I hope none of you white racists are celebrating Columbus Day today. That evil fucker went and invaded the land of the indigenous. We should scorn and ridicule him for his invasion of America. He was clearly a racist for landing his ships in America. We need to follow the “progressive” example of Seattle and Minneapolis to eliminate Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous People day. Too bad 90% of the students in their progressive paradise school system can’t even spell indigenous, let alone tell you WTF it means. Do the liberal jackoffs even know what it means? They do know they are replacing a “white” holiday with a “non-white” holiday. That’s all that really matters to these douchebags.

I actually appreciate when cities identify themselves with such buffoonery and idiotic laws, resolutions, and bylaws. I can rule out ever moving to Seattle or Minneapolis, based on understanding what morons are running these cities.

I love the new symbol for Indigenous People Day. It’s so inclusive.

I’m going to celebrate by wearing a Washington Redskins jersey.

Seattle Says Goodbye to ‘Columbus Day’

The Seattle City Council has voted unanimously to celebrate “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” on the same day as Columbus Day, the federally recognized holiday, reports the Associated Press (AP).


According to the AP report, the resolution that passed on Monday declares “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” the second Monday of October and intends to honor the contributions and culture of Native Americans and the indigenous community in Seattle.

Supporters of the action said it will recognize the rich history of people who have inhabited the area for hundreds of years.

“This action will allow us to bring into current present day our valuable and rich history, and it’s there for future generations to learn,” said Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Indian Nation on the Olympic Peninsula, and president of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians.

“Nobody discovered Seattle, Washington,” she said to audience applause.

Italian-Americans and others objected to the move, saying the change honors one group while it dismisses those with Italian heritage.

“We don’t argue with the idea of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. We do have a big problem of it coming at the expense of what essentially is Italian Heritage Day,” said Ralph Fascitelli, an Italian-American who lives in Seattle. “This is a big insult to those of us of Italian heritage. We feel disrespected. America wouldn’t be America without Christopher Columbus.”

Columbus Day celebrates the arrival of Christopher Columbus, who was Italian, to the Americas on October 12, 1492. Though the day is a federal holiday, it is not a legal state holiday in Washington.

Seattle councilmember Bruce Harrell stated that he understood the concerns from people in the Italian-American community, but he said, “I make no excuses for this legislation.” He said he co-sponsored the resolution because he believes the city won’t be successful in its social programs and outreach until “we fully recognize the evils of our past.”

Councilmember Nick Licata, who is Italian-American, said he didn’t see the legislation as taking something away, but rather allowing everyone to celebrate a new day where everyone’s strength is recognized.

David Bean, a member of the Puyallup Tribal Council, told councilmembers the resolution demonstrates that the city values tribal members’ history, culture, welfare, and contributions to the community.

The Bellingham City Council is also concerned that Columbus Day is offensive to Native Americans and will consider an ordinance on October 13 to recognize the second Monday in October as Coast Salish Day.

Last week, the Seattle School Board decided to observe Indigenous Peoples’ Day on the same day as Columbus Day.

Similarly, Minneapolis moved to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Columbus Day, and South Dakota will celebrate Native American Day, reported the AP.

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is expected to sign the resolution October 13, spokesman Jason Kelly said.

Notify of
October 13, 2014 1:57 pm



We’re only seeking Truth here. Why does that upset you so much? My must you call me “the thickest, stupidest motherfucker on this board”? Because you don’t like my opinions? Because I call you out when you REFUSE on a consistent basis to answer direct questions? Because I call you out when you almost literally make shit up?

Recently you went batshit against Admin, accusing him of not fighting fair and being stubborn to a fault. How are you any different?

Embrace the love, man!
[imgcomment image[/img]

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 13, 2014 2:04 pm

I can’t find the quote, but I think it was Sherman Alexie who wrote (about the white man’s conquest of North America), “you had guns, we had sticks”. Dutchman’s right about technology winning out. One could say technology + ambition, but that’s kind of redundant, since an amibitious culture is what brings about technologies in the first place. For the record, in addition to guns, whitey had ocean-going sailing ships, advanced metallurgy and written language. It wasn’t a fair fight, but then it rarely is.

October 13, 2014 2:21 pm

This planet is populated by a bunch of maroons. We got serious problem on this rock and were diverting our attention to an imbecilic event that can’t be changed in any way.

You want to discuss the real tragedy? Grant and Sherman’s genocide on the indigenous populations of America and America’s disastrous Indian Welfare policy. A real lesson in, “Were from the government and we’re here to help you.”

I didn’t do it and I feel no guilt over it. I do feel compassion for people suffering now. To keep it in perspective, everyone’s history is filled with suffering and travail. That a few can seek advantage from digging up ancient history, is par for the course considering greedy human nature.

Ancient history should be a reminder not to do it again and act differently now, not lament with wringing hands over past injustices. There are too many injustices in the present that need to address, here and now.

October 13, 2014 2:31 pm

“The answer, you 60 IQ havin’ meat puppet is “THE WHOLE STORY” means BE HONEST”
—– Billy

Be honest? That’s it? What does that even mean? You’re giving ADVICE … NOT an answer to the question.

We were talking about Columbus and the evil shit he did …. to which you said I should tell the Whole Story. Instead of going ape-shit with the name calling (“bloody cunt belch” was, ummm, interesting), how about answering the question? So, Einstein, what is the whole story behind Columbus massacring Indians right from the get go????

How long can you evade a simple question?

October 13, 2014 2:43 pm

“Evil most often disguises it self as good or it wouldn’t be so readily.embraced by so many”—Homer

October 13, 2014 2:45 pm

“I would count maybe 3 people in the entire world as my “friend”…and no, you ain’t on that list.”
——– Billy

I’m not?? I’m SHOCKED!! Shocked, I tell you. And to think I was gonna share my mom’s Apfelstrudel with you!
” … but you’re willing to feign being a goddamned RETARD just to piss me off and try to make me look bad” ——— Billy

You don’t need my help looking bad. You’re doing a fine job of it on your own.

October 13, 2014 2:54 pm

Evil is most often misapplied intentions and actions, without consideration for the consequences of those actions.

Don’t be too harsh on poor ole Columbus. He was operating under the mindset of his day. Because we have evolved in our thinking doesn’t give us the right to judge Columbus by our enlightened standards as if that judgement will re-invent history. It won’t, what is, is what is. What’s important here is “Learn from history, or repeat it.”

October 13, 2014 3:03 pm

Speaking of Maroons!

A big moron and a little moron were climbing Half Dome in Yosemite. The big moron fell off, but the little moron didn’t. Why!! Because he was a little moron!

October 13, 2014 3:24 pm

This is great.

October 13, 2014 3:39 pm

So you think I am a stupid motherfuker ?You have skills that will serve you well in aSHTF SITUAION but your mouth may get you 6 feet under.You will not have any rights .Many will not play the game amymore in the name of free speech.Think before you speak.JUST MAY KEEP YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALIVE DURING THIS COMING SHTF.

October 13, 2014 3:54 pm

“This is great.” ——— ERISA

You are OBVIOUSLY referring to the epic beat-down I am inflicting upon Billy. So, thank you.

October 13, 2014 4:03 pm

Oh … one other thing, ERISA …. stick around until about 7PM EST …. that’s about when Chief Llpoh shows up … you ain’t seen nothing yet. The Chief will chew up Billy and spit him out …

… sorta like this.
[imgcomment image[/img]

October 13, 2014 4:17 pm

Last Saturday in April is celebrated as “Undiscovery Day” at Ocean Shores, Washington state.

Celebration is burning bonfires on the beach while yelling,” hey George over here.”

George Vancouver is credited with ‘discovery’ of the Puget Sound. The water in front of Seattle.

October 13, 2014 4:23 pm

Stucky—ERISA was just replying to my sensational erudite joke.

October 13, 2014 4:25 pm

How come ERISA and bb and Airnip have the same avatar? From the same mail address???

Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
October 13, 2014 4:47 pm

Maybe if the sainted “indigenous peoples” had bothered to invent the fucking wheel, their societies might have lasted longer.

El Coyote
El Coyote
October 13, 2014 4:53 pm

Meh, Billy just regurgitates the White Supremacist line which goes like this: White good, Dark evil. There is nothing in between. Stuck pissed him off because he criticized a white man – Columbus – and seemed to defend the so-called Indians. If you bother to search Billy’s rants for substance, that will be the gist of his argument. Plus you will get an alternative history lesson about a Nordic bone fragment that shows the white man was set foot somewhere in NA and therefore the whole western heisphere belongs to the white man since before the Indians ever set foot on the New World.

You will be enlightened by some wonderful Billy logic words like motherfucker, asshole, fuck you, Bwahahaha, dude, I don’t care, you don’t know – I do, I have to go eat now, you said, here is what you meant, race traitor, libtard, why don’t you die,

I doubt Llpoh will bother. Why does anyone bother? Billy has the unique ability to make himself the focus of every argument. He can catch the jet stream of his own hot air and indulge his flights of fancy then come crashing down in despair over peoples’ misunderstanding his soul. Every fucking post will be end this way if Billy has any say in it.

The paranoid fucker will claim that one particular individual who everyone hates is running a sock puppet theater to discredit him. I have no idea how many times I have to say, this bozo is delusional and a complete waste of time. You have your little shit fest with him, he won’t learn one damn thing. He is just a hillBilly hard head. The sooner you accept his KKK teachings, the sooner you will be just as smart as he.

October 13, 2014 5:26 pm

First, Stuck, I have only scanned the thread. I did not read Billy’s stuff. I saw Admin’s photo. Looks like same shit different day. He unfriended me yesterday. I am crushed.

Second, the Seattle politicians are a bunch of fucking morons.

Third, if that asshole Columbus can have a day, if that womanzing, plagiarzing, piece of shit MLK can have a day, why can’t I have a day?

American Indian Day. Why the hell not? Makes more sense than that other shit. But no way should it be called “indigenous day”. That is fucked up and bullshit.

Americam Indíans are way more deserving than some of the other folks with days. Just sayn’.

I will ge back to this in an hour or so.


October 13, 2014 5:52 pm

How about Happy Aborigine Day?

October 13, 2014 5:53 pm

Columbus got me a day off today… and he’s an awesome rapper. Still I think Captain Kirk won the battle:

October 13, 2014 6:03 pm

El Rabid Mutt, Chen, bb, El Coyote, El Beaner, Billah’s Wife said:
“Billy has the unique ability to make himself the focus of every argument.”

He has a LOT of fucking help in that! Mostly from his detractors. Billy’s BS is bad enough but then others go full bb in keeping it front and center. Nice! Real fucking nice! Much like the hacking activities that plagued this site (at great expense to the owner) this incessant doppel/alter ego bullshit exacts a similar toll. You all should be so fucking proud! Really! Take a bow assclowns.

1. Assclown:
One, who, through the fault of his parents conception, is a skid mark in society’s collective underwear.

El Coyote
El Coyote
October 13, 2014 6:18 pm

I-S, who plucked the last hair on your ass?

I said I’m not BW.
El Beaner is Billy’s dopple of my moniker
bb is a white man who has a right to be proud of his ancestry.
El Rabid Mutt is your invention.

Quit trying to derail this thread, the topic is Murican History X

El Coyote
El Coyote
October 13, 2014 6:21 pm

I-S, are you calling Admin and Stucky assclowns? They have dedicated a lot of airplay to him lately. I don’t know why.

El Coyote
El Coyote
October 13, 2014 6:28 pm
October 13, 2014 6:55 pm

Just got off the roof side-walling the gable end facing south. 7 hours of going up and down the ladder and hand nailing red cedar shingles makes me weary. I see this shit and I have to say I find it entertaining, but really what do you think it will accomplish peeing up the rope of how awful some long dead explorer was long before we were conceived. If Columbus didn’t trip over America (Amerigo Vespucci) do you think it would have stood here as a pristine utopia where no one would have noticed over time where there were resources to be utilized. We have a short time on this planet, and survival is an interesting instinct. I do not know if the Europeans had a more developed survival instinct, but I am sure that they were willing and able to do things that many before them never would have considered. Was this fair, was it right, it is not for me to judge, maybe you, but not me. It’s a fun debate, but seriously, I do not think the people who inhabited the American continent would have continued on as they were in perpetuity. It is just how we are, mankind is not always fair nor just, sometimes it just is.

October 13, 2014 7:14 pm

Dutchman is a fucking moron of highest order. I mean there is stupid, and then there is Dutchman.

He says, stupidly: “Today some Indians live on reservations – I don’t get it at all. Nothing ‘Indian’ about reservations: they have all the modern conveinces, but they choose to segregate themselves and many indulge in alcoholism, drugs, and unemployment.”

Indians have an attachment to land and nature. It is their way. They were driven off of their lands, in the most brutal fashion imaginable, and isolated on the reservations – the lucky ones. The unlucky ones were given small parcels of land individually, which were then stolen from them.

“They all have modern conveneinces (sic – nice spelling, asshole)” is an out and out lie. The Indians are by FAR the most poverty stricken of any people/group in the US. And it is not even close. They are the one poor group to which that statement is a fucking lie.

They most assuredly do indulge themselves in alcohol, and to a certain extent drugs. Unemployment is a different matter – just how much work to you think is available on the truly crappy bits of land they were given as reservations?

Indians are suffering/facing the same problems indigenous people suffer everywhere in the world. I am not aware of an exception.

Melding ancient cultures and traditions, combined with a history of severe mistreatment at the hands of the victors, is proving to be almost insurmountable.

So, should the Indians abandon their attachment to the land and totally assimilate? Perhaps. Are they responsible for their issues re drugs and alcohol? Absolutely. They need to take responsibility for that shit. But as I have said, their situation is not unique – it is the norm. There are issues at play that make it very difficult for Indians to pull themselves up out of the poverty/drug/alcohol trap.

One such thing that people point to – casinos – could have been beneficial. But guess who actually benefits from the casinos? Gee, I wonder. (Whitey is the fucking answer). And there are relatively few casinos, and even if all the profits flowed to the Indians, it would make very little difference. and fact is, very few tribes benefit – to have a casino largely depends on its location and ability to draw customers, etc..

Fucking imbeciles should keep their idiocies to themselves. I am talking about you, Dutchman. Don’t you have a kraut to surrender to somewhere (no offense, Stuck)?

October 13, 2014 7:25 pm


Just got back.

Sold a couple animals. Bought a new big red First Aid bag… had dinner…

Now I’m just sittin here, putting some neatsfoot oil on some gunleather. Couple holsters, mag pouch and a sling.

To answer your question: No… no it won’t accomplish anything.

The jacktards in charge will continue to rewrite our history, will continue to erase us from memory, rename our schools and streets and holidays…. till there is nothing left but a few cranky old white people that are written off as anachronisms or mentally ill – since by that time, “raaaycissms” will be considered a mental illness…

I don’t care anymore… don’t even know why I get mad at crap like that… just gonna keep on socking away my preps…. things will continue on, until they can’t anymore….


To you too, Stuck.

October 13, 2014 7:34 pm

Semi-intelligent white guy asks about the wheel. Native Americans had the wheel, and understood the wheel. Models, in gold, of course, of functioning toys with wheels have been found, for instance. In fact, only two societies ever invented the wheel – Sumerians and New World people.

But to truly make use of the wheel you need one thing, and that one thing was conspicuously lacking in the Americas. Anyone want to guess what that one thing was?

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
October 13, 2014 7:40 pm


October 13, 2014 7:44 pm

LIPOH ,,the truth is if it wasn;t for the white man you would still be an ass backward injun living on one of those reservations you bitch about .That ivy schooling was developed by white boys for white boys but you were able to take advantage and become something in life .RIGHT?So you owe everything you have become to white boys who were able to kick ass .RIGHT?Then the founding Fathers who even give you what no injun could give you .RIGHTS.right? SO you owe everthing to people like ME.right?

October 13, 2014 7:45 pm

Bzzzz. Wrong answer.

Ok folks, to make use of the wheel you need one these:


Or these:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Because, for some reason, the Indians had trouble harnessing up these:


The only draught animals the Americas had were llamas, and they were mountain animals.

October 13, 2014 7:50 pm

I guess maybe the Indians should have invented themselves some Clydesdales and oxen.

Fucking asshats should keep their mouths shut.

October 13, 2014 8:03 pm

LIPOH ,your starting to act like girly boy.Fight back damn you.AREYOU GOING TO LET THESE WHITE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR PEOPLE AGAIN?

October 13, 2014 8:07 pm

Banning Jackson on the twenty – now THERE is something I could really rally behind. With a little more inflation we will not need a twenty anyway.

October 13, 2014 8:57 pm

I’ll take all the Jacksons you want to get rid of. Heck, I won’t even charge you.

October 13, 2014 9:09 pm

llpoh says: “Ok folks, to make use of the wheel you need one these,”

What??? Wimen, Hot doggy! I’m for that.

October 13, 2014 9:15 pm

One of favorite Indigenous People’s songs from my youth by Johnny Preston recorded in 1959. Since my great grandmother was Native American on my mother’s side of the family, I think that would make me about 10 percent Indian, but I’ve never really done the math.

Remove Jackson from the twenty and replace him with Crazy Horse, a noble and unselfish man.

October 13, 2014 9:22 pm

Stucky’s picture of that croc reminds me of the time I fell into the crocodile infested Irrawaddy River.

The crocs got my big toe. I was lucky that day!

October 13, 2014 9:26 pm

Homer – if you can hitch your woman up to a cart, you are a better, and braver, man than me.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 13, 2014 9:27 pm

I once saw a trained buffalo, in New Mexico, ABQ, fairgrounds, run against a group of horses about the horsetrack….funniest damn thing I ever saw, that Buffalo smoked those horses..bad, like almost half the track.

The Indians surely could have trained Buffalo but they didnt, that I know of..

October 13, 2014 9:33 pm

Llpoh–Jus’ keep’em a little hungry and dangle a carrot in front of them.

October 13, 2014 9:34 pm

KB – bison are not considered domesticable.

October 13, 2014 9:36 pm

Homer – you talk a good game. Good luck with that plan. See ya when you get out of the hospital.

October 13, 2014 9:47 pm

KB – if bison were easy to train, and as they are so fast, people would be riding them around everywhere, like quarter horses. Can’t say that is happening.

October 13, 2014 10:32 pm

Columbus or Indigenous …..I like Indigenous

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 14, 2014 12:16 am

Perhaps it was the decimation of the Bison that prohibited the domestication of them, llpoh

The Refusers
The Refusers
October 14, 2014 12:17 am

Oh yeah?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 14, 2014 12:20 am

Colon, Columbus, was not a racist, per se, but an religious fanatic, he killed Caribbeans, Cubans and many others, closer to his Spanish race than not to spread his belief system while claiming to work for the redeemer, Christ in this case, to exclude, nay, rationalize his own, and his crowns, deeds.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 14, 2014 12:22 am

Gee, Refusers, like with ISIS, those folks are using, shocker, American made weapons. And can you blame them?

October 14, 2014 1:24 am

Just got back from the 10PM movie … The Equalizer, starring Denzel. Damn fine movie. Not much plot. Bad Russian criminals fuck up a girl Denzel hardly knows, but likes. Most of the movie is Denzel whacking really bad guys …. in a Home Depot type store …. barbed wire, drills, sledge hammer, and even a nail gun were his instruments of death. It’s the kind of shit I think of at night, so I really did enjoy the movie.

Billy, peace be unto you, also. Really. Want some Apfelstrudel?