The Road To Freedom

First You Must Know the Lie

by Craig Calise


I have written many times that, to Know the Truth, first you must know the lie. We find ourselves in the big lie, where society, culture, education, government, religion and the media are all not only severely corrupted, but there is an evil force here that is hellbent on destroying humanity and our entire ecosystem, as we can see every day around us. How do you explain GMOs, chemtrails, medicines that kill you, wars of aggression, environmental disasters and so many angles and levels of destruction? You may ask, “What am I doing here!?” “Why am I having to live in such a corrupted, violent, evil society?” Because it is the big lie, and you are here to experience and learn all about it. You are here to find the holes in the net, to see through this matrix of illusions; to find the way to perceiving this matrix for what it actually is; to see the Truth behind the illusions and deceit. You are here to free yourself.

We have all been programmed since birth to believe the great lie to be the true reality. Family, society, religion, culture, the media, state schools, science and many more tentacles have all programmed us from every angle. So we are caught in the big lie. The vast majority of people can’t see that they are trapped in a big lie, and many will attack those that try to expose it. For many people, they are here just to experience the big lie. Not everyone is here to awaken.


The road to freedom includes being able to see through the programs, to see them as a great deception, and freeing yourself from their influences. Every time you can free yourself from a particular program, your perspective changes, as does your perception of yourself and the world. For example, if you begin questioning your guru or religion, and you are able to step out of that box, or mindset, and to see it objectively from outside of the box and its influences, you will see the deceptions and lies. This allows you to free yourself from the influences of that particular program. Of course, then one must be diligent to not fall into the same trap in a different wrapper. How many people have rejected traditional religions, only to be trapped again in the new age religions?



As you can see, the road to freedom is all about unravelling the big lie with its numerous programs of lies and deceit. It isn’t about acquiring anything, but rather a destructive process. It’s a process where one lets go of all of the false beliefs that had been holding him back. In Awakening Is a Destructive Process, I wrote:

“Make no bones about it, awakening is not a walk in the park. It is a ride through hell. It is the tearing down of all of your cherished beliefs and everything you thought about yourself. There is no way around this. In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, they had to enter into the Mirkwood Forest to get to their destination. There was no other way for them. It was not a walk in the park. Likewise, we must enter the shadowlands, and come face to face with our shadows. It is there that our false ideas of who we are are shattered. It is there that all of our false beliefs are destroyed. We must face these false notions and see them for what they are. This is the only way to heal, to become whole again, to live in integrity.”

“We go through life with so many false notions – of the world, of spirituality and of ourselves. We build up masks and we believe the facades. It’s all a charade. It is all based upon illusions and deceit. We deceive ourselves at every moment, and the world also deceives us at every moment. We live in perpetual cognitive dissonance, justifying the most absurd things in our minds. We constantly lie to ourselves…. and we believe it. To awaken to the truth that you seek, you must tear down the lies. But we are too attached to the lies. We want to hold on to the illusions and to become enlightened at the same time. That is not possible. But there are hundreds of phony gurus and “spiritual teachers” that will tell you it is. They offer you processes to become happy, fulfilled, calm, find your soulmate, be positive, get the right job, make lots of money, balance the chakras, become healthy and whatever else you may be desiring. This has nothing to do with awakening. This is only polishing the ego. They all lead you right back into the matrix. You may even be lucky enough to get a golden cage, but it is still a cage, and you remain imprisoned in slavery. This is the road that most people choose to follow. This road is well traveled by the herd.”



So we find ourselves in the great lie, where there is some evil, off world presence that is spreading its tentacles everywhere around the world. So many people have been infected by this evil presence, and we find them everywhere. The politicians, the bankers, corporate leaders, judges, police, military, religious leaders, cultural leaders, and everywhere we find nasty people. I’m sure you know a few personally. I do. Every day when I look at the news, I wonder how bad it has to get before people wake up. How can so many people not see what is happening around them? In Piercing Through the Veil, I wrote:

“As the matrix becomes exponentially more powerful, it has an inherent weakness that also becomes increasingly more apparent. This is rather unavoidable, as it is a major aspect, or quality of the matrix. That weakness is the fact that it is an illusion. It is not the true reality, and it becomes ever more apparent. The stronger the matrix becomes, the stronger the illusions become. They can become the elephant in the living room. In other words, the illusions can become very obvious to someone who is astute and observant.

“Therefore the controllers have to be able to keep us in deeper and deeper hypnosis, so that we will not notice the elephant in the room. The more blatant the illusions, the deeper we must be placed into hypnosis, so that we will not notice the elephant, or if we do, we will accept it as normal.”


In the last century, there have been many discoveries that have allowed the programming to become very powerful, putting one in a deep hypnotic trance. With the advent of TV and the media, sports and entertainments, techno-gadgets, state schools and so many mind control techniques, people seem to be walking around in a stupor, unable to see what is right in front of their face. How can someone not notice or question chemtrails? Because of this, the matrix is able to become stronger, and now we can see the elephant in the room everywhere. Well, at least some of us can. If one allows himself to be influenced by evil, he can’t see anything through the thick fog of illusions.

We have all been infected by so many programs, that it is difficult to see beyond them, especially because we have become attached to our illusions. This is our comfort zone. It’s not an easy task to extricate yourself from all of these programs. We have to expose our false beliefs. Many are very deep seated, and many are considered holy cows; those you would never question. These include gurus, spiritual teachers, religions, science, history, or whatever else a person considers too sacred to let go of. These are the strongest shackles, and they bind us steadfast within the matrix.


More importantly is our misperception of who We are. Most people are so enamored by the facades they have built, that they actually believe that is who they really are. Such people are so removed from their true Self, that they can’t even see their own ego. They are living on the peripheral of consciousness, the farthest one can remove himself from his true Self. It’s a very shallow place to live. They believe they are the mask. We are living in a perpetual halloween party. How many people have you known that were selfish, dishonest, inconsiderate jerks, and they believe that they are actually very nice? They can’t even see their own ego. They can’t even see that they are jerks. People have strange ideas of who they are. This is how deep the programs go, and it is here that one must clean house.

I always thought that I was a nice and caring person, that I was spiritual and very knowledgeable. When I awoke, a flash of embarrassment passed through me, as I saw that actually I was self-centered, needy, resentful, manipulative, dishonest and lacking any true integrity. Quite a rude awakening. So we all live in these illusory fantasies of who we think we are, and we need to break through these. This takes complete honesty and courage to dissolve them.


So here we are, living in the great lie, watching its evil power increase, as it wraps its tentacles around Mother Earth. An evil so powerful, that it has hypnotized the masses into submission, as our god given rights are being taken from us daily. Society is being herded into a corral that they cannot see.

I don’t know about you, but I seemed to have got a front row ticket to the show. I see the big lie everywhere. I observe it. I’m learning all about it; how it works, how it is manifest, its affects and how to expose it. These are not easy lessons.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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June 5, 2015 12:54 pm

For me, ignorance is forgivable.
Willful ignorance is not.

Great article, btw!

June 5, 2015 12:55 pm

Stucky, thank you for introducing me to this guy’s website, looks like something I will like.

June 5, 2015 12:57 pm

Well somebody is channeling J.C. Collins. Self-loathing seems to be in vogue these days. I say fuck that. I confess my sins to God and work to be better. But you play the hand you were dealt – self examination and reflection is best done with gin. My take? The root of the evil we speak of is the very same that affords us our lifestyles – credit based, fractional reserve banking systems that rely 100% on inflation to bullshit little minds with nominal rewards in a real-adjusted world. Inflation. Evil. And its everywhere – including how it pushes people and their relationships/emotions/feelings aside and apart.

June 5, 2015 1:32 pm

Stuck- Thank you, I will continue to work on my facades, its a big task I have erected some formidable parapets.

June 5, 2015 1:42 pm

“…but there is an evil force here that is hellbent on destroying humanity and our entire ecosystem.”

That evil force is Governments and International Corporations (which include the Banksters). These are run by the elite who shovel the wealth of nations into their hands. Two Rules of Law now exist, just like in the days of Kings and the Lords (property owners).

June 5, 2015 2:53 pm

Self examination and reflection is best done with bottle of gin…..Stucky and Tommy

That’s not what Christ says . Christianity calls you out of yourself to worship the one true God.There’s nothing good in you.You are sinful , EVIL and already condemned. There’s no improving yourself.

As far as truth. Christ says I am the truth. Not a truth. THE TRUTH.
As far as world. Apostle John say :the whole world lies in the power of the evil one .John :5:19

June 5, 2015 3:09 pm

Stucky , little bb is still heartbroken. I think you should man up and tell him you’re sorry.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 5, 2015 3:15 pm

Stucky- Why do you think Tommy is from KY?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 3:25 pm

Alcoholism is the outward expression of guilt. People need alcohol to assuage the pain of facing a ton of lies and murder, sexual crimes and gluttonous portions; the little kid you kicked out of line at Disneyland, the black baby you looked at with disdain, the mulatto boys you looked at with loathing, the discount you got on a can of soup you dented, petty thefts and grand larceny, the adultery you rationalized away thinking all is fair in love and war, the gum you recycled at the library, the music you stole, that turn of phrase, the credit you took for someone else’s work..

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 3:42 pm

Bea Lever says: Stucky- Why do you think Tommy is from KY?

Syntax is the outward expression of internal synaptic connections. If we had the time, we could trace them out to form a simulacra of a brain’s universe.

All that to say perhaps there is a connection between bathtub gin and Kentucky that exists nowhere in reality but it does in popular perception.

June 5, 2015 3:45 pm

El Coyote , bingo ,give that man a cigar. Guilt is a Bitch .Drives people to do crazy things. I once read an article about a woman who baked cookies for the 3 babies she had aborted in her younger years.

June 5, 2015 3:55 pm

The reality fed you by those around you. You have to willingly participate. Look at how many people actually voted for Obama. People almost screaming and crying to be enslaved in the name of climate change.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 4:01 pm

beebs, that ‘guilt cookies’ comment had no context when you asked pj about it, I took it to mean she baked cookies to make kids feel guilty.
I was in jury duty last month and I got to see the DA in action, pointing out things that resolve doubt about the guilt of a defendant.
Now I see the knife in your hand. I forgive you, though.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 5, 2015 4:13 pm

Just got back from watching “Tomorrowland” with George Clooney. It’s a Disney movie but really made for adults. The premise is that there is an incredible futuristic world full of wonders but it’s closed off. This futureworld beams visions of the end of the real world to the current/now world we live in, in an attempt to get people to act to solve the problems. Instead, the people embrace the doom and accept their fate.

Sound familiar?

June 5, 2015 4:14 pm

Redemption from being a hillbilly in Ky is becoming a “Kentucky Colonel”. Then you’re in with the in crowd.
And BB, that “born into sin” meme is bullshit. Tell me how a newborn baby comes into this world with sin? What, because Eve took a bite from the apple? Cleansing yourself of sin is the original control file religion uses to get it’s viggie; that “tithe” you’re supposed to hand over every week so Creflo Dollar can have his $65 million Gulfstream, because Hayzeus wants him to have it.

June 5, 2015 5:01 pm

Westcoast , now you did it big boy…..basically biblical theology says … My paraphrasing… Sin is a alien power that came into existence when Satan sinned. When Adam sinned this evil power invaded creation which includes our bodies. Theologians call it …total depravity.. Sin has become part of our minds , soul and bodies. This is how babies are born with sin nature. If you notice you do have to teach children to be selfish .Children can be very cruel especially to other children. They didn’t have to learn cruelty. They don’t have to learn how to steal , how to lie ,how to kill.It’s already genetically engineered into their minds. SIN is a noun . Noun is a person , place or thing.Interesting verse in Genesis4:6&7
The Lord said to Cain ,why has your face fallen?If you do well ,will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well ,SIN is crouching at the door and IT’S desire is to you…

June 5, 2015 5:16 pm

@BB: “Sin is a (sp) alien power”. Then who created the aliens who created this power? And since the Bible was written by Humans how can you be so all-fired certain God had anything to do with it? I’m surely not, especially when contrasting the Old & New testaments; the new testament seems to be selling the “new & improved version” of God. He sure was cranky in the Old T’.

June 5, 2015 5:18 pm

Westcoast, that should be …IT’S desire is For you……SIn is described as a power inside us that is literally crouching or ready to over take us with it’s power. Cain refused to listen to God and he Killed. The power of sin was expressed as the first murder in human history. Another interesting versus in theNew Testament James 1:14-15 …Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to SIN ,and SIN when it is fully grown brings for death…..notice the power of SIN is already in us waiting to come out in full force.Also Sin is seen as hidden is our desires.Sin is the only Christian Doctrine you can see 24/7 .Just turn on tv and watch for a while.

June 5, 2015 5:22 pm

No dumb ass ,Not alien as far as species. Alien as an evil power that is outside of us.

Look you have already made up your mind .Like you believe in global warming. Nothing will change it so I’ll not going to waste anymore time with you.have a nice day.

June 5, 2015 5:28 pm

@BB: Thanks for avoiding my question. You proved my point, now fuck off!

June 5, 2015 6:13 pm

I am not from KY but as you all know I live in KY. There are what might be called hillbillies on the extreme eastern side of KY but rest assured I do not see any hillbillies in my everyday life. Lots of Amish and cosmopolitan city folk but no hillbillies. I rarely see a drunk,for sure no drunk hillbillies.Llpoh likes to speak of his alcoholic beverages on occasion yet he is not called a hillbilly.

Very few people in KY are hillbillies but you can rest assured that everyone living in NJ is a damn yankee and they prolly drink to boot. And they prolly drink while they self-evaluate or whatever we were rambling on about earlier.

June 5, 2015 6:40 pm

Stucky, most people work with the information (or truth if you will) that they have at hand. We’re all taught to trust and obey authority at some level and the more observant among us start to notice discrepancies in the “truth” being offered to us by those in positions of authority. I think most readers here at TBP are observant and curious enough to see through some small part of the bullshit. All that takes is a willingness to take in new info, no matter how preposterous it might seem, and consider (think) what the new info might mean if it were true. This is how I tend to process the world around me even when it comes to so-called “hard truths”. Any reasonable person can consider new info and ideas on any subject without necessarily accepting them.

The unreasonable ones tend to accept whatever religious of political dogma is being shoved down their throats and they will never move beyond that. Hell, the very fact that thousands of people make a living as religious scholars should tell any devout “believer” that there is more to “the truth” than what their local pastor is selling. Many Christan scholars believe that parts of the bible are missing. If true, what would this mean?

If I were given to believing in Jesus I would seek out the earliest possible texts on the subject and build from there instead of blindly believing in the many copies, translations and transcriptions of the bible that have been handed down as truth for 20 centuries. I sure as hell would not believe your local strip mall preacher, televangelist or David Koresh wannbe.

You are one of the few that is willing to do that kind of study and you should never feel embarrassed self-centered, needy, resentful, manipulative, dishonest or that you lack integrity. Quite the opposite! An inquisitive mind is a free mind.

Personally, I’m happiest when I question everything. From that position I can learn anything.

June 5, 2015 6:59 pm


What is this redemption bullshit about KY? Have you ever been to the beautiful Commonwealth of KY?

He (you) who voted for the kneegrow Oreo should seek redemption and beg forgiveness for your sin of voting stupitity. I can assure you hillbillies did not vote for his royal chocolate drop, Oreo as they are not that stupit. Wait til Billy gets here, he will kick ass and take names later.


June 5, 2015 7:06 pm

I mean this seriously, you can prolly blow me.

June 5, 2015 7:15 pm

The author has some interesting ideas, but he quotes himself – twice – which is something that really irritates me. All that quoting yourself does is show everybody how much of a fucking narcissist you are. Also, why add aliens into the mix: “So we find ourselves in the great lie, where there is some evil, OFF WORLD presence that is spreading its tentacles everywhere around the world.”? “evil presence”? Absolutely. “off world presence”? What?? Where did he get that from? What is his proof? Why is he so sure that this idea of an “off world presence” is not just another aspect of the great lie sent to ensnare him by the real evil presence? Seems to me that there’s plenty of evil HERE being spread by psychopaths HERE, no need to invent aliens that introduce and spread evil.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 7:49 pm

Araven says: Seems to me that there’s plenty of evil HERE being spread by psychopaths HERE, no need to invent aliens that introduce and spread evil.


Now you did it!

Be prepared for The Imperious Scepter and his unnamed assistant to let you know he hates you and will send you to the interwebs limbo. BTW, I’ll be there also … on ZH… stop by for a chat!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 7:59 pm

Westcoaster says:

Redemption from being a hillbilly in Ky is becoming a “Kentucky Colonel”. Then you’re in with the in crowd.

Bea, I think WC said that hillbillies who live in KY improve their social position by acquiring money and respectability. I’m sure he was not saying everybody living in KY is a hillbilly.

I called some place there to buy horse liniment, the lady taking my order has such a beautiful accent that I thought I have to go to KY someday. I actually set foot in your fair commonwealth back in the 70’s when my buddy took us there for a drive.

June 5, 2015 8:09 pm

Kokoda- “These are run by the elite who shovel the wealth of nations into their hands. Two Rules of Law now exist, just like in the days of Kings and the Lords (property owners).”

Well put, but have the days of Kings and Lords ever really ended? Are the bloodlines intact, complete with attendant wealth?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 8:17 pm

Westcoaster says: …how can you be so all-fired certain God had anything to do with it? I’m surely not, especially when contrasting the Old & New testaments; the new testament seems to be selling the “new & improved version” of God. He sure was cranky in the Old T’.

WC, Just as studying WW1 helps you understand the Second WW, the old testament is the introduction to the new testament. Thus we get the saying: the past is prologue. The old testament is amazingly in concordance with the new testament and it is difficult to find a contradiction. The old testament is full of prophesies regarding the nature and events surrounding the arrival of the redeemer.

If you read a history of the world wars and the author said that Hitler’s arrival was inevitable, would you say, ah, that history was written by men, I can’t believe in the fable of this destroyer.

As for the canard ‘He sure was cranky in the Old T’; that sounds like a humorist’s line. Comedians have a gift for indoctrinating the masses much better than serious preachers can because when folks are laughing the child mind is absorbing without discerning the validity of what they are hearing and listening to.

I apologize for my syntax, my first language was baby talk.

June 5, 2015 8:18 pm

Westcoast , you can’t say fuck off .That’s part of Stucky line for me .It’s …. FUCK OFF AND least get it right.

June 5, 2015 8:19 pm

While were on the subject….out of our 14 trillion dollar debt, from what I have read, we owe about 10 trillion of it to those Kings and Lords, the rest domestically and to foreign governments.
I vote Chapter 13 and we move the domestic and foreign governments up front and…..fuck the Kings and Lords and their minions….just sayin.

June 5, 2015 8:21 pm

Thanks, Stucky. Now at least I can see where the alien references come from. Interesting how he can be so right on some things and so bat-shit crazy on others.

Don Levit
Don Levit
June 5, 2015 8:25 pm

We are a mixture of good and evil
Chasidic Judaism notes we are born with 2 inclinations: the good inclination and the evil inclination
The evil inclination is stronger and can be weakened and channeled into good deeds by following the ritual and social commandments
Don Levit

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 8:35 pm

IndenturedServant says: Stucky, …You are one of the few that is willing to do that kind of study and you should never feel embarrassed self-centered, needy, resentful, manipulative, dishonest or that you lack integrity.

Edward Lewis: I never treated you like a prostitute.

[Walks away]

Vivian: You just did.

June 5, 2015 9:32 pm

This guy talks about “god given rights”. What a load of crap. There are no such things. God-given is effectively he same as natural rights, which is a philosophical position. God gave man choice, not rights. What he does with that is up to man. That is why bad things happen on earth. Bad things are not God’s will – quite the contrary. Bad things are a result of choice, and of the actions of nature. God set it up that way.

The only rights man has are those he is prepared to carve out for him or herself. The ones the founding fathers enumerated are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Today, the masses cannot even formulate, much less understand, the question of what rights man should have.

People get the rights they are prepared to fight and perhaps die for. And God has nothing to do with it.

June 5, 2015 9:58 pm

Fact is, the enumerated rights have never existed. They were at best an ideal.

For instance, one of the worst things ever perpetrated on US citizens was conscription. So much for liberty, right? And it often cost life, too. And pursuit of happiness? Fugetabout it.

Life? The gov can and does take that away regularly. It worries me. Murder? Ok. Rape? Umm, probably ok. Shoplifting? No. But who draws the line, and where? It is a slippery slope.

Property rights? Long gone, killed especially by the 16th amendment. People no longer argue over whether taxes are ok – the argument is over who and how much. People can no longer even understand that tax is theft. They can no longer frame the question, so have no hope of an answer.

Wealth redistribution = theft. Tax = theft. Giving govt money in foreign aid = theft. Nope, no one understands that anymore.

Rights are what you are prepared to fight for. And virtually no one is prepared to do that, until it immediately affects that individual.

June 5, 2015 10:08 pm

Llpoh says:

This guy talks about “god given rights”. What a load of crap.

There are a few inalienable rights. The right to take a shit being among them. The state can do nothing about that.

June 5, 2015 10:18 pm

@Bea Lever: Here’s my experience with KY. Judge for yourself if it’s sufficient…
-Grades 3-6 in Louisville’s West end. A community known as “lively Shively” for the frequent Saturday nite shootings
-Rest of my upbringing was in suburban Louisville buy across the Mason Dixon in Hoosierland
-Appeared on-air as Robert E Lee on the Big 1080 WKLO, Louisville Rock station, WVLK the Big 59 in Lexington (and I ran master control for the UK Football Radio network), other stints in E-town & Paducah.
-WVLK was owned by Bluegrass broadcasting (a chain of Radio Stations) which was owned by one Garvice Delmar Kincaid, a Kentucky Colonel if there ever was one. He also owned KY state bank. I didn’t know him well but I did meet him and was favorably impressed.
I’ve known lots of Ky Colonels and hillbillies as well. I would probably be more inclined to trust the hillbillies, ’cause the colonels always seem to be working some kinda angle. And in my experience there are hillbillies throughout KY, not just in E. KY.
So excuse me, but I think I’m qualified on the subject of Kentucky & Kentuckians
Yes, I admit I voted for Obama in 2008 (not 2012), but can you really, seriously say a better vote would have been McStain/Palin? Really?
To my credit I saw through Obama’s bullshit very early and have had numerous clashes with those who are still buying it. He and “W” run a close “worst President ever” title IMO.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 10:33 pm

OK so the most obvious rights we have are; the right to take a shit, the right to die, the right to remain silent, the right to vote, the right to choose your own mate,

Then there are obligations promoted as rights; the right to die for your country, the right to pay taxes, the right to serve jury duty,

There are personal choices supposedly also rights; the right to marry a lesbian if your a lesbian too, the right to tattoo, cut, amputate, alter, adjust, suction, substitute, implant and impregnate your body as you see fit for your self image or for fun or profit.

You have a right to choose a lifestyle that involves little work for big bucks so long as it can be televised for mass consumption while selling lots of ads, or you can live carefree for less money so long as you vote for a pre-selected corporate candidate.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 10:41 pm

See Bea? You mess with Californians without knowing they are usually from somewhere else.
I think you owe WC an apology or a kow-tow gesture of submission.

June 5, 2015 10:44 pm

Lipoh , see we do agree on the issue of rights. We have no God given rights what so ever. None. No where in the Bible does God he gives men rights. Even the founding fathers got that wrong.

June 5, 2015 10:45 pm

El Coyote , hell no, Westcoast can suck my nuts.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2015 10:52 pm

bb, they were listening to Locke.
Anyway, I was speaking to Bea Lever, not thee.