If unicorns somehow magically appeared to us here in 2015 I believe upon seeing this tattoo they would all commit suicide and be extinct by 2016.


Just gonna go ahead and leave this here. Enjoy your weekend everybody….And for goodness sakes, can an attendant please go put up a “slippery when wet” sign in there please?!?! Someone’s gonna get hurt.


If you’re gonna go through all those years of trouble to have a massive rat tail like that, at least go buy a little toy Rapunzel figurine to stick on there to make it look like she is climbing it. Entertain me, don’t weird me out. That’s all I’m saying.


There is nothing sly about wearing tie-dye. It is impossible to be slick and go unnoticed with it on. Period. You failed at being a fox.


I can’t pick up that many chicks!…Huh? See what I did there? Yeah you see what I did.


Just because your gut nearly covers your tiny banana hammock doesn’t mean it counts as suitable for public eyes.


Is it still lady like to put up 27 points, 14 rebounds and 10 blocked shots?


If I had only seem the top half of this dude, I still would have put the percentage of him rocking a fanny pack at 100.


Walmart has made the predator/prey relationship that much easier for the beast these days. Even the slowest of the herd can feed.


How do you have that much clothing material on your person and still manage to leave your thin, tiny butt covered?!?! I’d be impressed if I wasn’t baffled.


Meet my friend Sorcerer Steve. His only real power is the ability to turn alcohol into regret, but we just let him do his thing.


If you can’t even give 100% into putting your pants on, how on Earth are you going to get anything accomplished in life?


I hope everyone had as much of a freaking American kick-ass weekend as this guy who might be Bret “the Hitman” Hart with an extra 70 pounds and 15 years on him.


I’m not quite sure if this is a cowboy or cowgirl, but I am sure that whomever it might be is totally ready for some backyard wrestling.


The upside of your mudflap there is that it will keep dirt and debris out but the downside is that it messes up your aerodynamics from the wind drag it creates. Pros and cons I suppose.

See more freaks at People of Wal-Mart

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Hollow man
Hollow man
May 30, 2015 9:14 am

FUBAR. We are. We are FUBAR. We are. We are.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 30, 2015 3:22 pm

This is just pore people out shopping. Except for the toilet trash, that is so disturbing. Ordinarily, perverts hide their activities, they don’t post them in their iShit.

May 31, 2015 7:06 am

Don’t judge people by appearance

May 31, 2015 11:52 pm

Admin- there are no societal rules anymore.

Gay marriage? I could give a fuck what any two, three, seventeen people do in private.

But our culture, our ethos is marriage is one man one woman.

Where does this shit end? Polygamy? Marriage to animals? Where is there a line?

Has not the family been destroyed enough? Should not there be a culture? Why am I labelled a homophobe if I oppose gay marriage?

Should I be forced to hire receptionists that tattoo their faces? Or go naked? Or wear thumb rings? Because everything is ok?

The world is screwed.