This info obliterates the MSM meme that the millions leaving the work force are retiring Boomers. They can’t retire because they haven’t saved a fucking dime for retirement. They were busy spending on McMansions, leasing BMWs, going on fine vacations, and buying electronic gadgets. They will work until the massive coronary hits due to their obesity from  sitting in a recliner for the last forty years munching cheetos. Meanwhile, millennials won’t get a chance to use their mad math skills from the common core curriculum, after taking on $50,000 of student loan debt and getting no jobs. But at least they’ve got Obamacare.

Record Jobs For Old Workers; Everyone Else – Better Luck Next Month

Tyler Durden's picture


We have long been pounding the table (certainly since mid-2012) that the US labor market has become a place where mostly older workers – those 55 and over – are hirable – something which has nothing to do with demographics, and everything to do with excess worker slack, and an employer’s market to pick and chose those workers that are most qualified for a job since older workers have the same wage leverage as younger ones: none. February was merely the latest confirmation of just this.

The chart below shows the age breakdown of the various age groups of workers hired in the past month. The vast majority, or 239K of the job gains(according to the Household survey), once again fell into the oldest group, those aged 55-69. The core demographic, those 25-54, rose by a negligible 29K. Everyone else, i.e., those 16-24, saw a total of 153K in job losses.


The good news (for them, and bad news for everyone else): the number of workers aged 55 and over just hit a fresh all time record high:


And finally, here is the full breakdown of “young vs old” jobs since the start of the Depression in December 2007: those 55 and older have gained 4.9 million jobs. Those under 55 are still some 3.1 million jobs below their December 2007 level.

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Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
March 7, 2014 12:00 pm

It seems that if the Boomers hadn’t had so many Millennial children, they would have been able to save more for retirement and not created such a huge, screwed generation of surplus labor.

Of course there were simply too many Boomers to begin with …

March 7, 2014 12:28 pm

Based on some of the Millenials I’ve met…a lot of Boomers should have pulled out .

March 7, 2014 12:49 pm

@Buckhed, funny thing that is, based on a lot of Boomers I know, the Silents shoulda’ been thinking the same thing.

Ah, truth.

Just wait until the new “minimum” wage kicks in and watch those numbers SOAR.

Everyone of us will be taking one helluva a pay cut.

Millions will find themselves cut off foodstamps (but will still be getting happy pills for free, the illness and death that comes is free too)

And the percentage of employed under 26 will go down AGAIN.

Thank god mommy & daddy are paying for cell phones (and health care) for 25 year old Junior. If they get pinched and are forced to cut off his phone access, it is going to be the domino that starts the revolution.

Every single thing Washington does enriches themselves while fucking the small business owner and our youth. All so that a few of the boomers can retire at their summer home.

This country, and the places we are headed, make me puke.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
March 7, 2014 12:57 pm

Don’t have kids.

(And happy Friday to my fellow misanthropic minions at TBP!)

March 7, 2014 1:18 pm

Boomers are screwing Millennials?


I am filled with the Holy Spirit today. I am filled with the Holy Spirit today. I am filled with the Holy Spirit today. I am filled with the Holy Spirit today. I am filled with the Holy Spirit today. I am filled with the Holy Spirit today. I am filled with the Holy Spirit today. I am filled with the Holy Spirit today.

Alrighty then. Proceed.

March 7, 2014 1:54 pm

Boomers won’t stop until they’re balls deep….we aren’t done getting fucked properly just yet. Fucking silents are still sucking the teat pretty hard. But when? ….. almost, but not yet. Went to grab some lunch and was surrounded by boomers yammering on about their petty cripes and bitches about this and that – then they segued to their homes in Scottsdale, I felt ill and wanted to remove myself before the rant I felt bubbling up reached daylight.

How many articles like this will it take to convince a boomer that maybe, maybe – they got a ‘game of life’ tournament bye?…….I’m not holding my breath.

March 7, 2014 2:21 pm

One in three millennials live in their parent’s basement. They don’t have much ambition, obviously. I wonder how many play WOW all day, eat boxes of ding-dongs, and update their Facebook status every time they take a crap, while mom and dad head off to work.

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And why in the world would the “work force” keep hiring more baby boomers? Boomers hiring other boomers? I just don’t get it. Is it because they still know how to add and subtract and millennials don’t?

March 7, 2014 2:27 pm

Good, then I can pick them up as hired help for pennies on the dollar. I need more minions in my life.

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March 7, 2014 2:56 pm

Why would a boss want to hire boomers instead of younger people? Here are some ideas:

1. They possess greater life and workplace wisdom
2. They are less prone to absences because of issues related to children and family
3. They can write coherent sentences and paragraphs due to the passé teaching methods of the 50”s and. 60’s
4. There is anecdotal evidence – or perhaps just perception. – that their work ethic is superior to the Millenials’.

I’m not defending the lopsided access to the workplace that Boomers enjoy. But somebody makes the decision that they are a better investment for an employer.

March 7, 2014 3:31 pm

If the EMPLOYERS are hiring boomers over minnies, how the hell is that boomers screwing minnies? I’d agree that the boomers screwed their own children by giving them all trophies for having a pulse and telling them that they were all special and “trying” is all that matters.

To be honest the vast majority of minnies I know personally (and TPC & Rose virtually) are awesome. I work with six minnies and they seem to be equal to their boomer and X’er counterparts in every way. They’re open to new ideas, can take instruction, know how to read, write and perform basic math quickly and correctly and they have integrity. Every one of those traits are essential to the jobs offered. Of course we have some pretty stringent hiring guidelines and I’m sure the resume review/interview process eliminates the Clammy types early. None of our entry level jobs require a degree and they pay about $20/hr to start with full bennies after six months.

PJ, BUCKHED, TeresaE and Gayle have it exactly right though. Most minnies I deal with outside of work are pretty fucked up. Maybe they are just pissed off but I see no ambition or desire to do or be better.

PJ, your standard “Don’t have kids” advice never gets old and I could not agree more.

March 7, 2014 5:57 pm

Stuck – that only extends to me. Everything else is fair game. Sic ’em.

A man can only take so much.

March 7, 2014 6:01 pm

I will hire a boomer over a minnie every time. I vote my dollars on that issue. I make money on boomers, not on minnies. Gotta find healthy boomers, tho. Not easy.

NIck A
NIck A
March 7, 2014 6:41 pm

Here in “Sunny Australia”, the vast majority of my “Customers” comprise the “Boomer Parents” generation.

They are the ones sucking up hundreds of millions of taxpayer $$s for cardiovascular, orthopaedic and general medical procedures (and believe me, they are not at all shy when claiming “Their Rights, Mate!”)

They are also the demographic group cruising the Country in “very comfortable” (i.e. large) RVs, usually with a large “sports boat” on the back. It is no exaggeration at all to describe the mindset of this demographic as being “I’ve retired, so I’m “entitled” to live a permanent holiday” one.

They are also the demographic with the “RE Investment Portfolio” – and they are certainly the demographic that have profited the most from the astronomical boom in Australian housing prices.

So, my point is that us Boomers are not necessarily “The Devil Incarnate” that some wish to portray. We have certainly made mistakes as a Generation (or rather we have been obliged to stand by whilst “our Leaders” have made their mistakes, and dumped the consequences on us, and those in the later cohorts), yet we have also made very significant visible (and not-so-visible) contributions to Society, many of which underpin the relatively safe and comfortable modern lifestyle enjoyed by the Western majority.

Rather than continuing the intergenerational infighting, maybe if we all learned to co-operate a little more, we might arrive at a mutually beneficial outcome that bit sooner, rather than succumb to the current directed strategy of “divide and conquer” – and we ALL know who is pulling these particular strings (or at least we should be aware – by now!)

March 8, 2014 3:38 am

Well folks, I haven’t been hanging around here much because after my divorce I decided to jump off the doom ship and join a multinational corporation. I decided to stop hating the 1%, and now have a firm plan to work my way up there over the next 5 years. I abandoned some of my long held values, have put my kids in the care of private school educators, and am now officially “the man of the family.”

I work with mostly Boomers (yet again, with 80 million of them ahead of me, this has been a life long issue). I work my ass off, they mostly glare at me all day long. Why? Because I work at breakneck efficiency to kick their asses at the job we do. Many of them have been cushy in the corporation or similar competitors for 20-30 years or more. They are complacent, and just coasting along on the fact that they raised their children to be dullards and imbeciles who are unemployable. They can be fat, tired, sick, grumpy, and mediocre because that is still better than so many of the brats they raised.

But you know what pisses Boomers the fuck off worse than anything? When a youngster comes in with intelligence, work ethic, health, energy, youth, and bulldog tenacity — and then works circles around them with utter competence. They glare at me all day long because I can spell, write coherently, do math in my head, go above and beyond on every task, come in early, stay late, and my body is still firm and toned with a BMI under 22, and although I am in my mid 30s I appear to be a millennial in my late 20s. They hate my fucking guts because I remind them that they are old…. And I am making them soil their Depends because they fear there are others like me. And there are!

I had an angry post-menopausal Boomer woman at work tell me that 20 years ago she was the immediate supervisor of our big corporate boss, back when he was a fresh faced mid-20s newbie, then she glared at me. This big boss is firmly a GenXer in his mid-40s, but he worked circles around a bunch of Boomers and made the company a whole lot of money and he moved up to be in charge of our entire regional division. In my particular office, the manager is in his 30s, he is my age and the immediate boss to all these Boomers and me. He started out in my position in an office out East, worked his ass off, made the corporation a whole lot of money and transferred in order to get promoted.

Is it possible for Gen Xers and Millennials to succeed? As individuals, hell yes – corporations want youth, tenacity and talent. As a group, probably not, because as a whole group a lot of us are pessimistic lazy fuckers who can’t do basic things or stick to something long enough to succeed. So far, I am finding that businesses want to get as much work out of you and make as much money off of your employment as possible… While spending the least amount on you in benefits. (Fancy that, they are trying to generate profits). When they recruit a rare Gen Xer or Millennial who can kick ass, they are all over us like white on rice, and want to keep you at their company into the future. We don’t have gout, goiters, Hep C, hip replacement surgeries, 55 prescription meds, we need less sick time and less health care, we aren’t vested yet so we don’t get a bunch of matching funds from the company into the old 401k, we came into the company after all the cushy shit the Boomers were promised when they started out. In short, we cost the company less, and if we work our asses off and sacrifice our family and personal time, we can make them a lot more money than tired, sick old farts can. Plus we can help the old Boomers figure out how to use their company iPads and iPhones, and diagnose and fix wifi network problems in the office without having to call India. Corporations WANT us, and would love to ditch the expensive buckets of decay that have occupied the same desks for decades… They just can’t find 10s of millions of us with the basic skills, and more importantly the will, to get in and get busy. But those who do are coveted and courted. I fucking love it. I smile and work my ass off and am as cheerful and helpful around the office as can be – because I know that at least a couple of the Boomers go home and cry and worry about getting canned because I do good work.

I will say to all the other Gen Xers and Millennials who are sick of the Boomer hegemony of America… Go kick their asses. Take their fucking jobs. Out perform them, out produce them, get promoted above them and watch them grimace and drop like flies from combo stress/obesity caused coronaries. It’s amazingly cathartic.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
March 8, 2014 4:45 am

Corporations WANT us, and would love to ditch the expensive buckets of decay that have occupied the same desks for decades

Good, maybe then I will stop having a problem with being insubordinate.

March 8, 2014 4:54 am

SAH ,you do realize you are getting old.You will lose your looks ,you will have mind darts and probably end up just like most boomers.I would rather be a boomer anyday then but a hateful ,miserable bitch like you.

March 8, 2014 9:00 am


That a woman with your sweet, kind, gentle disposition would get a divorce is shocking. Shocking, I tell you! Hubby must have been a real Meany.

“When they recruit a rare Gen Xer or Millennial who can kick ass, they are all over us like white on rice, and want to keep you at their company into the future.” ———- SAH

That has been, is, and will be the same for every generation. Of course companies want hard driving “go getters”.

I chuckle to myself — yes, I chuckle on occasion — at the thought of you having to kiss some boomer ass to get ahead. Funny stuff, there.

What generation is HNIC Oreo? (I can’t keep track of this stuff.) Some years down the road when the entire USA accepts that he destroyed this country …….. will everyone blame THAT generation of his? As if they had any say in the matter?? Probably … cuz people connect-the-dots in a very weird manner. We Boomers are pretty much in the same boat. Most of us had very little input as to the shit OUR politicians were doing to us.

March 8, 2014 10:54 am

Stephanie Shepard says:
“Good, maybe then I will stop having a problem with being insubordinate.”

LOL! Please pay particular attention to the part about them wanting SKILLED AND TALENTED people, not faux, know it all bitches blaming others for their problems. Even if you meet those two requirements being insubordinate should NEVER be on your list of tools for success.

SAH is light years ahead of you in skill. You are closer to bb.

March 8, 2014 6:06 pm


I want to personally thank you for your contributions to society, both through your genes and parenting skills… Don’t you have an unemployable, diagnosed mentally unstable Millennial son who is mandated to take medication and remain a ward of the State? This perfectly illustrates my point. Epic parenting failures and mass medicating of their children is exactly why fat old Boomers with man boobs are able to keep their jobs, because the more desirable traits of youth and energy have been eclipsed by the tremendous job Boomer parents did in raising incompetent, medicated dolts. Well done, more room at the top for hard driving go getters.

Also, didn’t you marry and divorce a bat shit crazy holy roller who went on to adopt multiple black children? Oreo indeed.

BTW – you may want to put on your bifocals, old man. I repeatedly wrote “kick Boomer ass”, not “kiss Boomer ass”. Still learning to read for comprehension, eh?

You make me chuckle quite a bit too. At least you get responses from me, unlike some Boomers who continue to address me even though I have never deemed them worthy of a response.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
March 8, 2014 6:14 pm

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March 8, 2014 6:36 pm

SAH – your basic premises are incorrect. Forget what you think you know.

You can succeed in two ways in big business. One, by being an extremely good political animal. Doubt that is you. Two, by being really good at your job, and avoiding political entanglements. That you are noticing, or even thinking about, the middle manager drones is indicative you are not getting this one right, either.

Re who corps want, it depends. Corps need young managers capable of rising to the top. They need to hire a lot of young to find one capable or willing to do so. By their very nature, corps need legions of middle managers, who will be content in that role forever.

Boomers with experience are pretty good choices there. Young and unreliable and untested folks are much riskier, and tend to job hop. So, all being considered, they will go with the boomer.

Your advantage is the willingness to do what it takes to move up. Your liability is you still have a bad attitude – no offence intended.

You want to move up, get your fucking head on straight. Those boomers you are talking about know that they are going nowhere, and they know that for you to go somewhere you will probably need to step on their heads. Too bad for them.

Concentrate on your job. Fuck them. To get ahead you will have to expose them as incompetent, and show yourself as superior. Do it without remorse. You have a job to do, so get on with it.

Your superiors will see, sooner or later, and then you are off and running.

Forget about those older folks. When I was around 28 I was running a plant of around 700 people. There was a manager for every 20 or so employees. I was the youngest manager. You can do the math, but there were around 35 managers that were older than me that I bypassed. I did not waste one second thinking about them. Focus on the job.

March 8, 2014 6:48 pm

This Boomer isn’t going to toot his own horn in here (much). I’ll just say that of our engineering staff, I am the oldest. We have two beautiful, young, female french engineers in their mid 20’s, and several others (male) who aren’t much older. My boss is about 10 years younger than me. All, save me and one other, are French. They are also very capable and I respect every one of them. We are collaborative, not competitive. Because of my experience, I generally get the toughest assignments. Monday I fly out west to assess improvements at a cheese plant in the production of whey protein isolates.

I hate politics of all kinds, but especially corporate. When I have problems with someone, I only take them upstairs if we can’t work it out behind closed doors. We always do, nor have I ever kissed ass and I have the pink slips on my CV to prove it.

My kids are doing okay. One finishes high school this year, and the other is a 5th year senior in college majoring in horticulture and enology with a minor in chemistry.

I think this generational war garbage is utter bullshit and I’ll have nothing to do with it. So there.

March 8, 2014 6:49 pm

To my younger Gen X and Millennial compatriots — depending on your personal skills and aptitudes, here are some industries you can go kick ass in, which won’t be outsourced, and which capitalize on the existence of Boomers:

1. Nursing (NP are the new MDs).

2. Taxi service — make sure your vehicle is fat-person mobility device (hover round and rascal) compliant, and take advantage of the fact that a giant wave of Alzheimer’s is going to make driving Boomers around very profitable.

3. Funeral director. Crematoriums, specialty vehicles, and embalming facilities upgraded to deal with the morbidly obese deceased. Also, “green” cemeteries, and pet cemeteries.

4. Drug and alcohol rehab for old people — geriatric rehab is the fastest growing and least served segment of the addict population.

5. Hotel and Hospitality industry, the Boomers aren’t doing the motor home thing as much as previous generations of old people, but they certainly plan to stay at hotels, motels, spa resorts, etc and spend everything they can while they can. The industry is bracing itself and jacking up prices due to supply and demand.

6. Environmental remediation construction — EPA approved removal and repair of asbestos, toxic mold, and meth manufacturing residues. Boomers love the environment, and that makes fixing it according to EPA regulations super expensive.

7. Pharmaceutical industry – Boomers love their drugs, always have and always will. You can be in sales, R&D, or even a Pharmacist, this industry is booming and has plenty of money to buy off Congress.

8. Any type of corporate cut throat dog-eat-dog type work where they strictly measure and account for your production. In this type of company, the only numbers they care about have $ in front of them. Stay away from union jobs or companies that do things based primarily on seniority, because you will be royally screwed by Boomers.

9. Farming – people are always gonna eat. Boomers like eating a lot. If you can find your way into big agribusiness, you will have Congress paid off to look out for your interests.

10. Shit – sewage treatment, septic pumping, porta-potties. We all know what Boomers are full of. It’s a dirty job, but I know a few people in the shit business, and this is one service people are loathe to give up if at all possible.

11. Anything related to Jimmy Buffett, CS&N, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, Woodstock, The Beach Boys, etc. the Boomers stubbornly loved all this shit even when better music and times came around (1990s) but with short term memory loss setting in, they literally can’t remember anything else. Think about starting tribute bands and go on a tour of casino all-you-can-eat buffets.

12. Crooked evangelist such as Joel Osteen. Lots of Boomers are loving this shit and sending $ every day. They rejected the fire and brimstone religion of their forefathers, but in their old age eat this feel-good prosperity and forgiveness bullshit up, lots are finding Jesus and dollars in their wallet for fake ass evangelism. You can also go the route of New Age hippy-dippy shit, transcendental guru Deepok Chopera crap, etc… they love that too. Basically, if you can stomach lying to these fuckers and telling them they are right and good and forgiven and awesome then you can get their money. Boomers love being absolved of responsibility and told that they can wish their way into prosperity and eternal life.

Think creatively, the Boomers cry poverty, but they have the biggest piece of the pie. Figure out industries where you can get their wealth from them willingly… Or industries where you can just outwork them with.

March 8, 2014 7:05 pm

LLPOH says this is totally wrong:

“businesses want to get as much work out of you and make as much money off of your employment as possible… While spending the least amount on you in benefits. (Fancy that, they are trying to generate profits). ”

And that I should definitely forget knowing how to do all of this: “spell, write coherently, do math in my head, go above and beyond on every task, come in early, stay late”


March 8, 2014 7:07 pm

@Admin – nice blog, I am signing off of here for good.

Best wishes kiddos.


March 8, 2014 7:36 pm

SAH – where did I say that?

March 8, 2014 7:39 pm


Good riddance. White trash whore who preaches to everyone and can’t stay married. bwahahaha

March 8, 2014 7:45 pm

Llpoh, Here is my take on SAH. Based on her “work” here I’ll give her credit for everything she says about herself. That said, she is/will increasingly become cynical and frustrated because her rise will be less than her expectations. Success has many fathers and one of them are professional relationships. The lazy Boomers she refers to will be much harder to supplant than she thinks, because they have the benefit of the “good old boys club.” They have contacts and friendships that span decades. She, on the other hand is a loner type. Regardless of the quality of her work and the hours she puts in, she will always be the outsider looking in; someone you don’t want to make an enemy of and who when tasked appropriately, can make her supervisors look better, but who will rarely achieve promotions because when it comes down to it, she is neither liked nor trusted.

March 8, 2014 7:50 pm

PS, I am listening to the panel on US-Israeli relations that took place yesterday…all 8 hours of it. It has former military, spooks, a USS liberty survivor, academics and policy wonks and it is remarkable. When I’m finished I’ll post it.

March 8, 2014 7:54 pm

SAH – your mistake is thinking it has anything to do with age. And thinking about it whatsoever is a waste of time. Thirty year old, forty year old, fifty, sixty year old middle managers all behave the same way. Always have.

I suggest you need to attitude adjust. You are not seeng the world correctly. You are mistaken as to what corps want. They need some go getters, but they survive on the mediocre.

The reason big corps are totally policy and procedure driven is that they know most folks are mediocre, and so they structure themselves to survive that reality. There are only so many senior positions. There are millions of middle managers. And they are good at surviving. It is what they do. They will toss you under the bus if given a chance. It has nothing to do with age.

You really do not know what corps want. You know what they want in rising managers, but not in general. Corps rely on and need their drones. Too many high fliers and they are fucked – only a small percentage of managers rise. If all a company has is managers fighting to be top dog, then they are truly fucked. Turnover and morale will be abysmal.

You need to understand better. You need to quit looking down on the middle managers, as they will make or break your career. You need to understand what they are, and what they do, and how to get what you need from them. The world is full of mediocre and bad managers. You need to work with that.

This shit is my sweet spot. Learn or do not. Up to you.

March 8, 2014 8:00 pm

Z – you are pretty close with your analysis. She needs to learn how to use those folks to her advantage. Frustration is unproductive. She needs to concentrate on her job and nothing else. But she is already being pissed off. Nothing good will come from that.

To reach CEO at a big corp you have to be a politician. But to reach higher management can be done by being really good at your job. Because CEOs get to be CEOs by having good sense to use those types as their stepping stones.

March 8, 2014 8:01 pm

SAH ,come back here you Pussy and fight like the mean bitch you are.!!!….damn AWD will be heartbroken.

March 8, 2014 8:18 pm


I hope you’ll stay with TBP. You have a lot of valuable comments and experience to contribute to an interesting, educational, and lively discussion on this forum. I like some, but certainly not all, of your observations. Most of all, because of the personal and professional challenges you have had to deal with, I like your grit.

This is much like my attitude toward Stephanie Shepard, who is a real pip, but she puts herself out there, and I believe she is a genuine article. Driving strong-willed women OF ANY AGE away from this site is just plain, fucking stupid.

Good luck with your new job and the plan you have laid out for your future. Stop by frequently and continue to share your thoughts.

March 8, 2014 8:55 pm

It’s like a middle school cheerleading squad on here the last few days. the entire commentary of this site all week could be summarized by the singsong “You stepped over a line, I’m leaving” and then “no, don’t leave, this ‘place’ wouldn’t be the same without you”…”ok I’ll keep commenting.”

Everyone, quick, make a sandwich, find a homeless person to give it to. Engage something real.

March 8, 2014 9:29 pm

Solistupid – what say you engage your real lips to my real ass.

March 8, 2014 10:22 pm

Damn SAH bailed? I kinda liked her. I was always waiting for the right moment to ask her about a comment she once made about how she kept her husband from straying by “draining his balls several times per week”. A bit later she announced that she was divorced because he was cheating on her.

Oh well.

March 8, 2014 10:27 pm

I love this place! You can be kicking someone’s ass one minute and getting your ass kicked the next. Funny shit!

The Week At Tbp
The Week At Tbp
March 9, 2014 1:21 am

Solismack says:

“the entire commentary of this site all week could be summarized by the singsong “You stepped over a line, I’m leaving” and then “no, don’t leave, this ‘place’ wouldn’t be the same without you”

Well, it would be a different ‘place’. Old Sarge said, if you weren’t here, you’d be somewhere else.

March 9, 2014 1:50 am

IndenturedServant says:

“Damn SAH bailed?”

As my old boss said, the answer is ‘no’ but come back later for a final disapproval.

She quit some time ago but came back to make it official. (and to shit on Stucky while using him to fuck everyone else by pretending to compliment him saying everyone else didn’t deserve her reply. I would have preferred she called everyone cockroaches like IraK did.)

March 9, 2014 3:32 am

Well do you expect? This is The Burning Platform not an AOL kiddy chatroom.

It may not be pretty but it’s real!
[img] var _giphy = _giphy || []; _giphy.push({id: ‘tYZ1Fw0zr83bW’,w: 500, h: 209});var g = document.createElement(‘script’); g.type = ‘text/javascript’; g.async = true;g.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https://’ : ‘http://’) + ‘’;var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);[/img]

March 9, 2014 3:33 am

Gayle says, “I’m not defending the lopsided access to the workplace that Boomers enjoy. But somebody makes the decision that they are a better investment for an employer.”

Wrong! It’s only that the support system which emerged when the economy expanded horizontally to hire all those not so educated and not so well trained individuals still exists.

Civil servants, at least in the great state from whence I hail, are refusing to retire after 30 years of never experiencing a recession, and a guaranteed income for the rest of their lives. Why? Because it means a 40 percent reduction in their take home. That’s right, they retire with only 60% of their full time salaries. A $20B budget, 90% of it is salaries, and retirement eligible won’t retire because it isn’t in their best interest. It’s would be in the best interest of the taxpayers if they were forced to retire, and hire younger workers. As it is, 80% of the state workers will retire within 5 years. Who said boomers can’t do math?

There’s going to be a 4T, if only because of the incredibly asinine and narcissistic mindset of the boomers.

March 9, 2014 3:35 am


March 9, 2014 3:40 am

one last time
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March 9, 2014 3:52 am

Llpos: you have reached the end of your productive years and found that the pursuit of financial wealth has left you spiritually and relationally impoverished. Release yourself from these chains that bind you. Stop wasting your energy on trying to humiliate anonymous commenters.

March 9, 2014 4:05 am

Z says, “I think this generational war garbage is utter bullshit and I’ll have nothing to do with it. So there.”

Sort of like office politics, eh? What do you do when war finds you?

On another note, has anyone noticed people are getting nastier towards one another. It seems like every day is getting more and more like a big box store on black Friday.

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March 9, 2014 4:11 am

LL says, “Solistupid – what say you engage your real lips to my real ass.”

Thanks for the charitable work advice.

March 9, 2014 4:58 am

Ah, well, off to bed!

March 9, 2014 6:33 am

Solistupid – I do not try to humiliate folks like you. I humiliate folks like you.

March 9, 2014 8:57 am

Me and llpoh are pals again.

Wicked Witch II (SAH) is dead.

A great day in the TBP office!!

March 9, 2014 9:43 am

Ah, between Stuck and LL, which one down thumbed me, which one didn’t, and did the one who didn’t not do it because he, or she, has sworn to ignore me?

TBP has sunk to a new low, when popularity has become who has the least down thumbs. Oh, I won?

Yeah, bitches, it’s a new day!