Can he win?

Would you vote for him?


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March 19, 2015 2:37 pm

He’s not the man his father is

March 19, 2015 2:49 pm

He is a shill. I would sooner vote for hillery.

From where the sun now stands, I will vote gop, no more, forever.

March 19, 2015 2:58 pm

Among all the quotes above there is not one mention about refusing to sell out the country to big money america or the fsa. Just the same old rousing words that no one can object to, staying strictly within the limits of what the puppet masters deem appropriate. So maybe he has a chance at getting elected.

March 19, 2015 3:01 pm

Can he win: No

Would I vote for him?: No, the fact he is a republican makes him a non sphincting sphincter

March 19, 2015 3:11 pm

He’s probably the least objectionable of all the “candidates” out there, but he panders to the religious right and Israel.
What I want is a candidate who is dedicated to breaking up the TBTF banks and re-instating the Sherman anti-trust act on all the huge mega companies, bringing back the fairness doctrine and breaking up media conglomerates who hold broadcast licenses, dismantling the DHS, holding a true no-holds-barred investigation into 911 along with bringing the perpetrators to justice, and re-alignment of our foreign policy on trade to “American jobs first” and on defense to consider terrorist “threats” as a police issue, not a military issue, and abolishing the NSA and reigning in the CIA.
Of course any candidate who actually tried to do this wouldn’t last a week in office.

March 19, 2015 3:21 pm

It doesn’t matter. America died several years ago.

March 19, 2015 3:24 pm

Wow, you guys are a rough bunch. Rand … Ron’s son!! … a shill?? Say it ain’t so, Joe!

No, he can’t win. The game is rigged.

Yes, I would vote for him IF I decide to vote again … which is very highly unlikely. NO candidate is perfect, and as Westcoaster correctly stated, he is the least objectionable of all the scum running.

March 19, 2015 3:26 pm

Stuck – Ron/Rand , tomato/tomatoe – controlled opposition the both of em.

March 19, 2015 4:19 pm

I’ll vote for Rand if he makes the nomination. He will not make it, so I will not vote for either bush or clinton. I’ll stay home.

Gone West
Gone West
March 19, 2015 4:30 pm

It seems unlikely that Rand will achieve the Republican nomination. Perhaps he is counting on that. While he is part of the party, he gets airtime and is allowed to get his message out. If he were an independent from the start, he would be actively ignored by the media. His only chance may be to pivot to run as an independent after losing the Republican nomination.Then he may have a chance to win.

March 19, 2015 4:31 pm

If he makes it to the general election, AND was running against Hillary I would more than likely vote for him. Otherwise, I’ll stick to my usual choice of not voting for the least of two evils and drop my vote on some 3rd party candidate or just abstain.

March 19, 2015 4:48 pm

I wish there was a box for, Neither of the above, when voting, that would send a message.

As if they really care! HaHaHaHaHaHa!

March 19, 2015 5:03 pm

I would vote for almost anyone other than Hillary or Pocahontas Weaver. I’d prefer Ted Cruz or Dr. Ben Carson, or some other unknown who has never been a politician. In fact, randomly choosing people off the street for all political offices would be an improvement relative to what we have now.

March 19, 2015 5:10 pm

If he runs as a republicrat I won’t vote for him. Even as an independent, I’m not sure I trust him. He doesn’t have a prayer anyway. The sheople majority have no use for him.

Alexander Ač
Alexander Ač
March 19, 2015 5:31 pm

Hi, I wouldn’t (don’t be afraid, I even can’t since I am from Slovakia). But here is the reason why I wouldn’t: “… he is climate change denier.” And climate change is just too imporant issue to leave it to denier.



March 19, 2015 5:36 pm

Remember the Ann Barnhardt axoim:

“The fact that a given person is holding or even seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office.”

This is the paradoxical situation of the US and the reason that I stopped voting in the 1990’s. Once you understand the role of the US Deep State that is behind and subverts all our democratic institutions you realize that nothing you do will change it from the historical track its on. It has to run itself into its bitter end.

It might take the rest of the world down with it but if we can just turn the corner without too much carnage the US may only take down the anglo and EU nations with it. The EU is a US captured vassal and is unlikely to break the US choke hold.

Alexander Ač
Alexander Ač
March 19, 2015 5:37 pm

And well, he also looks like science illiterate, so why vote for him?

“In October, he suggested to Breitbart News that Ebola may be more easily spread than scientists say and that the White House had been misleading the country on the issue. And earlier this month, Paul told CNBC, “I’ve heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.” This despite the fact that the supposed connection between autism and vaccination has been thoroughly debunked.”


March 19, 2015 5:46 pm

Alex, the climate on Earth is going to change even if humans are extinct. The climate changes continuously. Climate change, or more specifically, man made global warming is a fucking hoax perpetrated on the sheople by oligarchs to steal more of our money via so called “green taxes” and a bullshit scheme called carbon credits which do ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING to reduce carbon emmissions AT ALL!

Don’t be stupid and fall for their bullshit! You know it’s bullshit because the people are not even allowed to have a discussion about it. Instead we are forced to accept the imposition of their rules without question.

Alexander Ač
Alexander Ač
March 19, 2015 6:03 pm

Hi IndenturedServant,

I absolutelly agree that carbon credits is not working. However, it has nothing to do with the scientific theory of anthropogennic global warming. man made global warming is a fucking hoax I am interested, how much did you study the scientific literure to find this out?


March 19, 2015 6:25 pm

I don’t need to devote a career to studying it. All any critical thinking person needs to do is study the myriad ways the cocksuckers promoting it manipulated the data to prove their point. Even after they were caught red handed the fucksticks continued to push for more taxes. If their theory and data was accurate it would be able to stand the light of day. It can’t. The fact that so many politicians are pushing the agenda tells me it’s complete bullshit as I trust exactly NONE of them.

When I was a kid the climate story was an impending Ice Age. Recently it was/is man made global warming and now many seem to be waffling back to impending Ice Age. Govt. is about control and no price is too high to attain that control.

March 19, 2015 6:26 pm


Two progressive parties pushing a third world invasion of their own county, corporate welfare and endless war are two too many.

March 19, 2015 6:31 pm

If the issue was so cut and dry why would they need to manipulate even one piece of data? Would it not speak for itself? Would the data not be able to stand up to scrutiny of peers? The very fact that they manipulate even one piece of data makes me and critical thinking people lose trust.

Alexander Ač
Alexander Ač
March 19, 2015 6:42 pm

“…manipulate even one piece of data? ” – Huh? Are you critical about this? Or you are critical only selectively? 😉


March 19, 2015 6:46 pm

Besides manipulated data, the scientists never vetted their data before including it in their study. As an example, near my home there is a regulation NWS weather monitoring station. This station is included as one of the data points in several scientific global warmimg studies along with thousands of others worldwide. This particular station has been in the same location for 60 years at a local college. When it was installed it was out in a grass covered field. Sometime in the 70’s it was surrounded by blacktop parking lots. They even put asphalt under the damn thing. Now, do you think that asphalt had a warming or cooling effect on the data gathered there? The station is still there today collecting data. The same thing happened to weather monitoring stations all over the USA. Sometimes the stations were even moved to new locations which certainly had an effect on the data collected. Bad data = bad conclusions.

March 19, 2015 7:09 pm

Rand is my número Ono, I’ll send him money and support him as I did Tom Cotton. Rand is the best dog in the fight. He’ll have to tack to the right on foreign policy so get ready. I would tell him say what you must, just win, we’ll redefine your position after the Inauguration. Go Rand!!

March 19, 2015 7:21 pm

Alex, another study I saw was done by a team of largely disinterested scientists. Their goal was to exclude all weather monitoring stations that had been affected by urban sprawl or upgraded sensors leaving only stations that remained in their original environments and unchanged. They also factored in data on volcanic eruptions that had a cooling effect due to blocking incoming solar radiation and outgoing radiant heat. The resulting data showed a very minor cooling trend over the last 50 years or so.

I’m not saying their study is the final say but they went to extra mile to use data that has remained stable over the decades.

Furthermore, I’m totally in favor of caring for our environment the best we can but I am totally opposed to POLITCAL “solutions” imposed by scumbags looking to enrich themselves.

I’m off to work!

March 19, 2015 7:46 pm

Sensetti says:

Rand is my número Ono, I’ll send him money and support him as I did Tom Cotton.

Oh wow, Tom Cotton is just awful.

As for Rand, meh. Too much of a neocon foreign policy-wise.

March 19, 2015 7:49 pm

I’m all for Paul on foreign policy. But he like his father is too much of a quizzing in dealing with the media and a Democrat candidate because this will not be about issues of the economy and war.

The media will weight the issues toward social justice for women , homos and negros.

That’s why I prefer Donald Trump. He knows this. And would not be a nice guy. He would go on the offensive. ” I will not answer questions about the color of Barny Franks underwater. Not when employment is so low and deficits so huge.”

Paul like his father are quizlings and fall for the media traps of skewing the election issues.

March 19, 2015 7:52 pm

Unfortunately, when this apple fell from the tree it rolled down the hill and and out iinto the wilderness.

He is not cut from the same cloth as Ron. But he still is better thanthe rest.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 19, 2015 7:58 pm

Alex says: “how much did you study the scientific literure to find this out?”

Well, dumbfuck Alex, YOU sure as hell didn’t study scientific “literure” (did you mean literature?).

Global temperature data was manipulated (i.e., faked) to support a narrative. Now all trust is lost, as
IS states. The global warming lying scientists have lost credibility.

“We now know that historical temperature data for the continental United States were deliberately altered by NASA and NOAA scientists in a politically-motivated attempt to rewrite history and claim global warming is causing U.S. temperatures to trend upward. The data actually show that we are in a cooling trend, not a warming trend…”


March 19, 2015 8:05 pm

Done voting, been burned for almost 50 years. Originally met George McGovern, decent soul and a WWII vet. Jimmy Carter let me down, as did the field marching afterwards. Hope and Change? Like wishing for a lusty 25 year old to show up on my front door step.

Crazy as it sounds, I would consider Jesse Ventura, just as a FU vote.

March 19, 2015 8:17 pm

1972, Downers Grove, Illinois, Johnny Rivers doing the intro for a very delayed George McGovern. Must have listened to “Secret Agent Man” almost 10 times, till McGovern showed, sporting checkered pants and a lime green sport coat. We were young, aching to end our commitment in Vietnam, and George offered an alternative and hope.

Sound familiar?

March 19, 2015 8:20 pm

geo3 says:

Done voting, been burned for almost 50 years. Originally met George McGovern, decent soul and a WWII vet.

At the age of 15, I canvassed for McGovern in 1972 and got to meet him and shake his hand. He was like Ron Paul in some ways, a very nice man and exactly in private as he appeared in public. I admired his antiwar stance but later on moved away from his politics, which were very similar in all aspects to Dennis Kucinich.

Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
March 19, 2015 8:33 pm

Gee, I hate to bring up the facts and spoil all of the fun for the noobs however:


Rand Paul did not file to run for president.

Fun while it lasted though, right? LOL

Cheers, S. Rex

March 19, 2015 8:42 pm

Llpoh -But he still is better than the rest.

Same ole’ Republican song and dance…lesser of the two evils…hold my nose and vote…better than a Democrat..sheesh..

Sensetti – I’ll send him money and support him as I did Tom Cotton


[imgcomment image[/img]

March 19, 2015 9:05 pm

IS delivers a shot to Alex’s nut…Bravo IS…well done.

Alex try again on another topic.

March 19, 2015 9:07 pm

Hey IS…be afraid…Alex will have Al “Dumb As A 2 x 4 ” Gore arrest you for being a climate denier !

March 19, 2015 9:21 pm

Kudos to 3 here. IS, nice beatdown, barely got your hands dirty. Reminds me of the mike tyson picture. Mark, you’re out in left field with the trump thing, but you are absolutely correct. He gets in the debates, and he could change the whole game. He doesn’t need or want campaign contributions, hard guy to own. And jim, you’ve been pretty keen on the rand thing for awhile. He may not be a ball licker, he might just play one on TV. Well done, guys.

March 20, 2015 1:48 am

Alexander Ač says:
““…manipulate even one piece of data? ” – Huh? Are you critical about this? Or you are critical only selectively?”

Don’t be a dumbass Alex. Anytime a “scientist” starts manipulating ANY data he is no longer a scientist. He becomes a propaganda minister! Countless scientists and institutions were caught red handed manipulating data, excluding data that did not support the propaganda or including data to support the propaganda. Being from Slovakia, you should be intimately familiar with this kind of shit! That you can support these bullshit theories and models built on propaganda amazes me. Would you accept the same from doctors?

I’m not saying that man has not had an effect on the climate. I consider it a definite possibility but let’s get some legitimate scientists involved and exclude the politicians entirely. No one can make any rational decisions until that happens. Until then do your own little part to make your corner of Earth better and quit drinking the kool-aid.

Alexander Ač
Alexander Ač
March 20, 2015 3:06 am


I work as a post-doctoral researcher in te field of plant physiology. I am not a climate scientist. But you know, being a scientist brings me so much money, that I fuc*ing don’t know what to do with them.

I am richer than all those hedge fund managers, CEO’s, senators, economists, traders and other useful people, who only care about their money and maybe families. And I also love everyone who terms me “dumbass” just because I am a scientist.

Great world, indeed 🙂



Alexander Ač
Alexander Ač
March 20, 2015 3:55 am

And here is something for Rand Paul to consider:

“[The record low extent] is significant, in that it shows that the Arctic is being seriously impacted by our warming climate,” said Scambos. “In general, sea ice retreat has proceeded faster than modelling expects in the Arctic, although models are catching up.”

“Over the past few weeks, there has been an increase in the amount of misinformation from climate change ‘sceptics’ in the UK and elsewhere which is intended to mislead the public and policy-makers into believing that the effects of global warming on the polar regions are absent or negligible.”

Arctic sea ice extent hits record low for winter maximum


Alexander Ač
Alexander Ač
March 20, 2015 4:49 am

Here is, how science work (in contrast to ideology, which is not changing):

As a physicist Mann even received fossil fuel funding

The scientist certainly did not consider himself any kind of political radical or environmentalist. “I had the mindset of a physicist. I understand where some physicist climate change deniers are coming from.”

He added: “I still remember being sceptical about pretty much all claims. There’s a tendency for the physicist to think that they understand a problem at a level that experts in other fields can’t. I understand and appreciate where that comes from – because I was there.”

Mann was interested in Saltzman’s work with climate models: “But it wasn’t because, ‘hey, I’m an environmentalist and I want to save the world’. It was more: ‘hey, this problem is interesting and it also really matters’.”

As a graduate student, Mann was partly funded by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) which is funded by the electric power industry – fossil fuel interests: “I was once supported by the fossil fuel industry in a very real sense. And my guess is that they funded Barry in part because he was a sceptic – but he was sceptic in the honest sense.”

Mann’s PhD examined the natural variation in climate to establish whether this might be at least a partial cause of recent global warming: “So I went into climate research more from the standpoint of somebody who was more on the sceptical side. Some of my early work was actually celebrated by climate change deniers.”

But then something changed his mind.

Unlikely hero (or villain): Michael Mann, creator of the hockey stick graph


March 20, 2015 8:02 am

absolutely not — he panders, and he supported McConnell — you can’t seriously want to change/fix anything and support McConnell the absolute worst of the DC establishment hacks. He ha no principles…

Wyoming (now PA) Mike
Wyoming (now PA) Mike
March 20, 2015 8:48 am


I address you in the most humble terms as you are clearly much smarter than I. Since I speak the same language as these Neanderthals, let me translate what they are saying to you since clearly your incredible intellect has caused a language barrier. They are not calling you a dumbass because you are a scientist with great knowledge. They are simply calling you a dumbass because you are a fucking moron supporting a theory that has been thoroughly debunked (nice word there, just learned it from you) and you are completely clueless. Please don’t take your stupidity personally, you simply can’t see the forest for all the damn trees. Have a nice day.

March 20, 2015 8:54 am

Rand is still the best in the glue factory, and I have sent him funds. But as it has been pointed out, he has not thrown his hat in the ring and he cannot run for Senator and President by law in Kentucky. For him to get elected POTUS, I think the U.S has to be in a more dire straits than presently.


Enjoyed your climate rant, it is spot on and well written.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 20, 2015 9:04 am

When I first came to TBP I would trash Rand and Ron Paul every chance I got for which I would take a beating. Something has changed over the last four or five months, now I can sit back and everyone else will rip them to shreds along with all of the rest of the DC whores. Some folks here still have kind words for Ron Paul but most can see Rand for the neocon actor that he is.

Would I vote for Rand Paul? Not no but hell no.

Would I vote at all, prolly not. I just don’t give a fuck anymore.

March 20, 2015 10:48 am

If Ron or Rand were truly men of principle and believed half of what they stand for, they would have quit the republican party long ago. Period.

March 20, 2015 11:12 am

SSS —- Alexander Ač is giving you a run for your money in terms of most down posts in one thread. Oh, not in raw numbers … but percentages. Even you got a few thumbs up, like 5 up-185 down. Poor Alexander isn’t getting any thumbs up … which is a shame because he’s a very smart scientist, he says.

bb — your reign as Village Idiot is coming to an end.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 20, 2015 11:24 am

He (Ron Paul) ran for President in 1988.

Why not stay in the Libertarian party and build it into a viable force to combat the OWNERS?
Paul is CONTROLLED opposition no matter what party label. There was not and will not be a serious attempt to have a Constitutional party for and by the people…..get over it .