Best Form of Government – Will Anything Ever Work?

Julian-IIThere is no single form of government that will ever be perfect. Whatever its form, government will self-corrupt and both sides will fight eternally between the people and government perhaps eternally. The best form of government for brief periods of time are benevolent dictators, monarchs, or emperors, such as Julian II, who even decreed that whatever laws he passed must also apply to himself. Such individuals are rare indeed and once they are gone, the system will revert back to its corrupt state.

Another system that actually worked very well was Genoa. There the “Doge” (head of state) was selected each year from the head of a prominent family. The rich families ruled on a rotating basis annually. What made it work well was the short-term period. No family would ever pass something Draconian because it would apply to themselves the next year. The system was not one of rich v poor, but Genoa v Venice and Florence. The interests were furthered collectively rather than this philosophy of party politics. Therefore, each class benefited. It also lasted longer without corruption than Florence or Venice.

The best we can hope for is a hybrid between Democracy and a Republic that is restrained by a Positive Constitution rather than a Negative one as we have in the United States. In other words, if we have an everyday bureaucracy to run things that is subject to review by the people who rotate annually, there is some hope that it might last longer before it collapses. Much of the bureaucracy should be privatized where management will be proper and employee pensions will actually have to be there. When government is in charge, those in power just exempt themselves from the laws that apply to others – the first step in the corruption process.

With technology, each and every measure must be voted on by the people. There should be no Clean Water Act that has hidden some study on traffic flow in a city nobody ever heard of to line the pockets of someone’s family member. Voting can be done via your laptop and if each and every bill must be presented individually, that will stop the nonsense.

Judges CANNOT be appointed by anyone in government. They must be as Ben Franklin argued, nominated by the guild of lawyers. That way the best will rise to the top – not the most corrupt. Prosecution must also be independent and the people MUST actually indict meaning that they hear both sides in a grand jury. Plea bargaining must end and CONSPIRACY must end. Only those who are involved in a crime may be charged – no one else. No one charged with a crime may testify against another. Self-interest in prosecution must end.

While legal scholars tend to look at Article III of the US Constitution as based upon the English legal system modeled on Blackstone’s famous Commentaries on the Laws of England, Franklin argued for the Scottish System that was far superior. Indeed, the Scottish judicial system provided an important, but overlooked, model for the framing of Article III. Unlike the English system of overlapping original jurisdiction, the Scottish judiciary featured a hierarchical, appellate-style judiciary, with one supreme court sitting at the top and an array of inferior courts of original jurisdiction down below. What’s more, the Scottish judiciary operated within a constitutional framework — the so-called Acts of Union that combined England and Scotland into Great Britain in 1707 retained the independent legal structure of Scotland and prohibited the English courts from interfering with those of Scotland. The influence of the Scottish judiciary on the language and structure of the US Article III legal framework is clear where there is a Supreme Court with multiple inferior courts that are subordinate to, and subject to the supervisory oversight of, the sole supreme court. The Scottish model thus provides important historical support for the supremacy of the Supreme Court, however, the blending of this with the English system rendered the inferiority in Article III to operate as textual and structural limits on Congress’s jurisdiction-stripping authority from the courts. But the most dangerous flaw appears to be intentional – Congress appoints judges not lawyers. This allowed the English legal system to be politically manipulated whereas the Scottish System was really independent. This MUST be corrected to restore the rule of law.

Career politicians get bored and pass laws just to have something to do like in Utah you cannot drink before ordering dinner or in Europe regulating cow farting. This is why a representative form of government with career representatives is doomed to always fail. They can be bribed to enact particular laws to benefit some party. The only check and balance would be to rotate, as in Genoa, and to allow the people to vote online.

A raw unrestrained Democracy would devolve into mob rule. That we cannot tolerate either. There should be something that rotates as a Constitutional court as in France where each law passed MUST firs be ruled on as being Constitutional by a body of lawyers that rotates and MUST be trained in constitutional law which is significantly different from following statutory law. The former is structural design while the latter is following the letter of the law. This is a Positive Constitution that restrains government and is a real Bill of Rights. We have the negative form where government gets to do whatever it likes and we must prove we have any rights – very bad.

Debtor Prison

Prison should be outlawed for non-violent crimes. The ONLY reason a government has the right to restrain the liberty of an individual is to protect others from bodily harm – that is it. Every law passed by Congress states – “fine or imprisonment or both”. That must stop. Debtor’s Prison must end. The USA imprisons more people than the rest of the civilized world combined. Why are we so imprison happy when only about 4% of the people in prison are there for a violent crime? A woman was arrested and taken to jail for violating some statute that did not allow for imprisonment. A woman with children was taken to jail for not wearing a seat belt and the Supreme Court, being pro-government appointed by politicians, voted 5-4 that the police can imprison you for anything even if the crime does not call for jail time. We have a virtual 99% conviction rate because there is no way to win against pro-government judges.

Learning from the Past

There seems to be the potential to at least learn from the various political types of governments, how they functioned, how long did they last, and what was the impact upon the people. The advantages of Genoa was that the short terms restrained the Doge compared to Venice where the Doge was for life. Venice froze the estate upon the Doge’s death and only THEN reviewed all his actions to see if anything was gained illegally. Then the state would reclaim the “illegal” gains. That was closing the barn door after the horse ran away.


Government is corrupt and rotten to the core – it is honorable only for brief shinning moments when the dark clouds leave a crack. One Pope Formosus (c. 816 – 4 April 896)  ruled against a Lord so the Lord rigged the game to become Pope and then put Formosus’ dead corpse on trial, had a friend answer for the dead Pope. Naturally, Formosus incriminated himself, who wouldn’t in such circumstances, and he was promptly found guilty, nullified all his decrees, and then claimed his property back. They will do anything – absolutely anything.


Julius Caesar (100-44BC) had to assume the role of high priest to create a calendar because the politicians were bribing the high priests to add days into the calendar to avoid elections. There is absolutely NOTHING those in power will not do to society for their own self-interest. Finding someone ethical who really cares is one in a billion.


The key is to review each form of government and take what worked and avoid what did not. We have to understand that no system will ever last forever. So the best we can do is design a system that has the best features and some internal mechanism of checks and balances. Nevertheless, whatever we can think of, will merely create the challenge for others to figure ways around. If we eliminate taxation and restrain government expenditure to what is required for natural expansion of the money supply to facilitate economic growth, then the majority of the lobbying will cease and therein lies the deepest cracks for corruption.

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October 29, 2014 8:43 am

1. No political region larger than a few million people can be governed without drowning in corruption, no matter how one structures the system; there’s simply too much anonymity and too much pressure for concentrated benefits with diffuse costs.
2. The Swiss system has held up well because citizens retain the power to hold referendums repealing whatever their (crooked) politicians attempt. Their courts lack the power to override such plebiscites.
3. No political system avoids reflecting the honor or honorlessness of the citizenry at large. The USA is a corrupt, crime-riven system because the residents of the USA are so. The Lord of the Flies has overtaken the entire nation.

The path ahead promises catastrophe, but renewal will grow from a break-up of large polities into much, much smaller ones.

October 29, 2014 10:31 am

Armstrong at his best. Wonderful insights in this article.

Bottom Line #1: Power corrupts everyone.

Bottom Line #2: The reason for the above is because human nature is to do evil continually. That’s right from da Bible.

I’ve given this extremely trivial example on previous occasions. Think back to high school …. my high school had “Hall Monitors”, precursor to TSA agents … “You’re walking the hallways? Where’s your pass???!!!”. And if you didn’t have one, these little Dweebfuk Faggotfuk Assholes would write you up and report you to the Head Gestapo Agent (the Principal), who would mete out some punishment for your dastardly act of walking without permission. Yeah … even a little power turns nurdfuks into tyrants.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
October 29, 2014 10:32 am

dc, I’m for 318 million polities here in America. My motto: no more free shit. If you want to eat, work for it. Stop stealing, and stop relying on corrupt politicians to steal on your behalf.

October 29, 2014 10:44 am

Stuck – Another trivial example, but something I love to do at least once a year at the county fair….

Whenever you go to some event, you pull in and pay to park. Then they have all the parking nazi’s in their orange vests directing you where to park. There is always spots open up close to the entrance, but you must follow the direction of the parking authoritah! The look on their faces as I drive right past all the arm swinging and yelling is priceless. About 50% of the time one of them will actually follow me to my parking spot, that is when the fun really starts.

October 29, 2014 10:57 am

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

October 29, 2014 11:33 am


I like your example a lot.

The ONLY sporting event I attended on a regular basis was in the late 70’s / early 80’s to watch the NY Cosmos (soccer) at Giants Stadium … I’d go with my dad mostly, but once in a while my mom would go. And even back them, mom already had some issues with walking. But, we didn’t yet have a handicap sticker.

So, I would NICELY explain to the Parking Gestapo about my mom’s condition, and that I needed to park as close as possible to the entrance …. OR, could I at least drive to the entrance and drop her off. Almost always, the answer was “no” … and usually said in a VERY aggressive manner … like THEY are THE LAW!!!, and will fuck me up if I disobey. Of course, as you might suspect, once the nice attempt failed, I resorted to my potty mouth with an — “OK, well you can just go fuck yourself asshole!”, … and I parked wherever the fuck I wanted. And on one or two occasions it was EXACTLY as you said —- “that is when the fun really starts”.

Peace to you bro … we make war no more.

October 29, 2014 11:50 am

We will never get a say so in anything politics related…NEVER! Elites have ALWAYS controlled that smoke and mirrors illusion. Stop thinking about government and START thinking about REAL POWER. Mericans could dictate EVERYTHING with their pocketbooks. Where you spend your money and HOW you spend your money is a powerful force…BELIEVE IT. Do you really want a say so in everything? That will happen when you stop doing stupid shit like worrying about why kind of freaking cellphone you have or what kind label is in your shirt…just stop. HOLD THEIR FEET TO THE FIRE with your hard earned cash. Stop handing them everything while they throw shit at you. It’s time to grow up and take real look at where your power lays.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
October 29, 2014 1:03 pm

Bea’s got it right. Stand with Rand and BC-LR to all

October 29, 2014 2:05 pm

@ Steve Hogan, I’m with you.

Mises wrote that secession is the key to peace and prosperity, and should be practiced all the way to the level of the individual.

October 29, 2014 2:15 pm


What on earth ever gave you the impression that Rand is any different than the rest of the cockroaches in DC? He is a RINO ( republican in name only) . I am a property owner in the Commonwealth of KY and I see no difference in him and McConnell. Look at Rand’s voting record and you will see what I mean. He votes with the establishment.

October 29, 2014 3:02 pm

“The best we can hope for is a hybrid between Democracy and a Republic that is restrained by a Positive Constitution rather than a Negative one as we have in the United States.”

Not to be dense, but can someone explain this to me please? Its the first time I’ve ever come across the term.

October 29, 2014 3:47 pm

“The best we can hope for is a hybrid between Democracy and a Republic that is restrained by a Positive Constitution rather than a Negative one as we have in the United States.”

He has it wrong – the Constitution was intended to enumerate what limited powers we (the people) were granting to the Federal Government. The Federal Government has no right to interfere with what’s NOT mentioned in the Constitution.

But the psychopaths that run our country have ignored the Constitution by agreeing to interpretate it in such a broad manner as to render it worthless.

October 29, 2014 5:52 pm

No written constitution can survive scheming people in power.

As I said, unless there is a citizen veto of political actions and a judiciary lacking power to override the citizen veto, the odds of a stable system emerging are exactly ZERO.

Even with those things, a plurality of the populace getting infected with a Very Stupid Idea can still overthrow the stable order. Witness “multiculturalism.”