154766 600 Mid Term Democratic Candidate cartoons

154750 600 Missing Kim Jong Un cartoons

154746 600 trick or treat cartoons

154740 600 Ebola Scare cartoons

154689 600 Biden is Embarrassing cartoons


154687 600 The News cartoons

154659 600 Ebola fears cartoons

154664 600 iphone 6 plus cartoons

154763 600 Stop ISIS cartoons

154760 600 Nobel Peace prize 2014 cartoons

154755 600 Wall Street cartoons

154747 600 Columbus vs The Vikings cartoons

154745 600 Nobel Peace Prize cartoons

154741 600 Pentagon and tobacco sales cartoons

154717 600 The Planet of the Politically Correct cartoons

154713 600 Contagion Caution cartoons

154710 600 Ebola and ISIS at the airport cartoons

154706 600 Carter faults Obama cartoons

154697 600 Atlantic hurricane season quiet cartoons

154683 600 Kobane cartoons

154680 600 Running from ISIS and Ebola cartoons

154655 600 Obama and midterm elections cartoons

Via Cagle Post

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Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 12, 2014 10:07 pm

Talked to seester today..her boyfriend was worried about his eldest daughter because she has become terrified to leave her apartment because of fears of ebola.

Meanwhile more people die from malaria, cancer, heart attacks, car accidents, overdoses and many other things.

Screw you MSM with a cinderblock.

October 13, 2014 11:02 am

Perspective, it is reported by the CDC, close to 200,000 deaths from over the counter, and prescription, medications every year.

And we have had one death.

I’m not afraid of Ebola much, I’m scared to freaking death of this manufactured hysteria creating rush to market vaccines that in five or ten years will kill us through cancer or some other thing attached to a cure.

There are not long-term studies on these things. None. I’ll never forget that Thalidomide didn’t really start its hellish effects until the next generation.

We play god at our own risk. It may not look like the zombie apocalypse, but I still bet it will be brutal.

October 13, 2014 6:06 pm

There is no doubt that there are many things that dwell upon the earth or actions we take ourselves that will put ourselves in jeopardy.

There also is no doubt that the utterly useless MSM, the various wonderful propaganda mills and rumor mongers, those who capitalizes on Goebbles-attention upon our collective stupidity, misunderstanding of the simplicities of the lie and lack of verifications of same ——- the list is ever with us.

The attention span of the average ‘murkin citizen is about 10 days to two weeks. Beyond that time, we simply forget what the panic of last weeks’ was and disregard it in favor of the panic of the current week!

If you haven’t already dug out the moral of the story, don’t fret the ods of contracting ebola. Be cautious in big cities, carry around a face mask if you are paranoid, otherwise, just keep living your live.

Believe it that you will be informed if ebola crops up in an area in your vicinity. THEN LEAVE IT!

But don’t modify your daily behavior in the least unless things change for the worse and then take it with a grain of salt.