Are White Men Gods? (II): Getting the Facts Straight

I find Cornel West, a black professor, complaining of White Supremacy, which he believes our black President needs to remedy. Obama, he says, is “niggerized.”

“A niggerized black person is a black person who is afraid and scared and intimidated when it comes to putting a spotlight on white supremacy and fighting against white supremacy,” West said.

I would like to explain to Professor West a few things about this dread supremacy:

We have White Supremacy, Professor, because for 2500 years we, whites, have produced the best minds on the planet, the greatest flourishing of the arts and sciences ever seen, the most complex and organized societies. We have White Supremacy, whatever exactly it may be, because we have been the earth’s most successful race. No other has come close. Deal with it.

We put probes on Mars and invented the thousands of technologies needed to do it. We developed the symphony orchestra, the highest form of musical expression. We invented the airplane, the computer, the internet, and tennis shoes. Putting it compactly,  we invented the modern world. A degree of privilege, however you may conceive it, goes with the territory.

Space Shuttle

A product of white engineers. When you can do this, come back and talk to me.

Blacks may not have the background to grasp the extent of our achievements. Still, permit me a brief and very incomplete list of things white people have done or invented:

Euclidean geometry. Parabolic geometry. Hyperbolic geometry. Projective geometry. Differential geometry. Calculus: Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration. Physical chemistry. Organic chemistry. Biochemistry. Classical mechanics. The indeterminacy principle. The wave equation. The Parthenon. The Anabasis. Air conditioning. Number theory. Romanesque architecture. Gothic architecture. Information theory. Entropy. Enthalpy. Every symphony ever written. Pierre Auguste Renoir. The twelve-tone scale. The mathematics behind it, twelfth root of two and all that. S-p hybrid bonding orbitals. The Bohr-Sommerfeld atom. The purine-pyrimidine structure of the DNA ladder. Single-sideband radio. All other radio. Dentistry. The internal-combustion engine. Turbojets. Turbofans. Doppler beam-sharpening. Penicillin. Airplanes. Surgery. The mammogram. The Pill. The condom. Polio vaccine. The integrated circuit. The computer. Football. Computational fluid dynamics. Tensors. The Constitution. Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Homer, Hesiod. Glass. Rubber. Nylon. Roads. Buildings. Elvis. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. (OK, that’s nerve gas, and maybe we didn’t really need it.) Silicone. The automobile. Really weird stuff, like clathrates, Buckyballs, and rotaxanes. The Bible. Bug spray. Diffie-Hellman, public-key cryptography, and RSA. Et cetera.


Computers, invented by us. We are not the only ones who can design these monsters. The Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and Indians can do it, and they have my respect. But–Babbage, Turing, Shockley, Shannon, Boole, von Neumann–we invented computers. People who count on their fingers should maintain a discreet silence.

As a race, Cornel, we are happy  for you, for anyone, to enjoy the benefits of our civilization, but that is exactly what it is—our civilization. It has become a global civilization because others among the competent—again, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Koreans—have found it to be in technical matters superior. It came from us. They, I note, do not complain of White Supremacy or White Privilege. They are too busy making computers and money.

Now,  Cornel, I have often heard blacks demanding reparations  for slavery. All right. I agree. It is only fair.  I will pay a half-million dollars to each of my slaves, and free them immediately.  I am not sure how many I have, but will try to give you an estimate in even dozens. Further, I believe that all blacks are entitled to a similar amount for every year in which they were slaves.

However,  I think you owe us royalties for the use of our civilization, which can be regarded as a sort of software. There should be a licensing fee. After all, every time you use a computer, or a door knob, you are using something invented by us. Every time you sharpen a pencil, or use one, or read or write, you infringe our copyright, so to speak. We have spent millennia coming up with things–literacy, soap, counting–and it is only fair that we receive recompense.

The accounting burden would be excessive if we tried to distribute royalties in too fine a granularity, such as three cents per use of a boom box or a Glock, so we should probably use a bundled approach–so much per year for use of the wheel, refrigerator, and television. The amount could be deducted first from reparations payments and then automatically from EFT cards.


A white man’s kraal. We started building them around 1137.

Now, Cornel, it isn’t that we whites want to be supreme. It is just that we haven’t been able to help it. It isn’t our fault that we produced Newton, Archimedes, Einstein, and all those mutants. They are just birth effects, things that happen to even the best families. You have to play the hand you are dealt. A little sympathy would be appropriate.

Hardly distinguishable from the Tang Dynasty

 These gentlemen, hardly distinguishable from the Julio-Claudians, are probably from Papua-New Guinea. I propose to give them a trial subscription to White Supremacist culture.

An essentially identical culture, differing only in unimportant details (Mission Control)

An essentially identical culture, differing only in detail. (Mission Control)

What I think, Cornel, is that if you want the advantages of success, you have to succeed. We have. It is chic to say  that whites are now headed for the dust bin of history. Maybe. If so, historians of the future will say, “Damn! That was some really fine dust, wasn’t it?”


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June 26, 2015 1:10 pm

We also invented basketball, right here in Massachusetts. I don’t know if white man invented distillation, but I know he perfected it, just go to Kentucky. Oh and a few more:

aerosol can, air conditioning, automotive airbag, airplane, airship, alphabet (Yep. Phoenicians were white.), American sign language, animation (films), answering machine, amusement park, aspartame, aspirin, assembly line, astrolabe, AstroTurf, audiotape, ATMs, automobile, asphalt pavement, prepared baby food, flat-bottomed paper bag, Bakelite, ball bearing, balloon, adhesive bandage, bar code, barbed wire, barometer, battery, bicycle, blood bank, home freezer, blow dryer, atomic energy applications, Braille system, bra, bread slicing machine, button, buttonhole, calculator, calculus, Gregorian calendar, flee collar, camcorder, camera, movie camera, tin can, can opener, candle, canning, carbon-14 dating, cardboard and corrugated, cash register, cat litter, mail-order catalog, cellophane, cement, concrete, cereal flakes, chewing gum, chocolate candy, chronometer, pendulum clock, quartz clock, cloning, drip coffee, Styrofoam decaf coffee, coins, compact disc (CD), computed tomography (CT scan, CAT scan), digital computer, laptop computer, network television, adhesive labels, personal computer, reinforced concrete, latex comdum, geometry, contact lenses, oral contraceptives, hybrid corn, bologna, White Out, grocery coupon, crayons, cream separator, credit card, crossword puzzle, DDT, defibulator, dentures, metal detector, smoke alarm, artificial diamond, disposable diaper, DVD, dishwasher, DNA fingerprinting, doughnut, revolving door, drinking fountain, movie theaters, dry cleaning, fabric elastic, bottle caps, cigarettes, electric chair, electrocardiogram (EKG), electroencephalogram, e-mail, subway, passenger elevator, encyclopedia, air brakes, internal combustion engine, jet engine, liquid-fueled rocket engine, steam engine, escalator, eyeglasses, fax, fiber optics, fiberglass, paper envelopes, photographic film, dynamite, adhesive glue, steel suspension bridge, Venetian blinds, portable flashlight battery, baggies, multiple vitamin, vacuum flask, food processor, freeze-dried foods, oxygen tank, frozen foods, magic markers, antifreeze, transistor radio, Fresnel lens, fuel cell, genetic engineering, tissue paper dress pattern, Gieger counter, “drive-through” window, glass, safety glass, greeting card, guillotine, electric guitar, chain saw, wire coat hanger, helicopter, holography, hypodermic syringe, fluoridation in vitro fertilization, ink, insulin extraction and preparation, integrated circuit, Internet, electric iron, food irradiation, jeans, JELLO-O, jukebox, Kevlar, Kool-Aid, laser, laundromat, gas-powered lawn mower, Lego, incandescent light bulb, fluorescent ligh bulb, ligh-emitting diode (LED), linoleum, tube lipstick, FedEx and UPS, liquid crystal display (LCD), lock and key, flip-top cans, chlorofluorocarbon (Freon), locomotive, longbow, GPS technology, soda pop, loudspeaker, voice mail, modern hang gliders, electric fence, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), margarine, friction matches, metric system, microphone, microscope, microwave oven and other applications, wet suit, American baseball, Google, weed eater, miniature golf, golf, glass mirror, guided missile, supermarkets, musket, mobile home, electrical tape, electric wire, paper money, refrigerated trucks, Monopoly board game, Morse code, heart transplant, electric motor, outboard motor, motorcycle, computer mouse, books (codex), Muzak, nail, necktie, neon light, compressed rubber, nuclear reactor, nylon, oil lamp, oil well, tinfoil, nail clippers, pacemaker, paper clip, paper towel, modern parachute, concentrated fruit drinks, parking meter, hearing aid, particle accelerator, mustard (ancient Rome) pasteurization, modern universities, central community electric utilities, ballpoint pen, pencil, periodic table, plastic, snerf balls, personal watercraft (motor boat), petroleum jelly, plastic garbage bag, phonograph, photocopying, photography, Wikipedia, bluegrass music, WD-40, instant photography, digital photography, human genome sequencing, alternating current applications, astro turf, direct current applications, Play Doh, steel plow, pocket watch, polyethylene, King James Bible, polygraph, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Post-It Notes, potato chips, movable type, Prozac, radar, radio, car radio, symphony orchestra, rayon, psychology (ancient Egypt), naval jelly, modern psychology and psychoanalysis electric razor, safety razor, mechanical reaper, LP records, refrigerator, TV remote control, hot dog, respirator, Frisbee, catsup, revolver, Richter scale, assault rifle, republic, roller coaster, Big Bird and Sesame St. characters, vulcanized rubber, basketball, American football, rubber band, Facebook, saccharin, cattle prod, Teflon, riding saddle, safety pin, vacuum tubes, wax paper, flares, communication satellite, saxophone Scotch tape, car seat belt, sewing machine, anthropology (Aristotle), Mars and moon land rover, shoelaces, silicone, skateboard, ice skates, roller skates, tooth paste (Greeks), snow ski, steel-frame skyscraper, slot machine, snowmobile, soap, discount stores, carbonated soft drinks, sonar, postage stamps, windshield wipers, pickle, alternate speed windshield wipers, stapler, water treatment, steamboat, mass-produced steel, polyester, stainless steel, stereophonic sound recording, cloud seeding, stethoscope stock ticker, stock market, stocks, electric stove, gas stove, drinking straw, submarine, sunglasses, sunscreen, supermarket, music synthesizer, drywall, synthetic skin, military tank, tea bag, teddy bear, Teflon, telegraph, telephone, mobile telephone, telescope, television, thermometer, thermostat, threshing machine, pneumatic tire, rubber processing, tissue paper, toilet paper, flush toilet, tractor, transistor, traffic lights, typewriter, ultrasound imaging, vaccination, electric vacuum cleaner, Velcro, video game, video recorder, videotape, virtual reality, vision correction laser, electric washing machine, wheel, wheelchair, windmill, rickshaw, Wold Wide Web, digital wristwatch, X-ray, Zamboni, zipper, corn syrup and other corn derivatives, man on the moon, etc.


June 26, 2015 1:11 pm

That was not meant to be comprehensive by any means.

June 26, 2015 1:29 pm

its pretty simple. People who have an average IQ of around 85 cannot produce(or even manage an existing) functional society. examples are everywhere. Just look at sub saharan africa. A little bit closer to home, look at your nearest inner city. It will be majority black, it will be run by black democrats, and it ill be mired in poverty and mismanagement. Another key characteristic is that its inhabitants will hate outsiders and blame them for their problems. Admin likes to post his “30 blocks of squalor” series, which are certainly entertaining, but these places are hardly unique. Every single major city has one. They have been given so many trillions of dollars over the decades that I wouldn’t even begin to estimate how much, yet they only get worse.

Since this problem can’t be solved by the preferred methods of more money and more affirmative action, and the only possible solution of economic and personal freedom that allows for truly equal opportunity aren’t likely to be tried anytime soon, we are now just trying to pretend it doesn’t exist. I doubt this will work any better, but it WILL make each group resent each other more.

June 26, 2015 1:40 pm

Look at present day Ghettos in the US. Everything positive is no more than a decision away to do something constructive.

Take a look at Africa – except for a few cities / white South Africa, these people choose to live in the stone ages – savages.

Not all, but a great percentage of their race lacks the intelligence, and behavior, to adapt into the 21 st century.

June 26, 2015 2:09 pm

@Gator: ‘The Bell Curve” 1994 by Charles Murray substantiates your observation.

Murray Writes:

Intelligence exists and is accurately measurable across racial, language, and national boundaries.

Intelligence is one of, if not the most, important factors correlated to economic, social, and overall success in the United States, and its importance is increasing.

Intelligence is largely (40% to 80%) heritable.

No one has so far been able to manipulate IQ to a significant degree through changes in environmental factors—except for child adoption—and in the light of these failures, future successful manipulations are unlikely.

The United States has been in denial of these facts. A better public understanding of the nature of intelligence and its social correlates is necessary to guide future policy decisions.

June 26, 2015 2:51 pm

the problem is we are trying to legislate equality anyway. admitting it, even discussing it as a possibility, is ‘verbotin’. We have been dumbing down our schools for decades. Since it hasnt been possible to raise their intelligence and scholastic achievement to the levels of other races, its almost as if it has been decided to lower the requirements, dumb everything down to their level. Can’t make black people, as a whole, and smarter, so we will instead make everyone dumber so it will be even. It is too racist to simply say that if you cannot meet these minimum requirements, you cannot graduate high school and obviously cannot attend college, so the minimum requiements are either lowered to their level, or ignored.

Do all of these things, and you end up with what passes for a public school system in the US. Since it is unlikely that all 50 states, or even most of them, would do this on their own, the dept of education did it by taking more and more control over schools in this country.

June 26, 2015 2:57 pm

I am seriously damn proud to be a member of the White Race!!

I’ll try to not remember that George Bush and Hillcunt are in the same group.

June 26, 2015 2:58 pm

My mother was a brilliant lady. PhD in Psych in 1942; distinguished career. I still have “The Bell Curve” from when it first came out. As I read through it, I made marginal notes. I then gave it to her to read. Her overall comments in later discussion were positive. Generally in agreement.

As an aside, as a professor at UT-Austin, she was part of the development team which produced the Stanford-Binet IQ test. It was tested at my junior high school. I embarrassed the heck out of her by blowing through the top of the curve, necessitating a large amount of reworking by the Psych boffins.

June 26, 2015 3:01 pm

Damn… just… damn!

Oh, y’all forgot the external combustion engine (that’s the steam engine).

Yeah, yeah, I know that Hero of Alexander had that whirling ball thing that technically was the first steam powered engine, but after that it sort of languished until the 18th century. Once we perfected it, that launched the entire Industrial Revolution – which sort of brings us to “how we got here”…

Steam engines don’t get nearly enough credit, I think… they should rank up there with the computer (speaking of the computer, the first genuine “computer” is credited to Archimedes who made an analog computer a couple thousand years back – see: Antikythera Mechanism), vaccines, firearms, explosives, fixed nitrogen, and automobiles as far as impact on people’s lives…

Oh wait… Bob listed the steam engine in that big-assed list of his… my bad, Bob. Credit to you.

Engines like the one below – in all sizes and permutations – drove western industry. Pumped water out of mines, powered transportation, ran sawmills, powered steam launches and full-sized ships, even tractors to till the soil and increase food production… anywhere power was required, there stood a steam engine. And they’re still used to generate power today…

June 26, 2015 3:14 pm

Billy, steam engines dug the panama canal, the greatest brute force engineering feat of all time

June 26, 2015 3:15 pm

@Billy: The Pollack’s invented the first steam powered typewriter.

June 26, 2015 3:38 pm

An example of modern intellectual thought by some blacks: As a protest against perceived modern slavery,, the “Nation of Islam” was created–thereby honoring the primary slavers of Africa.

Go figure.

little bb
little bb
June 26, 2015 3:42 pm

What the Hell is wrong with you white people on BP.You dummies forgot….Baseball….and Apple Pie…..

June 26, 2015 3:45 pm

this is what I don’t get with the constant celebration in the media and by blacks that whites are dying off and will be a minority — who do they think will maintain their standard of living — water treatment, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, abundant safe food, roads and transport? Do they think Asians will do all this for them out of the goodness of their hearts?

June 26, 2015 4:10 pm

Look at the inner city.

Anyone who CAN leaves, leaves. What do you have left, then? Selection bias, which yields the zoo we see on social media now, where groups of blacks, male and female, try to beat each other bloody.

Then someone decides it makes sense to build a housing project in a formerly, solidly middle class (mostly white) area.

The battle against citing another future slum–crime magnet–into a “normal” neighborhood may not succeed this time, but I’m fairly sure that the old Narrative is fading fast and soon “re-segregation,” whether race-based or simply socio-economically based, is coming.

As far as I’m concerned, anyone on welfare should be grouped together geographically. If those stuck there don’t like it, Get Off Welfare.

June 26, 2015 4:34 pm

People were so smart they didn’t figure what would happen when you bring boatloads of slaves to a country.
The whole Nigger word thing.Lazy and worthless. That describes a lot of people.

June 26, 2015 4:40 pm

Evolutionists tell me that man evolved in Africa and moved outward from there over later ages.

This means that Blacks are the lower evolutionary form of men, lower on the evolutionary scale, and white Europeans, Asians, etc. later and more advanced evolvements.

Lincoln seemed to believe this, that Blacks were lower forms of men, not up to the rest of humanity even though still human.

Perhaps this is right, black run countries and black dominated continents seem to confirm it.

June 26, 2015 4:48 pm

People were so smart they didn’t figure what would happen when you bring boatloads of slaves to a country. – ya

Yeah! How dare us not know that cultural Marxism would vault them into a position of preferential treatment 200+ years after the country was founded! Shame on those Founding Fathers!

Them fuckers should have used them big brains and invented this shit so we wouldn’t be in this mess!

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 26, 2015 5:10 pm

No problem on the email…. I’m on it.

Sometimes my email shits the bed. Had the same email since the 1990’s. Now all of a sudden it wants to go off the fuckin’ reservation and do whatever it wants…

On the way…

June 26, 2015 5:15 pm


June 26, 2015 5:27 pm

Rock on… thanks bro.

June 26, 2015 5:31 pm

It’s sad to hear simians talk about how their ancestors built the pyramids. I’ve listened to that drivel for decades and it keeps getting sillier and sillier as time goes on. When the Greeks, and then, the Romans were building their magnificent stone and marble structures, the simians in Africa were in thatch huts and pissing in their drinking water.

When the Europeans were building the great cities and Cathedrals in the Middle Ages, the simians were living in thatch huts and pissing in their drinking water.

They never invented writing. They had no permanent structures over two stories high….built by themselves with no outside influence, that is. You can’t count the Nubian’s, as they were heavily influenced by the Egyptians. The simians never invented the wheel, nor did they develop metallurgy outside of (maybe) the Bronze Age.

They are the most useless race on the planet, and actually worst than useless, as the care, feeding and comfort of them suck up vast resources. They are like a very expensive pet you keep in your house that hates you.

Homo Erectus walks among us.

Link to a interesting site:

Persnickety, the part-neanderthal
Persnickety, the part-neanderthal
June 26, 2015 8:50 pm

“They are like a very expensive pet you keep in your house that hates you.”

Yo Lysander homey, who you calling a purebred cat?

Seriously, the analogy to a purebred cat is close, and look at who votes Democrat vs. who owns cats. Lots and lots of overlap.

June 26, 2015 10:13 pm

ya I see blacks stupidity everyday at work they get mad because they cant even comprehend what they are ordering etc. yeah im glad im white and I think they should pay users fees for our tech!! or if they so unhappy lets have a send em back to Africa tax !!! I will pay double !
Are all of them like this ? No . But an extremely high percentage are . And thems the facts jack !
When the ebt cards and welfare are gone and they actually have to THINK in the future tense to survive , only a smattering of them will do so . Im so goddamn tired of the talmudvision showing the niggerific shit that is undeserved and unearned that I havnt watched tv in 5 years ! don’t give me that crap I owe someone something either .AGAIN whose purpose does this serve . The crap on tv shows a black coming up with the answer to a couple of bumbling white peoples problem ? REALLY?THE EXACT OPPOSITE IS WAY CLOSER TO THE TRUTH ! Rant off /fight club on lol

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 26, 2015 10:57 pm

I can’t jump around patting myself on the back for white accomplishments. They are impressive, yes, mine, no. And I don’t have the same animosity towards blacks. However, I noticed the same bullshit gm notes above, blacks suddenly resolved issues with a few deft ghetto moves. Bullshit. Did the Terminator ever shuck and jive his way out of a firefight?

It was mildly amusing at first, to see a black man like Eddie Murphy outsmarting some hillbillies. Then I caught on to the trick and it wasn’t funny anymore. The trick was that white folks trust too much and Eddie lied too much. I prefer to deal with honest folks who also trust you than to deal with distrustful lying pricks. Eddie taught a whole generation that lying has certain advantages. What an asshole, he should fry for leading trusting kids astray.

Let’s get back to Fred’s tongue in cheek question: are white people gods? Maybe. Looking back on my life, I can honestly say my hydrometer has always floated somewhere between incompetent and competent, in other words, mediocre. Mediocre is fine when a lot of folks are borderline incompetent. But it isn’t the ticket to the top. I would not insist on a top position on the bullshit excuse that I’m due. Where people got the idea that they were due something because of another person’s suffering is beyond me. It’s like claiming that they were due respect because of another’s accomplishments.

June 26, 2015 11:21 pm

I was about to say that to be fair to blacks, they were geographically isolated from indo-european civilizations by the Sahara desert, but then it occurred to me that other peoples isolated from trade with other civilizations managed to develop their own quite successfully (Aztecs, Mayans and Incas).

There is one black civilization that was in contact with the Egyptians in ancient times, Ethiopia, which is why that country is so advanced and successful today (sarc. off).

June 26, 2015 11:32 pm


That’s interesting fiction, but the truth is that mankind grew from the spawn of a pig fucking a chimpanzee:

June 26, 2015 11:39 pm

The ones that own and control the media ( Hollywood , TV ,Publishing , Music industry and News industries ) are allowing this full frontal assault on White Culture. Jews and very secular leftists Whites are the ones responsible. They Hate Christ ,Christianity and the country built on Christian principles. They hate the free market.
On another blog a Jew said one of the main reasons for Moslem immigration in to Europe was to break apart white culture. He said it was a war of deception . Getting people to believe multiculturalism is good for them .He said it was a lie.It is all based on lies. Very refreshing to here a Jew warning whites as to how they are being deceived.The goal is to demoralize and destroy the target society.

Chris Webb
Chris Webb
June 26, 2015 11:46 pm

This article is a load of crap. It is nothing but collectivist thinking. “Whites” didn’t invent shit, individuals did. The fact that they happen to be white is irrelevant. So fuck both West and Reed for laying guilt and taking pride in shit they themselves didn’t do.

June 26, 2015 11:48 pm

El coyote. That’s a very impressive post. There was a time, in the not so distant past, where is was perfectly acceptable to just be competent. At something. And still be respected, as a valuable and equal member of society. Sure, some guys were gods, in anything meritocratic, that’s going to happen. But being a normal, average, productive member of society was just fine.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 26, 2015 11:50 pm

Dammit, bb, it scares me when you make sense. I said the same thing about the black siege on white culture. I thought about how the Kardashians could be an analogy for what is going on. Bruce’s time coincided with the time when America was on its way to becoming the lone world superpower.

40 years later, Bruce, representing gringos in America, is thinking of abandoning his macho legacy and swapping roles with the weaker sex. America is changing her role from the home of the free and the land of the brave to the home of the homos and land of the former slave.

June 26, 2015 11:53 pm

Chris webb, you are a moron. And probably a zero in real life. Whites did invent just about everything, it’s a fact, and it’s no accident. Whites have been happy to share, do you think biting the hand that makes a persons life better, is going to end well for those people? I eould bet it doesn’t.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 26, 2015 11:58 pm

starfcker says: El coyote. That’s a very impressive post.

Thanks, SF! All the mean comments have had me doubting my ability to express a complex thought. I can think beyond simple sentences but sometimes my ‘word processing’ skills can’t keep up.

June 27, 2015 12:00 am

bb says:

On another blog a Jew said one of the main reasons for Moslem immigration in to Europe was to break apart white culture.

This is bullshit. The reasons muslims migrate to Europe is the reason all people migrate…in search of a better life and a safer place to raise their kids. Maybe if the US stopped destroying countries in order to make the world a safer place for Zionism they would stay put (Libya, Iraq, Syria).

Chris Webb
Chris Webb
June 27, 2015 12:01 am

I never said those things weren’t done by white people, what I’m saying is that Reed and twats like you are taking credit for shit you didn’t do. What did you invent starfgt? Nothing? Then shut the fuck up. Whites enslaved blacks, should you have to pay them reparations? (and yes, I know all races have enslaved other races but that’s irrelevant to my point). White supremacy is no different than the disease of nationalism or religion. “I’m better than you because birth”.

June 27, 2015 12:09 am

Billy says:

Engines like the one below – in all sizes and permutations – drove western industry. Pumped water out of mines, powered transportation, ran sawmills, powered steam launches and full-sized ships, even tractors to till the soil and increase food production… anywhere power was required, there stood a steam engine. And they’re still used to generate power today…

That guy should add a steam trap to the condensate pipe, a small tank and a pump to return hot condensate back to the water feed tank. It would make that little engine easier to operate and much more efficient.

June 27, 2015 12:23 am

Mr Z , he explained it as the elites both Jewish and White see the white Christian population as the only ones who could resist the plans for one world government and currency.No other group could or can stop these people(elites)He described himself as a conservative Jew from Israel who himself immigrated to America. Who really knows why this is really happening. I have been trying to figure it out for years.

El Coyote , thanks.I truly believe our republic is running out of time.I hope something happens that will wake the nation up before it’s too late.

June 27, 2015 12:33 am

Not true chris webb. I’ve been quite the inventor in my life. You’ve got to grow, son. One day you too could be nasty and rich. A boss. It’s a pretty good life, trust me. But not everything they taught you at lib/dem dimwit university is true. Gravity is always going to win. Me, too. Steve wynn once said his father taught him to respect successful people, to succeed is very hard.

June 27, 2015 12:37 am

Could you be a big success chris webb? Maybe. But you would have to rethink a few things, and work really hard for a long time. That’s how it happens. Do it. See you in ten years. And congrats on your big day at the supreme court.

Chris Webb
Chris Webb
June 27, 2015 12:46 am

Jesus Christ you’re a fucking idiot. First, I’m not exactly a spring chicken. I’ve also owned a retail business for a number of years and then parlayed that into a successful career after I closed it. Second, I am most definitely not a liberal, I’m just not so half-witted that I take credit for shit I didn’t do. Third, I have great respect for successful people; where did you get the idea that I didn’t? It seems to me that your little faggot mind is stuck in a tiny world where if I don’t agree with A I must therefore be B but you’re so fucking intellectually inbred that you don’t see that there’s a whole host of options beyond B.

June 27, 2015 12:48 am

Come on, dude I went to public school

June 27, 2015 12:49 am

Don’t know how I became anon.

June 27, 2015 2:03 am

Chris, happy for you big guy. Even if I sound a little harsh about the homos, I appreciate your victory today. Mr. Tackett said a gay takes himself out of the running and takes another guy with him. More pussy for us straights. Heh.
Your wrong about StarPacker, he’s a sharp dude. You might offer to hold his dick while he pees.

June 27, 2015 2:39 am

“Whites enslaved blacks..” this is not entirely true……Blacks enslaved Blacks, then sold them on the open market….

Chris Webb
Chris Webb
June 27, 2015 2:45 am

Boosh, that’s irrelevant to the point I was trying to make. I was simply trying to point out that just as people alive today can’t be held responsible for actions taken by people long since dead, we also can’t take credit for accomplishments by people also long since dead. You can’t have one without the other.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 27, 2015 2:56 am

Blacks enjoyed slavery for some 87 years in America. Indians suffered some 300 years of slavery since the arrival of the Spanish in 1492. They weren’t picking cotton and singing spiritual songs. They were mining and building Spanish towns on top of their old villages.

Black slaves ran away to the North and they ran south to Mexico. Where could the Indians go?

I suspect that black folks who sang in the cotton fields about the day when their children and grandchildren would be free, never expected to see their progeny enslaved by the race baiters and the reparations con men.

June 27, 2015 8:01 am

It’s a whole lot easier to list what blacks invented…………i’m waiting.

June 27, 2015 8:52 am

I found this list with a pretty quick Google search:

Black History: Things Invented By African-Americans
Posted by Shakara on February 3, 2012

List of Things Invented by Black People:
air conditioning unit: Frederick M. Jones; July 12, 1949
almanac: Benjamin Banneker; Approx 1791
auto cut-off switch: Granville T. Woods; January 1,1839
auto fishing devise: G. Cook; May 30, 1899
automatic gear shift: Richard Spikes; February 28, 1932
baby buggy: W.H. Richardson; June 18, 1899
bicycle frame: L.R. Johnson; Octber 10, 1899
biscuit cutter: A.P. Ashbourne; November 30, 1875
blood plasma bag: Charles Drew; Approx. 1945
cellular phone: Henry T. Sampson; July 6, 1971
chamber commode: T. Elkins; January 3, 1897
clothes dryer: G. T. Sampson; June 6, 1862
curtain rod: S. R. Scratton; November 30, 1889
curtain rod support: William S. Grant; August 4, 1896
door knob: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
door stop: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
dust pan: Lawrence P. Ray; August 3, 1897
egg beater: Willie Johnson; February 5, 1884
electric lampbulb: Lewis Latimer; March 21, 1882
elevator: Alexander Miles; October 11, 1867
eye protector: P. Johnson; November 2, 1880
fire escape ladder: J. W. Winters; May 7, 1878
fire extinguisher: T. Marshall; October 26, 1872
folding bed: L. C. Bailey; July 18, 1899
folding chair: Brody & Surgwar; June 11, 1889
fountain pen: W. B. Purvis; January 7, 1890
furniture caster: O. A. Fisher; 1878
gas mask: Garrett Morgan; October 13, 1914
golf tee: T. Grant; December 12, 1899
guitar: Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886
hair brush: Lydia O. Newman; November 15,18–
hand stamp: Walter B. Purvis; February 27, 1883
horse shoe: J. Ricks; March 30, 1885
ice cream scooper: A. L. Cralle; February 2, 1897
improv. sugar making: Norbet Rillieux; December 10, 1846
insect-destroyer gun: A. C. Richard; February 28, 1899
ironing board: Sarah Boone; December 30, 1887
key chain: F. J. Loudin; January 9, 1894
lantern: Michael C. Harvey; August 19, 1884
lawn mower: L. A. Burr; May 19, 1889
lawn sprinkler: J. W. Smith; May 4, 1897
lemon squeezer: J. Thomas White; December 8, 1893
lock: W. A. Martin; July 23, 18–
lubricating cup: Ellijah McCoy; November 15, 1895
lunch pail: James Robinson; 1887
mail box: Paul L. Downing; October 27, 1891
mop: Thomas W. Stewart; June 11, 1893
motor: Frederick M. Jones; June 27, 1939
peanut butter: George Washington Carver; 1896
pencil sharpener: J. L. Love; November 23, 1897
record player arm: Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819
refrigerator: J. Standard; June 14, 1891
riding saddles: W. D. Davis; October 6, 1895
rolling pin: John W. Reed; 1864
shampoo headrest: C. O. Bailiff; October 11, 1898
spark plug: Edmond Berger; February 2, 1839
stethoscope: Imhotep; Ancient Egypt
stove: T. A. Carrington; July 25, 1876
straightening comb: Madam C. J. Walker; Approx 1905
street sweeper: Charles B. Brooks; March 17, 1890
phone transmitter: Granville T. Woods; December 2, 1884
thermostat control: Frederick M. Jones; February 23, 1960
traffic light: Garrett Morgan; November 20, 1923
tricycle: M. A. Cherry; May 6, 1886
typewriter: Burridge & Marshman; April 7, 1885

June 27, 2015 8:59 am

because cultural marxism

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June 27, 2015 8:59 am

And, apparently, a black man invented a dance move called, “The Dougie” which strangely reminds me of a punch line from an old Eddie Murphy joke about white people dancing when white people can’t dance. Maybe the joke is on us on that one.

And for the record: Peanut butter? I love that shit. I’m thankful ole’ George Carver took the time to mash them little fuckers up in a bowl and add a little salt. I eat it straight from the jar with a spoon. A weakness of mine.