Coconut oil, magnesium, vinegar ….. It seems like Admin has converted to being a total Health Nut. Good for him!! Let’s see if I can convert him, and you, to the Best Salt on the planet.


NO! Other than saturated fat, I don’t think there’s another NUTRIENT so universally maligned and demonized as salt. “Salt = Bad Food” is just about every doctor’s mantra. In a nutshell, that’s horseshit. The absolute truth of the matter is that BAD salt is bad for you …….. good salt will keep you healthy.



A quick word about studies. Do you remember when movie popcorn was really delicious, crunchy, and flavorful … as compared to today? Back in the good old times movies cooked popcorn in coconut oil. But then a few libtard activists along with substantial funding from the Soybean Industry were able to convince Americans — or, at least theater owners — that coconut oil is about as evil as Satan himself. Bye bye healthy popcorn! You can read about the popcorn-coconut-oil SCAM here;

Go ahead and google “is salt bad for you”. “Yes!!” … “No!!” … you’ll find ample proof for both. So, who you gonna believe?

The American Heart Association recommends 1500 mg per day maximum. The USDA recommends 2300 mg per day maximum. And a recent study by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) says there is very little to no evidence that going below 2300 mg of sodium per day will actually benefit anyone …… and may even harm some! It took me a while to find a free summary of the IOM report, but here it is.



Let me quote below (between the dashes) a website I’ve greatly enjoyed over the years, Marks Daily Apple.

——————————————————————————————————————- –
“Back in the 1980s, a massive global study of salt intake and blood pressure called INTERSALT was undertaken. Overall, it showed a modest association between the two, but some groups, particularly the undeveloped, non-industrial peoples who had very little access to salt (and other trappings of industrialization), had blood pressure that was generally extremely low. Foremost among these groups were the Yanomami of the Amazon rainforest.

The Yanomami have very low sodium excretion, which indicates very low sodium intake, and very low blood pressure. Even the elderly Yanomami enjoyed low blood pressure. This was convincing. I mean, it sounds convincing, right? Low salt intake, low lifelong incidence of hypertension – how much more cut and dry can you get? This low salt/low blood pressure connection seemed to also apply to other groups who happened to be living more traditional ways of life.

Except that there’s another non-industrialized group (and you only need one) whose slightly different results kinda muck up the Yanomami argument: the Kuna of Panama.

Among the Kuna, a tribe native to Panama, both salt intake and blood pressure were also historically low well into old age. To study whether the two variables were linked, researchers examined a group of “acculturated” Kuna with ample access to salt and an otherwise strict adherence to their traditional way of life. Little changed but the salt intake, in other words. But, despite consuming an average of 2.6 daily teaspoons of salt (and sometimes up to 6 teaspoons), the Kuna did not have hypertension, not even in old age. There was no change between the hypertensive statuses of 20 year old Kuna and 60 year old Kuna.

All in all, drastic reduction of sodium can reduce blood pressure by a few points. The evidence is pretty consistent on that. But the example of the Kuna shows THAT THERE’S WAY MORE TO BLOOD PRESSURE THAN HOW MUCH SALT YOU EAT, LIKE HOW MUCH POTASSIUM YOU EAT.”

——————————————————————————————————————- –


Yes!! You should avoid “low sodium” diets as much as “low fat” diets … both do much more harm than good.  Links and data for below statements can be found in the same Mark’s Daily Apple article found above.

———- a low salt diet increases insulin resistance in healthy men and women

———- a low salt diet leads to increased triglycerides and LDL and elevated stress hormones.

———- a low salt diet leads to increased arterial plaque formation

———- a low salt diet (under 3 grams per day and a high salt diet (over 6 grams of sodium per day) both increased the risk of stroke and heart attack at the same rate …. Eating between 4-6 grams of salt (about two teaspoons) is associated with the lowest risk of cardiovascular incidents

———- folks with a “medium” salt intake live longer than people who eat too little salt or too much salt.


Yes!!  Eat moar this.

Sodium and potassium actually have opposite effects on heart function. High sodium intake can indeed increase blood pressure, while high potassium intake can relax blood vessels and decrease blood pressure.

American salt consumption is anywhere from 150% -200% of the recommended daily limit — almost all of it due to eating shit processed food — while the average daily intake of potassium is estimated at only 60% of the recommended daily amount.

Therefore, the RATIO of sodium to potassium intakes probably represent a more important risk factor for hypertension and cardiovascular disease than each factor alone.


The SHIT below.

——— It’s HEAVILY refined shit absolutely denuded of ALL minerals

——— It has aluminum, ferro-cyanide, and bleach in it!! (anti-caking agents )

——— These chemicals added to keep salt from absorbing moisture. BUT, that interferes with one of salt’s main functions: — to regulate hydration in the body!

——— When you put salt on an open wound it burns, right? Refined salt does the same to your internal tissues. Your body retains water to protect itself, and your cells release water to help dilute, neutralize, and break down the salt. This loss of water dehydrates and weakens your cells and can even cause them to die prematurely. Another Big Ag clusterfuk … and the FDA knows it, and doesn’t give a shit.




Damn, you’re impatient. OK, here it is; Himalayan Pink Rock Salt

1)– It’s pink because of its rich and varying mineral and energy-rich iron content.

2)– Per a LewRockwell article yesterday — “Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals, electrolytes, and elements – a staggering number considering that only 118 elements are known to science.” —- You can read the spectral analysis here;

3)– “For this reason, adding more HIMALAYAN SALT TO YOUR DIET CAN HELP RECTIFY VIRTUALLY ANY MINERAL DEFICIENCY YOU MIGHT HAVE. Significantly, Himalayan salt contains iodine, magnesium, zinc, iron, and calcium – the five minerals in which the United States population are most deficient.

4)– Although it comes from the mountains, it is technically a sea salt. ALL salt comes from a salted body of water. But as our oceans become more and more polluted salt directly from that source may not be the best option.

5)– It is believed that Himalayan mountain salt is the purest on the planet. The belief is that many millions of years ago crystallized sea salt beds, now deep within the Himalayans, were covered by lava. Aside from being kept it in a pristine environment that has been surrounded by snow and ice year round, the lava also protects the salt from modern-day pollution.

6)– Some believe that Himalayan salts detoxify the body from heavy metals. Others discard the idea. It appears there isn’t enough scientific data to come to a clear conclusion either way. I do know when I take just a regular Epsom Salt bath I feel tremendously more relaxed and it CLEARLY relieves minor muscle pains.

7)– It just TASTES BETTER. I’ve been using it for years. I get it from Trader Joe’s … it comes in rock form in a built in grinder. One can buy much greater quantities at a better price online, both in rock form, and fine crystals.


I came across this web site a little while back. It looks quite interesting, but I haven’t tried it yet.

They claim to have less sodium chloride and more minerals than Himalayan salt. It is harvested in Mexico (Cuyutlán) by traditional salineros (salt farmers) using environmentally friendly techniques that are over 150 years old … and harvested from the very same saltpans where the Aztecs made their salt over 500 years ago. It’s more expensive than Himalayan salt, probably because there is only a 16 week season (between February and May). Maybe Juan, El Coyote, El Camino, can ‘splain it better.


Hope you all learned something new. I’ve posted this before. This is a really, really informative, interesting, fascinating, easy-to-read book. I highly recommend it.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 9, 2014 4:42 pm

Thanks Stucky. I have at least a dozen different salts here at home including that Himalayan pink salt and all of those mentioned by T4C. I also have a 10lb block of Himalayan pink salt that I heat up on a grill and then cook meats directly on top of the salt block.

My favorite is the Sel Gris that T4C highlights above. I’m not sure how or why this stuff retains its moisture but I love using this on gently cooked, fresh vegetables. Most of our local grocery stores have “salt bars” with a dozen or more different salts you can buy in any quantity. The differences in taste are quite remarkable. My wife and I are excellent cooks. Thanks to our former nomadic lives associated with the military, we were exposed to foods from all over the world. Southern food, Cajun food and Spanish/Mediterranean are our favorites and we took the time to learn how to cook them. Our friends are always amazed at the varieties of food we make.

I have moderately high blood pressure that is well controlled. I tried a low salt diet for six months with no discernible reduction in blood pressure. I was even put on a no salt diet (fucking sucked) for three months with no discernible difference. Even when I went back to consuming my “regular” levels of salt there was no change. I no longer worry about salt. My best friend eats so much salt that everyone who sees him salt his food is appalled. I still cringe after seeing him do this for 20+ years. Ive tasted his food after he has salted it and it’s terrible! You can barely taste the food. He’s never had high blood pressure.

February 9, 2014 4:56 pm

Another favorite is these little pyramid shaped salt crystals. They range from no-see-um size to half inch wide and taste fantastic. I will just occasionally eat a crystal or two by itself.
[imgcomment image[/img]

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 9, 2014 5:08 pm

IndenturedServant says:

“Another favorite is these little pyramid shaped salt crystals. They range from no-see-um size to half inch wide and taste fantastic. I will just occasionally eat a crystal or two by itself.”

I’m tempted to ask how long the high lasts. thx for the pic.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 9, 2014 5:12 pm

as kids, we ate salt, chile and dried lemon juice treats in a straw until we threw up, we never knew it could raise our blood pressure, ha.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 9, 2014 5:15 pm

anti-seizure meds warn to watch for low sodium as that could kill you, seems you need salt to conduct nerve signals. who knew salt was important. guess that’s why they paid soldiers a ‘salary’.

February 9, 2014 5:52 pm

Thanks, Stucky, for providing a really great dose of REALITY.

This anti-salt campaign is another fucking scam. Some ancient cultures used salt as a form of currency. Gee, I wonder why?

February 9, 2014 6:04 pm

Thanks, Stucky. I’ve been a fan of natural salts for years and regularly use Himalayan Pink at home.

The thing most people don’t realize when they swap out table salt for “good” salt is that you need far less. My sister-in-law is one of those who over-salts everything; as you know, in the Midwest, the only flavor/spice added is salt. I can barely eat her food, it’s so salty; it’s not unusual for her to add 2-3 salt-added flavorings to packaged foods (bouillon, Lawry’s AND table salt) that are already processed with copious amounts of salt. Not only did her husband (my younger brother) die at age 40, but four of her brothers have had strokes under the age of 55. And she’s hugely overweight, with high blood pressure and pre-diabetic.

Salt CAN be very, very bad for you — but you’re right, the FDA doesn’t care. Like most things, it’s good in moderation, but people who eat too much over-processed foods are getting far more than they should. It’s in everything — I was amazed this past summer to find the Snapple my nephew was drinking had sodium in it. No one would ever add salt to iced tea, but when you eat or drink prepared foods/beverages, you’re bound to get it without knowing it.

I_S, I’m coming to your house for dinner! Never heard of grilling on a salt block before… that sounds amazing. Have you ever tried dry-brining?

February 9, 2014 6:09 pm

Interesting stuff Stuck. I eat way to much salt (the Morton variety, as pictured above). I have low blood pressure, and crave salt, so I eat it. Without sodium and potassium, your heart and brain would stop working (see bb). They use potassium for the final injection in lethal injections, as too much stops your heart dead.

Sodium draws water out of cells, into the 3rd space (lymphatic) and also into your circulatory system, increasing volume. The increased volume puts more work on your heart, so older people and anyone with left ventricular problems should be very, very careful how much salt they eat. And, you kidneys regulate salt (potassium and sodium) in your blood very, very strictly, so even if you eat too much salt, your kidneys clear it out quickly.

And, as always, I gotta say, people with obesity have blood pressure problems, and eat all kinds of shit with too much salt. Their blood pressure is astronomical sometimes, the silent killer. I think salt has gotten a bad rap, mainly due to other factors associated with obesity. It’s obesity that kills 340,000 Americans every year, not salt intake.

I glad you can find more ways for me to piss my money away, enticing me into buying expensive designer salt. Salt is salt, sodium chloride, although boomers have to eat expensive imported salt, because, damn it, they’re worth it. You need to set up some kind of business hawking all this crap to boomers, you’d get rich.

February 9, 2014 8:28 pm


I get free XM and Sirius Radio on the satellite TV. It’s great, especially Lithium and the classical channels.

And as far as the salt goes, your stomach, the absorptive epithelium of your intestines, your blood (which has the same salt content, 0.9% as sea water), your neurons, and your kidneys only recognize NaCL and KCl, sorry. How it’s processed and how much money you pay for it make no difference whatsoever. Morton salt, btw, has iodine, which is used by your thyroid to make thyroxine, the “master” endocrine gland and the most important hormone for metabolism.

February 9, 2014 8:56 pm

Stuck, I suppose you’re right, as usual. I know what you’re saying, and I think you know what I’m saying. But I figure eating cyanide is good for me, builds up a resistance for the next time my ex-wife or the nurses try and poison me. I’ll be immune! Yea!

February 9, 2014 8:59 pm

AWD says:

Stuck, I suppose you’re right, as usual. I know what you’re saying, and I think you know what I’m saying. But I figure eating cyanide is good for me, builds up a resistance for the next time my ex-wife or the nurses try and poison me. I’ll be immune! Yea!

AWD, I can’t speak for the nurses, but your ex-wife wants you to keep your health for as long as you remain her cash cow. What is the difference between an ex-wife and Israel? Nothing.

February 9, 2014 9:08 pm


Correct you are. When we were still married, she took out a $3 million life insurance policy on me. I suspect I was exposed to more than cyanide back then. And yes, I’m a cash cow. Between the IRS and her, I don’t have a pot to piss in anymore.

February 9, 2014 9:09 pm

I received a 12″x 2″ round pink Himalayan salt block as a give several years ago. I think it was from this site:

Cooking on it does not harm it. It does erode a little from use and cleaning. I usually let it dry and scrape it lightly with a wide spatula which keps the surfaces flatter. You can wipe it off with a clean, damp dish towel. You do have to heat it up slowly and evenly to prevent it from cracking. Even if it cracks or breaks you can still cook on the pieces or grind them up for your food.

@Thinker, I’ve never heard of dry-brining.

February 9, 2014 9:13 pm

Stucky said:
” But, I’m afraid it might be a Sting .. and I’ll get Sgt. Dickwad at the Chatham Police.”

Use your sisters phone.

February 9, 2014 9:23 pm

AWD, I am in a similar situation. I am still paying child support on my oldest daughter, who will be 24 this June, simply because she is still in college. Nevermind that my ex-wife hasn’t given her a cent since she moved out of her house when she was 18. This I shit you not. Yes I am aware that I could have this portion of my obligation direct deposited into her bank account, but my daughter, used to getting no support from her mom, has shown no interest in it. When I am able to become a legal resident of Texas, my first move will be to transfer jurisdiction to my county and end this charade.

I have also told, to deaf ears, that she should sue her mom for the six years of child support that her mom owes her. *sound of crickets*

February 9, 2014 9:27 pm

You have to pay child support after they turn 18? Fuck me….

February 9, 2014 9:51 pm

@T4C, thanks for that info! You said:
“(Sounds like a natural form of Adderall, or back in my 20′s, Black Beauties)”

Damn I loved those things! I wonder if they are still made? You could work huge hours and say sharp as a tack.

Thanks to Sillyman and T4C for posting about Rhodiola Rosea. I freaking love this place! The stress from learning this job is killing me. I’ll do a little reading before jumping in but it might be worth trying.

February 9, 2014 10:31 pm

I missed the coconut oil thread so I’ll post this here.

I use coconut oil for dry skin but it solidifies in the jar making it a pain in the ass to use easily. Clean out some yogurt containers or something similar and warm up the coconut oil and pour it into the cups. Then put the cups in the fridge or freezer……..or outside this time of year. Once solid, pop the chunks out of the cup and you can use them just you would soap.

February 9, 2014 10:39 pm

So, the most commented on thread today is about salt. Fuck me dead, again.

Salt. Unbelievable.

Tomorrow maybe someone will post a thread about the life cycle of snails. That should be good for a few hundred comments.

The world is falling to shit. And a thread about salt gets the most posts.

Fuck. Me. Dead.

No offence, Stuck. I guess you understand your readers, and give them what they want.

Salt. Unbelievable.

February 9, 2014 10:44 pm

AWD said:
“Stuck, I suppose you’re right, as usual. I know what you’re saying, and I think you know what I’m saying.”

Salt is salt as far as your body is concerned but with the so called artisan or gourmet salts which I just consider to be 100% natural, you get the added benefits of trace minerals and nutrients. Just knowing that no corporate scientist has fucked with it is reason enough to buy natural. I’d imagine that trace mineral rich salts probably reduce or eliminate the need for other supplements containing them.

You can easily increase your iron intake by cooking in cast iron regularly.

February 9, 2014 10:45 pm

I_S, the chef at Zuni Cafe in California, Judy Rodgers, is widely recognized as developing the technique (though we know packing in salt, pickling and brining go back centuries). Her roast chicken is apparently the most famous, but it can be used on turkey, ribs and other meats, as well. Everything you could possibly want to know here, with a few specialty recipes below.




February 9, 2014 10:49 pm

Holy fuck! I can’t type worth a shit tonight! Clammy put a hex on my ass!

February 9, 2014 10:52 pm

Thanks Thinker!

@AWD, I’m not surprised about comment counts. Doom gets old.

February 9, 2014 10:55 pm

And I screwed up the link to the Ribs recipe. It’s here:

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 9, 2014 11:22 pm


Fuck that shit. They used to give us, not required, at work, the hangers were 100+ degrees and humid as a sauna.

Salt doesnt add water to your system, it works like reverse osmosis. IE salt water tends to suck water out of your body.

Its why you die if your stranded in a life boat and drink it.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 9, 2014 11:28 pm

Movie suggestion for your baked goodies.

February 9, 2014 11:46 pm

T4C, forget baking… we’re talking meat, salt and fire here!

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 9, 2014 11:52 pm

Thx t4c i’m not gonna eat for a week,now.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 9, 2014 11:54 pm

Jeebus on a spit, dont salt the steak or ribs or chicken before you cook it, it sucks out the juices.

Ever put salt on a slug and watched what happened?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 9, 2014 11:57 pm

Google really needs to ban foodies.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 10, 2014 12:10 am

sensetti says:

“Llpoh says: So, the most commented on thread today is about salt. Fuck me dead, again.
It’s only fitting that tomorrow’s cooking with Stuck thread should feature the virtues of black pepper.”

has Stuck ever used the N word in anger? we need to know before admin goes all in on this food blog idea.

February 10, 2014 12:24 am

I started following here after two excellent articles about the hunger games a month or two back.

Stucky seems like a nice enough person from New Jersey, but when you deluge a good site, which purports to be a clearinghouse for info related to this crisis of civilization we all face, with the sort of ‘ha ha I went in and out of a coffee shop and made a rent a cop super pissed’, and oh yeah ‘there’s lots of different kinds of salt’, the effort required to weed thru to the worthwhile content becomes more than the content is worth.

Don’t you agree, IndentedSphincture? Yes, doom gets old, but for a blog to remain relevant, you have to stay (somewhat) on topic.

February 10, 2014 12:26 am

KB @11:54: “don’t salt before you cook it, it sucks out the juices.”

That’s kind of the point of dry brining, KB. It draws out the moisture, the moisture dissolves the salt, the meat sucks it back in, tenderizing and flavoring the tissue while creating a moisture ‘barrier’ that protects the meat from drying out while grilling.

I’m sure our resident chemist could explain it better than that, but it works like a charm.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 10, 2014 12:40 am

That’s kind of the point of dry brining, KB. It draws out the moisture, the moisture dissolves the salt, the meat sucks it back in, tenderizing and flavoring the tissue while creating a moisture ‘barrier’ that protects the meat from drying out while grilling -Thinker

“Dry Brining: So, what is dry brining? To dry brine a turkey you apply salt directly to the meat, like using a rub. The salt draws out some of the moisture in the meat, mixes to form a salty liquid that is absorbed back into the meat with a higher salt concentration. In most ways this works similarly to a traditional water brine but, without the extra moisture”

Thanks, but I am gonna pass on higher salt in my stomach.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 10, 2014 12:45 am

To reiterate, I am not a slab of bacon that needs to be cured with concentrated salt.

February 10, 2014 1:26 am

@solismart, no I don’t agree at all. TBP fits me like a glove to be honest. Nearly everyone who posts is very knowledgeable in multiple areas and always willing to learn more. From Mary Malone and her expertise in the mortgage business to Stucky and TeresaE with their knowledge of natural products and health to admin and AWD’s analysis of doom, TBP kicks ass. Even those I disagree with on some things like Billy have incredible knowledge to share and it benefits anyone who is willing listen.

Read what you want, skip the rest. Most of the regulars tend to be INTJ personality types and we seem to devour all sorts of knowledge. I can get doom anywhere including here but TBP offers so much more.

February 10, 2014 1:43 am

Kill Bill, your body will naturally process out any excess salt it does not need. Brining meat has a marvelous effect on the finished product. I said earlier that I had not heard of dry-brining but after reading about it. It is the way I was taught to prepare steaks years ago.

If the govt says salt it bad for you I figure it must be a lie.

February 10, 2014 1:57 am

AWD , I saw that condescending little shot at me (see bb ).I drink VA vegetable juice 3 times a day .No need to say anything else.

February 10, 2014 6:23 am

Nice Admin dopple Llpoh.

I got more thumbs up as a dopple than I get as myself.

harry p.
harry p.
February 10, 2014 9:06 am

great article stucky, top notch.

i read MDA’s on a regular basis and recommend it to anyone who is willing to listen.

February 10, 2014 9:25 am

Salted snails are delicious, and could easily provide material for 7 or 8 lengthy essays. Post collapse they will be considered a delicacy. Huzzah!