America Is No Longer A Republic Or A Democracy

Submitted by Bill Bonner via Acting-Man blog,

House of the Rising Stock Market

Last week was bad for the dollar, but good for US stocks. On Friday, the greenback capped its worst five days of trading in four years. The Dow rose another 168 points – or nearly 1%.

This took place after Madame Yellen, proprietress of the House of the Rising Stock Market, said she would neither be patient nor impatient about raising rates.

Investors drew the obvious conclusion: She has no idea what she is doing. Until she finds a clue, or is startled out of her paralysis by events, it is business as usual.

The piano player will keep his head down. The bartender will keep the liquor flowing. The cardsharps will keep pulling aces out of their sleeves. And the girls upstairs will continue plying their trade.



The proprietress of the House of the Rising Stock Market on her yacht, gazing at easy money for as far as the eye can see …

Cartoon by Paresh

A Profound Transformation

This is hardly what you’d expect from a respectable central bank. Then again, so much has changed over the last half-century. Although there are an infinite number of plots and subplots, only very few are worth following.

The world of today is not the same world it was half a century ago. We have a new kind of money. We have a new economy. And we have a new kind of government. All have been transformed… in ways that few people have noticed and fewer still have understood.

Our job is to try to understand that story. Not in its entirety (that would be impossible)… but in its most gaudy outline and most sensational details. We’ve already spent much of our time, and much of yours, trying to figure out how our monetary system changed after Nixon ended the gold-backed currency standard in 1971.

In the next few days, we will look at how this new money changed the economy… and how it (along with other things) transformed our government too. As you’ll discover, this last transformation is the most salacious of all.



Valuations might be a little on the high side, but what can you do? After all, no bubble is in evidence anywhere, and if there is one, it’s not the Fed’s fault. Moreover, it will be macro-prudentially held in check (this means they will try to make sure prices don’t fall) – click to enlarge.

Neither Republic nor Democracy

“Government can have no more than two legitimate purposes,” wrote the 18th-century English political philosopher William Godwin, “the suppression of injustice against individuals within the community and the common defense against external invasion.”

But the US system of government – nourished by the almost unlimited credit that its money gives it – has swelled to a shape that would have been grotesque and unrecognizable to Godwin. To those who still maintain some romantic attachment to the ideals of the American Revolution, it is merely repulsive.

Did you realize that we no longer have a political system that can properly be called a republic or a democracy? Did you realize that voting is a waste of time because the system is rigged to favor powerful elite groups?

One of them – what President Eisenhower called the “military-industrial complex” – steals trillions of dollars from the rest of us. It also creates enemies the same way the Fed creates money… out of nothing. This keeps the US in a constant state of alarm… whacking one phony enemy after another to no apparent benefit, except to the elite who are paid to do it.

Another of these elite groups was on display, prominent in the gallery, when Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his controversial speech on Capitol Hill last week. Billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, paid good money for that speech, just days before the presidential election in Israel.

And it paid off: Netanyahu was reelected in a landslide. In politics today, money makes the nag run. Adelman has so much of it, practically every jackass in Congress feels his spurs or fears his lash.



The US Congress has undoubtedly been bought and paid for by Sheldon Adelson. He is the quintessential crony “capitalist”, as for instance shown by this story of how he managed to destroy his online gambling competition in the US by exerting his political influence.

Image via


Off to the Races

But that is a long story. And we don’t want to get distracted. Today, let’s just look at the economy…

At the risk of repeating ourselves, we note that the post-1971 money was credit-based, not gold-based. The supply of gold is limited. The supply of credit is not. Most important, gold-backed money is impossible for politicians to create. Credit is not.

As soon as the new money found its legs, it was off to the races. The supply of credit in America expanded 50 times in about 50 years. And it knew where to go, too.

Although income gains between 1930 and 1970 were broadly shared among all the people of the US, the new money found its way more and more to the people who controlled it: the political class and its cronies.

Americans substituted expanding credit for flat earnings. This allowed them to buy more and more stuff they couldn’t afford. Global trade boomed. Chinese factories filled up with bumpkins. All was, apparently, well.

Then in 2007, US consumers reached what Ronald Reagan’s budget adviser David Stockman calls “peak debt.” It became obvious that Americans couldn’t pay for all that expensive real estate they had bought. Housing collapsed, along with mortgage-backed financial instruments.

Central banks responded with more credit. But US consumers have not been able to join the party. Global trade has been sluggish. And China has slumped. In fact, it may be nearing a recession and/or credit crisis.

Meanwhile, interest rates on government bonds fell – in some places into negative territory – as the new money looked for a safe home. Governments borrow to reward favored industries, fund its pet projects and buy votes to keep the plain people in line.

Businesses borrow too – enriching management and shareholders (more or less in that order). Malinvestment, scams, boondoggles and giveaways follow – just what you’d expect. They spend it like they stole it, in other words. At Madame Yellen’s place. More to come…


The crony socialism/velvet glove fascism pyramid. Note the remark about the corporatist elite: “Those benefiting from business-government collusion in order to eliminate competition and gain private advantage through state violence and force; often confused with capitalism” (this is why we have become reluctant to call it crony capitalism. We don’t want to let them rob us of a perfectly good term and get away with perverting it. Ultimately this linguistic confusion is a danger to us all, as the electoral successes of far-left socialist and fascist fringe parties in Europe show all too clearly)

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March 25, 2015 3:43 pm

In other breaking news …….. water is wet.

March 25, 2015 4:13 pm

You know, we can clarify our situation six ways from Sunday and it’s not good. Question is, what do we patriotic and paying attention Americans DO about it?

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 25, 2015 4:54 pm

I would move Central Banking to the top of that pyramid.

March 25, 2015 5:04 pm

Re: Rise Up I would move Central Banking to the top of that pyramid.

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 25, 2015 5:14 pm

@westie: patriotism is a tool to manipulate people.

I’d view it as “what can I do for the benefit of me and my children, within my moral code and practical limitations?”

The monster is too large to be defeated. I suggest your best strategy is to avoid its grasp as much as possible. Whether that means starving the beast, laying low, being a “gray man”, expatriating, or what not, is for you to decide. LLPOH is expatriating and has his reasons, which I fully understand. I’m living a happy but low-profile life at the fringe where the monster has less pull and common decency among good people has more power. I know many readers here consider themselves trapped in major urban, liberal, elite-controlled shitholes (DC, Philly, New Jersey, Boston), but that is the worst possible place to be. Even similar cities on the west coast are not going to be as bad as being in the very belly of the beast. Small towns outside of the interest level of the global banking cabal are a far better bet, of course. These towns exist throughout much of the country, but not within the Boston-DC corridor. Unless you are a federal lobbyist, whatever you do can be done in better, happier locations. For many careers it can be done outside the US, which is worth considering, though not automatically the right answer. The wrath of the cabal – and it is demonic – falls more outside of the nation than inside, for now at least, and some seemingly pleasant foreign countries might expose you to as much or more trouble coming from DC as being within selected parts of the USA. There are probably some good foreign options, but that was discussed at length in LLPOH’s “I’m leaving” thread, and I have no need to summarize and rehash them here.

March 25, 2015 9:02 pm

Snickety, there are a lot of really pissed off people out there. Machiavelli said something to the effect that people are more concerned about the loss of patrimony than of fathers. Worst case this will be Civil War II with a lot of warlords running their own fiefdoms. Tread carefully.

March 25, 2015 9:19 pm

@over: yes, that seems like a possibility. Don’t be under the monster’s feet, or within its grasp, or be sitting where it falls over dead after its reign of terror. Compare life during the US civil war for a resident of California vs. a resident of Pennsylvania or Virginia. I know which one I would choose. There are no guarantees of course.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
March 25, 2015 10:42 pm


Institutional Discontent

Institutional Discontent
March 22, 2015
By Michael

Europe Tilts East Towards China (1/2)

Michael Hudson Report: Britain, German, France and Italy are among those who joined Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in an expression of their discontent over World Bank polices that force developing countries to depend on the US – March 20, 2015

March 26, 2015 1:36 am

Another of these elite groups was on display, prominent in the gallery, when Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his controversial speech on Capitol Hill last week. Billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, paid good money for that speech, just days before the presidential election in Israel.

Welp, old Sheldon pretty much owns fucking Congress. Dude is worth almost 40 BILLION dollars – the vast majority made from gambling.

Ukrainian Jew. Produces nothing. Gets idiots to gamble away whatever money they have, pockets the winnings and laughs all the way to the bank.

Makes me fucking SICK!

And, if you mention that Congress is wholly owned by the Jews – Sheldon, AIPAC, etc – you’re called an “anti-semite” or some other shit in an effort to silence you… if you’re REALLY loud about it, Dees the Sleaze and the $PLC Joo Law-yahs will hunt you down…

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

March 26, 2015 7:29 am


Pretty good article about the AIIB:

“The United States has handled its economic diplomacy with shocking myopia.

The US Treasury’s attempt to cripple the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) before it gets off the ground is clearly intended to head off China’s ascendancy as a rival financial superpower, whatever the faux-pieties from Washington about standards of “governance”.

Such a policy is misguided at every level, evidence of what can go wrong when a lame-duck president defers to posturing amateurs in Congress on delicate matters of global geostrategy.

Washington has enraged Britain by trying to browbeat Downing Street into boycotting the project. It has forced allies and friendly countries across the Far East to make a fatal choice between the US and China that none wished to make, and has ended up losing almost everybody. Germany, France, and Italy are joining. Australia and South Korea may follow soon. ”

Hollow man
Hollow man
March 26, 2015 8:01 am

No we are not either one. But we work hard and a lot of people make a lot of money playing like we are a republic or deMOCKERY

March 26, 2015 8:45 am

Within a few years of the turn of the 20th century, the USA underwent massive changes – WWI, the inception of the Federal reserve, forced income taxation, federal welfare social programs. And then another war, an even bigger war.

Within approximately the same time frame after the turn of the 21st century, we are now seeing much of the same change, albeit in different venues. The NSA capture of American communications and legality, massive warfare and surveillance spending, capitol controls, the largest prison population on earth, government above without the approval of the people.

As in the early 20th century in America changed radically from whence it had come, so too the 21st century is coming a whole new world of USA.

One hundred years between the upheavals, we in the midst of the new one now. I think we can expect the the close time frame to bring the same warfare seen in the last century.

I don’t know what happens after that. 🙁

john coster
john coster
March 26, 2015 9:32 am

I think the Dimitri Orlov article below is a good companion piece to this one. For me, It explains succinctly some of the macro-cosmic factors that are causing social deterioration: the collision of infinite money with finite resources. Needless to say, the free money system serves a steadily diminishing number people and will ultimately collapse unless there is some kind of revolution against the ruling elite of free money beneficiaries. Since they control the government, the military and media, it’s hard to see how a positive outcome can be brought about. I guess you protect what you can as well as you can.

March 26, 2015 1:56 pm

It’s all a cycle. Or a pattern.

The question is whether Western Civilization will actually survive the inevitable “corrective period.” I know of no way to answer that question in advance.

Everyone alive today has ancestors who survived when their contemporaries died or ceased to leave children. That is at least *something.*

The world has been largely at peace, but in no way did the “peace” of the last 60 years match the relative peace of the 19th century. The period dead ahead is, as this website likes to point out, a massive turning. I argue that it’s even larger than that, as I believe the pervasive false narratives in which we all live our lives will be swept away and a different set of false narratives will take their place.

(My point is that mankind has never and likely will never collectively live in a relentless attempt to be grounded in reality. Reality is simply too terrifying for most people, so we live our lives in a derivative of it filled with myths and belief in magic. In this sense, if “sanity” is a relentless devotion to matching your worldview as best you can with underlying reality, then the herd is always a little crazy. Look around, surely you agree with me on that.)

We have collectively painted ourselves into a massive corner. Sorting all this out will take decades, perhaps even a century, and if things sometimes do get out of control here and there, I suspect there will be a WHOLE LOT FEWER HUMAN BEINGS ALIVE by the time we collectively hit nadir and begin (hopefully) the next big ascent.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
March 26, 2015 11:36 pm

Westcoaster: People are getting the bums rush by a Federal Government cramming the NWO (which is hell bent on our destruction) down our throats. Since the majority of Wash DC politicians have joined the NWO, even a massive protest there would be invisible to the MSM and Congress but the States do have Constitutional Powers and are our fall back position..States could take an active roll in nullification acts, resolutions calling for Obama’s Impeachment, permits and other efforts to support open air assemblies and protests to gain access to public media. Most people in the South and Midwest still love traditional America and many want to help. The treachery of the rulers has been re-exposed; the scales have fallen from our eyes. The Tea Party started with a flurry of protests but has stagnated. It’s time again to raise our voices and the banners of Liberty across America, to beat the drums for action and get out the pitchforks and torches if necessary. Bitch like hell and help organize local protests; the sheeple will follow.

March 27, 2015 10:54 am


I love the optimism and hope, wish I could share in it, but my last few years of study has led me to believe that all hopes of nullification, separation, and the like, ended at the end of the Civil War.

The South TRIED the legal way and the North went to war.

Why wouldn’t this happen again? Immediately?

The War was not really about slavery, but property rights and the most basic part of our original agreement allowing States the right to leave. At least that is what was actually accomplished, as the one thing Lincoln absolutely did not do is bestow the title of “human being” or “man” on those “freed.” No declaration of “People are all of God and all deserve basic Constitutional and natural born rights.” Nope. Just the right for the Feds to take your shit, tax your ass, run your business while not adhering to the original and intent of the contract of State’s rights.

It is no wonder the fall of currency and banking came within a few short decades of the loss of our original Constitution.

My belief is a new document was substituted then. One we are not allowed knowledge of, or access to.

There is really no other way my mind can cope with the thousands of Americans that have gone to WDC, raised their right hands, and sworn allegiance to the original document while working everyday to shit on it.

So maybe, to ease their minds and hearts, the document they vow to defend is no longer the one we futilely hold onto.

Or, they are all, evil, anti-Americans hell bent on removing the very document that made us so great. That would be a lot to live with weighing on your blackened soul.

Either one.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
March 27, 2015 1:37 pm

Yes they march to a different drum (blood money and Satan) and documents (Illuminati, Freemasonry, Koran, Commie Manifesto, etc). Yes it looks bad and the Tea Party is doing virtually nothing. The NWO and their MSM constantly lie; they hate God, take no prisoners & want absolute control. We have no choice; they made it for us. Act now and throw them out like the Hungarians did Bela Kun or wait like the Spanish did until the Communist had already looted and burned their property and were kidnapping anti-Communist at night and murdered them. The Counter Revolutionary Monarchist, Nationalist, Christians, businessmen, landowners, citizens and soldiers started way behind but finally fought back and won. Giving up only guarantees and hastens an awful fate for the nation and good people.