 4:42 pm

Flash: You are missing my point. David Berlinski is an agnostic and a secular Jew. He does not believe that the essential nature of things are knowable and he is an atheist. His theories and reasoning come only from his intellect.

The intellect alone cannot see the essential nature of things so his writings and thinking is limited to the physical world. He has no spiritual center of gravity. So his writing go nowhere and lead to nothing. Do you realize that he has contributed nothing to mathematics or science? This should tell you something about him. That he is not creative, uses his intellect to collect knowledge that he does not understand, and then swaggers around making people think he is something he is not. The great mathematicians and scientists add to the bank of knowledge. This guy doesn’t.

You have been duped by this guy my friend. The intellect is not our greatest asset. It is only the driver of our horse and carriage. When the intellect is drunk in it’s own imagination it is worthless to drive the rest of our centers or find it’s master within.

You keep following the word fog of guys like this and you will only become confused.

November 9, 2013 4:56 pm

Thunderbird says:

“You keep following the word fog of guys like this and you will only become confused.”

The real mark of an ideological system is its presumptuousness. There is nothing it cannot explain by means of a few trite ideas. – from the article

November 9, 2013 4:57 pm

“Viktor Franki concludes that the meaning of life is found in every moment of living; life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death.”

Is this what you believe juan?

What I see in life is that it is mechanical and it’s meaning is to eat. I eat therefore I exist. Suffering in life is mechanical suffering; life has no spiritual meaning.

Isn’t spiritual meaning what we are seeking? If so then we have to sacrifice our mechanical suffering because mechanical suffering only has value to our vanity and pride.

November 9, 2013 5:09 pm

The point I see in this article is that its statements lead us nowhere. It says nothing new but rather leads us down a negative path into doubt; doubt of the real which David Berlinski does not know.

So what is the point of going down this path? It leads to no new understanding. This man does not understand the knowledge he holds because he only resides in the intellect. He evidently does not see the emotional or moving center with their inner senses to have any value in receiving impressions of the essential nature of things. I say this because it is not reflected in this article. Many personalities like him has existed in life only to be forgotten after death because they contributed nothing in the way of new knowledge.

November 9, 2013 5:15 pm

jeez, what a bunch of derivative mental masturbation. Yet, he’s too afraid to be truly critical of present day zeitgeist. A waste of many fine nouns and verbs.

The intellectual circle-jerk in pictorial terms.

[imgcomment image?width=500[/img]

Keep posting Flash

November 9, 2013 5:54 pm

David Berlinski is a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute of the Center for Science and Research. Its statement of Philosophy is as follows:

Mind, not matter, is the source and crown of creation, the wellspring of human achievement. Conceived by the ancient Hebrews, Greeks, and Christians, and elaborated in the American Founding, Western culture has encouraged creativity, enabled discovery and upheld the uniqueness and dignity of human beings.

Linking religious, political, and economic liberty, the Judeo-Christian culture has established the rule of law, codified respect for human rights and conceived constitutional democracy. It has engendered development of science and technology, as well as economic creativity and innovation.

In contrast, the contemporary materialistic worldview denies the intrinsic dignity and freedom of human beings and enfeebled scientific creativity and technological innovation. Its vision of a closing circle of human possibilities on a planet of limited horizons summons instead the deadening ideologies of scarcity, conflict, mutual suspicion, and despair.

Much more can be found at http://www.discovery.org/about.php

November 9, 2013 5:58 pm

Thunderbird says:

“Viktor Frankl concludes that the meaning of life is found in every moment of living; life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death.”

“Is this what you believe juan?”

Nihilism claims that there is no meaning or purpose in life. Existentialism claims that there is meaning and purpose in your life inso far as you determine it for yourself.

He admits that he has been called a crank, though he prefers the word iconoclast. That is a very American attitude. Now if he just dumbed it down a little, say, 9th grade level, he could have his own talk show.

Who am I kidding, Americans only care about race, sex and money.

November 9, 2013 6:13 pm

Thunderbird says:

“The point I see in this article is that its statements lead us nowhere. It says nothing new but rather leads us down a negative path into doubt; doubt of the real”

reading the tweets from a white house insider would not make me a political scientist but it would give me insight on the denizens of that mysterious castle. he gives personality to the names. a sports commentator does the same and gets paid big bucks for it, because they advertise the names behind the numbered jerseys. it is free publicity. “I don’t care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.”

November 9, 2013 6:50 pm

What in fucks name are you people talking about?

November 9, 2013 7:03 pm

Gayle: Looking around you would you say our civilization of men and women in general are increasing or decreasing in their level of being?

Our once great institutions are only shadows of what they used to be and the men that now people them are just actors in place of the real personalities that peopled them.

We no longer strive to know ourselves because our attention has become identified with objects outside us.

We no longer see higher mind but only seek to glorify the human mind which is lost in it’s own vanity and pride. Man no longer wants the role of the steward of the animals but is himself sinking to the role of an animal in his desire for pleasurable sensation; even to gratify his mind.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 9, 2013 7:09 pm

KB, well since you hadn’t posted anything since never , I had to settle for the next least sentient being…you’re just awsome dud..did I Ieave anything out? -flush

Actually, no.

As for your second lamentable sentence: Shit. I mimic Berlinski’s bloviations sue me.

As for your third incongruent lip spasm..no idea what your implying nor interested in your motivations that caused you to bang on your qwerty device.

But please, conspiracy nutso, do continue to amuse me.

November 9, 2013 7:20 pm

Thunderbird says:

“Looking around you would you say our civilization of men and women in general are increasing or decreasing in their level of being?”

that great wasteland called television has had a lot to do with the current situation. TBP is doing its part to drag you up from the muck. there is no “self developing” going on when you do not allow intellectual pursuit; certainly there isn’t much of it going on in south Africa where they do not care much for thought, they only seek to eat or be eaten to satisfy their primal reptilian mind.

November 9, 2013 7:28 pm

When life is all there is to know then life has the only meaning it can. And that is to eat to perpetuate itself. That is all it can do. This thin film of life clinging around the earth; in it’s basic sense, is an organism that survives by eating. That is its aim and its meaning; to eat. I eat therefore I exist.

Man as a self regulating organism has a way out if he seeks the essential nature of things; the unknowable. That is the purpose of religion; to point the way. But this way cannot be found by the intellect alone. This is what the esoteric schools of the past were all about.

David Berlinski does not seek this path so he will never find the unknowable. He seems to prefer the pillars of thought established by man; the inferior rule of law codified by men, and bath in the spotlight created by human vanity on the accomplishment of man.

In the 100th Psalm it says: Know ye that the Lord he is God.: it is he that hath made up, and not we ourselves; we are his sheep, and the sheep of his pasture.

An agnostic mind cannot fathom this or see the essential nature of this. It is lost in the created intellect of its false personality. A personality formed by life.

November 9, 2013 7:54 pm

I thought this post was gonna be about Stucky

November 9, 2013 8:57 pm

Thunderbird says:

“When life is all there is to know then life has the only meaning it can. And that is to eat to perpetuate itself. That is all it can do.”

you reduce mankind to the level of beasts. yet the bible which you quote says that god created man in his image, god’s image, tri-partite – flesh, mind, spirit. you cite the psalm 100 but yet you say the sun is worthy of our worship. intellectual sharing is the path to knowing, otherwise we might infer that dogs in their contemplative state are wiser for being self developing.

November 9, 2013 10:23 pm

Man has within him two natures; one animal and one spiritual. The animal is the carnal mind. The spiritual is consciousness of a higher order that has to be developed though our psychology. Man has a choice in this development.

What I am saying is that it seems that people are choosing to remain in their carnal mind and neglecting their spiritual development. God allows free WILL for our development but we choose to not develop our free WILL. We think we have free WILL but in reality we function by mechanized habits which is not free WILL. We react automatically to outside stimulus on our five senses and this is not free WILL. We are machines reacting to life. A little self observation will show you this.

Another indication of this is the computer and what it is doing to us.

I did not say the Sun was worthy of our worship but it is responsible for life on earth. It is part of the ray of creation that extends from the absolute to our lowly place in the universe. The Will of God does not exist on our Earth; But the Will of the Sun does because it sustains our life. We live in the atmosphere of the Sun and under it’s laws. It’s laws sustain life of which our animal nature falls under. God gives us a way out but most choose not to seek this way out. Most are content to live in life and reincarnate lifetime after lifetime. The closer we live to the absolute the fewer laws we live under. The farther from the absolute we live the more laws we live under. Think about that for a minute.

Fifty years ago more people in this country had a belief in God and lived under fewer laws. Today less people believe in God and we live under far more laws. Communism is an atheist society. It has laws for every aspect of life. This is the system we are heading into.

People no longer want to think. People react to what feels good or what doesn’t fell good. This is their main drive in life; in the emotions and the intellect. This is the reptilian brain in us that has found it’s way into our intellect and our emotions; and consequently our thinking.

This does not feel good to think about but if you observe yourself and others you will find that this is what is happening to our society.

November 9, 2013 11:02 pm

Thunderbird says:

“Fifty years ago more people in this country had a belief in God and lived under fewer laws. Today less people believe in God and we live under far more laws. Communism is an atheist society. It has laws for every aspect of life. This is the system we are heading into.”

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters,” Goya

November 10, 2013 12:19 am

T-bird, wrestling with you is like wrestling with an octopus, it is hard to pin you down. At least when Berlinski addresses the issues he has with scientists, you know what he is criticizing. I have no concrete idea of your position; self assembly in the womb, self development, a peyote-induced state of consciousness, sun staring, reincarnation, time regression, bifurcated mind, these are all wonderful concepts, far above my 70+IQ.

Peace, bro-man, we shall speak of this in another life.

November 10, 2013 2:45 am

Diversionary academics for high IQ retards. Intellectual jousting in the middle of the freeway during rush hour. What the fuck do any of these guys have to say that so important when there are congressmen on the loose shredding life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Can’t we save these arguments and discussions until after we get done building numerous gallows to stretch the necks of the PTB and their minions.

We’re all doomed really bad. We need to get busy with all the gallows and ropes. Wouldn’t it be more prudent to have at least one fleeting moment of gleeful vengeance seeing our tormentors swing like squirming bug eyed worms before most all of us perish in some horrible fashion? It’s either that or they watch us squirm first before they painfully get their chips cashed in.

Embrace the Doom. She’s already got the embrace on us.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
November 10, 2013 6:44 am

Flash, you are stealing my shit! Existential Navel Gazing is a Diner Copyright!


November 10, 2013 8:05 am

T-bird,Duped?You are the duped one.This article is about my faith or understanding of faith.It’s about an a well established intellectual admission that most of what passes as science is really unscience.

@AWD, thanks for taking the time between fingering fat kids for fun and padding your bill to spew your vitrolic nonsense on this thread,

@ KB, sober up, get a good bath, change your sticky stained underwater ,clean the drool off your chin and then re-read the interview.It’ll read different when you’re no so dumbed down..promise.

November 10, 2013 8:26 am

Bruce, The rock of Western civilization is Christianity and the inclusion of that rock in Western thought is tantamount with a civilized society/culture remaining thus so… for all future generations, if they are to be any.
The fact that that such as established academic figure as one of the secularists own can overtly step out and make the claim that much secular science is just as faith based as any religion is a major move forward for the Christian camp against the Scientody God of Babblelyin.

And, make no mistake , it is a war.One in which you may no be engaged, but is engaged with you and the future of yourn.

“In any case, science has no more method than golf …
… You don’t believe that …

DB: You mean about the scientific method? Certainly I do. Where science has a method, it is trivial – look carefully, cut the cards, weigh the evidence, don’t let yourself be fooled, do an experiment if you can. These are principles of kennel management as well as quantum theory.”

Just possibly both [Dawkins and Chomsky] are descended from a line of simian carnival barkers, great apes who adventitiously found employment at a circus. I really should look at this more closely.

November 10, 2013 8:34 am

@ RE…but the shit fling gibbons were already here.

AWD upon learning that he is merely a crusty pimple on the ass of Intelligent Design


November 10, 2013 8:46 am

@ RE…but the shit fling gibbons were already here.

AWD upon learning that he is merely a crusty pimple on the ass of Intelligent Design


more wisecracking wit via Berlinski

“You wouldn’t argue that the capacity for carpet-weaving is the result of evolution, would you?

… Yes, I would …

DB: Well, you would be wrong.”

“But that’s a journalist for you: all zeal and no content. No, no, not you, of course. You’re not like the others.”
But look, ten years or so spent studying physics is a pretty effective form of brainwashing as well. You emerge into the daylight blinking weakly and talking about an endless number of universes stacked on top of one another like an old-fashioned Maine pancake breakfast.

November 10, 2013 9:02 am

“Intellectual sharing is the path to knowing, otherwise we might infer that dogs in their contemplative state are wiser for being self developing.” juan

Knowing is not understanding. The intellect alone cannot understand. We need something else to come into the equation. That would be the emotional center when cleared of it’s negative emotions. Our emotional center when cleared of holding it’s negative emotions, predilections, and fears; is clairvoyant. It can sense inner sensations and tastes coming from higher centers in us. Together with the formulating functions of intellect; like order and imagination, , experience becomes understandable and a vision conceived.

Today we are bombarded with all types of information and knowledge but this does not lead to understanding; mainly because it comes without experience and under the lens of our acquired education, learned points of view, predilections, and fears. Experience is not included with the information we receive so we cannot form any understanding.

“At least when Berlinski addresses the issues he has with scientists, you know what he is criticizing.” juan

True, but what is the point? His agnostic views are no better than theirs. He offers nothing in return for his criticizing. It truly seems like a waste of time to listen to him because no new understanding is found in his words; only intellectual babbling.

IQ has nothing to do with what I am talking about. I am searching and only offering my views from my ongoing search about who I am and what is my purpose.

Man is a mysterious being in a mysterious universe. Berlinski wants us to believe that we cannot see past our place in life and that for man there is nothing else; no higher order to ascend too. I disagree with him because in my search there have been times when I have experienced the taste of a higher order. The attention is our light to find it and I know that wasting my attention on the intellectual babbling of Berlinski does not lead to this higher mind; the mind of God.

You have your choice to listen to him. But really; question what your getting out of it. I know what he is getting out of it.

November 10, 2013 9:14 am

It’s a unmitigated shame that so many self-declared Christians sit back and allow slobbering loud mouth militant milksops the center stage with which they cast forth unchallenged, soul grinding mouth syphilis which so infect the hearts minds and souls of today youth.

It’s even more of a shame when when a secular Jew , tired of the militant atheist tyranny is driven to step forward to defend the cowardly Christian cur.

The sad death of a loved one cannot even be announced on TBP without the ugly atheist rearing its nasty head to declare their faith in nothing and religiosity to be extreme and only suitable for witless.

The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions Paperback
Militant atheism is on the rise. In recent years Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens have produced a steady stream of best-selling books denigrating religious belief. These authors are merely the leading edge of a larger movement that includes much of the scientific community.

In response, mathematician David Berlinski, himself a secular Jew, delivers a biting defense of religious thought. The Devil’s Delusion is a brilliant, incisive, and funny book that explores the limits of science and the pretensions of those who insist it is the ultimate touchstone for understanding our world.

November 10, 2013 10:48 am

flash: Dr. Berlinski is a modern day Sadducee. His religious beliefs; if any. would be derived from conclusions based on relative conditions. He is an agnostic.

I have not read his book so I cannot comment on it. But just knowing who he is and where he comes from I would question his motives for his defense of religious thought. It is probably his form of religious thought built up from materialistic conditions. Remember he has to get readers for his book. And his readers would come from the Christian community that for the most part does not know the difference between a secular Jew and an Orthodox Jew. So don’t think he is doing the Christian religion any favors.

Have you read the book? What do you think of it?

November 10, 2013 10:55 am


When I look around Western civilization, it’s pretty obvious there’s overall decline. No argument with you there.

I can’t grasp your arguments as to why, however. They seem contradictory.

I interpret things through the lens of Christianity, thus I cannot agree that man is an eater, machine, or the slave of the sun, although certain aspects of his existence confirm these roles. Man has three parts, not five: body, soul (the seat of the personality, emotions, intellect, creativity, and will) and spirit, that mysterious capacity to transcend the material world and interact with God. Animals also have bodies and souls, but not spirit. This is why man’s capabilities soar far beyond those of a chimpanzee -it has nothing to do with natural selection.

Berlinski seems to be a proponent of Intelligent Design, or Mind-directed evolution. He rejects the pure materialism of Darwinism, its cheerleader Atheism, and its political offspring, Marxism/Communism. He sees God in the math, but is as yet unwilling to define this God for himself. Perhaps when he can solve the equation for Jesus, he will have more certainty. I enjoyed his interview because of his views and his wit. I sensed that he was playing around a bit with the interviewer, a representative of the Darwin camp. Having said that, I think he could reduce the name-dropping and increase the humility.

A great catastrophe occurred when man rebelled against God and lost the capacity to act with freedom within His perfect will. The tragedy that continues to play out for all of creation and every human being is the result. This “original sin” left man with a deep-seated shame that manifests in the self-consciousness and pride that we all battle with every day. The Bible is an instruction manual on how to thrive on this sad messy planet and how to live in such a way that remnants of our ruined glory can yet be manifested. Even those who deny its theology benefit from living out its principles, because they are based on ultimate truth.

It’s easy to observe that Western culture has largely cast off the fundamental Biblical truths that once guided its institutions. That radical and dangerous set of rules for living a happy life, the Ten Commandments, has been decreed offensive and removed from the public square and the halls of education. Is it conceivable that the mob destroying the local Wal-Mart could be just one result of this exaltation of man’s wisdom over God’s? We have collectively cast off Biblical instruction on marriage and family, and as Dr. Phil would say, “How’s that workin” out for ya?”. I could cite many more examples of this type, but you get the idea.

Have a glorious day.

November 10, 2013 11:20 am

TB, Berlinski is not just defending religious thought, but thinking in general.Truth is not predicated on one’s personal belief system, but stands alone against all .The man is merely speaking the truth.He is just saying Science is not the infallible, omnipotent god scientodies like to pretend it is…It has nothing to do with faith.

If you had been born a Norseman during the Bronze age, you would have never heard of the Christian or Hebrew God, yet truth would still exist independently sans any knowledge of the Hebrew God.

Truth can never strengthen a lie, only subdue and then defeat it.

Berlinski is merely in search of more truth.It’s the only path towards the light.

November 10, 2013 11:28 am

Well said, Gayle.

Faith in God should can never be diminished by the quest and acquisition of knowledge.The more knowledge Christians can wield ,the better able to stand against rising the tide of moral indifference.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 10, 2013 11:37 am

@ KB, sober up, get a good bath, change your sticky stained underwater ,clean the drool off your chin and then re-read the interview.It’ll read different when you’re no so dumbed down..promise. -flash

This nose picking booger eating pongid has nothing to say. Darwins theory of natural selection came about before the human race even knew about chromosomes or DNA.

As for re-reading this bit of self-serving high falutin’ rubbish I will paraphrase admin….

Below Me.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 10, 2013 11:39 am

Go serenade the worms flash.

November 10, 2013 11:41 am

TB, if the writings of the secular Jew Berlinskis threw you in a tizzy, the go here:

The study of Jesus by a Muslim Persian would be a real test to your faith….FWIW, it wasn’t for mine,,In fact I immensely enjoyed the historical information contained therein.Truth sometimes comes in puzzle to be put together one discovered piece at a time.

November 10, 2013 11:42 am

KB, break keyboard wind again , and I’m supposed to be impressed?


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 10, 2013 11:44 am

A chain of terrorist attacks has struck scientists in Mexico since 2011. Similar actions were taken in Switzerland in 2010 and in Italy in 2012. The Mexican attacks have been claimed by a group called Individuals Tending Towards Savagery (ITS). Their texts are littered with references to Theodore Kaczynski (the Unabomber) and expressions including “fire on nanotechnological development and on those that support it”. Nanotechnology is portrayed as the cause of a future ecological catastrophe, generated by the self-replication of lethal nano-robots.

Calamity is probably thrilled Ted has inspired this primitive savagery.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 10, 2013 11:46 am

Tell you what, flush, why don’t you summarize what this bloated gasbag means to you.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 10, 2013 11:55 am

Berlinski is merely in search of more truth.It’s the only path towards the light. -flush

O.BS. If he hasn’t found it by now he never will.

You want to find the non-burning light?

Listen carefully to your surroundings and when you hear that ‘air-egg crack pop, it’s not the house settling, remember what you were thinking when it happened. Seek within yourself not outside of it.